Mutant's Endgame (Peter Parke...

Galing kay lydiaofthefallen

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(Y/n) is alive and well, but, no one knows. Not only does no one know but those close to her are gearing up t... Higit pa

Cast🕷Part One
Chapter One🕷Mirror Mirror
Chapter Two🕷Hey May
Chapter Three🕷Fractured Hold
Chapter Four🕷In My Head
Chapter Five🕷But We're Heroes
Chapter Six🕷Young and Old
Chapter Seven🕷They Will Resist
Chapter Nine🕷Take Us Back
Cast🕷Part 2
Chapter Ten🕷Red Leather Book
🕷2k Special🕷
Chapter Eleven🕷The Brides
Chapter Twelve🕷Normal Vacation
Chapter Thirteen🕷Mysterious Man
Chapter Fourteen🕷Carnival of Lights
Chapter Fifteen🕷All an Illusion
Chapter Sixteen🕷X-Venger
Chapter Seventeen🕷It's My Choice
Chapter Eighteen🕷New York Prosecution
Chapter Nineteen🕷Parallel by Trial
Chapter Twenty🕷The Garden
Chapter Twenty-One🕷Another Dimension
Chapter Twenty-Two🕷Leap of Faith
A/n: Almost The End (Important)
Chapter Twenty-Three🕷Hand-In-Hand
Chapter Twenty-Four🕷The Break
Chapter Twenty-Five🕷The Hobgoblin
Chapter Twenty-Six🕷Baby Monitor Protocol
Fun Facts/Q&A/Sneak Peek

Chapter Eight🕷Come to Pass

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Galing kay lydiaofthefallen

I don't own anything except any original character and/or any original plot.


Chapter 8: Come to Pass


I had never fully understood the saying 'to the death' before the final battle. It seemed like an exaggeration, because one of the sides would win and it would be a one sided death. But this time, with both sides being so determined and powerful, it was anyone's game and we were all aware of it.

"Would you like me to activate Instant Kill Mode?"

"Oh my God, I have one of those?" I swiped down against an Outrider, turning to Peter excitedly, "Peter I have an instant kill mode!"

"Good for you!" Peter encouraged, narrowly avoiding a kill shot.

"Yes, Misty, activate it!" Without warning, what looked to be daggers shot out of my suit cuffs, but they didn't make the normal metallic shing. "What the hell are these?"

"Would you like a demonstration?"

"Now isn't the best time but I don't see why not."

"Hold your hand out to an enemy."

An approaching Chitauri soldier was the perfect opportunity. I held my right hand out towards them, waiting for something to happen. Nothing, and the enemy continued to get closer.

"Uh, Misty-"

"Focus and feel it Miss. (Y/n), there's water running up stores in your sleeve."

Sure enough, I could sense the water running down my arm. Biting my lip, I aimed and just meant to shoot a blast of water at the enemy to disorientate them before I continued the battle. What I wasn't expecting was for the water to concentrate into a blast similar to ice, but much sharper and concentrated. The soldier fell to the ground after receiving a headshot, motionless.

"Woah," I marvelled, looking down at the new equipment again.

"Tony called them 'water guns' and found it quite funny. While you still aim and control the water, they go through the concentrators beforehand and are formed into sharp blasts. To the enemy, it's like millions of needles attacking them at once."

"Let's do this," I smirked, turning to another soldier and letting loose.

With my new equipment, along with my past experience, it was easy to forget that I constantly hesitated while using my mutations because of the dark deeds I used it to accomplish in the past. It was nice, and I realized how much I missed being Riptide. I wasn't whole without my hero side.

Looking back to see how Peter was doing, it surprised me to see Tony land right in front of him, helmet moving away from his face. Smiling slightly, I shifted closer to them to both listen in on and protect their moment.

"Mr. Stark! I'm so glad you're okay. I didn't see you anywhere. But isn't it crazy how all those people got dusty and now they're back-"

Tony cut Peter off with a hug. At first, Peter was confused, but he didn't fight against it. That made me smile even more. Tony must have been so stressed about Peter in the battle. No matter how old he grew, Peter was his son, and he'd worry about him through everything.

"This is nice."

Giving him a thumbs up from over Tony's shoulder, I blew a kiss and ran off. Cute.

Running deeper into the folds of the battle meant more animalistic fighting. A mixing pot of allies and enemies mixing together in a giant mess. I fought my way through using my new equipment, ice shards, and head freezing tactics ー I felt no guilt killing Thanos' soldiers. At points, I would team up with whoever was closest to me. Dora Milaje, X-Men, Wong- but we all continued on without hellos or goodbyes. The reunions could wait.

"T'Challa has the gauntlet right now. Whatever you do, get it to the van and keep it away from Thanos," Steve announced to everyone over the coms.

"Misty, where's T'Challa right now?"

"Tracking... located."

Over my lenses, a green tracking square pinned down T'Challa as he sprinted across the battlefield. Following Steve's orders, I ran to catch up with him, even if it felt like a lost cause due to his immense speed.

Halfway to the other side of the battlefield, missiles rained down from the Sanctuary. Thanos must have been desperate if he was willing to destroy his own troops. Ducking under the nearest sorcerer's shield, I assisted them before moving on when things were momentarily clear in our area, and repeated the process.

As Ebony Maw used his telekinesis to trap T'Challa, Peter took it upon himself to move ahead of me, swing over the tower of rubble trapping T'Challa, and take the gauntlet.

"I got it! Activate Instant Kill!"

Peter's lenses turned red and his legs rapidly stabbed the Outriders as they swarmed him. After ducking under yet another shield, the missiles stopped. I looked to the sky for answers, grinning when I saw they diverted their fire to the sky. There was only one person powerful enough to draw the attention away from everyone else.

And that queen was Carol freaking Danvers™.

"I got this. I got this! Okay, I don't got this."

"Shit, Peter!"

Remembering why I was even working my way across the field, I rushed over to help Peter out, killing Outrider after Outrider on top of him. They didn't even turn away; they were too focused on getting the gauntlet.

"Hey, Queens. Heads up." Steve chucked Mjolnir towards us. Peter webbed the handle and was pulled out of the mass of Outrider bodies.

"Give me a lift, Bug-Boy!"

On command, Peter webbed my hand and pulled me along with him. As if he'd ever be able to get rid of me in the first place. I couldn't wait to tell Ned and MJ we literally rode along with Mjolnir.

"I got you kids," Valkyrie grabbed Peter's hand and threw him up onto her Pegasus, in turn hoisting me up as well.

"We're riding a Pegasus. This is so co- woah!" Peter yelled out in shock when the Pegasus suddenly dipped in the air.

Because the flying horse dipped, it was more susceptible to attack. And that became apparent when a missile blast landed a little too close to us and threw us off. I rolled away from Peter, groaning in pain as my muscles screamed in protest as I got up.

"Bug-Boy?" I called out, easily finding him clutching the gauntlet tightly to his chest.

Queen Carol freaking Danvers™ dropped down in front of Peter, smirking and raising a brow. Peter, who likely had a concussion, seemed to forget that he'd known Carol for five years, "Hey. I'm Peter Parker."

Groaning, I face palmed. Carol's smirk widened in response, "Hey Peter Parker. You got something for me?"

Peter willingly held out the gauntlet. Moving next to Carol as backup, it was hard not to notice every heroine coming together around us as well.

"I don't know how you're gonna get through all that," Peter muttered weakly.

"Don't worry."

"She's got help."

"This is like a club. I like it," Jubilee beamed, spark forming on her fingertips.

"They got this," Peter leaned back tiredly.

"Watch and learn Bug-Boy."

In a moment of pure woman-powered strength I would never forget, all of us charged on the enemy to distract them from Carol. Carol flew ahead of all of us, leaving us in the dust while she delivered the gauntlet. Not that it offended us, we were happy watching each other's backs while she saved the universe.

But Thanos wasn't ready to give up. He threw his double-edged sword at our last chance to bring the stones back and destroyed it. The force from the blast threw Captain Marvel back and knocked the gauntlet from her grasp, right to Thanos' feet. Carol jumped forward and pushed him back, gaining the upper hand despite his newly gauntleted arm. Thanos pulled out the Power Stone andー

"Carol look out!"

But my warning came too late. Thanos punched Carol with the stone in grasp, blasting her far from the battle. He then put it back. I knew it was a suicide mission, but that didn't stop me from rushing forward when no one else was.

Thanos, the man who knew of me only from Nebula's memories, did nothing to stop my attacksー nor did he snap despite the opportunity. He smiled. I was never free; it was a farce. He'd never let me go.

And I understood my fragmented memory. The one that resurfaced during our fight against Apocalypse. As the stones on his fist glowed, the memory became whole, and I wished I'd never tried to glue the pieces together in the first place. Because he shattered my five years of hard work in seconds.

"I used the Time Stone to look forward. There will be a war. And I'll use the stones to bring you forth again. If all goes well, we will win."

Blinking, I looked to my father for guidance. The battle was intense, and the Avengers were unwavering in their misguided ideals. Luckily, Father had allowed me to go to Earth for the first time. But it was worse than I imagined. And that boy in red and blue was nowhere in sight.

Grinning victoriously, Father ordered, "Protect me, daughter."

So when Iron Man tackled Father and was soon thrown away, I sprang into action. He had been a thorn in my father's side for years. And I had the chance to snip him off of the rose.

"I am... inevitable."

Freezing all the water I had, I took little notice of the upgraded equipment near my wrists. Father must have done that. Shaking my head, I took aim and thrust my hands forward.

"Ice pierces metal."

"And I... am... Iron Man."

"To end the beginning."

My ice hit its mark, aimed for a joint at the center of his back where his suit would be weak.

Father sat and watched the surrounding army fall. Looking to me, he smiled one last time, and turned to dust. Realization washed over me. Tony Stark had his moment because, despite my efforts, he got the stones and snapped. Screaming in devastation, I fell to my knees. Keeping my eyes on Stark, I took pleasure in watching blood mix with melted ice on his back. He would die for what he did. From the wounds I created, or the stones.

"Dust falls but blood drips."

Iron Man looked over his shoulder and met my eyes. So weak and frail, yet he lit up the Mind Stone once again, "(Y/n). I- forgive-"

His blood dripped onto the dirt, mixing with the dust of Thanos' army, and I understood the depth of what I had done.

"When the blood reaches the dirt, control will come twofold."

Hand over my mouth, I sobbed. What had I done? Mina's prophecyー it all made sense. It was coming to pass and as always, there was nothing we could do to stop it. And it happened because my mind was weak, because I allowed Thanos to take control of me again. Rocking back onto my haunches, I barely registered Steve behind me. Would he arrest me? I hoped so.

"You've had Thanos in your head for five years. Not only that but he changed you physically. No one blames you for this. This wasn't your fault, and it wasn't you that killed him."

He could say it a million times and I wouldn't believe it.

Rhodey landed just in front of Tony. Then came Peter. Peter, who saw Tony as a father. Peter, who already watched Uncle Ben die. Peter, the love of my life who glanced at me with such anguish.

"Mr. Stark? Hey- Mr. Stark? Can you hear me? It's Peter. We won. Mr. Stark... We won, Mr. Stark. We won and you did it, sir. You did it."

"It is the one in millions."

"I'm sorry, Tony," Peter stepped back as soon as Pepper landed.

"Morgan," I whispered, sobbing again. Everything Tony did was for his family. He died for them, for all of us.

"Hey," Pepper cupped Tony's cheek.

"Hey Pep," Tony muttered what would become his last words.

"Friday?" Whatever report Friday gave wasn't good, "Tony, look at me. We're gonna be okay."

"His suit began to repair the wound when he snapped. He went critical after. It wasn't you that killed him."

My AI's words fell on deaf ears.

"You can rest now."

Tony's arc reactor went dark. Dead.

"The cost is given once but never forgotten."

The prophecy had come to pass.


The entire world rejoiced the return of those who were dusted. Many were five years older than their peers, but that didn't seem to matter. Peter met with Ned and MJ at some point, I was well aware of that, but I didn't. I couldn't even bring myself to leave my parent's apartment. Not even Peter's and my room at the school, because I couldn't chance him being able to come in.

So I reverted to my old room, familiar and comfortable in every way that I desperately needed. And I didn't leave. Not when my parents knocked on the door, not when Jess threatened to break it down, or when Harry ranted about school, or the time Ned talked about how lego sets were so cheap since he got back, not when MJ read a book to me, and definitely not when Peter cried outside because it was all too much for the both of us.

When my parents had to leave due to work, I would sneak out and use the bathroom, maybe shower if I could bring myself to do it, and eat some food. But I always went right back in.

That pattern continued for two weeks until Kurt teleported into my room and scared the crap out of me, making me uncurl myself from my ball-like position so I could push him out.

"I don't want you here Kurt. Please, just get out-"

Kurt grabbed my hands, stopping me from pushing him further, "Tony Stark's funeral is in two hours. His family already spread his ashes but they want to do a memorial service with his closest friends and the teams he fought with."

"No, no, no. Kurt I can't go to that," I tried to jerk my hands out of his grip, "I can't face Pepper and Morgan. Not after what I did. I killed him Kurt-"

"The snap killed him, (Y/n)."

"I let Thanos take control of me again and I stabbed him. How can everyone say I didn't have a hand in his death?"

"No one blames you for what happened (Y/n)."

"They should."

With a sigh, Kurt disappeared again. Curling back into a ball on my bed, I prepared myself for another round of tears thanks to Kurt popping up and bringing everything to the forefront of my mind again. Yet again, I was interrupted by Kurt. But he had a visitor.


"I'll be waiting outside," Kurt stepped out of my room and left us alone.

Pepper sat on the edge of my bed, keeping her distance but staying close enough to make me feel like I wasn't alone. She was good.

"I know... what happened has been hard on you. It's been hard on all of us. He was my husband, after all, but this isn't going to help anyone. Tony's- he's gone. And whether or not you had a hand in it changes nothing. But (Y/n), you need to let yourself keep going."

"How can you say these things to me? How can you act like I'm something more than Thanos' daughter?"

Pepper reached out and grabbed my hand, "I'm not acting, (Y/n). I suck at it. I'm saying these things because they're true. I know you're stuck with the body enhancements Thanos gave you, and they'll never go away, but you aren't his daughter. Clara and Lucas? They're your parents. Your parents. And they love you as much as the rest of us do.

"All of this monologing is leading to one thing. We stood by you the first time you were recovering, we'll do the same now. I forgive you. We forgive you. Friday told me that even Tony forgave you. It'll be a long road, but you need to forgive yourself."

Pepper ended her speech with a hug. It was obvious to me why she was such a good CEO of Stark Industries. Gripping the back of her shirt, I cried onto her shoulder. Upon my shoulder feeling damp, I realized she was crying too.

Forgiveness wasn't easily given, but I received it. I couldn't forgive myself so quickly, but while sobbing with Pepperー I knew it was possible.

"Is all forgiven? Am I allowed to enter?" Kurt knocked on the door gently.

Pepper and I separated and laughed through our tears, allowing Kurt to enter. He stepped inside with a cookie in his mouth, having helped himself to my mom's last temptation to get me out.

"Good. How are you feeling, (Y/n)?"

"Not great, but better I guess."

"Good, good. Jean is ready to treat you whenever you are. Would you like to change and have me teleport both you and Mrs. Stark to their home?"

"No, I'll drive up there with my parents when they get home. I owe them a conversation, and an explanation. I'll see you two soon, though."

Kurt grabbed Pepper's arm, and they bamphed off. Breathing in deeply, and out slowly, I pulled myself together for the time being. I knew I'd lose it again at the funeral, but I had to be able to get ready at the very least.

Digging through my closet I pulled out the nicest black outfit I had, taking off my old clothes to replace them with the new ones. While I was debating on whether doing my hair or makeup was worth it or not, I heard the front door open. My parents were home together. There was a hushed whispering until they stopped in front of my door.

"(Y/n)? It's Tony's funeral today, and Pepper said there's a message he left and he wants you and Peter to see it with the rest of his family, which means you should be there early," my mom started.

"We honestly don't know how hard this has been on you, but we want to try. We want you to talk to us, and the first step could be you leaving and going to the-"

Not being able to take it anymore, I opened the door. My dad nearly jumped out of his skin, and my moms slapped my dad's arm so hard that his skin would have separated from his bones, anyway.

"Ow, shit Clara, I see her too!"

"Sorry, honey. (Y/n). Hey, how- how are you doing? Wait, no. I don't want to trigger anything for you. Um, just uh, just say what you want and we'll be here to support you."

Dad nodded enthusiastically, "Right, and if you need anything. Water, food, if you want to stop somewhere on the way to the Stark house then we can-"

"Guys, it's okay," I reassured them, "Well, it's not really okay but you know I mean. But Pepper came to talk to me. And, you know, everyone else too but Pepper was Tony's wife, so it means more. Everyone has forgiven me, and I may not get why now, but that doesn't mean I never will."

My parents pulled me into a group hug, squeezing the life out of me. I wheezed, and they let up slightly. Both of them were talking over each other, trying to reassure me. Being exposed to so much so quickly was overwhelming.

"Can you just go get ready, please?" I stepped away from them, realizing that it sounded snappy, "Sorry. It's just a lot. I love you guys too, but an hour ago I never wanted to leave my room or talk to another human again."

"We don't want to overload you. We'll leave in twenty."

Nodding, I retreated into my room to wait until they were ready. Within those ten minutes I turned on my phone for the first time and was overwhelmed with texts. From the X-Men, Avengers, MJ, Ned, Harry, and Peter. Even Liz telling me she returned in the blip.

It was just as much to handle as my parents seconds before so I set my phone down and decided I'd deal with it the next day, or the next week. Whenever I was feeling up to it, really.

Ten minutes later my parents and I were prepped and on the road to the Stark house. It was twenty minutes away from the compound so around an hour away in total. It was an hour to prepare myself for another round of guilt and a bunch of "It wasn't you's". Maybe it wasn't me but it didn't change the fact that he was dead.

"We think you should see a therapist," my dad started thirty minutes into the drive.

"A therapist?" I wasn't closed off to the idea, "They'd have to know I was a hero then, wouldn't they?"

"We've spoken to Pepper. Tony started going to a therapist closer to the end, it was how he got better. She recommended him to us. He's safe, and was under a lot of contracts to keep Tony's secrecy, he'd follow those same guidelines for you."

"We won't force you into it. But we'd think it'd be a good way to re immerse yourself into society and to recover from what's happened."

"What's his name?"

"Shawn Vidal."

"... I'll think about it."

And I did. For the next thirty minutes until we parked in the Stark's driveway. It was more of a pondering than anything, considering I had my answer as soon as they brought the question up. Smiling at the small playhouse peeking out from the woods, I nodded once.

"I'll do therapy. You're right, I need professional help."

"We're glad. We'll set up an appointment. Now, let's mourn our first official hero, yeah?"

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