Coming Back To You (5)Steve R...

By allynmck1

108K 1.9K 124

"Is it really you" "Yes..I'm really here" Being without the one you love can be devastating, and when getting... More

Coming Back To You
Act One
1- Fate of the Universe
2- Like the Beatles?
3-The Call
4-Is This Real
5-Back Together
6- Why didn't you?
7-She's Not Alone
8-He's Here
Act Two
2-Where's Fury?
3-Let's Get this Son of a Bitch
4-Moving On
5-New Life
6-Is This New?
7- Bigger Than His
8- Getting The Team Back
9-He's Good At That
10-New York 2012
11-Bringing Everyone Back
12-Final Battle
14- One Last Mission
Bonus Content

13-Saying Good-Bye

3.8K 71 8
By allynmck1

It had been a few weeks since the battle, and everyone was still grieving. Steve had to carry me away from the battlefield, I couldn't move from being over emotional. He took me to our home in Boston, allowing, Bucky, Sam and Wanda to come back to, so that they would at least have somewhere to stay. I gave Pepper her time to let Morgan know about Tony, and her space to grieve. Steve started to give me space knowing losing both Natasha and Tony was hard on me. I told him, that Clint and I were going to have our own memorial for Natasha out on his farm. He suggested to have Wanda come with me, knowing she would want to be there for me and to say good bye to Natasha. I drove out there the next day with Wanda. Laura and the kids were happy to see us I felt great seeing them all again, and actually felt happy for once. Clint, Wanda and I walked out onto the farm, and stood by the tree that we had picked to plant in her memory.

"I'm going to name the baby after her" I say to Clint.
"Well it better be a girl, cause I already claimed her name when we had Nathaniel" he says to me.
"I'm pretty sure it's going to be a girl" I tell him.
"Is that one of your vision things that told you?" he asks me.
"No, just a feeling" I smile at him as he puts an arm around my side and hugs me, before kissing the top of my head.

"Cassie that's amazing you are having a child" Wanda says as she hugs me.
"I'm happy this baby will have her Aunt Wanda around" I hug her back. The three of us just stand there for a few minutes, remembering Natasha and everything she did with us and how proud she would be.

After a few minutes the three of us head back up to the farm house, Wanda and I say good bye to Laura and the kids, and we head back home to the city. As I drive, I think back to how I ended up in this spot right now, how I was just some teenage girl who developed weird powers, lost her parents and became a SHIELD agent. I helped stop the God Of Mischief, who was secretly working for a evil Titan, I fell in love with the First Avenger, and stopped many more threats to save this place I called home. Now I had this child growing inside me, and the threat to the world was over. Steve and I could stop, we could stop being heroes, and live a full life.

I make it back to our home, and the two of us head back to the apartment, to hear the sound of laughter and a smile forms on my face as I unlock the front door. I enter the apartment to see Sam and Bucky hanging out in our living room, Steve telling them about things that they had missed.

"Hey, how are you?" Steve asks me as he sees me close the front door.
"Good, I'm good" I say to him, as I place my bag down. Wanda goes and sits down on the couch beside Sam.
"Congrats Cassie!" Bucky says as he gets up and hugs me.

"Steve told you" I say hugging him back, and looking over at Steve.
"Sorry, I just really wanted them to know, they deserve to know" he says to me.

"Of course you guys deserve to know. I already let Wanda know anyway" I say as we pull away from each other. The five us spend the rest of the night catching them up on things, and tell them about our wedding and how we wished they would have been there. Steve ends up cooking us all some dinner, and it gets late when we all call it a night. Steve and I make our way to our bedroom, and change into our night gear.

"You sure you okay?" he asks as he pulls the covers back on our bed.
"Yeah, it was hard, but the tree is beautiful that Clint placed. The kids were happy to see me, and Laura can't wait to meet this little one, although I feel like it might be two" I smile at him.

"Really, you think we are having twins?" He asks as we get into bed.
"We have an ultrasound in a few weeks, that will let us know for sure, but I just got a feeling" I say to him.

"I would have never imagined this" he says smiling at me.
"Me neither. You ready for tomorrow?" I ask as he pulls the blankets back over us.
"Tomorrow's going to be hard" he says to me.

"I know it is, but its what we all need" I say as I then give him a kiss good night.
"I love you Cassandra Rogers" he says to me.
"I love you Steven Rogers" I say back as we then go to bed.

The next day I stood staring at my closet, still undecided on what to wear. I already had three different outfits laying on the bed. I heard the doors open to the bedroom, and see Steve walking in to check on me.

"I can't decide" I say to him "I can't decide what to wear, and those area already feeling to tight on me, I don't know if any of these are still going to fit," I ramble on and start to break down again, and he has to come over to comfort me. He holds me, as I continue to cry over today knowing how hard it's going to be for Pepper and especially Morgan. After a few minutes I wipe the tears away and take a few deep breaths as I finally decide to pick something to wear. "I think I'm okay" I tell Steve as I pull away from him and go to the closet. I eventually find a nice black pant suit, and a blouse. Steve stays seated on our bed as I get myself dressed, I slip on my heels and quickly do up my hair. Steve holds his hand out for me to take and I do such, and he stands up, and the two of us leave the room.

We say good bye to the others, as they would meet us later. We head out to the car, and Steve drives us off to the lake house. We arrive, and as I leave the house, I am immediately engulfed in little arms. "Aunt Cassie" I hear Morgan say as I bend down to hug the little girl.
"Hey Morgan" I say as I hold her tightly.
"I'm going to head inside" I hear Steve say and I nod at him, letting him know its okay. I stay there holding onto Morgan, keeping her close as possible.
"Mom, says dad has gone to be with Aunt Nat, and that he left something special for us all to watch" Morgan says to me.

"Yeah, he did. Did your mom also tell you that Aunt Cassie, has a baby in her belly" I ask her.
"There's a baby in your belly?" Morgan asks me.
"Yes there is, and you are going to be part of this baby's life, and Uncle Steve and I are going to take good care of you and Mommy" I tell the sweet girl. I let go of her, and take her hand as we make our way inside the home I let go of her hand and she goes right up to Pepper. Pepper gives me a light smile as I take my place beside Steve, and we wait for the Rhodey and Happy to arrive.

"So I thought I's probably better record a little greeting. In case of an untimely death on my part. Not that, death anytime isn't untimely. This time travel thing that we're gonna try and pull off tomorrow, it''s got me scratching my head about the survivability of it all. But then again, that's the hero gig. Part of the journey is the end. Uh, what am I even trippin' for? Everything's gonna work out exactly the way it's supposed to. I love you 3000"

The hologram of Tony ends, and I let the tears flow down my cheeks as Steve holds me.
It was hard to imagine that our long time friend was gone. We silently follow Pepper, Morgan and Happy out of the house. Pepper carrying the wreath with the arc reactor she had given Tony so many years ago that said Proof Tony Stark Has A Heart. We walk past all the others as we watch Pepper help Morgan place the wreath in the water.

Steve pulls me close as we watch it float away. I take a look around to see everyone that had come to pay their respects. Thor and Bruce right behind Steve and I. Aunt May and Peter, Peters face looking sullen and red. Standing nearby was Scott, with Hope, Hank, and Janet. Clint was there with his family, the Gurdians along with Nebula had stayed behind to pay their respects also.

I watched as Sam placed a hand on Bucky's shoulder. Bucky had been debating to come, knowing Tony might not have wanted him there because he was the reson Tony had lost his parents. Steve had told Bucky to come that he should, it was all in the past. Wanda stood close by Bucky and Sam, I could tell she was still upset that she didn't have Vision back. Standing right behind them was a young man that I had learned was Harley, the young boy that helped save Tony many years ago. Carol stood on the steps on the house, and Fury was on the porch. I give a small smile knowing Tony would love having everyone here paying their respects to the man that saved us all.

After awhile a few of them started to leave, I went over to Pepper and hugged her, letting her know it's going to be okay. I tell her that if she or Morgan needs anything I am only a call away, she says they are going to take some time away. I also tell her that I will keep her up to date on the baby, and that I want her there for when I have this baby. Steve tells me that when I am ready to go, just to let him know. I go check on Morgan one more time, telling her to call me whenever she needs to. Once I am done talking to her, I go over to Peter.

"Hi Miss Austin" he says to me.
"It's Miss Rogers now, Peter and you can call me Cassie" I tell him.
"Oh Miss Rogers, that's wow that's so great" he tells me.
"Peter, I want you to know if you need anything to call me right away." I tell him.
"Thanks Miss Rogers, I mean Cassie" he says to me.
"You are going to be okay Peter, wherever you go from here know you are going to be great. You should keep being Spider Man, Tony would want you to" I tell him.
"I don't know if I can Cassie" he says to me.
"I know you can, feel free to come by my place anytime you need to or call Peter" I tell him as I then hug the young man..
"Thank you Miss Rogers" he says as we pull apart and he then walks away toward Aunt May who gives me a small smile. I walk back over to Steve, letting him know it was time to go, that I was ready to go home.

A month after Tony passed Bruce called us to let us know the new quantum pad was ready for the stones to go back. Steve offered to do the jump, I wanted to go with him, but he insisted I stay behind. I was already five months pregnant. We had gone for an ultrasound a day after Tony's funeral to see how far along I was, turns out I was already three months when we fought Thanos army. We were surprised the pregnancy even lasted through all that, but I had a feeling this baby was going to be special, and that was why. We pulled up to the lake house, to see Sam, Bucky and Bruce already there waiting for us. Steve parks the car and we both get out. We walk over to the others, smiling and hugging each one of them.

"You know I want to come with you" I look over at Steve saying, trying one more time to get him to let me come along.
"Cassandra, you have been through a lot and I don't want to risk anything" he says as he rubs my belly, and we both feel the baby kick.
"I think she wants to go on this mission too" I smile at him. "It's going to be one last mission for us" I say.

"I don't even know if it's going to be safe for you to time travel again. I don't want all that to hurt the baby" he says to me.
"I already talked to Hank and to Janet, they say that given the uniqueness of this pregnancy, they think I will be safe" I say as I then go back to the car and take something out. I show the others the suit that I had Hope make specificly for me.

"Should have known you stubborn women" he says as he kisses me.
" have to return the stones to the exact moment you got them, or you're gonna open up a bunch of nasty alternative realities" Bruce says to us.

"Don't worry about it Bruce" I say to him.
"You know I tried. When I had the gauntlet, the stones, I really tried to bring her back" Bruce looks down at me, "I miss them" he says.

"I do too" I say to him.
"You know if you want, I can go with him instead" Sam offers.
"You're a good guy, Sam But this one's on us" I say as I hug him. I let Steve and Bucky have their moment before I go over and talk to Bucky.
"I'll keep him safe" I promise Bucky.
"I think you both will keep him safe" he says as he hugs me.

Once Steve and I are in the quantum suits we step on to the platform. I pick up the case containing the stones and Loki's sceptre, as Steve picks up Mjloner.
"How long is this going to take?" Sam asks Bruce, who has started to get the machine ready.
"For them, as long as it takes, for us, five seconds" Bruce tells him as he looks at the two of us.

"Ready, Cap, Emerald?" we nod at him, "Alright, we'll meet you back here, okay?" Bruce says to us.
"You bet" Steve tells him.
"Going Quantum in" we hear Bruce say as he starts the machine, that's when the jump happens and we are engulfed in all the different colours like before.


So this took a few days for me to write, because I couldn't figure out if I wanted Cassandra to go on the jump to take the stones back or not. So I had two different versions of this, but ultimately choose to do this. The next chapter will be them going to the different time periods, with a twist in one time period. That will be the last chapter then I have an epilogue written out. Thank You for enjoying this story.

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