Sander Sides x Reader ((Reque...

By I_Just_Like_2_Write

15.8K 213 163

This one-shot book includes - Deceit - Logan/Logic - Roman/Princy/Creativity - Virgil/Anxiety - Patton/Dad/Mo... More

Deceit x Reader (Smut)
Logan x Reader
Roman x Reader
Virgil x Reader
Quickie Wickie
Preference #1
Preference #1.5
Deceit x Reader
Deceit x Reader x Logan
Deceit x Reader x Logan (Unfinished)
Logan x Reader (Unfinished Smut)
Virgil x Reader (Fluff-Smut)
Remus x Reader Fluff
Things Come To An End
¯\_(ツ)_/¯(Janus smut... Unfinished)
Oskekwnd (more Janus shit... unfinished)

Patton x Reader

882 18 11
By I_Just_Like_2_Write

This one-shot was requested by crazy-obsessed much for the request!
Basically, all the other sides except for Patton turn into toddlers and Patton and the reader have to take care of them like parents!


I hum to the music in my earphones as I wash the dishes. When in all of a sudden, I hear Patton run up to me and place a hand on my shoulder

"Y-y/n...hehe, huh, f-funny story! So...I need your help... L-like, right n-n-now!" Patton said while panting.

"Wh-what happened? You look like you just ran a marathon!"

Patton chuckles slightly and then pulls me by my hand. We get to the living room and I freeze at the sight...

...what in the world...

"Uh, and why are the sides...t-toddlers???"

Patton looks at me nervously.

"Well, you know how Thomas had his wisdom teeth removed?" I nod my head slowly. "Well, the medicine made him feel...funny, and I guess it took effect on the sides...?" - "But how come didn't it take effect on you?" - "I'm not sure...I was in my room during the procedure, so maybe that's why? I don't know but we have to take care of them until it wears off." I look at a bunch of toddlers, just doing their thing. Anxiety is just sitting in the corner, being grumpy as usual. Logic is playing with some picture book, and Roman is running around the house, jumping on couches and tables.

"R-roman stop! You're gonna hurt yourself!" I yell to Roman, and run to him to stop him. He just laughs uncomfortably and runs away from me, screaming "you can't catch me!!!" Which, he wasn't wrong about...for being a toddler he was pretty fast. I cought a glimpse of Patton, who was trying to get Virgil and...change his diapers I believe...but he wouldn't budge and just started crying. And Logan was just sitting on the couch exploring books. At least HE won't cause much problems...

I finally catch up to Roman and grab him by the waist from behind, holding him to my chest in the air. And he just waves his arms and legs around, still laughing happily. I take him to his room and sit him down on the bed trying to calm him down, and I almost do get him to sleep, when I hear Patton yell my name. I run downstairs and see anxiety attacking Patton. And by attacking I mean slapping him on the chest. I run up to Patton and get Virgil off of him, and surprisingly, he calms down...but his diapers still aren't changed...ew... I run to the bathroom and open every single drawer, and somehow find a bag of

How plot convenient eh?

But anyway, I change his diapers and he calms down. I bring him back downstairs and sit him down on the couch next to Logan and Patton. I stand over behind the couch, and watch Patton interact with the kids. He is so sweet...He talks to little Logan about the picture book, and Logan just points at the pictures, while Patton is hugging Virgil and teasing him. I come to sit down next to Patton, and put my head on his shoulder and smile. Patton jumps a bit until he realizes it's just me, and kisses me on the head. So we just sit there, until I hear someone come downstairs. I look over and see Roman rubbing his eyes, grunting a bit. I get out if Virgil's grip, and walk to Roman and pick him up, playing pickaboo with him. I feel eyes on me so I turn to the couch and see Patton looking over at me, smiling warmly. As he notices me looking at him he blushes a bit but his smile gets even bigger. I smile back and continue playing with Roman, until his stomach rumbles and I get him withing to eat. I ask Patton if he and the other sides are hungry, and they all said yes in unison. I made dino chicken nuggets, and they all are them in piece. I was washing the dishes when I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. "The sides are in bed" Patton whispers in my ear, and I smile at the thought of him being an actual dad. I finish with the dishes, and turn around to Patton, who still has his arms wrapped around me. He kisses me on the nose and hugs me, and I hug in return. We stay like this for a few minutes, until we hear - "dad? Could you read us a bed time story?" - Patton looked at me as if he was about to cry. Did they just call him dad?

Patton turns around to Virgil and says - "of course! Y/n? Wanna join?" - "sure!" And so we all went up to their bedroom and read them a bedtime story, throwing dad jokes here and there making me and the sides laugh. As soon as they all fall asleep, me and Patton go back downstairs to make sure everything is cleaned up. "This was awesome! And you are such a great father." - "heh, it was! I guess you could say it was father-tastic!" I look at him with a questionable look, soon getting the pun and giggling. "Okay fine not my best one but the day was really fun! And I'm glad you helped me, it wouldn't have been the same without you..." I blush at his comment, and turn to face him to see that he is already in front of me. He smiled warmly and kissed me gently on the lips and I kissed back. We soon pulled away, our faces still right near each other. Patton smiles again and I smile back happily.

Today was a great day, nothing could trade it... Ever


Thank you crazy-obsessed again for requesting and I hope you liked it! It was new and very fun to write and if there are any grammar mistakes, please do correct me! Remember to request and have an awesome day!

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