Please (jikook)

By narry_lovee

26.7K 1.3K 324

Jimin has never been a guy looking for parties or anything crazy, so when his best friend Jin introduces him... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15

Chapter 14

1.3K 69 20
By narry_lovee

Jimins POV

I enter Jungkooks room very quietly, unnecessarily quiet. Judging by the screaming drunks and loud music, no one would hear me. Yet I still tip toed all the way down the hall and into his very room.

   Shutting the door I turn my back against the wood and close my eyes, I release a deep breath I didn't know I was holding and brace myself to what I'm going to see in this room. I've never thought about what would be in here but I visibly remember how he made sure I would not enter his room, so I don't know what to expect.

When I muster the courage to look at the room I am unpleasantly surprised. It's a large room (bigger than Namjoons and way bigger than my dorm) with an equally large, soft gray, bed standing in the middle. Across the bed there  is a door which I'm guessing leads to a bathroom, and on the right of it is a closet. Next to the bed, on the other side of the room from me is a window right below it is a desk.  I only found the room unpleasant because I suspected something bigger, something better. But all I got is a plain, boring room. No pictures, posters, signs of life. It looks like the rest of the house.

I stare into the room and somehow cannot image Jungkook in here. The shades look right but it just doesn't match his dazzling personality. It should have been messy, intense, with pitch black walls, cigarette buds and alcohol bottles everywhere. What I was really hoping for were drawings or paintings along the walls, even thrown around, just something.  The one thing I can say I predicted right was the strong lingering fresh musky scent.

I inhale deeply, letting the smell fill my lungs before releasing my breath completely satisfied. I'm such a creep. I can't help it though, the smell is addicting. Just the smell.

   Before I forget what I'm doing I creep more into the room in search of the blue bucket. I don't have to look much because you could see the bright blue peeking out from under the work desk next to the bed.

Grabbing onto one of the drawers I reach down to grasp the bucket. It was when I stood up that I slightly lost my balance and pulled the drawer to where it drew open.  Gasping I stepped back. From where I'm standing I can tell through the little opening that there are sketches stacked in that space. I could see different tones of grey dusting over white sheets but could not make out an image. I debate whether or not I should take a peek and stupidly my buzzing mind said YES! So I inched closer and reached for the drawer again.

   I pull it open but am stopped when I heard the door swing open. I jump, being caught in action, and look up. I immediately feel small when I see the last person I wanted to see burning me with his eyes. This just had to happen to me, perfect timing in all the wrong occasions.

   "What the fuck are you doing?" Jungkook growls slamming his door. I don't answer but take a small step away from the desk. I'm actually pretty worried this time, because I'm know I'm in the wrong, that I don't say anything to irritate him.

   He strides towards me quickly and smoothly not taking his blazing eyes of me. He's chest to chest with me in an instant shutting the drawer behind him with as much force as he did the door.

"You're really fucking stubborn you know that?" He spits at me, "what did I say about my room?" I never really understood what people meant when they say the could see someone's emotions in their eyes til now.

My voice is small but I have to say something or else his eyes would really burn me out, "Namjoon said-"

"Oh did he tell you to go through my shit!" He yells down at me even though my face is inches away from his. He's breathing so hard I could feel it hitting my face, the hint of alcohol burning my nostrils.

"N-no I'm getting him a bucket," I lift it up to him while turning my face to the side,I feel my eyes sting because I'm not used to being yelled at, "this bucket!" I try to defend myself, although this really doesn't excuse what he saw me doing so I just look stupid as always.

He grabs my wrist harshly pulling my arm down forcefully so that I step forward a bit, with his other hand he grips my chin tilts my head up, "That doesn't explain why you're snooping through my fucking shit." He says in a deep low voice lowering his head so we are eye to eye. I felt my face get hot and I only hoped that he couldn't tell because of the darkness of the room.

"I- I don't-" I really have nothing to say and his strong aroma is leaving me kind of speechless. He waited for me to finish searching my face for the missing words, I look down not being able to handle his stare. Before he gets impatient I openly speak my mind, stuttering as I do so, "you've just had really nice drawings outside your classroom that I thought I could...I- I didn't mean to- I'm sorry."

"You're sorry?" He scoffs, "nothing gives you the right to invade someone's privacy," he seeths, "What kind of shitty manners did your parents teach you?"

My parents? Manners? At that moment all feeling of regret left my system, he just pulled my fudging trigger. I thank the wine coolers I had because without them I probably would have bottled my anger. I went from sheepish and low to livid and bold quick, in other words I exploded.

"My poor manners?! Talk about hypocritical," I pull my wrist away from his grasp, "don't forget you've also invaded my privacy time after time! And continue to call me names and degrade me after I've done nothing to you!"

"Well now you've done enough! So-" my anger speaks for me when I cut him off.

"This doesn't account for before! And don't you ever speak ill about my parents! You don't know them or what their going through for you to even mention them! I'd love to meet the lovely people that raised such a fine, polished man like yourself!" I scream, not yell, at him. For more than a moment the only thing that can be heard in the room are our deep breathing and the muffled music from outside.

"Get the fuck out Park, and don't ever think about entering this room again." He demands a bit unsteadily.

I slowly back away him, I don't say anything else instead I turn around and I swear I have never sprinted out of a room as fast as I did at the moment. Stepping into the hall I did not turn back as I gently shut his door to not disturb him more.

   I'm not entirely sure I processed everything that just happened but I can say I still feel incredibly guilty. I mean I went through his stuff, his privacy after he told me specifically to stay out of his room. I don't know why I acted so carelessly, I know better. With my situation I should have been more understanding when someone says they don't want others in there private life. I hardly let people know the truth about problems my family faces so why would I pry into someone else's stuff.  God I'm unbelievable.

   I just can't help but think that he's hiding true talent from the world, I couldn't put a picture to what I saw in the drawer but I just know it would have been beautiful and better than what there is on campus. His talent had so much potential if just directed at something different.

   I don't know if it was the fear or the nerves but I suddenly felt completely sober as I rushed to Namjoons room. I knock before entering not even sure if Namjoon is still in the room. To my surprise he is there, kneeling next to the bed running his fingers through Jin's hair as he sleeps. I noticed Jin's makeup was taken off and he's now wearing a grey hoodie.

   "Did you find it?" He asks standing up when I walked in.

   "Yeah," I say breathlessly handing the bucket to him. He takes it and sets it next to Seokjin where he was once kneeling.

   "You took care of him?" I ask my voice soft as I internally approved of him.

   "Um," he clears his throat, "I just helped him get comfortable." He lightly smiled looking at Jin take over his bed with drool spilling out of his mouth.

   I blushed at the lovely eyes he gave him, appreciating there 'relationship'.

   "Okay come on," he ushered me out, "he's fine, he'll just sleep til next week." He laughed locking his door so no one entered while Jin was sleeping.

After that we went to the kitchen where he forced another drink in my hand, obviously we know what I'm drinking. Namjoon was busy telling me about his hopes for future career and how he actually wants to study more, although he's currently stuck between majoring in business or enrolling into med school. I tried to give reasonable inputs to the conversation but downing two or three more drinks I'm back to being buzzed. I'm sure I sound nothing more than a child trying to sound sophisticated at the adult table.

Soon Hoseok joined us, and he was doing a grand job at making me laugh. He somehow even convinced me to take a shot with him and Joon.

"Wait don't give him too much," Namjoon took the bottle from Hobi to pour my shot then hand it to me.

"Okay okay to Jiminies first shot!" Hoseok yelled raising his solo cup. He looked at me with a wide smile like he couldn't hold his excitement. I smiled back just as wide and started giggling as he started to lift his feet in tiny steps nodding his head at me to take the shot.

   "To my first shot!" I yelled clinging cups with them  then threw my head back to drink the liquor. Not gonna lie I expected worse although I did feel the burn. Hobi laughed as he took in my scrunched up face. He said it'd be way worse if I hadn't already been drinking.

   The company and the drinking help me forget about the embarrassment of what happened not more than an hour ago in his room. So what did I do, I suggested another shot.


   "And then he just started dancing in the middle of street!" I yell at Namjoon, whose sitting next to me, while pushing my bottle out towards him, "In a crowd of people!" I have to hold onto the side of the couch so I don't lose my balance as my eyes close because I'm laughing too much. Hoseok had left with Tae a while ago so I'm back in the living room with Namjoon only, whose actually being very kind to stay with me.

   "He's crazy isn't he?" Namjoon chuckles, seeming a lot more sober than I am. 

   "He's something special he is! I don't know how you haven't made it official, anybody would be bleeessed to have him," I put emphasis on the 'blessed'. Namjoon who was eating chips stop chewing as his eyebrows shot up and closed his eyes.

   "And I mean it," I raise my eyebrows staring at him with lazy eyes, "in high school you shoulda seen him! Everybody wanted him, the girls and straight boys even tried! Not like it's much different now that we're in college. You have to notice too, respectfully you can't be too stupid to not catch the flirty loo-"

"Alright Jimin how bout we stop drinking, yeah?" He smiles showing his dimples although he looks rather annoyed than happy. He takes my drink from my hand gently and sets it on the coffee table. I pout but don't argue, my mood feels ruined without my drink. Leaning my head back on the couch with my eyes closed is not the best next move. It only makes me a lot more dizzy than I was feeling before.

"Joon give it back," I continue pouting while scrunching my brows.

"No Jimin if you drink more you'll be puking before you even get home," he shakes his head at me like a disappointed father, "wait, how are you getting home?"

"Jin. Duh." I yawn, closing my eyes again.

He shakes his head at me again, amused this time, before getting up and sticking his hand out for me, "come on little one you look worn out."

I heard him but I didn't really care what he was saying as I took his hand. He started walking and I tried to keep up but I felt like I was dragging my legs with each step I took. Namjoon noticed so he put his arm around my waist to help me like he did Jin. We were half way through the hallway when we were stopped by someone calling out for Namjoon.

"Hey what are you doing?" Jungkook. I opened my eyes just to roll them and groan very loud to let them know I'm annoyed, even though he did not sound like he was in his best mood and I probably made it worse.

"Taking him to my room, why?" I could hear them ignore me but I didn't even try to open my eyes, they feel like they are being weighed down by bricks.

"Why does he need to go to your room?" He questioned, he sounded more disgusted than confused.

"Fucking look at him, he's wasted and can't even keep his eyes open, what am I supposed to do?"

"Go tell Tae to take him home, don't forget we share a fucking apartment." Uhh... Tae left. And hello, I'm leaving with Jin.

"Look I don't know what your problem with him is but he's going into my room not yours," Namjoon left it at that and tugged me forward again. Now flip him off. Do it.

He didn't do it.

We get into his room and he lets go of me to let me stand independently. We stare at each other for a while quietly, I think nothing of it as I doze off staring at him but he feels awkward. It's like he doesn't know what to do with me at the moment. Next thing I know he's helping me out out my shirt and is throwing an orange hoodie at me which I recognize as Jins. Usually I would feel insecure or uncomfortable around someone where with my shirt off but right now I could not care less.

"I don't want this one." I throw it back at Namjoon hitting him in the face.

"What the-," He pulls the sweater off to look at me, "what do mean you don't want this one?! Take it!" He whisper yells at me chucking the orange material back at me.

"No!" I throw it at his face again, hitting him because he failed to catch it. All the while Jin was snoring on the bed behind us and I'm still shirtless.

"Jimin I swear to god you better put this on," He threatened.

"Or what Joon?" I slurred leaning forwards.

"I'll wake up Jin," all he had to say for me to pull the hoodie on. Jin turns into satan when he didn't get his beauty rest, even in my drunken state I know that that's a call for death.

Namjoon turns away when I take my pants off until I hit my head on the wall from tripping over a leg of my jeans. He helps me shimmy out of them then hands me a make up wipe. Last thing I remember is thinking about how nice Jins hair at the back of his head looks and Namjoon being very persistent about something to do with a bucket.


Yes I am horrible I am sorry. No one told me trying to write a book would be so difficult. Literally pulled this out of my ass right now.

Since quarantine I'll try to write as much as I can. Not promising anything though.

Honestly guys if you have ideas for this book let me know.

Words: 2784

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