The Pastor's Daughter [BLACKP...

By ChaengsCheeks

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You've recently decided to explore a new church that your best friend, Lisa, has invited you to. After a litt... More

PROLOGUE: New You, New Adventure
CHAPTER 1: Roseanne
CHAPTER 2: Cliché Encounters
CHAPTER 3: A Late Night Visit
CHAPTER 4: Full Speed Ahead?
CHAPTER 5: Our Past
CHAPTER 6: You Can't Deny It
CHAPTER 7: God's Tests of Fate
CHAPTER 8: Timing
CHAPTER 9: A Memorable Dinner
CHAPTER 10: She's Not So Joyful
CHAPTER 11: Too Soon? Not At All.
CHAPTER 12: [M] Farewell For Now
CHAPTER 13: [M] Surprise!
CHAPTER 15: Back Home
CHAPTER 16: [M] Hotel Y/N
CHAPTER 17: Parental Visit
CHAPTER 18: Old Habits

CHAPTER 14: May 14th

2.7K 76 9
By ChaengsCheeks

May 14th: Yellow Day / Rose Day
In Korea, on Yellow Day, couples dress in yellow and give each other roses.

It's currently May 13; Chaeyoung's second full day back in South Korea. Yesterday, after having your second round of breakfast with Christian, the two of you spent most of your time walking around and relaxing, deciding to go to Lotte World later in the day to see everything light up at night. All the food stalls were raided, a reasonably sized soft toy was won, rides were enjoyed, kisses were shared, hands were held, loving gazes were caught. It was a wonderful evening and you couldn't have thought of a better person to spend it with and to spoil.

You're currently strolling with her through the streets of Seodaemun-gu, searching for the cafe Chaeyoung's friend wanted to meet you both at. "What's it called again, Sunshine?"

Browsing through her chat history, she keeps a keen eye out for the name. "Umm... Mad Cafe. It should be around here somewhere," tucking her phone away into her bag, she looks around at your surroundings. A number of couples in matching outfits, laughing and smiling, talking about where they want to go for lunch. A few places have potted flowers and plants out front, blooming radiantly in Seoul's spring season. She continues to glance around in circles, making you chuckle at her softly, until she sees it. "Oh! There it is!" Grabbing onto your hand, she hastily pulls you toward the cafe. Upon coming closer to the cafe, she sees her friend through the window, sitting with her back toward the wall, sipping on what she assumes is an iced americano. She jumps up and lets go of your hand to clap out of excitement. She runs inside and you can see through the window how happy they are to see each other again. You continue your walk into the cafe and approach the two hugging ladies in your presence.

The friend's attention falls on you, causing her to pull away from Chaeyoung. She beams at you, smile just as wide as when she saw Chaeyoung enter. "You must be Y/N! I've heard so much about you." She quickly pulls you into a hug as well before sitting down with Chaeyoung in front of her. Pulling out the seat beside Chaeyoung, you take your coat off and rest it on the back of your seat.

"It's nice to meet you too."

"Oh, right, before I forget. 자기 (Babe), this is my friend Jihyo. We actually became friends online a few years ago. She came to visit Sydney last year and we met up." Your lunch continues on with the two of them catching up and you and Jihyo getting to know one another. Despite only spending a few days together in person, they're really close; and you love that. The closer the two of you become, the more she's open to embarrassing Chaeyoung in front of you. Like that one time she got spammed by Chaeyoung about this really cute girl that frequently visits the cafe that she works at. You didn't realise you had left such an initial impression that you decide to add to the teasing, resulting in Chaeyoung smacking you gently on the arm that is closest to her.

"Teasing aside, I don't think I've ever told you about my first impression of you." Chaeyoung's eyes quickly look over to you, Jihyo's glowing in wonder. "Unless... Lisa told you already?"

Chaeyoung offers you a cute, coy smile. "She might have... But tell me your side."

"Well..." You begin, but Chaeyoung's hand immediately reaches out to yours and you begin to blush at the contact. Both Chaeyoung and Jihyo giggle at your sudden shyness. "You looked pretty grumpy, to be honest. I was kind of worried about approaching you at the counter to order that night," Chaeyoung takes a sip from her drink, remembering back to that Saturday night. It was when a friend of Joy's had come into the cafe to get a drink to takeaway before you and the girls came in. "I felt bad for you. Having to work and put on a happy face for customers must be tiring on top of whatever you had going on."

"Please tell me there's more to your first impression, Y/N. I'm on edge, here."

You make direct eye contact with Jihyo before sharing a laugh with her, telling her that there's obviously more. "As bad as I felt for you that night, you gave off a mysterious vibe to me. Oh and also, I thought you were the most beautiful person I had ever laid eyes on. And that's when you were tired. When I saw you the next day at church, I could have sworn my heart was going to thump so hard that it'd break out of my rib cage. I was pretty evidently sad and distracted after the service cause I was hoping to talk to you but you had already left."

Jihyo stares intensively at you as you share your first impression of Chaeyoung. The smile on Chaeyoung's face grows little by little with each word that comes out of your mouth. She gives your hand a squeeze as she rubs the pad of her thumb against the back of your hand. Awes leave Jihyo as she looks over at Chaeyoung to see her giving you a big look of adoration.

"You know, Y/N, when I was in Sydney I got to meet Sooyoung. She seemed nice. Chae, you seemed pretty happy," you both turn your attention to her completely, ears burning to hear what she has to say, curiosity seeping out through your pores. "I can say now that as in love as Chae thought she was with Sooyoung back then, it is nothing compared to this and I've only known you personally for about three hours. I'm so happy for you both; you especially, Chae." Chaeyoung cuddles into your side and squashes her cheek up against your shoulder. You beam brightly at your new friend before you need to part ways. 

Your phone vibrates ruthlessly in your pocket - to the point that you can no longer ignore it so you excuse yourself from the table to go outside. Being Korean and having a number of friends living in Korea, she is completely aware of all the days of celebration here. Seeing as tomorrow is a day that is celebrated by couples, she couldn't help but ask for her friends' help to plan a romantic surprise for you. Christian will keep you occupied for the morning tomorrow while Jihyo will help her set some things up for a lunch date inside your hotel room before you have to get ready to go to the airport.


"What do you mean?"

"Yeah, I need your help with this edit. Can you help me out for a bit? It'll only take about an hour or so, promise." You're on the phone with Christian after having a quick breakfast with Chaeyoung. You'd planned to stay in and rest since you leg was hurting a little bit and go out again if it went away, but it looks like those plans may get a little interrupted. With Chaeyoung reassuring you that it's okay, you become hesitant to leave her in the hotel room on her own when you were meant to be spending time together. 

"Baby, it's okay, I promise. Go do your thing, he needs your expertise." You huff out a sigh and give her a hug. She giggles as you trudge to the door when he lets you know he's downstairs. You give her a sweet yet chaste kiss and let her know you'll be back as soon as you can. You turn back around to see her watch you leave down the hallway. She smiles cutely at you and something snaps in your mind, causing you to run back to her just to give her another kiss; a deeper kiss this time. Chaeyoung holds onto your forearms as your hands rest on the back of her neck, the kiss knocking the breath out of her lungs. You pull away, bring your hand up to her cheek to cup it and pinch it, making her giggle once again. 

"I love you, Roseanne."

"I love you too, Y/N." Another kiss is shared until she starts to push you away in the direction of the elevator. "We'll have plenty of time to make out later. You have something to tend to right now." You pout at her and get onto the elevator, the two of you disappearing from each other's line of sight. Waiting for Christian's green light, she calls Jihyo to let her know everything is ready to go for set up.


"Chaeng, she's going to love this. It's beautiful, I almost want to be the one dating you instead to have this." They share a laugh, looking around the hotel suite before them, hard work paying off.

"You should see the things she's done for me. I have a lot to live up to." Jihyo wraps an arm around her friend's shoulder in a side-hug, aw-ing once more at her relationship with you. "Thank you again for helping me get stuff together. I don't know the best places to go to for this stuff." The table is decorated with some yellow rose petals and candles. Knowing that you love her kimchi fried rice, she decided to make that with orders of Korean fried chicken and tteokbokki on the side. Chaeyoung is dressed in a beautiful yellow sundress and had a single red rose sitting in a thin glass vase in the centre of the table. She borrowed Jihyo's speaker to play some music in the background, and the sunscreen blinds allowing a soft natural light to peer in through the window. It was simple, it wasn't over the top, but it looked beautiful. Christian messages Chaeyoung to let her know you'll be back up in about ten minutes. Both she and Jihyo scramble around for a moment, tidying up any mess they may have made in the progress of setting some things up. She quickly takes the rubbish bag and dashes down to the lobby and out to the parking lot to her car. She'll be seeing you both later, anyway. 

"That's what you needed help with, Chris? Seriously?" You laugh as the car pulls up to the drop off bay outside the hotel.

"What can I say, I guess I had a bit of a blank moment this morning. Thanks for coming out to help, though. I'll see you in Vietnam, yeah?"

"Yeah, I'll see you there." You get out of his car and give him your signature salute before you begin to walk into the hotel.

"Oh! Before I forget!" You jerk slightly at Christian's sudden outburst and turn to face him. "Have a good afternoon." You cock your eyebrow up at him. Random, you thought. Returning the gesture, he drives off and you go up to your room. Rubbing your shoulder on the way up, you can feel the tense muscle tightening.

Ruffling your hair a little, you pull out your key card and unlock your hotel suite door. Immediately, you can smell the sweet, addicting aromas of kimchi fried rice and chicken. Your eyes immediately gravitate towards the table in the middle of the room, candles lit, rose petals placed delicately around two plates and bowls of food, but no sign of your girlfriend. You put your bag down beside the couch and walk to the table, smiling to yourself. Suddenly, you feel delicate arms wrap around your waist and a chin rest on your shoulder, a pair of lips pressing kisses to the nook of your neck. Your body eases into her touch, your smile widening as she tightens her grip around you. "Guess what today is?"

The coils in your mind work hard. Is there a special date you forgot about? Some kind of anniversary? A birthday? "Umm..."

She removes herself from you and chuckles. "In Korea, it's Rose Day."

"Don't you mean... Rosé Day?" She gently hits your chest as you chuckle with her.

"You dork. It's a day where couples dress in yellow and..." She holds your hand and pulls you over to the seat at the table. "Give each other roses." She reaches over to the single blood-red rose in the vase and gives it to you. 

"You're adorable, you know that?" With the rose in hand, you take a nice, long whiff of it before putting it back in the vase. You take another look at your girlfriend, basking in the image of her in a beautiful yellow sundress that fell off her shoulders just beautifully. "You... You're beautiful. And I am so lucky." You wrap your arms around Chaeyoung's neck and pull her closer to you, your lips ghosting hers, noses rubbing against one another before you close the gap properly and begin to kiss her like there's no tomorrow. This is the first time Chaeyoung had really planned a little surprise for you; an adorable little romantic gesture that you're sure you won't forget about anytime soon. Your kiss begins gentle, communicating innocent love and affection. You can feel her smile against yours as she loses her hands in your hair, giggling aloud when you bite and pull at her bottom lip before detaching yourself completely. "Let's eat?"

"Let's eat."


"MMM! Even in Korea, your kimchi fried rice never ceases to amaze me," You take another bite and swallow before reaching over and planting a kiss on her cheek. She smiles at you as she watches you enjoy the food laid out on the table. You have just finished eating and you notice Chaeyoung has just been sitting there for a little while, staring at the piece of chicken on her plate, pushing it around a little. "Hey, Sunshine," Her attention turns to you, her face still projecting some kind of thought process. "What's going on in that gorgeous mind of yours, hm?"

Chaeyoung shuffles in her seat a little bit. She looks around the room, anywhere but into your eyes. That is until your hands grab hold of the both of hers and you turn your body to face her completely, shuffling your seat so that you're physically closer to her. "Chaeng, please look at me." She does as you request. She stares at you for a little while, you return her stares with a warm, love-filled smile of your own; the kind of smile that reaches your eyes. Seeing that on your face coerces a smile of her own to rest on her face as her heart feels full. 

"Wait here." She squeezes your hands and gets up, running into your shared room. You watch her figure disappear, her dress flowing behind her, trailing a little on the floor in the process. You can hear her shuffling around, zippers unzipping, what you assume is the sound of something falling onto the floor, producing a small thud noise. You see her rush back to you holding something behind her back. You have a puzzled look on your face as she sits back down in front of you, a soft smile refusing to leave her face. 

You chuckle at your adorable girl, not knowing what to expect from this interaction. "What's gotten into you, Chaeng?"

She slowly brings a little velvet box around and holds it up between the two of you. You eye the box suspiciously before it widens and your mouth falls a little. "Wait, before you freak out, I'm not asking you to marry me." She pauses, staring into your soul. "Yet." She chuckles lightheartedly. "However, what I am asking, is..." She opens up the box and inside you can see a little gold ring with a flower on it; the one that she would always wear. "If you would promise me that we will get to that stage someday."

"Isn't- Isn't that your favourite ring?" She nods and takes the ring out of the box. Looking into your eyes, she searches for your answer. You offer her a smile and a nod. "How could I possibly say no to you? Of course, I promise you that." She slides the ring onto your ring finger and lets out a breath she didn't realise she started to hold in. As soon as the ring settles on your finger, she holds your hand and kisses it, intertwining her fingers with your own. "I love you and I will never stop."

"I promise I'll always love you, Roseanne Park."


Okay, so I know that it's nowhere near May - but I had found out about this day that they celebrate in Korea and couldn't not write some fluffy shit for Y/N and our main bby girl Chae. (It's a legit day, I promise)

In the meantime, I started writing another story (that, honestly, I probably shouldn't have yet, because I haven't really thought the plot through and am stuck. Check out "The Wanted Key" for a Jennie x FemReader if you're feeling like reading some awkward supernatural (sorta) writing. With mentions of ChaeLisa, of course. Let me know what y'all think! (please, I need sooo much inspo for that I'm so stuck hahaha)

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