On The Waves of The Sea

By yourfellowshipper

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Peggy's life was horrible. She was abandoned by one person. Betrayal by another. Then held as prisoner along... More

Chapter One.
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten.
writer's block and new story.

Chapter Two.

76 2 0
By yourfellowshipper

Peggy woke up suddenly. “Oh, it was just a dream. No pirates. No betrayals” she said to herself. As she was getting up. She noticed she was sitting on sacks filled with feathers rather than pillows. That her blanket was thin and worn-out. Not thick and warm. Her dress was messed up. She also noticed she was behind bars. She thought sadly “It wasn’t a dream”.

She saw Eliza sitting in the corner of her cell. Muttering to herself negative thoughts. She was saying to herself all the worst things that could happen right now. “Maybe we could get tortured or used or maybe even walk the plank” Eliza thought.

“Psst. Eliza” Peggy called. “What is it?” Eliza replied. “Stop thinking those thoughts. They are not good for you” Peggy answered. “There is nothing we can do Pegs. All we can do is sit here and-“. “Stop talking with each other. Prisoners are not allowed to converse. It is the rules. I am sorry” said the Lafayette guy. “At least he apologised” Peggy thought.

Two persons then appeared in front of the cells. A man and a woman. The man was bald and sort of skinny. The woman was of average height and had some sort of frizzy hair. Peggy thought it was Angelica. Until the woman came closer and was revealed she was not Angelica. “The Captain wants to meet with us” said the man. “But what about the prisoners?” asked Lafayette. “I will guard them” said the woman “I already know what he is gonna say and I don’t want to hear it”.

“Merci” said Lafayette. He went upstairs with the bald man. Peggy already guessed Lafayette was french. Once the two men left. The woman came up to Peggy and Eliza. “Follow me” she said “I know a part of ship where it is much more comfortable and I can lend you proper clothes” said the woman. “Why should we trust you?” asked Peggy. “Because I understand what you are going through. Even though I have not experienced it. I know how you feel. So let me help” responded the woman. “What is your name?” Peggy asked. “Theodosia. But you can call me Theo” Theo responded “What is yours. The Captain did not mention who are we going to kidnap. Not even the other pirates”. “Margarita. But you can call me Peggy” Peggy said. “Elizabeth. But you can call me Eliza” said Eliza.

“Very well” Theo responded. “Come. Follow me”. Theo grabbed the keys and unlocked both of their cells. “Be quiet. We can’t let them hear you” Theo said. Theo then grabbed some sacks and sticks and made what looks like a scarecrow. She made two and placed them in each cell. “Let us go” she whispered. She led them outside. They saw the front deck and the beautiful view of the ocean. Peggy and Eliza were marveled by the beauty of the clear sky and the ocean.

Theo led them to two different rooms. Which were beside each other. “You choose your own room” Theo said. The rooms looked the same. They were very beautiful. It had a soft bed with all of the other necessities of a bedroom. As well as a bathroom. It also had a window that showed the ocean. “Thank you so much Theo” Peggy and Eliza said. “No worries” Theo said “Let’s get you changed”. They followed her into her quarters. She picked some dresses from her closet and gave them an equal amount of dresses. As well as their own pair of boots. “You can keep them. I don’t use them anymore. Hopefully they will fit” Theo said. Peggy and Eliza tried there new outfits. It fits. “They are perfect Theo” Eliza said “Thank you so much for your help”. “Like I said no worries” Theo responded “Also go back to your bedrooms. If the Captain finds out. We are dead to him”. Peggy and Eliza made their way back to each of their bedrooms. “Maybe this wasn’t so bad after all” Peggy thought.

On the other side of the ship

The Captain and his crew members are now planning what to do with Peggy and Eliza. The Captain wants to do something bad to them. His crew members did not agree.

“Captain please. They lost their freedom and home all in a few minutes. If we are to take them. Please be more hospitable” said one of the members “Hercules that is not what I am planning to do. They are our prisoners. We are supposed to treat them harshly” replied the Captain.

“But sir. The girls are hopeless. Dressed in dirty clothes. Forced to stay in filthy cells. Can you at least be kind” said another man. A woman stood up and said “Yes. He is right. Maybe you can even find love in one of them”. Everyone looked at the woman with weird looks on their faces. “What? It is worth a shot” replied the woman. “First of all, Laurens we will not do that!” The Captain shouted. “And second, Catherine what are you thinking!? I will never fall in love. Especially with a prisoner!”.

The other crew members started saying to treat the girls nicely. But the Captain was not having any of it. “ENOUGH! I WILL NOT DO AS YOU SAY WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!” The Captain shouted at the top of his lungs. Not regretting one word of it. “Yes sir” said the crew members. “Now. All of you get back to where you are supposed to be. I will think what to do to them myself” The Captain said harshly. The crew members nodded and returned to their positions.

“I will not be nice to them. Especially not fall in love with one of them” The Captain muttered to himself and started writing down ideas what to do with the women.

(A/N- Sorry if it is really awful. I am having writer’s block already and I am still starting with my story. Also Catherine is an original character. I will probably make two today if I find time. Please like this book. Love❤️, A random writer)

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