North || Benny Rodriguez (Boo...

By _expastelline__

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let me show you how horrible life can actually be. but let me also show you how much it can change by 9 guys... More



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By _expastelline__

Naomi's P.O.V.

June 14, 1962

"Wow, uh, okay." I looked over at Cam who just kept his head down the whole time.

"I'm not really used to telling people what exactly happened, due to, me never actually telling people what happened in general." I started, "I think it's because if I don't tell anyone, then I don't have to believe it's actually happens."

I grabbed Lucy, and put her into my lap as she was fiddling with her fake camera.

"Since as long as I could remember, baseball was the only thing I could think. Baseball was my life when I was a kid and had no worries. It was something my father got me into, it was his life, so he wanted to bring me into that." I paused again, "When I was 4, my mother and father had Cameron. Who then also came along the journey of loving baseball. It was so cool, before, after, dinner then repeat. It was just always baseball."

"Later when I was 10, Cameron then being 6, my mother and father for the last time had another kid, Lucy. Lucy was born with Autism. So it's basically means, she isn't at grade level as others her age, she works differently from the rest." I was starting to become a little emotional, I just didn't want to show it, "We obviously couldn't really teach her how to throw and catch, but we made sure she was still into that whole baseball thing, so we got her jerseys and little soft baseballs." I looked down at Lucy, started to mess with her camera too.

"When I was 13, Cam was 9, and Lucy was 3, my father passed away from stage 3 lung cancer." I paused looking around seeing the different emotions from them, "My mother couldn't handle the death of him and went completely crazy." I pulled my hair out of stress again. It became a habit.

"She couldn't even take care of us. At 13 I was supporting 3 people and myself. I had to go to the store and get the food, I had to wake them up for school. I have to do the laundry, the dishes, I even had to pay the fucking rent at some of the places we lived at." I paused trying to calm down, "It was becoming so hard man, jobs were just not hiring me, and I was getting so low on money, I didn't know what to do." I stopped myself before revealing things I shouldn't.

"My mother was always screaming at us, for really nothing. At first it wasn't that bad, but as days grew longer the screaming became louder. Her screaming became targeted at me. Making sure I knew everything I did wrong that day. Some days it wasn't just screaming, but punching and kicking along with it to." A tear slipped down my face and I hurried to wipe it away.

"The screaming got so bad that Lucy was scared of our own mother, she didn't want to be around her. Nights she would sleep with me, and that became a habit, so, I moved her bed into mine. But she still sleeps with me." I paused looking at my feet.

"I don't like to leave Cam alone at the house with her, and I sure as hell ain't leaving Lucy there either. I'm here to keep them safe, not to let them suffer." I could just feel the tears falling down my face, where I couldn't even stop them, "It makes me wonder how much life would be different and happier if my old man was still here."

I leaned on the wall of the treehouse just looking up at the ceiling.

"I'm really sorry. Seriously if you guys need anything, just let me know." I hear Yeah-yeah. Then everyone started to agree with them.

I smile with more tears falling down my face, "Thank you guys." I wasn't even mad about them saying that, it didn't make me feel weak, if anything, it made me happy, knowing that I have these boys to help me out at any point in time.

"Group hug!" I hear Ham yell.

Then I felt them pulling me towards them. I took this time to look at Cam, he was crying to. Damn we are so fucked up it's stupid.

I pulled him into my arms, "I love you Cam."

"I love you too Ni."

For the rest of night was mainly Squints telling us stupid stories and the others joining in on it. After my explaining everything Benny moved his stuff next to me, for what reason? I have no idea, but I wasn't complaining.

"What time do you have to be at work?" I heard whisper besides me.

I look up from my nails to see Benny looking at me with his head rested on his pillow he brought, that my dumbass self forgot.

"Uh, like 10, I don't have to open up tomorrow, so that's a plus." I mumbled.

After yet another story that Squints had to tell, everyone started to go to bed, but I couldn't. The floor was hard, and I didn't have anything to keep me comfortable. I tried my bag, but since there's basically nothing in it, it was pointless.

I turned for the like thousand time in 10 minutes when I guess Benny got annoyed.

"You forgot your pillow didn't you?" I looked over at him, and nodded slowly.

He unzipped his bag, moving it closer to me, unzipping mine, then connecting mine to his. Making one big sleeping bag. He motioned for to come up next to him, and we shared his small pillow.
Oh this is comfortable.

I smiled a little, looking at sleeping Cam and Lucy. Then finally sleep took over my body.

June 15, 1962

"Are they sleeping together?"
"No shit Sherlock, their sharing a bag."
"Yeah yeah, but I thought Benny didn't like her."
"Come on guys, look at them, of course Benny likes her, he just won't admit it."
"I've talked to Ni before about dating, she doesn't want to date anyways."
"And why is that North?"
"You heard about her life last night, she couldn't keep up with a relationship along with that too."

I opened my eyes, looking to see a sleeping Benny next me, and a crowd of boys in above of me.

"Well good morning Ni." Cam said smirking.

"What time is it?" I groaned.

"It's about 9:30 why?" I heard one say.

"Oh shit! No no no!" I yelled standing up.

"What's wrong?" DeNunez asked crossing his arms as he and the others watch me struggle to get out of the bag.

"I have to get to work in 30 minutes. From here it's a 20 minute walk, and I still have to get ready." I paused trying to get Benny's arms off of me. "BENNY WAKE YOUR ASS UP!" I screamed at him, making him flinch awake.

"What's wrong?" He asked as he took his arm off from around me.

"She has to get to work man." DeNunez answered.

I rolled over to my backpack and look at Timmy or Tommy, which ever one, "Please tell me I can get ready here."

One of them nodded and climbed out and me right behind him.


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