home alone ☆ tyrus

By m-otionless

51.9K 1.8K 1.3K

the one where cyrus is left home alone during summer break while his parents are gone in hawaii. More

the beginning ; or, an introduction
facetime with tj kippen
pizza and the number 23
cyrus doesn't have any pancake mix, not even the crappy aunt jemima kind
the purple elephant in the room
cyrus' sweet, but kind of sour, release
buffy keeps her cool (and she's very proud of herself)
swings have never been so... not fun
cyrus really likes tj's porch
they totally forgot about the chores!
muffins are tj and cyrus' version of the jandi bracelet
fashion icons need help from their disaster gays, it's how the world works
cyrus is hungry
ambi said no tyrus rights
delivered 11:47 p.m.
tj is so ** ****
cyrus is nervous
high school is scary, but he's scarier
it's hard to be liked when you're a smug asshole
justice is served, and cyrus is weirdly happy about it

only 1/3 of the good hair crew can do puppy eyes properly

2.8K 106 53
By m-otionless


"cyrus, please?"

"buffy, no way!"

"why not?"

"because i'm not letting our stoner high school peers screw up my house for some dumb party! if you wanna have a party, have it at andi's!"

"ugh, you're no fun." buffy sighed at cyrus' appalled expression and popped a baby tater in her mouth aggressively.

"i'd like to know why i can have our classmates ruin my house and not yours." andi raised an eyebrow, taking a sip of her strawberry milkshake.

"because bex and bowie won't let them, that's why," cyrus laughed, "my house has no supervision. i can't risk that."

"cece would flip if she knew i threw a party at my house!" andi groaned, and buffy shook her head.

"i just wanted to do something fun. is there anything else we can do?"

"we could go see a movie? i heard there's a new horror one out!" andi suggested, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

cyrus started at her with a dead expression, and buffy snorted.

"that's a no from cyrus."

"we could go to the arcade," andi grinned.

"that sounds fun! what do you say, cyrus?" buffy turned to him.

andi and buffy were both trying to give cyrus his own famous puppy eyes- they even pouted their lips- and cyrus pitied them.

"you're nowhere near as good at that as i am," he smiled, "and because i pity your efforts, i'll agree. can i bring tj?"

"toxic tj kippen?" buffy cackled, "i almost forgot you were friends with him."

"hey, i know you're both planning to bring your significant others!" cyrus rolled his eyes.

"i was not!" buffy scoffed.

"i was," andi scrunched her nose under the attention of their stares, "what? amber loves the arcade!"

"are we inviting jonah and walker?" cyrus asked.

"of course," andi answered.

"see, buffy? if you're all gonna have your dates, i need someone there who will pay attention to me while you guys make out in your respective corners."

buffy's eyes widened and a sly smirk drew upward on her lips, "tj, huh?"

"yes... what about him?"

"he's your date?"

"no! what? no he isn't!"

"sure he isn't," buffy wiggled her eyebrows and giggled alongside andi.

cyrus shoved a tater in his mouth to shut himself up, because the pink dusting his cheeks was not helping him prove his point.


"okay, cyrus, what are you gonna wear?"

the boy stood in front of his closet, confused and nervous. his hands were a little more shaky than they normally were, which was alarming to him.
why am i so nervous?

he decided to keep his black jeans on, and he changed out of his blue t-shirt and put on a navy and green flannel. he buttoned it up to his neck as he stared in the mirror.

"no, you look dumb that way. unbutton."

he unfastened the top button.

"well, now you look like you're trying too hard! ugh!"

he flopped face-first into his bedcovers and groaned, frustrated with himself. he would've continued to wallow in his low self-assurance if it weren't for his phone ringing out in the silence.
the screen lit up with a picture of tj; he was smiling warmly, his hair flopped on his forehead and his hood strings tugged tight. he was scrunching his nose up, and cyrus could almost hear his laugh through the photo. he took it the first night tj slept over his house.

"hey, teej!"

"hey, muffin," tj smiled, "when do you want me to come pick you up?"

"tj, why would you walk to my house then walk to the arcade? that's too much of me to ask,"

"i don't wanna walk alone," tj furrowed his eyebrows, "plus, i need to get some fresh air. i have a headache."

"stop coming up with reasons to defy me!" cyrus grinned.

"never. i'll be over in 20."


"oh, and cyrus?"


"you look good in that shirt." tj winked.

"i- uh- th-thank yo-"

"bye muffin!"


cyrus dropped the phone on his bed and pressed his hands to his cheeks, taking deep breaths and feeling like his brain was on fire and had a million little cyruses running around in a panic.

he looked in the mirror and saw the ridiculous smile on his face, how his face was cherry red, how his eyes were so ecstatic that he looked inside, and he realized something he really did not want to realize.

"oh god, this can't be good."

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