Burn (Book 2 of The Fire Tril...

By Emrald2222

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Written By: Emrald2222 The Fire Trilogy: Book 2 "Pages so flammable they'll set the house on Fire." -Tasha... More

Chapter 1: Please, just hit me in the face with a brick.
Chapter 2: Every other millennia, there is a new female werewolf. I am her.
Chapter 3: A vampire killer for hire
Chapter 4: What the hell is wrong with me?
Chapter 5: WereCat
Chapter 6: This was going to be one hell of an explanation.
Chapter 7: "You screamed bloody murder because of a TV show?"
Chapter 8: My Queen
Chapter 9: 'Ratchet ass cunt-punting mother fucker'
Chapter 10: 'Boohoo, hero. Your getting saved by the damsel in distress'
Chapter 11: Did I step through a time machine and get sent back to the 1600s?
Just Avoid This
Chapter 14: 'Ms. Drama Queen of the 21st century'
Chapter 15: I did that for NOTHING!?
Chapter 16: Urban Survival Rule: Never annoy an armed man
Chapter 17: The big bad wolf got shot with a sliver bullet.
BONUS CHAPTER! (Aubrey's Letter to her Mom)
Chapter 20: I am an Alpha.

Chapter 18: I. Hate. Pep-Rallys.

210 21 9
By Emrald2222

Unedited-feel free to point out my mistakes.

Chapter 18: I. Hate. Pep-Rallys.

*Aubrey POV*

When I woke up I was back home.

I shuffled around, hugged the hell out of Maya, and kissed Karen on the cheek.

I missed them.

The Group was grounded because it turns out they were never actually allowed to leave and come after me in the first place.

But they did, for me.

After breakfast I went back to my room and took out a piece of paper and started writing something that I should of written a long time ago.

I then took a very deep breath as I wrote the first two words.

Dear Mom

I sat there and I wrote the letter. Pouring my heart and soul on this tiny rectangular piece of paper.

Tears dripped from my eyes showing emotions that I his so deep within me, afraid to let anyone actually see.

When I finished my letter I placed it in an envelope and sat the envelope on the desk.

I would have to go to the post office tomorrow and discretely have them send it all the way to New York, so they wouldn't be able to trace it back to me.

I wiped the few remaining tears from me face, and inhaled deeply when my door crashed open and intake of air from the door way made me look over.

"SISSSSSSSSSSSSY!" Maya screamed launching and latching her small body onto mine, "I'm SO HAPPY YOU ARE BACK!"

I gave her a tight embrace as she wrapped her arms around my head and said, "I'm happy to be back," I told her smoothing her unruly hair down.

I tried letting go of her then but her hands were still wrapped around my neck.

"You know," I said, "you already hugged me."

She gave me the saddest face that I had ever seen and she said, "You don't like my hugs?"

Her bottom lip quivered and it was the cutest damn thing I had ever seen in mu life and I spluttered, "No, no. I love them I-"

"Good," she said cutting me off and smiling triumphantly.

I smiled at her and rolled my eyes.

"There's a she-wolf in the closet, open up and set it free owwww-ooo."

Maya gave me a face as I dug my phone out of my pocket.

I looked at the Caller ID.


Oh great.

I answered it and cautiously said, "Hello?"

"Aubrey," a voice croaked over then line, "It's Courtney. I need you help Those guys- those vampires we saw out in the woods that one time are here along with some lady. They are calling out for 'Kitty' and I'm 87 percent sure that's me."

Why 87 percent? Why not 85 percent or 90? Why 87-


Oh shit.

"Courtney don't move," I said running to my car dropping my then dropping my phone on the counter I said, "Do. Not. Move."


*Courntey POV*

Here I was nonchalantly sitting at my desk doing my homework so I can stay in volleyball and not have Coach Richards shove her study habits and group study session ideas down my throat when, "Hear Kitty Kitty."

My first reaction was: What the fuck?

And I do not say that word often or I would have dared my Mother to slap me in the face.


What the fuck?

Then I remembered where I heard that before.

And all I could think was: Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Shit. Shit. Shit. Hide. Hide. HIDE!

And so what did I do? I hopped inside the closet like the bonehead I am.

Seriously? How cliche...Thank God Mom isn't home, was really all I could think at the moment.

That would end VERY badly.

She would take her gun and shoot them.

Only to have very pissed vampires with off the chart testosterone levels.

In other words, bad. Very bad.

I called Aubrey and she told me not to move.

So what am I doing?

Sitting in my closet afraid to sneeze thinking a vampire will jump me.

That is when the creaky door to my room opened.

Of course it did.

They couldn't just skip this one room, and not to mention the fact that I just realized the perfume on my clothes is way to strong to be healthy.

It's a wonder I don't get high off this stuff.

Of all the perfume I had to pick the strongest one in the store to douse my clothing in.

"Where is she," the one guy -oh what was his name?- asked.

"Be patient, John," the other one- Oh what was his na- HENRY IT IS HENRY- Henry told John.

"Well if you two would shut up once in a while, maybe we would know where she is," a younger lady, with a voice I didn't recognize, said.


I have to sneeze.


Oh God.... I have to-


I plugged my nose and covered my sneeze making me jump up and pee my pants a little in the process.

It sounded like a gunshot firing at a bull running through a China shop.

I shook my head and waited for someone to open the door, taking it with my thumb up my ass like it seemed I always did.

But nothing happened.......

No noises of alert came from outside the closet door.

No talking, no movement.

No people.

They were gone.

"Phew," I whispered then letting out a breath I didn't know I was even holding in.

"GOTCHYA!" John screamed, while swinging my door open so fast it nearly fell off its hinges.

Are You Fucking Kidding Me?

He pulled me out of the closet by my hair nearly scalping me in the process. I let out a shriek from the pain.

He then let me fall to the floor in a heap and turned to the younger woman saying, "This is the WereCat."

I saw the lady bite her lip in concentration and she then asked, "Your'e sure this will get Aubrey to come here? I am not messing around John. This is millions of dollars and large enemies we are talking about."

Henry nodded insistently, "When we were with Aubrey pretending to help her she introduced her as a friend."

I snorted and muttered, "Wouldn't exactly call us friends."

The White brothers scowled in my direction while the woman looked at me like I was a stain on her favourite white shirt.

The lady then smiled coldly at me and said, "Perfect take her with us," she then turned her attention to John and Henry and smiled at them before exiting the room.

John then gave me a cold smile and proceeded to walk toward me and pick me up from my spot and successfully pinned me to the wall.

A tear escaped my eye as he extended his fangs.

Please, no. Please don't kill me.

I couldn't say the words though.

He then entangled his fingers in my hair roughly and jerked my head to the side.


I'm to young to die.

Another tear escaped my eye as I knew I couldn't fight him. I would just lose/

He then jerked my head forward before slamming it hard into the wall.

Making me sink to the ground in dizziness.

And then.



*Aubrey POV*

As I made it to Courtney's house in record timing I remembered some very crucial things.

I came unprepared and no one had any idea where I was.

Congratulations Aubrey! You just signed your OWN death certificate! -Sincerely, the part of your brain that has common sense that you fail to listen to.Wait a second.. I could just call-

Wait, shit, I left my hone at home.

Well there goes that idea.


Good Plan!

I then inhaled deeply and started focusing more around me.

There was no noise coming from anywhere. Which anyone who ever watched any horror movie can tell you that that is NEVER a good thing.

So no noise means one of three things.

They're either A) waiting quietly to jump me B) gone or C) waiting with Courtney as a living insurance that I won't do something.

More likely the latter then the former.

L:et's just hope I don't get Courtney killed in the process.

She has no idea of the shit that she is in, and honestly her obliviousness is way better for her in the long run.

What she doesn't know can't hurt her.

Just get out of the car and stop stalling, you staller.


I took a deep breath and opened the car door when the smell hit me.



No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.

I ran as fast as I could to the front door before opening as quickly as I could.

There, sprawled on the ground, was Courtney Hale.

Please don't let her be dead. Please don't let her be dead. Please don't let her be dead.

I ran to her side and checked for her pulse.

......................................Boom................................. Boom..........................................Boom...............................

Thank you, God.

It was there just very faint and very weak.

The front door that I left open then slammed shut.

Showing John White behind it.

And the bitch Fate is going to start to piss me off, approximately..... Now.

I bared my teeth at John and asked in annoyance, "Why can't you burst into flames when you come in contact with sunlight?"

He grinned and said, "Oh you mortals and your little folk tales and myths," he sat down in one of the chairs and crossed his ankles, I prepared myself for the speech I'm sure he was going to give, "Personally, I wonder how the hell they came up with the one about the 'no indoors unless invited in' policy. Like, what would I do if someone had invite me in? I'll tell you life would be tragic!"

I narrowed my eyes at him, "I'm sure it would be."

He grinned with satisfaction and Henry came out of thin air and said, "If you are done brother, we are here for one reason," he looked at me and his lips pulled up into a half-smile, " you."

Oh fabulous.

"Enough," a feminine voice came from behind me. She looked over my way and glared daggers at me, "I have been looking for you, my dear."

I rolled my eyes, "Spare me the theatrics."

Then Courtney gasped up from air from below me.

She looked at me and then at Lillian, and the white brothers.

Then back at me.

"What the hell," she asked struggling to stand up.

"Hello darling, I'm Lillian, I'm with the FBI. Aubrey here has committed a foul crime and I am taking her in."

Courtney's face dead panned.

Se then bared her teeth to Lillian and said, "I'm sure you also let vampires throw teenage girls into the wall. really,lady? Your acting is shit and I suggest you get the HELL out if my house before I kick you out the door in pieces."

I think I could find myself being friends with Courtney.

Lillian dropped the act and went all apeshit on us, "FINE! YOU WANT TO BE THAT WAY, GO AHEAD! YOU CAN BE A SNACK FOR THE TWO!' She gestured toward the White brothers while laughing and twitching her eye, "FOR ALL I CARE, BUT YOU," she ten swing her hand so it was pointed in my direction, "YOU ARE COMING WITH ME! I KNOW THE ALPHAS WANTED YOU SIX MONTHS AGO AND THEY DAMN SURE WANT YOU NOW!"

I felt arms come up behind me and hold onto me as Lillian took a syringe from her pocket.

She brought it down letting it hover over my arm for a second.

"Stop. NO. Don't! STOP! I screamed trying to wriggle out of the vampires grasp.

Then something inside me clicked.

I am not going back. I did not come this far to be put right back at square one.


I looked right at Lillian's eyes. I was quiet now. I wasn't even struggling.

Then I said it again but this time with a demanding quality in my voice that I didn't even know was possible.


It was so cold and deadly that goosebumps rose on my arms at the sound of it.

Lillian stopped moving.

"No," she gasped, "not it is not possible."

I stood up and the arms that had me pinned down minutes ago did not make a move to stop me.

"No," she said again, "Your an Alpha."

I looked Lillian right in the eye and picked the gun out of her belt holster.

She didn't move. She didn't say a word.

She just stood there.

I narrowed my eyes at her and put the barrel of the gun to her head.

Then I whispered loud enough for only her to hear, "Time to join your friends in hell."

The I pulled the trigger.

John and Henry gasped but they did not move.

I took a chair from Courtney's dining room and smashed it against the floor picking up a wooden stake to kill them with.

I looked at both of them and told them in a demanding voice, "Do not move."

They didn't move. They couldn't move even if they wanted to.

They were paralyzed by my voice.

I came up to them I didn't want to look them in the eye, but I figured if I am taking their life then I could kill them while letting them see my hatred for them in my eyes.

I pulled the stake up, and while looking John's eyes. I stabbed Henry in the heart.

John screamed. It was the most human reaction I have heard from him. He felt the pain of losing his brother.

I turned to look at Henry's eyes and watched them grow cold and glassy.

I watched the life drain out of him.

Then he was cold and dead.

I looked to his brother who was fuelling with rage.

"You are going to pay for this," he said, "you will pay for this."

"Tell Satan your problems, " I told him my voice dead of emotion, "he won't care either."

I stabbed him and he let out a gasp as the stake connected with his heart.

He fell to the ground and extended his fangs biting me in the arm.

I pushed the stake in deeper and he released from my arm slowly closing his eyes.

I stood up once I had killed both of them. The guilt that I didn't want to feel was sinking in.

My legs gave out from under me and I fell to the floor, rocking myself, and crying.

"Aubrey," Courtney said softly, "are you okay?"

"DAMN IT," I screamed, making her flinch, "I feel guilty and I don't want to feel guilty! I don't want to feel weak! They deserved this and I am still the one who feels the guilt! I am!"

"Aubrey," Courtney said strongly. I looked up at her because of the strong tone in her voice she shook her head and said, "Your'e not weak, Aubrey. Your the strongest person I know. What you are though, is human. You feel guilt whether you want to or not."

I nodded softly and stood up wiping the tears from under my eyes.

The door then almost fell off its hinges as The Group came in Alex following behind them.

I looked at them and said, "You really do have rather lousy timing."

They smiled softly aware that I had been crying moments before.

Tina smiled softly, "It's fine Aubrey. We will clean this up. You go home. Alex will drive you.

I was about to protest I didn't want them to think I was weak and the look in Tina's eyes though clearly said she though I was the bravest person ever.

So I followed her orders and walked confidently out the door with Alex right behind me.

Alex drove me home in silence. It may have been silent but with the mood I was in it was as peaceful as could be.

When we pulled in the driveway Karen ran out of the house and hugged me in her arms, "Don't you ever do that again. You hear me? Don't EVER do that to me again."

I hugged her and she put her hand over my shoulder and walked me inside.

"While you were gone though I came up with the best punishment for leaving this house without telling anyone," she said smiling mercilessly.

Oh God no.

She smiled, "You are going to school, and since it's about 8 p.m. I want you to eat supper, get in the shower, and you will be going to bed the same time Maya does. This is not up for debate Now get going you got an hour."

I smiled.

It is good to be home.

I took my shower in record timing that night and managed to scoff food down before having to go to bed at 9 p.m.

I then lied down in my bed and closed my eyes.

Sleep came then and took me away.


The next morning I woke up on my own at 6:28 a.m.

I go through my normal morning procedures of getting dressed, eating breakfast with Karen, and doing hair and make-up. I then got into Tina's car at 7:30 (I have my own car but Karen insists on saving gas and then enviorment by carpooling and blah blah blah) and Nina, Lea, and Tina got in seconds after me.

"So Aubrey, since you haven't been at school lately-" Nina started.

I cut her off by saying, "Not exactly voluntarily-"

She cut me off my by saying, "So you don't know we have a pep rally," he smirk was evident that she knew this would piss me off.

I. Hate. Pep-Rallys.

I let my head drop and let a groan out while she laughed and started the car.


Of course you school being school, the minute I walked in the gym for the pep-rally 337 pairs of eyes landed on me.


The whispering was already starting.

"She was in rehab, I heard."

"I heard the police arrested her for hitting a guy in the face."

"I heard she ran away."

"I heard she had a boyfriend in the next county."

I particularly snorted at the last one.

I wasn't even prepared for the next one I heard.

"I heard she got an abortion after sleeping with a stranger at a club."

That one made me laugh out loud. Making people give me curious looks.

I found a seat next to The Group, and told them about what rumor mill was saying about me.

They laughed so hard they were almost crying.

I let my head fall back against Kelsey's legs who were behind me and she started playing with my hair.

The Cheerleaders then started flipping their shit by cheering, "BE AGGRESSIVE!! BE BE AGGRESSIVE!"

I took my eyes off the cheerleaders then as a bad feeling sunk into the pit of my stomach.

Something is not right here.

Something is wrong.

I then raised my head up and looked around the room.


The feeling got worse as I looked around.

Something was definitely wrong.


"Guys," I said to The Group still glancing around the room.

Then a blurry white movement caught my attention on the far side of the gym.

I followed the movement with my eyes and saw what it was.

Or who it was..

I gasped as I saw the person with the white movement stop.

It was a person.

Or well a vampire.

It was Joseph White.

I looked him in the eye and he returned my gaze.

The fury in his eyes had nothing on mine.

He then smiled coldly.

Then the chaos erupted.




And on the A/N the answer was it was Aubrey's birthday! I really don't mention it nor is she turning another age in the book but I have said it previosuly a looooooooong time ago!

Thank you for reading my dearest cupcakes, and don't forget to vote, comment, message, follow blah! You know the drill!

Love you and thanks for reading!

^u^ ~Morgan~

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