Time Isn't an Ally [Book 3, B...

By destinyswolf

41.8K 1.7K 227

Izazya's gone and Joe's alone. One's coping better than the other, but that's only because he has a duty to f... More

Time Isn't an Ally [Book3, BoyxBoy]
Time isn't an Ally [Chapter 1]
Time Isn't An Ally [Chapter 2]
Time Isn't an Ally [Chapter 3]
Time Isn't an Ally [Chapter 4]
Time Isn't an Ally [Chapter 5]
Time Isn't An Ally [Chapter 6]
Time Isn't An Ally [Chapter 7]
Time Isn't An Ally [Chapter 8]
Time Isn't An Ally [Chapter 10]
Time Isn't an Ally [Chapter 11]
Time Isn't an Ally [Chapter 12]
Time Isn't an Ally [Chapter 13]
Time Isn't an Ally [Chapter 14]
Time Isn't an Ally [Chapter 15]
Time Isn't an Ally [Chapter 16]
Time Isn't an Ally [Chapter 17]
Dear Readers... - Author's Note.
Time Isn't an Ally [Chapter 17 // Part 2]
Time Isn't an Ally [Chapter 18]
Time Isn't an Ally [Chapter 19]

Time Isn't An Ally [Chapter 9]

1.5K 77 7
By destinyswolf

Joe's POV

I felt like hell when I eventually fell asleep, and felt even worse the next morning. I was happily curled up in my bed sheets; warm and snuggly, when someone began shaking me and yelling my name. I groaned, trying to turn over and ignore them.

"Joe! Wake the fuck up you lazy slut!" I heard Sam scream at me, "or so help me I will throw this ice cold water on you!"

"I'm up!" I eventually yelled back, agitated and barely awake. I opened my eyes slowly and looked at her. "What do you want?"

"Um, maybe an apology to Izazya?!" she folded her arms across her chest, raising an eyebrow.

"I am not apologizing to that asshole, I'm the one who deserves the apology!" I exclaimed, sitting up in my bed. She looked at me and laughed sarcastically, before shaking her head.

"So stubborn, aren't you?" she gave me a look of disgust. "You're turning into the old him. You don't care anymore, do you?"

"I have no reason to," I shrugged, gesturing to the room. "I'm set for life."

"You call this a life, Joe? Where's the enthusiasm you had last year, where's the fun loving fuck-up we all loved? What's happened?" she asked, shaking her head and walking to the door. "Sort yourself out, and then decide what you want."

"Sort yourself out, and then decide what you want," I mimicked in a childish way. Yes, I was being childish; did I care? Not at all.

"Oh, are we stooping to that level now, Joe? You're being childish about this?" Sam laughed, looking at me and holding my gaze with her own dark, sinister one. "No wonder he left you. Maybe he actually saw what mess he'd landed himself in." I saw a smile play on the corners of her mouth; twisting them upwards. I narrowed my eyes at her, climbing out of bed.

"What are you trying to say, hm?" I asked, moving around the bed in a cautious style; being careful of where I placed my feet, as if I were a predator and she was the prey. She kept her feet planted, her head turned as she kept her gaze on me.

"What does it sound like I'm trying to say? Are you really that stupid that I have to spell this out for you?" she almost spat her words.

"It sounds to me like you're trying to say I'm not good enough for him." I stepped forwards quickly; I was about three metres from her now.

She laughed. "Spot on, Joe. That is what I'm trying to say. Maybe, you aren't as stupid as you seem!" her tone sounded slightly sarcastic. I didn't approve of what she was saying.

I acted before I realised what I was doing; I ran towards her, hands outstretched. She almost screamed, a small squeak coming from her throat, as she ran out of the room. I followed, obviously; chasing her down the corridor to the stairs. She turned to me, lashing out suddenly. She clawed at my face and I stumbled back, groaning, before looking at her. I leaped; landing ontop of her.

From there, it turned into a wrestling match; she struggled and then pinned me, I'd do exactly the same.

Eventually, she managed to kick me off of her. I soared into the air, before hitting a wall. I groaned as I fell to my knees, catching my breath. I looked up at her; she'd managed to climb to her feet, gasping for air.

"Joe, let's stop this." She managed to whisper between gasps. I laughed once, half-heartedly.

"Why would I do that?" I asked, tilting my head to the side as I placed my hands on my knees, propelling myself to my feet. "This has only just begun." I stalked closer, crouched close to the ground as I planned my next move. Go for her legs; take her out. She stepped back, edging towards the stairs. I watched her facial expression as I moved closer and she moved back.

It was too late when I realised what I was doing.

Kelsey's POV

"Wow, that really does sound kind of horrible," I muttered into the phone whilst hanging upside down off the edge of my bed.

"I know right?" Nancy replied, "I just don't know what to do!"

"Okay girl, so, has he noticed you yet?"

"I... I don't know!" Nancy made a sound of frustration; she got worked up so easily.

"Nancy, honey. I'm good friend with him, want me to talk to him?" I asked in a soft tone.

I heard her sniffle; she was crying over Jared? What? "Yes, please."

"Okay, I'll call you back when I've sorted something, yeah?"

"Okay!" she squealed. "Ciao!" Click. The call ended and I threw my phone on my bed and turned to Jared.

"Well?" he asked nervously. I smiled, watching him fidget. He fumbled with his fingers; first placing them in his lap, then running them through his hair, and then finishing by balling them into fists.

"She definitely likes you, what did I tell you?!" I threw a pillow at him and his stupidity. It hit him in the face. Seriously, boys these days; getting girls to ask other girls what they think of him. What are we, messengers? I don't think so!

"Okay," he said, taking a deep breath and sighing heavily. He looked at me, his eyes widening slightly. "Now what?"

"Now what? Are you stupid?! Talk to her!" I yelled, throwing my phone at him. Thank God he caught it - that boy would be dead if he didn't. He looked at it, unlocking it and just staring at it.

"I don't think...." he trailed off.

"Hurry up and grow a pair! I don't have all day to spend on matchmaking!" I yelled, laying down on my bed.

He eventually called her. It went well, I think. He laughed a lot and I heard her shrill laugh from the other end of the call.

"I'll see you tomorrow night then?" he asked. She obviously agreed, because he grinned. He then said his goodbyes and ended the call. He handed me the phone and we sat in silence for a few minutes.

"Went well?" I eventually asked. He smiled and nodded.

"Very, we have a date." He grinned at me; a pure, happy grin.

Jared's POV

I sat with Kelsey for the rest of the night, laughing and joking; play fighting and throwing stuff at each other - like friends should. Whichever idiot said girls and guys can't be friends needs to sit the fuck down and re-evaluate his life.

It was later that night when we were layed on the bed, her head on my chest and my hand on her hair that she asked me a question.

"What's it like, Jared?" she asked in a small voice.

"What's what like?" I asked, looking down at her. She smiled and sighed, rolling onto her side and looking up at me.

I don't think I'd ever seen anyone as beautiful as her; everything about her was perfect, even those tiny imperfections. It was as if I'd just opened my eyes for the first time.

"To love," she replied, her smile faultering slightly.

"Huh?" I asked, confused. She sat up, kneeling in front of me.

"I've... Never really been into dating, or romance." She shrugged slightly, "you are so I thought, maybe..."

"Never?" she shook her head. I smiled. "It's... Difficult."

"Difficult?" she asked, tilting her head to the side; the way she always did when she was confused. I couldn't help but smile.

"yeah, it's hard sometimes. Like, for example." I paused, "say I liked you, and you didn't like me back. I'd be upset yeah? That's kind of what I mean."

"Oh." She replied, her eyebrows furrowing. I felt bad; I'd given her a bad impression.

"It's not all bad though, it's the best feeling ever," I smiled, patting her head; ruffling her hair. "We'll find you someone, don't worry."

Kelsey's phone vibrated on the bed once, before Breaking Benjamin - What Lies Beneath began playing. The called ID showed the name Sam. She picked up the phone, pressing the answer call button.

"Hey Sam-a-lam, what's crack-a-lackin' baby girl?" Kelsey asked with a grin; she was always happy talking to Sam - they were more like sisters than cousins. I saw kelsey's smile faulter, before a look of confusion crossed her face. "Joe? What are you doing with Sam's phone- What do you mean she's in hospital?!" she shrieked. She then sat and listened for a minute, her eyes bulging at his words. She then drop the phone; it fell onto the bed with a faint thud.

"Kels, what's wrong?" I asked; her skin had paled slightly. It was as if she'd just seen a ghost.

"Sam's in ho-hospital," she stuttered, her eyes eventually meeting mine. "Joe pushed her."

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