Shadow Traveling to a Whole N...

By Jedigirl135

140K 2.8K 2.5K

Life at Camp Halfblood was finally settling down and Nico Di' Angelo was finally happy. Everything seems fine... More

Chapter 2 Arriving in a Whole New World
Chapter 3 Im Not in New York Anymore
Chapter 4 Hades, We Have a Problem
Chapter 5: Feeling Homesick and Finding Answers
Chapter 6: Facing Fears and Fighting on
Chapter 7 Straightening Things Out and Strategizing
Chapter 8 Fanning out and Fixing Problems
Chapter 9 Rescue and Realization
Chapter 10 Messaging and Making Plans
Chapter 11 Complications and Conquest
Chapter 12 Revelations and reinforcements
Chapter 13 Taking Risks and Telling Secrets
Chapter 14 Collaboration and Rough Collisons
Chapter 15 Grieving Hearts and The God of the Underworld
Chapter 16 Losing Hope and Leaping into Action
Chapter 17 Saving Friends and Saying Goodbye
Chapter 18 Returning Home and Rekindling relationships
Chapter 19 Recovery and Rad Parties
Chapter 20 Disapearances and Distant Worlds
Chapter 21 Distressing Discovery and Deja Vu
Chapter 22 Together Again and Taking on quests
Anouncement! (please read)
Authors note

Chapter 1 The Fight that Started it All

22.3K 453 560
By Jedigirl135

Third person Pov:

Gaea had been defeated monthes ago and Nico Di' Angelo had fully recovered after spending what felt like forever in the infirmary.

He was currently sitting in Hades cabin staring into the darkness of the room in boredom, since Will was busy in the infirmary.

His other friends had gone off their seperate ways. Hazel and Frank were helping out at Camp Jupiter along with Reyna, Jason was at some all boys school in another state, Percy was at home focasing on studying so he could go to college with Annabeth in the fall, Annabeth is with her family in California, Piper was with her father and Leo died in the fight, though Nico still couldn't shake the wierd feeling he got about Leo's Death.

Nico was happy with Will but sometimes felt lonely without the others around. He and Will have been going out for a few months now and have been very happy with eachother, but lately Will has been busy and has started to spend less and less time with him.

Nico's Pov:

It has been a month since my boyfriend actually spent more then a 30 minute lunch break with me, and I'm beginning to wonder how much he really cares.

I decided to make my daily visit to the Infirmary to see Will since it is about lunch time right now. I need answers and I'm going to get them.

When I arrived in the infirmary to see that while it is busy, it's not as busy as I expected it to be. I try to look for Will but being as short as I am compared to the people here, it's hard for me to see anything.

Looking around the room I soon see a familar face nearby. "Kayla!!" I yell out to Will's sister attempting to get her attention. She turns around and smiles as she walks over to me. "Hi Nico!!" She says energetically, to energetically for my liking. "Hi." I say trying mask my annoyance, "I'm looking for Will, do you know where he is?"

Kayla looks down in thought for a moment before responding. "He went on lunch break 15 minutes or so ago and I have I haven't seen him since."

"Oh." I said turining and walking away before she can get out anymore annoyingly bubbly words. I quickly turn and yell thanks before exiting the infirmary.

Where could he be? I thought as I sat down under a tree at the edge of the woods. Will usually comes to see me during his lunch break and if he doesn't he usually at least communicates with me some how to tell me he has other plans.

Suddenly, I heard talking from deep in the woods, it sounds like two guys out there. I quietly snuck through the woods following the noise until I came to an clearing where I saw Will and another person standing together talking and laughing. Who the Hades is that!? I wanted to scream but I stayed quiet and watched. I kept hearing my name being said repeatly but couldn't figure out what they were saying.

"Will!" I finally called out as I walked forward and he turned to look at me. The other figure took off running yelling a quick goodbye. "WHO WAS THAT!?" I yelled suddenly feeling a rage take over me. "Whoa calm down!" Will pleaded as he tried to step towards me. "NO NOT UNTIL YOU EXPLAIN WHO THAT PIECE OF SHIST WAS!!" I yelled.

"Tha-t wa-s um--- no-body Nico. Just a friend of mine, I swear on the River Styx it was no one important!"

"Then why did they run?" I asked him suspiciously staring at him coldly. "I-I I Don'-t kn-ow." he stuttered once again.

"I give up , i just cant with you Solace one moment we're happy and the next your going behind my back and ignoring me to hangout with another guy!"

"Nico its not what you think!! I already swore on the River Styx what else do you want from me!"

I sighed trying to hold back my emotions, "I want the truth Solace! WHO IS HE!?"

"I cant tell you!" Will cried with tears on his face.

"Well then I can't stay at camp anymore and be with you!"

"Nico!! Please you just need to trust me!" Will pleaded.

"I thought I could." I replied before steping into the shadows, the last thing I heard was Will yelling "NICO WAIT!!"

Will's Pov:

"NICO WAIT!!" I yelled to my boyfriend as he stepped into the shadows. How could everything go so wrong so fast? I sighed. This was all suposed to be a suprise for Nico. I noticed how lonely he has been without the others and decided to get everyone together for his birthday.

The person in the woods was Jason who was helping me plan the small get together. We have been meeting whenever he can get out of school and I'm not working in the infirmary.

Today was our last meeting until we planned to get together with the others and decorate on the 27 of January which is the day before his birthday. Today is the 20th so we were finishing up are plans and finalizing everything.

I sat down in the clearing and wiped my tears away pulling out the phone Jason gave me. Usually demigods can't have cell phones but these were prototypes of a phone Leo created on the Argo II. They use a special signal that the monsters cannot detect. Usually we would just Iris message but Jason thought this was more discrete so we could hide it easier from Nico.

I went to my contacts and clicked on Jason automaticly dialing him. 'Hi Will!" He said happily as he answered.

I sighed. "Hi Jason." I said feeling worse then the people stuck in the Fields of Punishment.

"Whats wrong?" he asked sounding concerned.

I took a deep breathe "Nico's gone." I said holding back tears.

"What do you mean?" He asked confused and on alert.

"He shadow traveled away because he saw you and I couldn't tell him who you were without spoiling the suprise."

Jason was quiet for a moment before sighing. "We have to find him. You call Anabeth and Percy and I will call Camp Jupiter and get up with Piper as well." I agreed and we hung up.

Hours later

We searched everywhere we could think of around camp. Percy called out and asked the seas creatures if they had seen him anywhere near any of the oceans, Jason flew around New York, Grover spoke to the nymphs, Will and Anabeth shadow traveled on Mrs.O'Leary to search different states and countries, Piper and Reyna checked with Racheal Elizabeth Dare for a prophecy and Frank turned into a dragon and Hazel sat on his back as they looked around the area.

We all met back up in front of Rachel's cave exchanging the results of our search. We then heard Piper yell that there was a prophecy. Everyone ran into the cave and listened.

The king of ghosts will disappear, in a fog of sadness and fear

Discovering a brand new place, where his creator is seen as a disgrace

Darkness will arise to tear them apart, with new friends he must stop it before it starts

To save both worlds and hold them together and bring peace for now and forever.

We all looked at eachother in shock. A prophecy for Nico and there is nothing we could do to help him.

Authors note:

Hi friends! I hope you like my story. This is my first story so bare with me and please don't criticize too much. I"m really nervous and didn't really want to start this but my wonderful sister Meloetta246 loved the idea and convinced me to write it so enjoy! I will try to update as much as possible but I have a job and will be going back to college in the fall so please don't get upset if I disapear for a while, thanks.

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