He Loves Me Not?

By JChariece

1.7K 68 21

Read... & You'll See! More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 30

30 2 0
By JChariece

Today I'm going to lunch with Cory and she made it clear not to invite anyone, especially Lisa. I wonder what it's about but I'll find out.

I pulled into the parking lot of Firehouse Subs and slid on my shades. I walked into the restaurant and spotted Cory over by the wall on her laptop.

"Hey." She said with a cheery smile.

"Hi. You ordered your food already?"

"Yea I ordered yours too."

I nodded.

"Ok coo. So what's up?"

"Ok so you remember the other day when me and you went to my hair appointment and Lisa tagged along?"

I nodded my head yes.

"Well she said something to me that gave me conformation that, that bitch is crazy."

I frowned.

"What do you mean?"

She leaned in closer to me and whispered.

"I think she may be the one behind the whole cookie situation."

I looked at her for a second then burst into laughter.

"Whats so funny? I'm serious Skye."

"Yea I bet you are. Look Cor I understand you don't like Lisa but so you really have to try and prove something like this on Lisa. I don't think she's capable of doing what happened."

"Oh you don't?"


She smirked.

"Well I have evidence that I'm right."

"Continue." I said while slightly laughing.

"For starters she lied about being friends with Yolanda."

"The friend of yours that does hair?"

"Yea. Come to find out Yolanda has never heard of a Lisa Fedison."

"And? She lied about being friends with a beautician so what?"

"Let me finish. When you left off to the restroom she made a remark about Andre and Jannah getting drugged."

"What she say?"

"She asked how were they."


"AND you told me you didn't tell her about that situation, right?"

"Right but she could have found out some other way."

"What other way?? Who could have to her??"

I was silent thinking about if Helena told her.

"That's not all." She turned her laptop around to face me.

"Are you sure your as close to this girl as you say you are? Check this out. She was supposedly checked into a mental facility about a year ago and was recently discharged 4 months ago."

I was stared at the computer screen silently reading.

"Remember how you told me she came up missing and you thought she was dead?"

I nodded my head yes.

"Same exact time she was checked into the facility."

"Bull shit, Cory."

"No, truth Skye. This bitch is setting you up and you can't even see it. She's crazy Skye. For heaven's sake is her name really Lisa??"

I sighed and shook my head.

"Look I'm not saying your lying but all of this isn't tell me why you think she drugged by boyfriend and sister."

She sighed.

"Put the puzzle pieces together. It all makes since. When Andre was in the hospital you talked to Rich and he said some one was after you. Uhhh.... Massissety."

I motioned for her to continue.

"Well after he was discharged from the hospital, in a matter of time all of this happened. Around the same time you mysteriously bumped into Lisa."

I shook my head.

"Ok Cory that's enough. I know Lisa and she isn't crazy. Do you hear yourself?"

"Oh you don't believe me now!? Shed fuckin brainwashed you."

I was quiet.

"At least talk to Rich."

I frowned.


"Just talk to Rich. He knew Lisa right?"

"Yea her ex Shawn is Rich's little brother."

"Ok so he should know all he needs to about Lisa. Now if you won't listen to me, talk to Rich and he'll tell you everything I can't get through to you."

"Whatever." I mumbled. "Can we just stop talking about this?"

Cory looked at me for a second before speaking.

"Alright I'm done. But don't forget I told you first."

"I'll keep that in mind."

Just in time a waiter came over with our food and we ate.


Jannah's POV

I pulled off my sunglasses and waited as Kamari knocked on his mother's door. Today I'm going to meet his mother and I'm really hoping that all goes well. I took in a deep breath and let go. He rubbed my back.

"Itll be ok."

I nodded but was still unsure.

The locks on the door clicked and it swung open. A woman stood that with a huge smile that seemed to 've his mother.


She stepped to him and hugged him tightly.

"Hey mom, how are you?"

"I'm good son. Getting better everyday." She turned towards me.

"Well hello Jannah." She stuck out her hand.

I grabbed her hand and shook it.

"Hello Ms...?"

"Brown. Mrs. Brown."

"Well hello Mrs. Brown."

"Come on in y'all I'm just now setting the table. Dinner is almost done."

We both walked into the nice house and took our shoes off at the door. Kamari hung up my coat for me as I looked around the huge we desighned home.

"You never told me you were rich." I whispered. He chuckled.

"I'm not. They are. Come on."

He placed his hand at the small of my back and led me into the dining room. I saw a lady setting the table that looked to be in her 20's. She looked up at me and slightly smiled.

"She's prettier than I thought, Mari."

I looked over at him and smiled.

"Thank you." I told her. She nodded.

"I'm Dana. Kamari's oldest sister." I shook her hand and smiled.

"Kamari you never told me you had a sister."

"Yea there's a reason why."

"Whatever." Dana said.

I chuckled and shook my head waddling to my seat.


Dinner started off very quiet from the tention I felt growing. The smart remarks made by Kamari's mother was highly nerve wracking and all of me wanted to get up and leave right then a there but I stayed content in my seat. Every now and again Kamari would hold my free hand under the table to calm me down. I have a feeling that his mother doesn't like me and she's taking too many shots, I most likely won't like her either.

"So Jannah?"

I looked up at her.

"Your what 17 right?"


"Oh. Well you know Mari is 18 right?" I cleared my throat and sat my fork down.

"Ok, and?"

"And... That called statutory rape, you can get my son put away for that."

"No, ACTUALLY me and your son conceived our child when he was still 17. I hit 9 months pregnant yesterdayay which means that Kamari hasn't been 18 too long it's only been 3 months."

Keeler , Kamari's stepped, cleared his throat.

"She told you, Silvia." She glared at him then he looked away.

"Anyway, I have a question Jannah."

I have her my full attention.

"Mari mentioned you no longer live with your parents." I looked over at Kamari upset tht he told her. "Why is that?"

"Well I'm living with my older sister who's 19." I lied.

"Why not your parents?"

"I'm just not."

"Do you know your parents?"

"Does it matter?" I asked with an attitude.

"Yea sweety I dont like her at all. That attitude is ugly. Hot headed that's a no no."

"And I don't like you either!" I scoffed. Her mouth dropped and Dana silently laughed under her breath.

I looked over at Kamari who was shaking his head.

"Kamari I'm ready to go. Now."

He nodded and helped me out my chair.

As we walked out the room I heard Silvia mumbled something but Kamari kept me from turning around. We made our way out to the car and drove off in an awkward silence.

"I knew that wouldn't go well." I said aloud. I felt his hand grasped mine.

"I'm sorry baby. I shouldn't have tooken you over there knowing how my mother can be at times."

I rubbed his hand with my thumb.

"It isn't your fault for your mother's actions babe." I pecked the side of his mouth and he continued to drive.

"Oh!" I jumped and put my hands between my legs. Kamari frowned.

"Whats wrong with you?"

I looked down and opened my legs to see that I was very damp.

"You peed on yourself again, Jannah!? I told you stop being scared to tell me you have to pee when I'm-"


"This shit gone be hard to get out my c-"


"Oh my god and the smell-"


"Do it sti-"

"Omg Kamari!!"


"Shut the fuck up!! My water broke!!"

He sat the shocked for a minute.

"What you looking at me for nigga drive!"


Skye's POV

Andre laid next to me and flipped threw the channels. Now that I fully moved in we spend a lot of time together.

"Can I play in your hair?"



"Because I said so."

"Can I sniff it?"


I smacked my lips.

"Just let me love you!"


"So fuckin mean." I mumbled.

He continued to watch tv. I rolled over to his side and straddled his lap. His hands wrapped around my hips firmly.

"You tryna get into somethin?"

"I don't know, maybe."

He licked his lips.

"I'm sore though..."


I bent down and kissed his neck and chest. His hands moved from my hips to my ass. I stood up and pulled my shirt over my head followed by my bra then my sweats. Then I pulled down his basketball shorts being careful on his knee. I checked the drewer that had no more condoms in it.

"Where the rest of the condoms at?"

"Fuck. Ain't no more in there?"

I sighed and shook my head.

"Lets just do it raw. You on the pill ain't you?"

"Do I look stupid Andre?"

He roughly tossed me on the bed and hovered over me.

"I just want a sample..." He kissed on my neck softly slowly going down to my chest.

Right when it started to get heated my phone rang. He smacked his lips.

"Nah don't answer that." He pushed the phone away.

"Don't tell me what to do." He just looked at me.


He sighed and got off of me.

"Tell yo lil friend call back later we busy." I chuckled reached for my phone on the night stand as he kissed the back of my shoulder.


"Skye where You at?"

"I'm at home with Andre why wassup Kamari?" I said while looking at Andre and he frowned. "Why he calling you?" He whispered. I shrugged.

"Get to the hospital Jannah just went into labor."

I screams really loudly.



"Ok ok ok." I hung up the phone jumping and screaming full of joy.

"What you happy for?"

"Jannah going into labor." I started slipping some clothes on. He sighed and smacked his forehead.

"Aw shit."

"Nigga get up!" He sighed again and got out of the bed to get dressed.

"I'm driving." I grabbed my phone and the keys then waited in Andre to finish getting dressed. When he was finally done we locked up the house and left off to the hospital.


Jannah's POV

I laid in my hospital bed wanting to cry my eyes out from the pain. Dr. York, the doctor delivering my baby, suggest that I get no type of pain numbing or an epidural. Since the baby is already in danger from the cocaine it isn't safe, but I wasn't going to get any pain relievers anyway.

Kamari rubbed my back and fed me ice chips to console my pain which was working. Right now I'm having contractions every 4 minutes and it's like going through hell.

"Mm.." I moaned in pain.

"Another one?"

I nodded and held onto the sides of the bed tightly until the contraction was over which seemed like this one wasn't ending. I took deep breaths in and out like the classes taught us. It still wasn't working the pain was only getting worse.

"It won't stop." I told him.

"What you mean?"

I took a deep breath and suddenly felt the urge to push.

"I want to push so bad."

He stood there quiet. I grabbed his hand tightly.

"It hurt so bad Kamari."

"Want me to call the doctor?"

"Please!" My breathing increased even faster as the pains grew.

Skye's POV

Me and Andre sat out side the room as the nurses instructed. I was sort of nervous that they wouldn't let us in. I pulled out my phone and texted Kamari.

Me:"How is she? They won't let us in."

Kamari:"She's fully dialated so she getting ready to push."


"Andre she's pushing the baby out." I said in a sweet voice.

"Damn and you missin it."

I shook my head at him.


Jannah's POV

"Push one more time sweetheart."

I sighed and pushed down as hard as I could with the last of the strength I had. I really hope that I'm not hurting Kamari's hand that I was squeezing but this hurts so much.

"Oh my god!" I screamed when I felt something pop out of me. There was a big relief that ran through my body.

"Congratulations, your baby boy is finally here!"

I opened my eyes when I heard my son start to cry. A tear ran down my face and I smiled at the sight of him. Dr. York laid him in my arms, I was in awe but him. He has silky thick black hair and little brown eyes. He's my soft brown complextion with my eyes and Kamari's features.


I looked up at a nurse that we hadn't noticed been trying to get our attention.


"A name for the baby?" She held up a clipboard and pen handing it to us.

I looked at Kamari motioning for him to write it.

"Ky'An Nasir Smith."



"Why not Brown?"

"Thats your step dad's last name not yours."

"But I want it to be Brown."

I sighed and hesitated for a minute.

"Ok then, Ky'An Nasir Brown."He smiled and nodded while writing it down. When he was done he handed the board back to the nurse and she thanked us then walked away.

???'s POV

I walked into the office and sat at my desk. Sooner or later I'll have to find out something new the wrong people are getting framed. There was a knock at my door.

"Come in." I watched my door open and Eryca walked in.

"Hey daddy."

"Wassup girl. Come here..." I patted my lap and she twirled over to me in her skirt.

"Hows you day today?"

"Aright. Better when you came."

She smiled.


"Yea. You pick that order up for me from Helena?"


"Yes, what?"

"Yes Daddy."

"Good now leave my package at the door I'll call you later." I pushed her off my lap. She glared at me and I rubbed my beard.

"Is there a problem?"

She folded her arms across her chest.

"I don't like the way you treat me, Rich."

"Bitch you better get out my face. I said I'll call yo ass later. Now leave my package at the door." She smacked her lips and dramatically walked to the door.

"Oh yea I almost forgot. You know the girl Cory I told you about?"

"What about her?"

"I think she may be onto us."

"What you mean?"

"The situation with Skye came up."

"What was said?"

"How they were doing with them being poisoned."

I turned in my seat and glared at her.

"What the fuck is wrong with yall, are yall trying to get my ass caught!?"

"No." She said lowly.

"I can't hear you!!"

"No, Rich!"

"Aright. Now fix it."


"What the fuck you mean how?"

She didn't respond.


She dropped my package and left out my office.


Lisa in the Multimedia Picture.

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