Chapter 4

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Mama POV

I unpacked all my clothes at Leo house. I feel like he is the man I want to marry and if the girls can't except that then that's their problems. I got up from the ground after setting my shoes up and walked to the door frame. "Where you goin?" "Shower." I did looking at Leo. He thinks that im moving in permenatly and had the impression that I have no kids and lived with my sister Denise. "Aright well can you cook tonight?" I smiled "Yea I will." my phone started ringing on the night stand and I went over to get it when Leo picked it up. "It's ya mama want me to answer it?" "Noooooo I got it." I grabbed the phone from him and answered.

"So you talkin to me now ma?" "Helena it's Denise don't hang up." "Yea cause if would've called from your phone I would've never answered." I mumbled while walking out the room. "Why shouldn't I hang up?" I said loud enough for her to hear this time.

"Look we havin a family reunion and as you know mama is sick and really wants to see y- well the girls really bad and I mean she not lookin too good Helle." she sounded sad. I sighed and looked at my nails. "Ok so why didn't you call them?" "First of all I don't have they numbers anymore and your their mother why wouldn't I call you. Besides we have to remember that your apart of this family too." I chuckled sarcastically. "Oh really I thought that I have been shut out of the family but y'all still want something to do with my "heathen ass" as mama would say." "Whatever where the girls at?" "I don't fuckin know." "What you mean you don't now are you at home?" "Nu uhn I'm with Leo." I said smiling. "Who the fu- mmmmmm neveremind. Anyways I know you didn't leave ya teenage daughters at the apartment all alone and anything could happen to them you just a fuckin disgrace you know that right!?" "Well I guess Denise so do you want they number or not cause you borin the hell outta me." she sighed and spoke again. "Yea sure." "Right I'll text it to you bye muah!" I hung up and texted her Skye's number then went to shower.

Denise POV

I sighed and got stressed out at the thought of what could happen to my nieces. Even though I haven't seen them in forever I do really love them. Helena keeps them shelter from us just because some of our family members resented her over the years and she just became caught up and living in the moment with things. That seemed to split us apart. I dialed Skye's number into my phone and she picked up after a few rings.


Me:"Hey Skye it's me your aunt Denise." there was a silence for a while.

"Oooohhh hey." I smiled.

"How are you and you sister sweety?"

"We are ok."

"Oh well what you up to?"

"Uh just at home watchin tv."

"Mmm well what your mama doin?" I was just testin the waters cause the noise from the background sounded like she wasn't at home.

".... In the shower." she lied. I just pretended like I believed it.

"Well I'm about to stop by and see what y'all up to I miss yall."

"Oh no that's ok aunty you don't have to come over."

"Why not?"

"I'm really tired and Jannah already sleep so I'm going to bed soon." I looked at the phone in amazement. This little girl is a good liar.

"Okayyy. Goodnight kiss ya sister for me."

"K goodnight."

"Love you."

"Mmmhm you too bye!" she hung up and I sat mama phone down. "Mmhm this ain't over Helena. This is not over." I heard my husband tell from the other room for me to go to sleep. "Here I come!" I went to my mother room and gave her her phone back. She been living with us since she has gotten sick with cancer so yea it's better with her here. I went into my room and went to sleep.

Skye POV

I walked back by the beds. "Guess who just calle and started askin a bunch of questions." "Who!?" "Aunt Denise." "You lyin! Last time we heard from her was when she tried to get us taken away from mama." "Right bu-" I was cut off by a knock at the door. Jannah got all excited and sat up on the bed fixing her hair. I smiled not too big and then opened the door. "Sup ma?" Andre hugged me an I let them in. "Hey Skye." "Hello and you must be Klocc?" he nodded. I side hugged him and he walked over to Jannah. I looked back at Andre who was staring at me. I blushed a little then spoke. "Why you starin so hard?" "Cause you just gorgeous." I smiled "Thanks. But your ugly." he frowned. "I just kiddin Andre get out your heart." he smiled again and this time exposing his teeth. We sat on my bed and talked for a while. He kept making me laugh and smile. By the time everybody was tired it was almost 12 am. "Damn I put on my swim suit for nothin." "Nah it had a purpose." he said licking his lips and rubbing his hands together. "Shut up." I grabbed some clothes and stepped into the bathroom to change. When I came out Klocc and Jannah was cuddled up. I shook my head Andre stood up and grabbed me. I embraced him for a minute while he looked into my eyes. "Andre?" "Huh?" "Why are yo eyes so black?" his smile dropped and he shrugged then smiled again. "Cause you got them hypnotized." she grabbed my chin trying to kiss but I turned my head which left him kissing my cheek. He chucked. "Iight ma it's gettin late I think we gone head back to tha room. Aye Locc let's go." "Nah I'll stay here mane!" I picked up a pillow and threw it at him. "Hell no you ain't you gotta roll nigga." he laughed then got up from Jannah bed. I opened the door letting them out and Andre turned and took one last look at me. "Can I get a goodnight kiss?" "Nu uhn you gotta work for that." I smirked. he wrapped his hand around my waist and pulled me in. "You sure I ain't worked hard enough yet?" "Well.... maybe a little something after you do me a quick favor." I said seductively. He smirked and held my chin. "What's that?" "Gettin the fuck out. Goodnight!" I pushed him out the room and locked the door.

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