*Discontinued* SoKeefe! Its A...

By NestaCrown

167K 1.7K 4.6K

She had a crush on Fitz. She knew that. So why did her stomach start doing cartwheels, and her heart start ma... More

Is there a difference?
Then shut me up?
I wouldn't mind.
I want to help her!
Someone new?
He wanted to be angry.
Its not my fault I'm clumsy.
Wait. . . you wish!
I kinda like when you call me that.
Here we go again.
My happy accident.
Should I answer it?

we gotta tell 'em

7.8K 90 188
By NestaCrown

"Come on Foster!" Keefe whined as they walked out of the locker room at Foxfire.

"He's literally right in there,"
Keefe pointed at the open doors leading to the locker room. "I just need you to call him into the hall for me. . . Please?"

"Keefe! For the billionth time, NO. Why do you even need me to do it? Why don't you do it if you're so intent on pranking him?"

"Ah, alas the years of pranks have weighed on him." He said in a saddening tone, hand over his heart and shaking his head in mock sorrow. "He won't just run into the hall - and I need him to run for this to work - if I'm the one that calls him. He'll have his guard up and expect a prank. But if you were the one to call him. . . "
He left it hanging because she got the picture.

"Uhg, Keefe. . . I don't know, I'll feel bad -"

"Hold up, before you say no again. I have been given a gift! I simply cannot let it go to waste! Think about all the pranks we can do with this!
I'll be the King of pranks! And you, you, my sweet doe eyed companion, will be my Queen!" He kissed her hand bowing low with a smirk that had Sophie's face in flames.

"You know I don't really think that's how ice power is meant to be used. . . But fiiiiine! I'll do it." She drew her hand away from his, pointing her finger at his face, "But this is a one time thing Mr!"

"Got it!" Keefe was rubbing his hands together in excitement with the world's most excited grin on his face.

Oh God! Why was he so damn cute! She kissed him swiftly before calling out,


Fitz's bag of school books could be heard clattering to the ground. That alone was enough to make Keefe cover his mouth to keep from laughing, and had Sophie grinning as well.

Sophie and Keefe were leaning against the wall of the hallway when Fitz reached the doorway of the locker room at a run. But as soon as his foot reached the other side. . . It slipped on the long stretch of ice that have been laid out, down the hallway by a certain prankster. He went flying backwards, arms and legs flailing to regain his balance, that failed miserably and he landing on his back, feet flying up in the air, and sliding halfway down the hall on his back, before spinning to a stop. His cries of panic still echoed in the hall!

Keefe was rolling on his back tears streaming down his face as he laughed uncontrollably.

Sophie had a hand over her mouth but that did little to muffle her laughter, she too had tears in her eyes.

"Did you - did you s-see his legs!" Keefe choked out in between laughing and hiccuping, still rolling on the floor.

"What the heck!" From Fitz who was struggling to lift himself up off the ice.

"Sorry man, but that was just priceless!" Keefe had gotten up from the floor and walked over to Fitz, offering him a hand.

"Are you serious dude!" But Fitz was laughing too. He grabbed Keefe's hand and stood up, but then he noticed Sophie, who had slide down the wall and was laughing uncontrollably now - she was the kind of person who would start laughing hysterically after everyone else had stopped.

"Sophie!" Fitz was looking at her in disbelief. "Why'd you yell like that?"

"I'm sorry!" Her body was shaking from her fit of laughter, which prompted Keefe to start laughing again, because let's be honest his girl was adorable when she laughed!

"I was gonna sh-show y-you th-th-the ice!" She stuttered gasping for breath as her laughter continue to tear through her, until she had fallen over on her side laughing all the more as her photographic memory replayed Fitz's epic, flailing fall!

She transmitted it to Fitz and as soon as he got it he could be heard laughing throughout the hall as well, till they were all rolling on the floor feeding off of each other's amusement and laughing all the more.

Sophie assumed they look like a whole lot of crazy people, and that's probably exactly what Biana, Tam, Dex, Linh, and Marella thought as they picked that precise moment to entered the hall together.

"What. The. Hell?" Tam just stared at them all blankly.

Marella and Linh shared a worried but amused look.
While Biana and Dex asked if they should go and get Elwin.

Sophie and Fitz shook their heads in answer as all three of them took deep steady breaths, trying to calm themselves down.

"Yeah well. . . Whatever this was. You guys are going to be late for your classes." Tam said in that monotone voice of his.

Oh shit.

Sophie had forgotten she had a class to be in. But this was worth it to be a little late.

Keefe stood up, pulled Fitz with him, then walked over an offered Sophie his hand.
She took it gratefully as he pulled her up winking before letting go. She grinned at him before Fitz asked,

"So how in the world did you get that ice down the hallway?"

The five of them that hadn't been there for the 'great flailing incident' looked down the hall and then back up before asking in unison,

"What ice?"

The other three look down the hall as well.

"Whoa, I swear there was just. . . I mean I slipped on it!"

"Oooh so that's what happened."
Linh was looking thoughtfully down the hall nodding her head as if she were trying to recreate the scene, and when a small grin split her lips, Sophie knew that she had somehow succeeded.

Sophie looked at Keefe with a raised eyebrow before transmitting to him,

"How'd you make it go away?"

He shrugged a shoulder,

"Probably reabsorbed it or something."

"Ah, cool, you're an ice absorber!"

She teased, and he crinkled his nose at her, shaking his head. Amused.

Uh! God, she loved it when he did that!

"A prankster never reveals his secrets!"
Keefe was saying to the rest of the group, snapping Sophie out of her thoughts of just how freaking cute he was! And back into the conversation.

A little ways down the hall they all separated, going to their individual classes. Sophie and Biana walked a little bit more together because their classes were right next door to each other.

"I hate that I haven't seen you very much! It's like one of us is always busy or something."
Biana was saying as the two girls walked down the hall with their arms looped together.

"Me too! We need to hang out more."

"Yessss! It's been like weeks since we've done that! And I don't even have to do your makeup, we can just talk. Oh God, you see how desperate I've become for girlfriend time! I don't even care if we're doing makeup anymore!"

Sophie laughed, but Biana was right. It had been weeks. Two and a half weeks to be exact, really since she and Keefe had started dating. Wow. It had really only been two and a half weeks? It felt like forever. And so much had happened.
1 They started dating.
2 Everything with the Gorgoden - Feyah.
3 Sophie's mom getting pregnant, and
4 Keefe's exceptional manifestation.

And her friends knew exactly none of it.
Wow, she was a horrible friend who hadn't even thought to tell them. But then again her parents didn't exactly know that her and Keefe had started dating either, though Edeline probably already knew. . . with her Super Mom senses and everything.

That was enough. It had gone on too long! She had been to caught up in the happiness she felt with Keefe, that she had forgotten everything else!

"We will hangout more, I promise! But first I have something to tell you."

"Ooh give me the scoop! I wanna hear aaallllll about the dramatic life of Sophie Foster!" She sang out happily.

"Haha, very funny." Sophie nudged her friend with her elbow.
"Not now though, at lunch, I have to tell everyone."

Biana was eyeing her with suspicion and worry now.

"Okay girl, whenever you want. But you are okay right? It's not the Neverseen?"

The Neverseen had been quiet for almost two months now, the Black Swan was working tirelessly to try and find them, but they had completely gone dark.

"No, not them. It's good news, trust me!"
She smiled.

"Good news? In the life of Sophie Foster? I never thought I'd see the day!" Biana teased, pretending to faint in surprise.

Sophie laughed playfully pushing her aside. The two girls hugged and split up to go to their classes.

"I can't wait to hear this 'good news' of yours! You better not forget!"

Biana called over her shoulder, before slipping into her classroom.

Sophie was in Elven history, slumming in her chair, waiting for it to be over when she transmitted to Keefe.

"We gotta tell 'em."

"Sorry, what?"

"We gotta tell 'em, - our friends, about you and I, it's been two and a half weeks, they deserve to know."

"Ok, I agree, so when do you wanna do it?"

". . .Today, at lunch."

"Perfect! Let me check my schedule, but I shouldn't be to busy!"

"Haha, your hilarious."

But Sophie was smiling.

"Hey Keefe. . ."

"Yes darlin'?"

She smiled even more at that. He had never called her that before, she like it.

"My parents need to know too. What do you say, you come over for dinner tonight? We tell them then?"

Keefe's mind went very quiet, Sophie thought he wasn't going to respond till a single word reached her - a timid,


"Look, I'm not gonna lie, it'll be awkward and uncomfortable, but it's important."

"I know, I'm with you with that. But your dads gonna hate me. . . Even more then he already does!"

"Oh please he doesn't hate you, and I'll make sure he's on his best behavior. But on that note, I was thinking we could tell them you and I just started dating, I mean opposed to saying we went two and a half weeks without telling them - oooh or. . . We should tell them that we want to start dating, yeah! Yeah, that's the safest option!"

She could hear Keefe laugh through their connection.

"Oh my God, Foster I love you! And I appreciate you trying to help me not die tonight, but I'm not gonna lie to your parents. That's a pretty stupid card to pull if I'm trying to get them to like me. Besides even if we did, parents always find out these things - well. . . not my parents, but I've had enough experience with Alden and Della to know better than to lie to them."

"Now when did you go and get all wise?"

"I know right! Thats supposed to be you, it really crushes the great Sencen style when I have to be the wise one!"

Sophie laughed quietly behind her open Elven history book, so as not to let her teacher see.

"I'll see you tonight them."

"You got it!"

"Around 6:00?"

"I'll be there."


"Hey darlin? One last thing."

There went her stupid fluttery heart again!


"Oh I just wanted to hear your reaction when I called you darlin' you better get used to hearing it, cuz that's your new name!"

He laughed, and Sophie blushed she always forgot he could hear her thoughts when they were telepathically speaking.

"I'm about to meet with Magnate Leto. Explain everything. See if he has any insight, y'know."

"Oh, do you want me to come with you?"

"Aww, as much as I love your hand to hold, I think I've got this one darlin'."

And there when her heart again.

"But I did want to say I love you before I left."

He's voice had changed from teasing, to serious, sincere.
And damn if her heart didn't just melt!

"I love you too."

She broke the connection.

The bell rang.

The next chapter should be fun! I normally don't do this, but guys look at the very hot pictures of Keefe at the top! No it's not mine, (I wish) but if you have Instagram the person who did this is ' soso doodles ' you can follow her! Hope you enjoyed!

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