SonTails One-Shots

By ToddTwoTails

62.9K 690 268

Lots of fluff, romance, adventures, and maybe some lemon. Enjoy Most of the stories are unconnected from the... More

Sneak Peek (Updated 5-10-23)
Fanart! (Updated 5-11-23)
Thrilling Love
A Shocking Buddy
Magical Realms Part One: The Portal
A Day at the Beach
Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer
Friendly Competition
A fight between friends
The Play's the Thing
Let's be kids
Just One Kiss
The Rhythm of Life
The Great Outdoors
I'll be here
I need to be there
Bowling for love
Cold and Colder
18+ Warning
The Leech
Dirty Dancing
Spicy Love
Mile(s) High Club

Sick in Love

2.3K 25 3
By ToddTwoTails

This story continues from Cold and Colder

Sonic and Tails were safe in their cabin, watching the snow gather. After Sonic got stuck in the snow for a long period of time, he got sick. Sadly Tails was not immune whilst taking care of him. 

"Feeling any better, Sonic?" Tails asked his lover.

"A little bit." Sonic coughed, still not a hundred percent after a few days.

"Well, since we're snowed in, we can't really leave, so we gotta make due with what we have." Tails served him some tea.

"We could put out the fire for a while, then you can fly up the chimney and get materials." Sonic gave an idea.

"Two problems with that. One, the snow is falling so hard, I won't be able to see where I'm flying. Two, I have no idea how wide the chimney is at the top. I could get stuck." Tails pointed out Sonic's flawed plan. "But not bad thinking for someone who's sick." Tails teased.

"Hey, cut it out." Sonic smiled and sneezed into his arm. "Besides, the snow may slow down soon. If that happens, you COULD give it a shot... At least we have warm running water. We can shower as much as we need." He realized how dirty he was. He went to take a shower. 

"Good idea. Might help you feel better. I'll do my best to disinfect in the meantime." Tails informed as he went to work, cleaning and taking inventory. He found a small bolted frame at the bottom of the front door. He checked it out, and found that it could open. He wondered what it could be used for, but also figured it was useless since the snow was covering everything. He then got an idea. "Sonic's speed! He could speed shovel his way out!" He was happy he got an idea, and continued cleaning quickly. 

Sonic got out of the shower, looking good as new. "Ahh. I feel much better. How's cleaning coming, bud?" He asked Tails

"Almost done. I just got an idea. If and when the snow slows, you can speed shovel your way to materials, or better yet, home!" Tails gave his idea to Sonic. 

"Not bad. Keep thinking." Sonic encouraged, knowing there was a better way. 

"Hey Sonic, Do you think- *double sneeze*" Tails was interrupted.

"Dang it, Tails! I warned you about getting sick too!" Sonic cursed.

"I couldn't leave you *cough* alone, Sonic! I love you!" Tails replied angrily as his color drained. 

"Take a seat." Sonic gestured to the chair he was in while he was sick, which thankfully Tails cleaned before he showed signs of being sick.

"Until I get better, the speed shoveling plan to get materials will *coughing fit*" Tails tried to talk but his voice got raspy rather quick.

"Shh. Don't talk. I know what you need and what you mean. I'll take care of you now." Sonic got to making tea and hot cocoa. Suddenly, he heard crunching snow outside. Since the snow covered half the window, Sonic couldn't see who or what was making the noise. All he knew is that it was getting closer to them. He went over to protect Tails, just in case.  The footsteps in the snow went around the cabin, and stopped where the front door would be. Sonic's ears perked, trying to listen for more. Soon, the sound of shoveling began. Could it be rescuers? Sonic covered Tails ears with earmuffs as he was about to yell. "Hey! Who's out there?! Can you hear me?!" Sonic yelled to the door. No response. He decided to wait, knowing the snow was too thick for anyone to hear. "Since there's shoveling, they should get to a point where my voice can be heard." Sonic figured, resumed making tea and cocoa for Tails.

"What is it?" Tails asked in a raspy voice.

"Don't know, and we won't know until they dig closer to the door." Sonic replied. "We got a while, so drink up." He handed Tails the drinks.

As the shoveling outside continued, Sonic threw the last logs they had into the fireplace. "Here's hoping they're friendly." Sonic prayed, fanning the flames.

"Hope so too..." Tails gagged.  "Bucket, Sonic!" Tails requested with urgency.

Sonic rushed one to him, and Tails vomited into it. "Urgh... How..." Tails wondered how he got so sick so quickly. Just then there was a knock at the door. Sonic smiled and looked through the peephole. It was two humans wearing red clothing and appeared to have supplies. Sonic opened the door. "Oh, thank goodness! Please tell me you're rescuing us!" He pleaded to the humans.

"Afraid not, Sir Sonic. Our best helicopter is under repairs, and can't get very far in this storm." The first human replied.

"Thats why we brought supplies." The second human informed, giving two boxes to Sonic. 

"Thanks guys, we needed it." Sonic sounded appreciative.

"Good news is the storm is clearing out by tomorrow." The first human informed.

"You should be able to get out by tomorrow, if not the next day." The second human smiled.

"How do you know me?" Sonic asked them.

The second human held up what looked like a registry. And sure enough, their cabin number, along with Sonic and Tails names were on the list.

"You're a hero, Sonic. How can anyone not know you?" The first human laughed.

"Where's Tails?" The second human asked.

"Sick." Sonic responded simply, pointing to a chair where dull yellow fur rested.

"Okay. There's medicine in those packs, along with firewood, tea, drinks, food, you name it." The first human informed. 

"Thanks again guys." Sonic smiled warmly.

"We'll come again tomorrow to check on you. See you later, we need to get to the other cabins now." The second human said, gathering their things.

"Stay safe." The first human bid farewell, closing the door.

Sonic brought the packages in, and put them on a counter by the stove. "They were friendly, and they brought care packs." He informed Tails, starting to unpack. He placed the firewood by the fire, and the food and drink near the fridge.

"Good. Very good." Tails snorted up snot.

As Sonic continued to care for Tails, their love got even stronger. As the rangers said, the following day, the snow did stop. But Tails was still too sick to go anywhere.

"Hey, Tails..." Sonic gave a fake raspy voice.

"Yeah?" Tails answered in a just as raspy voice.

"I think I'm sick again..." Sonic gave a fake sneeze.

"Aw man, we're *sneeze* gonna be here forever." Tails moaned.

"I'm sick..." Sonic moved closer to Tails and cuddled him. " love." he finished his statement with a laugh, and his voice returning to normal.

"Oh, Sonic..." Tails groaned but gave a cuddle in return.

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