Serenity's Quirk

By UsagiSerenityMoon

91.9K 2.7K 263

Serenity was transported to the world of My Hero Academia! How will she fit in here? How will she survive? Fi... More

All Might
Meeting Principal Nezu
Galaxy Cauldron
Entrance Exams
Quirk Assessment Test
Sports festival
Calvary Battle
Code Name
Grand Toshinori
End of First Semester
Test Of Courage
Happy Halloween 2019!
Veterans Day Special
Dorm mates
Happy Thanksgiving 2019!
Dorm Contest
Battle Moves
Merry Christmas
Provisional Hero License:Orientation
Provisional Hero License:Exam
Provisional Hero License; Rescue
Provisional Hero License;Serenity vs. Gang Orca
Provisional License Exam Results
Ground Beta; Izuku Vs. Bakugo
Happy Valentine's Day!
The Big Three
Togata Vs. Serenity
Sir Nighteye
Serenity Vs. Nighteye
Problem Child
Happy Easter!
Transformation Items
Hassaikai Headquarters
Temp. Yakuza
Serenity Vs. Overhaul
Rescue Complete
Birthday Special
Secrets Revealed
Silver Millennium
Lady Saturn
Merry Christmas 2020!
Fall Of The Senshi
End Of The Silver Millennium
Happy Valentines Day!
School Festival Preparations
Eri's tour
Gentle Criminal
School Festival Dance
Hero Billboard Chart
Endeavor's Battle
Rescue Training

Hero Training

2.4K 66 6
By UsagiSerenityMoon

Italics are thinking
Izuku's POV
"Wow it's healed!" I'd exclaim, looking at my finger. "But all of the sudden I feel very tired.."
"My Quirk can only stimulate a person's healing ability." "Healing requires stamina." Said Recovery Girl. "If you keep getting major injuries you'll use too much stamina, and end up dying instead, so be careful." She said, giving me a bandage.
Serenity's POV
I was observing Iida Tenya, who was muttering about Mr. Aizawa, saying that he didn't think he would encourage us with a lie. Then, all of the sudden, Ochaco Uraraka came running up, telling us to wait for her. She called Izuku's name Deku, and I winced as he freaked out. Izuku then explained that Bakugo used that name as an insult. Uraraka then told him it sounded like You can do it. I just watched as they talked, and wondered what tomorrow would hold.
I was then stopped by A lady in a very.. revealing hero costume. Izuku said, "Serenity, that's the Pro Hero, Midnight!" I looked at her, and tried not to wince at her outfit. "So you're Moon Serenity?" She asked. "Yes.." I replied. "I was told to inform you that your dorm is ready." I nodded, and waved goodbye to Izuku, Uraraka, and lida. I followed Midnight, to a small, plain looking room. She walked off, leaving me in front of the dorm. I took my things out of my Sub-Space pocket, and started to put stuff away. I changed out the plain white covers and pillow in favor of the pink bunny and moon covers, and pillows.

I also took out my clothes, and put them in the plain dresser. I waved my hand, pouring a bit of magic into it, and changed the dresser.

The Next Day
I woke up, with my alarm clock going off in my ear. I hurriedly got dressed, and sat down to eat breakfast.
In Homeroom.
I was, again the first one there. After everyone had arrived, Mr. Aizawa told us that we would be doing English with our English teacher, Hizashi Yamada Also known as the Pro Hero: Present Mic.
Izuku looked about to burst with happiness.
I looked at the board which read,
1. The man whom I respect most is my father.
2.That is the house in which he lived.
3.I well remember the day on which we both met.
4.Please tell me that all you know.
I looked at it boredly, while Present Mic asked which of the English sentences where wrong.
"The relative pronoun is in the wrong place in number 4!" Only Yaoyorozu Momo, and I had our hands raised. Present Mic called on Yaoyorozu. "Okay, Yaoyorozu come on!"
I looked at the noisy cafeteria, and got my food. Izuku looked star struck at the cook, who was also a Pro Hero. I just calmly ate my white rice, while reading a book.
Afternoon, Hero Basic Training.
"I am.. coming through the door like a normal person!" All Might yelled, throwing the door open while I sweat dropped. Immediately, everyone started yelling about how All Might was here. "Wow, he really is a teacher!" Said one kid. "That's a costume from the Silver Age right!?" Said another. I just sank down in my seat. "I teach Hero Basic Training." "It is a subject where you train in different ways to learn the basics of being a hero." "You'll take the most units of this subject!" "Let's get right into it." "This is what we'll do today.. Combat training!" He yelled, holding up a battle sign. Bakugo looked thrilled, and Izuku looked like he was about to cry. "And to go with that are...your hero costumes!" "Made based on your quirk registrations and requests you sent in before school started." I vaguely remember filling that out.. I'd think. I do remember that I made sure there wasn't a mini skirt though, it went down to my knees thank god. Everyone gasped in delight. "After you change, gather in Ground Beta!"

We all came out, I tagged behind at the back, making sure to store my sword in my Sub-Space pocket so it wouldn't hurt anyone. "They say the clothes make the man, young children!" Said All Might. "From now on.. you are heroes!" Yelled All Might. I almost laughed at seeing Izuku's costume. It looked like a green bunny that had tried to copy All Might!
All Might said that we would be doing indoor battles, and we would be split into villains and heroes. He said that there would be villains guarding a nuclear bomb, and for the heroes to win they either had to secure the bomb, or catch the villains. For the villains to win, they have to protect the nuclear weapon the whole time, or catch the heroes. He held up a box, and said to draw lots. I got on a team with Mashirao Ojiro. All Might then drew two teams letters out of a box. I groaned, Izuku and Uraraka where fighting Bakugo and lida! I reluctantly walked towards the monitoring room, and wished Izuku good luck.
Bakugo's POV
lida and I go inside the building first. "Hey!" "Deku has a Quirk, right?" I asked.
"You saw that extraordinary strength, didn't you?" Said lida. "It appears very dangerous though.." My shoulders clenched, and I was very angry. Did he trick me this whole time? That nerd!
Izuku's POV
After five minutes, Uraraka and I go into the building, But I am very nervous about going up against Kacchan.. Uraraka And I are walking, I am thinking about how I can't control One for All.. but suddenly Kacchan ambushes us and unleashes his Explosion! I hurriedly push myself and Uraraka out of the way. Half of my mask is ripped off in the process, but I ignore it.Kacchan is preparing to attack again! I intercept him, grabbing his right arm and throwing him onto the ground. "I knew that you would use your right arm to attack.." "How much do you think I've been watching you?" "I write about all the heroes I think are amazing in my notebook" "The same notebook you blew up and threw away.."
"Deku isn't always going to mean useless!" "It also means You can do it!" I yelled.
I now see that Kacchan is furious.
I hear lida trying to contact Kacchan, but he just tells him to keep guarding the core. Kacchan then attacked me again. I told Uraraka to run. I wrapped the capture tape around Kacchan's leg. I dodged out of the way, as his right arm came swinging at me again. I saw Kacchan step forwards, so I just turned and ran. Kacchan ran after me, and yelled that I was tricking him the whole time. I hid behind a wall. I still heard Kacchan screaming. I heard Uraraka call me and tell me that lida had found her. I looked up, and saw that Kacchan was right behind me! "I'm not scared of you anymore!" I yelled. Kacchan smiled. He pointed his sweat storer at me, which had opened up like a gun! I heard All Might yell at him to stop. I saw the building explode behind me, and only heard ringing in my ears. I laid, collapsed on the ground. My mask had been completely blown off, and one of my gloves was gone. Half of my costume was destroyed! Sound then returned to my ears. I heard..Kacchan was.. laughing?
Serenity's POV
"All Might!" I yelled. "Stop the fight now!" "Bakugo's going to kill Izuku!" "No.." Mumbled All Might. "Young Bakugo, the next time you use that, I'll stop the fight, and your team will lose." He said instead. I exhaled in relief. Bakugo didn't want to lose, so he probably wouldn't use it.
Izuku's POV
Kacchan came barreling at me. I tried to hit him with my fist, but he jumped over me, and hit my back! He then grabbed my arm, and threw me into the ground. I ran over the side of the room, and Kacchan ran at me, with his fist up. I concentrated on the power of One For All, and raised my fist also. It began to glow, and I felt power coursing through my veins. We ran at each other. At the last second, I raised my fist upwards and smashed the building. I fell down, both of my arms broken.

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