Where'd He Get My Vessel? (yo...

By CHILLs_Studio33015

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DISCONTINUED (I'm going to describe this once, this story is an AU ok..? An AU fanfiction, anything can happe... More



1.8K 47 11
By CHILLs_Studio33015

Tanya's Pov;

I sat up from my bed, a letter was sent to me, Jian, and Rayan.

I sighed.

I don't even know if Jian can handle fighting somewhere in the frontlines.

"I guess I might have to give Jian a quick test now before we go to bed." I mumbled as I got up and went out of the bedroom.

Jian and Rayan just moved in with me, so the three of us share the same bedroom now, and I don't really mind it aslong as they know how to behave well when i'm around.

"Jian." I called out.

Jian glanced over to me from the desk with a smile.

"Do you know any combat defenses?" I asked.

She nodded in response.

"Well, i'd like to see some, it's just to make sure I don't have to keep an eye on you all too much. I'll have luitenant Weiss be your dummy." I said with neatly crossed arms.

Jian hopped off the desk and walked over to me before giving me a salute.

I somehow admired it for some reason.


I, Jian, and Weiss stood out in an empty flat like field. Moreover, it was like a training ground.

Jian had worn a long sleeved shirt, that was buttoned to the colar and tucked neat in her lomg black pants.

I honestly don't know where she got those, but i've been wanting to wear those types of clothing for so long already.

Weiss had his uniform on since he'll be going home later when the small training was finished.

I just need to make sure Jian can handle close combat.

She knows far combat with a rifle and high in the air for some reason, so there's that.

"Once I say go, I want you luitenant Weiss to take Jian down. Do not hold back, and if you do hold back, you wont be going home until mid-night." I said as I stood a few meters far.

Weiss gulped.

As soon as I said "go!", that was when Weiss dashed towards Jian. He wasn't holding

Jian stood calmly as they took out some spell in hand.

Weiss went for a punch, but Jian yanked herself down, and shoved a spell unto herself then did an uplercut when Weiss was low enough to get a strong hit.

Was it a spell to enhance strength..?

And then Jian did a quick and strong low kick which made Weiss loose balance and fall on his back.

"I won!" Jian smiled.

I smirked, walking over to help Weiss up, and then glancing over to Jian, before asking, "was that a spell you used?"

"Yes! I used a stength enhance, a skill enhance, and an attack blackage spell!" She answered.

Those are some seemingly new spells i've never heard of.

Confusing...oh well...

"Never heard of that spell." I said.

"Whaaat!??" She gasped, after healing Weiss back up.

"So you only know a few spells in hand???" She asked.

I gave a weak smile, then bid Weiss goodbye after he saluted and walked away, before saying, "I suppose so, I only know spells that they teach in the military training base."

"I'll teach you!" She gleamed.

I can't even tell whether getting taught spells by Jian is better or by Rayan.

Oh well...

I agreed and we soon made our way back into our bedroom.

"What took you two all too long?" Rayan asked after we walked in and I closed the door behind me and Jian.

"Why aren't you asleep yet?" I asked back to Rayan.

"I need to format some of these files out to my old empire. To make it clearer for them to think i'm not betraying them and that i'm being held prisoner to work for this empire as an elite mage." She explained.

Huh, that's actually a good idea.

"But wont we have to tell pops about this?" Jian asked.

"Whose pops?" Rayan asked after turning around the chair to face us.

"Major von Ugar." Jian giggled.

"Don't call him our father please." I sighed.

Jian agreed and went to lay on her bed.

"Honestly, why can't we have a bunkbed?? I've always wanted one for a long time!" Jian pondered.

"No, it'll be a ruckus if we had bunkbeds." Rayan giggled.

"Hey Tanya!" Jian called out.

Tanya glanced up on the documents over to Jian, before asking, "what is it?"

"You're dead aren't you?" Jian asked.

"What do you mean, Jian?" Tanya asked.

"I mean." Jian began, before continuing it with, "you act manly." Then smirked.

Tanya froze for a quick second, before muttering, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"You clearly know what she's talking about, Tanya." Rayan said as she dipped the tip of the quil unto the small jar of ink.

Tanya slightly furrowed her brows as she glanced back and forth on her sisters.

"You're a reincarnated person are you?" Rayan asked.

'How did they find out!?' Tanya was taken completely aback.

".....yes...." Tanya said in complete honesty.

"I was a man that got killed by a selfish man." Tanya continued, before sighing.

"So...our other sister is already dead..?" Rayan muttered with a frown.

"I suppose so, she's dead and now I inhabit it." Tanya frowned.

"No wonder we got a bit of this murderous intent!" Jian giggled.

Tanya raised a brow in confusion.

Rayan chuckled, before saying, "yeah....i've somehow been having this murderous intent every now and then as I age older..."

There was a quick wind of silence inside the bedroom, before it got filled with snickering by the two with Tanya.

"Honestly, I could've been tall if I didn't get crushed by a building in a young age that made my growth really slow. What about you two??" Jian snickered.

"I fell from a high place after I blew up in a group of enemies." Tanya confessed.

"I got beaten up by my father too much." Rayan confessed.

Tanya felt somewhat both surprised and frightened.

Jian quickly jumped from her bed and bear hugged Rayan who was caught in a surprise.

"You poor thing!" Jian cooed.

Tanya chuckled as she placed the red jewel down on the desk.

"Ever tried the sleep spell, Tanya?" Jian asked.

"Does that make me faint and sleep?" Tanya asked backed.

"No, it slips you into something you'd preffer to wear when you go to bed. Here!" Jian explained, taking out the spell and sendig it forward to Tanya.

Tanya was amazed it placed her itno clothing that suited her taste for being reincarnated into one.

"J-Jian..!? I'm not going to sleep just yet." Rayan stuttered as she glanced down over her uniform, that's now better sleeping clothes.

Tanya stopped mid-way from walking to her bed, and asked, "when exactly are you going to sleep?"

"Erm....around past mid night..?" Rayan muttered.

Tanya quickly declined the request.

Rayan declined Tanya's order aswell.

Tanya sighed as she laid down on her bed, while watching Jian pull Rayan out of her chair.

"Rayan! It's time to sleep..!" Jian pouted.

Rayan somehow had a good grip on the table and chair.

Jian stopped with a scoff, before a sly idea came in mind.

Rayan gave a confused hum when she felt Jian's arms back away.

Tanya slightly widened her eyes in realization, and before she could even make Jian stop.

Rayan was caught in a surprise when Jian dashed over her and tackled her down unto Tanya's bed.

Tanya groaned after the sudden pressure above her.

Jian giggled as she held Rayan in place beside Tanya.

"You two are not sleeping with me." Tanya scoffed.

Rayan nodded and tried to walk off but was held down by the waist by Rayan's strong hold.

"I don't think I can move, and so does Jian." Rayan said as she gestured over to Jian who was fast asleep.

'Acting, huh....' Tanya thought as she made space for Rayan who obliged since she and Tanya had no other choice.

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