Orphan Girl

By Fastucaa

581K 13.2K 2K

Oakley has no one. No family and most definitely no friends. She doesn't fit in anywhere and she gets that. T... More

Orphan Girl (1)
Orphan Girl (2)
Orphan Girl (3)
Orphan Girl (4)
Orphan Girl (5)
Orphan Girl (6)
Orphan Girl (7)
Orphan Girl (8)
Orphan Girl (9)
Orphan Girl (10)
Orphan Girl (11)
Orphan Girl (12)
Orphan Girl (13)
Orphan Girl (14)
Orphan Girl (15)
Orphan Girl (16)
Orphan Girl (17)
Orphan Girl (18)
Orphan Girl (19)
Orphan Girl (20)
Orphan Girl (21)
Orphan Girl (22)
Orphan Girl (23)
Orphan Girl (24)
Orphan Girl (25)
Orphan Girl (26)
Orphan Girl (27)
Orphan Girl (28)
Orphan Girl (29)
Orphan Girl (31)
authors note

Orphan Girl (30)

9.2K 252 12
By Fastucaa

So I just wanted to edit this to my beautiful mother. she has been there for me when I didn't really think she was, and also a major part, she is like kinda an editor person, so she is going through each chapter and editing them..... so yeah thanks mum



Scott’s P.O.V


When I saw Oakley get bitten, I couldn’t think straight. She was going to die if I didn’t do anything. These stupid chains were tight on my hands, I couldn’t move though.

My eyes were glued on Oakley when I heard a blood-curling scream, and that’s when my rage took over. Closing my eyes, I imagined Oakley lying in a puddle of her own blood. I started to lose control of my body as my wolf took over me.

The chains ripped off my arms and my wolf took over control.

I lunged straight onto Jim making sure to avoid Oakley and her cries. I pushed him off her with a grunt and he slid onto the floor knocking into the wall.

I pounced right on him again and went for his head. I was going to kill him. He hurt the most important thing in my life, he deserves to die.

The door was burst open, but I couldn’t look up. One weak moment could kill me; Jim and I both new that.

The figure ran straight to Oakley, and I prayed to myself that it was someone running to her aid. She wasn’t going to survive a few more minutes, if that.

She hadn’t showed one single sign of werewolf. There was slight chance that she was one.

She cried when I told her I was one for crying out loud.

The person who just came in through the doors was shouting orders, but I was too mad to listen.

Jim was distracted for just a simple second and that was my chance to kill. My claws went straight for his neck and I dug them in.

The wolf howled in pain. Then I bit down hard with my teeth. I had to kill him. I wasn’t going to leave him unconscious.

When the wolf stopped moving I knew I had done my job.

I had killed my first ever wolf.

I’m not going to lie and say I feel bad. The bitch deserved to die.

Changing back to my human form, I ran to Oakley. I didn’t care that I didn’t have any clothes on; she was still lying there motionless with blood coming out of everywhere.

I looked up at the person who was caring for her already and snarled at Jason. Why did he come back? He was a traitor to me.

I tore my eyes off him and back to the lifeless girl on the floor. I shook my head. How could I let this happen?

How could I let it get this far?

I promised I wouldn’t let anyone hurt her and I broke that promise.

I was a horrible person, not to mention a terrible boyfriend. How could I be so stupid to let him get to her?

Jason tapped me and I didn’t look up. I couldn’t take my eyes of Oakley.

“Here.” He said holding my pants. I grabbed them and quickly put them on. Next he handed my shirt and I instantly held it on Oakley’s shoulder. If I could stop the blood, maybe she would be alright. I put some pressure on it hopping it would stop some of the pain.

“You’re going to be alright Oakley.” I tried to reassure myself. She had to be. My uncle lost his mate years back; I haven’t seen him smile since. It was like when she died a part of him died with her. It was horrible to watch.

He still can’t sleep properly. He never leaves him house because it’s too hard for him. This is why Oakley will be alright. She will wake up soon and this will all be just a distant memory.

It will be something that we can tell our kids one day. They will be in awe when they hear the story and look up to Oakley, praising her bravery. She has been so brave these past few weeks. I don’t think I have ever seen her like this.

I closed my eyes, still holding the now blood filled shirt. I was covered in her blood. I didn’t care though.

I hadn’t ever seen this much blood come from a human before. It was everywhere. I imagined us at the park, to try and get away from these god awful thoughts that were consisting to stay in my mind. We were racing to the swings again. Of course it was unfair on her. I was much faster than she was. She wasn’t a very sporty girl. She tried though. Her hands flying up and down everywhere. She looked so cute. Her nose was scrunched as she was confused why she was losing so badly. Maybe I should have slowed down a little for her.

Without realising, a tear fell from my eye. I might never see her smile again.

Her beautiful voice was gone forever.

Oakley wasn’t coming back.

I didn’t want to live anymore.

“Scott get back!” Jason yelled. This brought me out of my own thoughts. My eyes flashed open and gasped when my eyes laid eyes on her.

Her eyes were wide open, and her body was twitching. Before I could think properly, I stood back quickly.

I didn’t think I would ever see this to Oakley.

“Oakley? You with me?” I asked slowly. I knew what was going on, I just could believe it.

“Hurts,” she muttered.

 I knew exactly what was happening. She wasn’t dying. Nor was she asleep. She was preparing for the change. The first change was always the most painful one. I still remember the tortures pain it was for me. I was all alone at school, and I defiantly wasn’t expecting it. 

I was here for Oakley though. I was going to help her through this whole thing.

“It’s alright Oakley, ride through it. You can do this.” I soothed her.

I desperately wanted to cuddle her and take the pain away. But I knew that there was nothing I could no longer do.

It was out of my control now.

She was changing into a werewolf for the first time.

She was just going to have to go with it. There was nothing that could help her.

I heard bones starting to crack and I panicked automatically thinking that they were breaking. This was killing me. All I wanted to do was heal her and take it all away.

She had turned herself onto her stomach now. She was on her hands and knees, her hands scrunched into fists. They were almost white she had them that tight. I wanted to rest my hand over then to calm her, but right now she doesn’t know who she is. She wouldn’t have a clue what’s going on, and me interfering wouldn’t be helping her.

I closed my eyes and counted to ten. She was going to transform any second now.

I counted to ten in my head.


She was going to make it.


Oakley was my miracle.


I loved her so much.


Imagine her beautiful colour when she changed.


It would be so soft and luscious.


Maybe the colour of her hair.


Nearly there, she can do it.


The pain is nearly over.


Most bones cracked and I could hear material shredding.


A loud snarl ripped through the room.

I turned around, and there she was. My beautiful mate was indeed a wolf.

I smiled widely at her and laughed. This was crazy. This whole thing was outrageous.

My smile quickly faded as I realized what was happening.

Oakley’s wolf was new and hungry. The first change was the worst because it was hard to remember what is going on around you. You don’t remember yourself as much. That’s why I had to bring her back to me.

She was walked towards me snarling.

I gasped, Jim was right.

She didn’t know who I was.

To Oakley right now, I was food. I was what she needed to make her feel better.

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