By NurulDnySham

62.1K 3.3K 272

This is the short stories of Shivika... On this book had 4 types of Short stories that I write on Shivika... More

PART 2 - ANIKA.......
[New] - Part 1 [Shivaay Throw Anika out the House]
[New] - Part 2 [Shivaay Engagement Day!]
[New] - Part 3 [Anika Stop OmRu!]
[New] - Part 4 [The Truth Is Out!]
[New] - Part 5 [Final Goodbye!] LAST PART
πŸ’˜ [YOU ARE MY JAAN - PART 1] πŸ’˜
πŸ’˜ [YOU ARE MY JAAN - PART 2] πŸ’˜


3.3K 198 2
By NurulDnySham

At Hospital...
[Shivaay walk inside Anika room and he hold her hand... And he kiss her hand repeatedly...]
Shivaay - Anika please wake up jaan... I'm here... I wanna say sorry for everything that I did to you Anika... Please open your eyes listen Ansh also wanna see you hold him... Anika I'm sorry for everything that I did to you... I throw you out from the house... And I listen to mom words on you... I was so angry and upset on you... Anika... You are my everything... My responsibility, my happiness and my lifes... Anika...
[Anika awake she moves her hand while Shivaay holding her hand...]
Anika - Shivaay...
Shivaay - Anika...
Anika - Where my Ansh...
Shivaay - He is here...
[Shivaay hold Ansh and gives to Anika... Anika smile and caressing his face and the baby smile... She kiss his cheeks... His forehead... And his tiny little hand...]
Anika - My baby... Hmmm...
[Anika face were pale... And he hand is cold... Then Ansh cry...]
Anika - I can't give you milk baby... I don't want you to had a blood cancer like mummy I'm sorry sweetheart...
Shivaay - Just a bit Anika...
Anika - No Shivaay Adi had also warn me about this... And I can't risk his lifes... He still small and a baby... Shivaay... Pinki promise me that you had take care of Ansh when I'm not here with you all... Please... Protect him... If you can't do it give the baby to Adi and Ayira... I had made a promise to them...
Shivaay - Anika our baby need us not just me...
Anika - I can't be with you Shivaay this sickness had no cure...
Shivaay - It's had a cure and I will help you to cure your cancer...
Anika - Shivaay... You getting married right with that Nagini...
Shivaay - You mean Nagini?
Anika - Yes... I cannot give Ansh to you... I don't want her to hurt him...
Shivaay - Anika I'm not getting married with anyone... And our marriage still valid... I didn't divorce you... And I know the truth... Everything that you did... Behind it... It's was mom right that force you to do like that to me and Omru?
Anika - Hmmm... Shivaay your mom will never accept me please... Fulfill your mom request... I don't want to hurt a mother feeling because now I also a mom to Ansh...
Shivaay - Anika don't ever talk about her anymore please... She is not my mother Anika... A mother will never done like that to her own son... She should be happy when my happiness is being with you...
[Anika getting sleepy and tired...]
Anika - Hmmm... I'm so tired now... I...
Shivaay - Anika... Look Ansh also want you to fight this cancer okay look you had to do it.. Anika... I love you jaan...
Anika - Please take care of Ansh... He needs you Shivaay... He needs his father loves... I'm tired now Shivaay... I want to sleep...
Shivaay - He also needs your love too Anika... Okay you wants to rest then sleep. i will be here...
[Shivaay takes Ansh and he asked Khanna to find some milk for newborn baby...]
Khanna - Yes sir...
Shivaay - I won't leave you Anika... I will be with you here...
[Then Shivaay walks near Anika and hold his hand slowly he also fall in a deep slumber too...]
[A woman enter the room with her goons... The goons takes the baby on his crib... And then he also took Anika away from there using a stretcher... She inject her with sleeping liquid...]
Woman - Finally I success brought you out! Anika... Now your both lives is on my hand...
[Yes the woman is Ragini... Then she drove at the warehouse area... At night Anika awake also Shivaay at the hospital... Shivaay shock and he sees Anika is not in the bed same with Ansh... And Omru also shock they all start searching for her at the whole entire hospital...]

[Anika awake and her legs had been tight by iron chain... And Anika cannot moved... And then she sees Ansh she moved towards him... And then she stop in the middle...]
Anika - Hmmm... Aaah! Ansh... Baby... My baby...
[Ansh were crying and Anika panic...]
Anika - Baby you must be hungry... What I'm supposed to do if I give you...
[Then she tries to grab his clothes and she pull him towards her...]
Anika - Hussh... Mummy here baby... I'm sorry...
[Then she feeds Ansh her breast milk... Then Ansh fall asleep in Anika embrace... And a goons come separate them...]
Anika - No! Why did you bring me here! Aaah...
Ansh - Uweek!
[Ragini coming towards her from the dark shadow and she pointing her pistol towards her head...]
Anika - Ragini?
Ragini - Hey trash girl Anika!
Anika - Give my baby back to me... Ansh! No!
Ragini - Today you will die on my hand trash girl... But first you will see how I make your son cry and you will bag for his life to me...
Anika - No please don't Ragini...
[Then Ragini takes the knife 🔪 and she wants to gives scratched on Ansh body... Before the knofe land on Ansh body Anika come infront of it and the knife scratches her body on the back...]
Anika - Aaaah! Shiv.. Shivaaaayy!!!
[Shivaay feels pain in his heart...]
Shivaay - Anika... Khanna! Khanna! Trace Anika phone now!
Khanna - Okay sir...
Shivaay - Don't leave me Anika... I will trybto find you on time...
Anika mind - Humari kahani kabhi puri nahi hogi Shivaay iss janaam se... I'm sorry Shivaay...
Khanna - Sir Anika maam at Old warehouse area...
Shivaay - Thanks Khanna... Call the police to be here!
Khanna - Okay sir!

At Warehouse...
Ragini - You know that you the person that always disturb me and Shivaay relationship... Shivaay had divorced you but still he can't forget you! He cannot throw you out from his memory! Why? That's is one of the reason that you had to die and don't worry... I won't make this baby to bw apart from hia father bit one thing that I cannot let him be near with his father and family too... So he will be my servants at OM... You know after you death Shivaay will marry me... So I will be maam in the house... Ragini Shivaay Singh Oberoi! So now goodbye Anika!
[She takes the rod and hit it on her head hard...]
Anika - Hmmm Aaaahhh!!!
[Anika head bleeding badly and her breath become shallow, she looks at the baby beside her and she takes her few last breath...]
Anika - Mummy... Love you Ansh...
[Ansh crying badly and non stop...]
Anika - I'm sorry baby... Mummy Champion... 😭😭 Mummy loves you Ansh...
[Then the door open and Shivaay saw Anika in a pool of blood... And her breathing is shallow and a few last breath she takes...]
Shivaay - Anikaaaa!!!
Ragini - Shivaay...
Shivaay - How dare you touch her! I will kill you Ragini!
[Shivaay slap her hard and she fall down blood oozing out from her lips...]
Ragini - Aaah!
Shivaay - Anika... Come on baby... You cannot leave us Anika... Anika!!!
[His bad dream got disturb when Omru shake him and Anika hold Shivaay hands.. Shivaay awake with a jerks... And he saw Anika infront of him and the baby that she hold in her arms...]
Shivaay - Anika are you okay?
Anika - I'm fine Shivaay... What had happened?
Shivaay - Ragini... She tried to kill you and our baby...
Anika - Hussh Shivaay... Ansh is her with us... Please calm your mind...
[Then Pinky comes inside the room...]
Pinky - Anika... I want to apologize for everything that I did to you...
Anika - Pinky maam... Aap ek maa hai aur main samjhi ki ek maa kaise feel karti hoon... Main bhi ek maa hoon... (Pinky maam... You are a mother and I can understand your feelings... I also a mother now...) The truth is I not a gold digger or money minded and I'm not a characterless girl like you said to me... You misunderstood me and you don't even know about me Pinky maam...
Pinky - I'm sorry for now on I will not be your mother in law because I fail on that part but I will try to be a good mother for you... I know that this baby is Shivaay son and I had done a big mistake on this... I will make everything right... I'm sorry Shivaay...
Shivaay - Mrs. Oberoi for now please don't need to apologize just give me time to forget everything that you did...
Pinky - Okay... I understand it Shivaay and I will wait... Welcome to the family Anika...
Anika - But not for a long time Pinky maa... I had a blood cancer... Please I beg both of you please take good care of Ansh... And Shivaay please forgive me..
[Then her nose bleeding... And she feels dizzy... Adi comes inside to check her but she then fainted at her bed...]
Shivaay - Anika...
Adi - We need to do chemotherapy for her Shivaay... But one things that you should you that she will always sleep like this until she cure...
Omkara - Anika bhabhi will always faint...  I mean sleeping...
Adi - Yes if not her nose will bleeding and she will get stress and tension disturbing her mind so this is the oy way... And Shivaay this is Anika letter for Shivaansh...
Shivaay - Okay...

Leap 3 years later...
Will Anika be cure?
How Ansh life will be?
Will Ragini get arrested?
Stay tune for last part...

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