5sos imagines

By Em3698

610K 7.7K 896

Hi my loves! This is what it says on the tin, a variety of 5sos imagines, all written by me. Check out my "5s... More

Best friend turned boyfriend (Ashton)
Best friend!5sos
Blind date (Luke)
Christmas shopping
Cocky!5sos asks you out
Cuddle session (Ashton)
Date imagines
Fluffy imagines
Friends with benefits
Getting tattoos
He asks you out as a bet *part 1*
He asks you out as a bet *part 2*
He asks you out as a bet *final part*
He asks you out
He asks you to move in
He brings home a pet
He bullies you but then you become friends (Luke)
He buys you a new house (Luke)
He cheats and turns to alcohol
He comes home from tour
He comforts you after a family death
He comforts you when you feel homesick (Luke)
He defends you and asks you out (Ashton)
He defends you from bullies (Calum)
He defends you from hate
He defends you from your ex
He doesn't want your baby
He dyes your hair (Michael)
He films you
He finds out that you like him
He finds out that you're pregnant
He gets frustrated because of the music
He gets jealous of another boy
He gets jealous
He has a twin
He helps you get over your breakup (Calum and Luke)
He holds your baby for the first time
He invites you to his football game (Calum)
He's blind
He knocks you up and you have to tell him
He leaves for tour (Luke)
He looks after you when you're ill
He meets your child (Michael)
He meets your parents for the first time
He nervously asks you out
He picks on you but then asks you out (Michael)
He proposes
He runs away before your wedding
He runs away with you (Calum)
He saves your child's life (Calum and Luke)
He saves your life (Luke)
He sneaks out to see you because his mum doesn't like you (Luke)
He finds your fan account
He takes a photo of you / you take a photo of him
He takes your virginity (Ashton)
He teaches you his instrument
He teaches you how to kiss (Calum)
He tells you that he loves you for the first time
You save him from suicide
He uses your new pet to propose (Calum)
He's a bad boy and you're a good girl
He's a boxer (Luke and Ashton)
He's a doctor (Luke)
He's a footballer
He's a foreign exchange student (Calum and Luke)
He's a mob boss (Ashton)
He's a player and he asks you out *part 1*
He's a player and he asks you out (Calum and Luke) *part 2*
He's a player and he asks you out (Calum and Luke) *part 3*
He's a player and he asks you out (Calum and Luke) *final part*
He's a serial killer but he spares you
He's a superhero and you're a villain (DC version)
He's a superhero and you're a villain (Marvel version)
He's a swimmer (Calum)
He's an older guy
He's mute
He's not famous
He's sick
He's your best friend and he asks you out by song (Michael)
He's your best friend and you go to a New Years' Eve party (Calum)
He's your boyfriend
He's your brother and he defends you against bullying
He's your brother and your boyfriend cheats (Ashton)
He's your brother
He's your college boyfriend (Ashton)
He's your college roommate
He teaches you how to kiss (Ashton)
He's your new neighbour and you become friends
He's your roommate and you fall in love
He's your teacher and you have a crush on him (Calum)
He's your teacher (Luke)
His girlfriend makes you choose between you *part 1*
His girlfriend makes you choose between you *part 2*
How he confesses his love
How he is when you're in labour
How he is when you're on your period
How he is when you're pregnant
How he is when you're sick
How he is with your baby girl
How he is with your baby boy
How he is with your daughter's boyfriend (Ashton)
How he is with your teenage daughter
How he is with your teenage son
How he is with your young daughter
How he is with your young son
Imagines based off of non-5sos songs
Imagines based off of 5sos songs (First album and songs from EPs version)
Imagines based off of 5sos songs ("Sounds good feels good" version)
Imagines based off of 5sos songs ("Youngblood" version)
It's his birthday
It's your child's first day at school
Lazy day (Calum)
Luke is your best friend and Ashton is your crush
Midnight drive (Luke)
Punk dad!5sos
Punk!5sos asks you out
Sad imagines
Single dad!5sos
Smutty imagines
Struggling artists *part 1*
Struggling artists *part 2*
Struggling artists *part 3*
Struggling artists *final part*
They save you during a zombie apocalypse
They're gay (Cake)
Two of the boys like you
Unexpected pregnancy
You break up but then get back together
You break up but then he gets you back (Luke)
You break up
You buy a dog together
You buy an apartment together (Luke)
You can't sleep
You cheat on him with another band member
You cheat on him
You fight because he thinks you cheated (Luke)
You fight but then make up (fluffy Calum)
You find out that you're pregnant whilst on tour
You get put into the hospital (Calum)
You get wedding jitters
You go shopping
You go to Disneyland
You have a big family
You have a child (He's not the father)
You have a lazy day
You have a miscarriage
You have a panic attack because of the fans (Ashton)
You have a teenager (He's not the father)
You have identical twins
You have twins
You join him on tour (Calum and Ashton)
You meet at his gig
You meet for the first time
You meet his child
You meet online
You meet whilst he's on tour and you start dating
You move in together
You nearly break up
You pick a pet (Michael)
You plan your wedding
You see him after you break up
You see his scars
You're a sister to one and dating the other
You're Luke's sister and you sneak out to see Ashton but Luke catches you
You surprise him on stage (Michael)
You take your daughter to the zoo (Calum)
You teach him Spanish (Calum)
You teach him French (Ashton)
Your first dance at your wedding (Luke)
Your first date
Your first fight
Your first kiss
Your wedding day (Michael)
You're a bad girl and you defend him
You're a nerd, he's a bad boy and you bump into each other
You're a vampire and he's a hunter
You're an art student and he's a loud boy (Calum)
You're art school students (Calum and Luke)
You're best friends and he asks you out (Ashton)
You're famous
You're his inspiration

He saves you from suicide

4.6K 65 23
By Em3698

*Trigger warning: mentions of suicide, so please don't read if you're triggered by suicide. Also, if anyone is triggered by these imagines or ever just needs to talk, I'm always here, for everyone xxx*


Tears rolled down my cheeks as I scrolled through the contacts in my phone. There was only one person that I needed to say goodbye to: Calum. I pressed his name and put the phone to my ear. After three dial tones, he answered.

"Hey, babe." He greeted.

"Hey." I spoke quietly. There was a pause.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"I called to say goodbye." I sniffed.

"Why would you want to say goodbye?" he questioned.

"I'm not going to be here when you get back." I answered quietly. Another pause filled the conversation.

"Baby, are you leaving me? Please don't leave me." He begged.

"I'm leaving everyone, Cal. It's the way it has to be." I choked.

"Oh, god. Y/N, don't do this. I know what you're about to do, please re-think it, hold on for another two minutes, I'm nearly home, we can talk about this, just please don't do anything." He rushed.

"Too late." I mumbled as I looked at the cuts that littered the insides of my arms.

"Wait, what? Jesus, Y/N, get your arms wrapped, I'm on the doorstep now." He spoke.

"Goodbye, Calum." I choked as I felt myself getting more lightheaded.

"Wait, no, babe-." I hung up and rested my head against the bathtub before dropping the phone. I heard the front door open and feet run to me.

"Oh, god, Y/N." Calum spoke as he quickly grabbed a flannel and put it over my bleeding arm before pressing down. I winced at the pain.

"I know, baby, I'm sorry, but I've got to do this, that pressure is going to keep you alive." He reassured, looking at me with teary eyes.

"I'm sorry." I cried.

"It's okay, baby, it's okay, the ambulance will be here in a minute." He nodded, gently rubbing my cheek.

"Just, please, don't ever do that to yourself again." He choked before kissing my head and sitting next to me.


My breath hitched as I put one leg over the balcony ledge and sat on it. I looked down the building, at the buzzing streets below. I gulped hard as I realised just how high it was. I took a deep breath before swinging my other leg over the ledge. I just sat there, waiting to jump. I tried to picture what Luke would say if he was here. I remembered the phone call earlier, where he had told me that he would be late home. That would give me the perfect opportunity to carry out my plan without the risk of him stopping me. I closed my eyes and took another deep breath before slowly peeling them open again. I held out my arms as I leant forward. I closed my eyes and let myself go.

"No!" before I knew it, Luke's arms were around my waist, pulling me back over the ledge and lifting me up.

"Luke! Let me go!" I screamed as he carried me inside and locked the door before turning to me.

"What the fuck were you doing?" he hissed.

"What do you think I was trying to do?" I snapped.

"I think you were trying to get yourself killed." He spat.

"I just want it to end, is that too much to ask?" I cried, tears suddenly falling from my eyes. Luke's face softened immediately as he engulfed me in a hug.

"I'm so sorry, baby...I'm sorry, please, just don't do that again." He begged, gently stroking my hair.

"It's the only way to stop the pain." I sobbed into his shirt.

"No, babe, it's not. You're going to be okay, but you have to promise me that you're not going to try that, or anything that will end the same way, again." He spoke, looking at me.

"Promise me." He demanded. I sighed.

"I promise." I whispered. He breathed a sigh of relief before kissing my head.

"I love you so much. Never forget that." He mumbled, hugging me tightly.


I emptied the contents of my pill bottle into my hand and counted them. I was only meant to take one day, and I was about to take all one hundred of them. It would hurt, but it would do what I wanted. I took a deep breath before grabbing my water and popping the first ten pills into my mouth. I took a big drink of my water to wash them down before popping the next ten in, continuing to take ten at a time until they were all gone. I quickly started to feel lightheaded, making me fall to the floor. I started to close my eyes as I saw a figure over me.

"Oh, my god, Y/N, no!" Michael rushed as he knelt down beside me. I kept my eyes closed, determined to make this work.

I peeled my eyes open, squinting them as they were met with a bright light. I looked around and gulped as I was in a hospital bed with Michael sat in a chair by the bed, clutching my hand. I looked around again.

"What happened?" I asked quietly. Michael's head shot up, and his red, puffy eyes told me that he'd been crying.

"You took all of your pills at once. I got home seconds after you did, but according to the nurse, if I would have gotten home any later, your suicide attempt could have worked." He choked.

"Oh." I mumbled.

"Why did you do it?" he asked, making me sigh.

"I'm sorry, Mikey, everything just got too much. I couldn't handle it anymore." I admitted, looking down. He sighed.

"Just don't do anything like that again, please. I'm going to do whatever it takes to help you through this, okay?" he spoke.

"Okay." I nodded. He sighed before pulling me into his body, hugging me tightly.


I gulped as I shut the front door. I sighed as I saw Ashton sitting on the sofa, just watching TV. I walked up to him, making him look at me.

"Hey, babe." He smiled. I sat down next to him.

"I love you, Ashton. You know that, right?" I asked. He looked at me.

"Of course I do. I love you too." He smiled. I nodded before kissing him passionately.

"Goodbye." I choked before standing up and heading to the bedroom.

"Wait, what?" he asked as he stood up and followed me. I walked into our bedroom and shut the door before locking it.

"Y/N, what are you doing in there?" Ashton's muffled voice sounded through the door.

"I'm sorry. It's too much, I can't handle it anymore. I'm sorry." I spoke as tears rolled down my cheeks. I opened the bedside table drawer and got out my gun.

"Y/N, what the fuck are you doing?! Please don't do anything!" I could hear Ashton's voice getting more frantic.

"I love you, Ashton. I always will." I choked as I put it off of safety.

"Please, baby, don't do this, I love you." He begged.

"Goodbye." I said before closing my eyes and pulling the trigger. I opened my eyes again. I frowned as I looked at the gun. I quickly opened the bullet magazine to see it empty.

"Shit." I mumbled. I went to the door and unlocked it to reveal Ashton holding my bullets.

"Hand it over." He muttered. I sighed before placing the gun in his hand, making him put the gun into the back of his belt and out of my reach. Suddenly, he dropped the bullets and grabbed my face before passionately kissing me. I quickly returned it as I curled my arms around his waist.

"I love you, okay? I love you, and I'm going to get you get through this. Just promise that you will never do that again." He demanded. I sighed before nodding.

"I need to hear you say it." He insisted.

"I promise." I mumbled.

"Okay." He sighed before kissing my head.

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