Spy School: Little sister, bi...


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It's been 5 months since the defeat of SPYDER. Ben and the gang are doing well in Spy School. No signs of any... More

Shocking news
A day full of surprises
A Favor
The plane ride
The three drunk men
Nuclear warheads
Once and for all
The only thing I'm good at
Something to be happy about
You deserve everything
Welcome to the family

The dagger

1.1K 13 16

March 16, 2019
8:00 pm
The woods

We interrogated Orion while we walked through the woods. We needed to get to a hospital.

" Those patches aren't going to last long. We need to get a car, and get back to London fast." Catherine said. She was helping Erica, while Alexander was helping Cyrus. Both were in critical condition. Cyrus was literally hopping on one foot. He used Alexander as a crutch.

" I shouldn't have just stood there. I would've moved if I knew where that shot was coming from. Stupid fog." Cyrus grumbled.

" You tried your best." Alexander said. " That's all that counts."

Orion sighed. " I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I'm so sorry." He said.

" You would've died if you didn't give them what they wanted. I don't think any of us would've wanted that." Catherine said.

We came to a large hill. It would've been easy to walk up, if two of our team members weren't hurt. Chip helped Alexander with Cyrus, and Orion tried to help Erica. He put her arm around his neck, and tried to help her balance. But in order to do this, he had to hold her waist.

Orion tried to hold her gently, but Erica still winced in pain.

" Sorry." Orion said. He and Catherine put their hands on either side of Erica, and held her up as she walked. The hill was pretty big, and we had to walk slowly.

" Did you get the name of the buyer?" Catherine asked Orion.

" No. He didn't say who he was. He used a voice modulator, and he said that he would kill me if I didn't give him 15 warheads." Orion said.

" Did you learn anything about the guy?" Catherine asked.

" No, but he did say to ship the warheads to Berlin." Orion said. We already knew that. That's where we intercepted the call.

It was getting darker. We were halfway up the hill. I looked around the woods. It wasn't a very a nice forest. It was just a huge patch of dead trees, and grass. It looked kind of creepy.

As I was looking around, something shined in front of me. It was small, but it was enough for me to notice it. It was hanging on Erica's utility belt. It was covered in blood, and dirt.

It was the dagger that Cyrus pulled out of Erica. She somehow put it on her utility belt while we were waiting for her to get patched up. It was a very oddly shaped dagger. It was in the shape of a triangle, but it had small designs on it. I looked closer. It looked like it had spikes and a tail. I couldn't see all of it. It was a little dark, and it was hidden behind all of the other weapons on her belt.

Cyrus stopped hopping. He grunted in pain.

" Dad, are you ok?" Alexander asked. We all stopped so that Cyrus could catch his breath.

" I'm fine. I'm just a little dizzy, that's all." He said.

" Maybe we should take a break. We've been walking for a while now." Catherine said. Erica shook her head.

" We need to get to Berlin. Whoever called for those warheads is a threat. They need to be stopped soon." She said. She looked tired as well. Her eyes were almost closed, and her breathing was rapid.

" I know. We will get this man or woman. But for now, we need you and your grandfather to rest. Both of you are injured. We can't risk you guys getting hurt even worse." Catherine said. She laid Erica down on the ground. Erica sighed, and laid her head against a tree.

Alexander helped Cyrus down onto the ground too. Cyrus propped his injured leg on a rock. He was asleep in seconds. Alexander sat beside him. The rest of us sat down as well. Traveling and chasing after bad guys can really wear you out.

I sat down next to Erica. She was falling asleep too.

" Hey." I said.

" Hey." She said weakly.

" How are you feeling?" I asked. She gave me a look.

" Hm. Let's see. I just got stabbed by a dagger, my grandpa almost died, Ashley Sparks broke out of jail, and now I found out that my nemesis is still alive, and after you again. I think I'm doing just fine, thank you." She said. I rolled my eyes at her sarcasm.

We sat there in silence for a little while. Nothing moved. The dead forest was like a scene from a horror movie. The moon rose high above the trees, creating scary shadows on the ground. It was also getting a little cold. Everyone else was starting to fall asleep. I know I was.

" Why did you bring the dagger?" I asked. Erica looked at me. Then, she pulled out the dagger with her hand. In the shining moonlight, I got a better view of it.

It was a dragon. The head made up the middle of the dagger. It's teeth were sticking out of the sides, and it had blue jewels for its eyes. The wings were the outside of the dagger. It had razor sharp spikes all over them. Its tail was the tip of the dagger. That's the part that stabbed Erica.

There was something weird about the dagger. All of the daggers that I've seen have handles. That way it's easy for the person to use it, instead of having to touch the blade.

But, this one didn't have a handle. It had a long chain attached to it. It looked like Scorpion's spears from Mortal Kombat.

" How in the world did this person manage to use that?" I asked.

" He used a glove. It's not like other gloves. You have to attach the chain to a little device in the glove. The device is triggered by putting your hand in a certain position. Once it's triggered, it will release the dagger, but the chain will stay put in the glove. It will go a certain distance until it stops, but hopefully by then, it would've hit its target." Erica said.

" Who was he?" I asked. Erica glared at the ground. She balled up her hands into fists.

" Joshua Hallal. He meant to aim it at Orion, but I jumped in front of him before he hit his target. When he saw that it struck me, he grinned and laughed. Then he ran off." Erica said. I nodded.

" He stole this from me. This is my dagger. I used it a lot when I was younger. I built the glove for it. Joshua stole it the day he turned to the dark side. I'm glad I found it, and trust me when I say I will get Joshua back for this. I'll get him back for all the things he's done. For all the things he's done to me." Erica said. I looked at her.

" What are you going to do? We don't know when we'll run into him again." I said.

" We will run into him again. Soon." She said.

" What will you do to him? He's survived three falls, and a lot of other things." I said. Joshua is a pretty strong person. He's proved to be almost immortal.

Erica looked at the dagger.

" Joshua has survived all of those things. But I know one thing that he won't come back from." Erica said.

" What?" I asked.

She looked at her reflection in the dagger.

" Me." She said. She looked at me.

" I'm going to kill him, Ben. I'm going to drive this dagger through his cold heart. And trust me, he will not come back."


We slept for a few hours. Catherine woke us up at the middle of the night. The moon high above the trees, and the air was now freezing cold. We trudged up the hill, and finally came to where we started.

We stole an old car. I was surprised that it was still working. It was small though, so we had to squeeze in. Catherine took the wheel, and Cyrus rode up front with her. The rest of us were crammed in the backseat. Some of us had to sit on the floor. Zoe sat on top of Mike's lap. Orion, Erica, and I sat in the seats. Chip and Jawa sat on the floor.

Once we were all settled in, we headed off to London.

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