Love Live Body Swap!- You are...

By Tsurako-ko

1.9K 41 66

So let's find a way to switch back. Please. This story is heavily inspired by a certain fanfic about persona... More

So let's find a way to switch back
Anime Cat Girls!
Bread or Chocolate? Chapter 1
Bread or Chocolate? Chapter 2
Bread or Chocolate? Chapter 3
Bread or Chocolate? Chapter 4
Bread or Chocolate? Why not both.
BLT- Chapter 1
BLT- Chapter 2
BLT- Chapter 3
Bac- Bread, Lettuce, Tomato

You are me and I'm you

730 9 20
By Tsurako-ko

Eli's POV

Ahhh! It feels so good to jump on your bed back first and feel your body flop. Tucking yourself into bed
after hard days of practice and work.

Snuggling in and having all the space to myself. I would usually leave my AC on pretty cold and wrap myself with a thick winter blanket.

I can't sleep without my blanket. It has to be thick as well. I can't sleep with a thin blanket. Mother would get annoyed that my room is ice cold, but it's for the better.

Alisa never enters my room. Only when she needs to otherwise she would just complain about how cold my room is. I like it this way!

Ahhh~ I can finally sleep in-

"Ohh Eli-chan you're so warm."

"Mmm.." ... Wait a minute. "KYAAA!!"

"Shhhh." A hand covers my mouth shut. "It's me, Honoka."

.. What? How? When?

"I know you have a lot of questions Eli-chan, but stay calm. Take a deep breath."

Deep breath..

"What are you doing here? How did you get in here?"

"Your window was open."

"Huh? Ohhh.. Right." I almost forgot that my room has two windows. One window is occupied by my AC and the other window is sometimes open.

"I ummm.. broke your mesh and here I am."

"You're paying for that."

"What? No way! How else the others are supposed to get in."

"What. What do you mean by others-"

"Ohhh Eli-cchi and Hono-cchi seems like they're having a good time."

"N-Nozomi?!" I can also see Umi, Kotori and the first years. They all climbed up and entered through my window?!  I have a front door you know! Why are they all here?!

Nico is covering her mouth.. what is she hiding? Is she laughing? She is definitely laughing! AHHH! My night light is on!!

"E-Eli.. I never knew you have a night light-"

"It's not what you think it is Nico! It's not a night light! It's.. well! I can't see in the dark whenever I need to go to the bathroom."

"Just- pfffft- sorry-" Nico is actually griping my blanket. "Just use your phone light."

"Blue light can keep you awake and disturb your sleep. I'd rather have a reliable light that is warm light by the way! I can sleep and see if I need to."

"Okay Eli. What ever you say."

I'll get you back for this Nico. -_________-

.. the bigger concern is-

"WHY ARE YOU ALL IN MY ROOM?! Wait.. don't tell me.."

"Yea.. it's what you think it is." Honoka rubs the back of her head.

Flash back.

"I'm stuffed." I lean back on my chair. Hanayo continues to her rice ball, Rin being Rin, Honoka eating her bread while Umi is trying everything in her power to shove fruits down her throat.


"Yes, Nozomi?"

"You have sauce around your lips."

"Eh? Where's my napkin-"

"There there~" Nozomi wipes my lips. "You're so cute Eli-cchi."

"N-Nozomi.. don't look at me so much."

"You even have this cute, shy side. You would've known our student council president was like this."


"Good! Now you're forced to swallow that damn grape! Just eat it!"

"I don't want to- akciosoocckkgkkrkqoapcposockkskwkkzkakwkwl.. s-sour."

Annnnddd Honoka is being Honoka. I can't believe I want her to succeed me.

"There! Was that so hard?"

"Of course it was, Umi-chan! You know I hate sour fruits!"

"Strawberries are sour."

"Well.. I only like them because.. the fruit is okay, but ever had strawberry milk? Strawberry ice cream? Anything strawberry related flavour is sooooo goood!"

"Yea Yea Whatever. Alright girls, Honoka finally ate her share. Now.. what do you want to talk about?"

"Nya! That's right that's right! I almost forgot that Honoka wanted to do a quick group meeting."

"Okay girls! Today is Friday!"

We all know that Honoka.

"I think it's about time we do some team building. So what we have here is nine pieces of paper. Everyone will write down one thing we all should do together, but! One of us will be left out of the scoop and has to try and guess what our activity will be. So first let's pull some straws. The one with a bendy straw will be left out of the scoop!"

Well.. I have no clue why we are doing this, but I think it's gonna be some fun. Hmmm.. which straw which straw.. ohhh I know what to do.

I wait for Nozomi. Trying to let her choose her straw and at that last minute- I will take her straw as fast as I can. Nozomi is the luckiest between the nine of us! I just need to watch her.

Nozomi is really thinking hard. I can hear Nozomi concentrating in her breathing and her eyes fixed on a straw. There it is!

Sorry Nozomi.

I slip my hand under Nozomi's reach and take a straw.

Wait.. Am I supposed to avoid the bendy straw? The bendy straw isn't the winning straw!


"Ah! Too bad, Eli-chan. You got the bendy straw." Honoka!!!


"Touch luck Eli-cchi." Don't smile at me Nozomi!


"Okay girls! Write down an activity we will do together and out it in the basket! You too Eli-chan, but I will draw a piece of paper when you're out of the room. That way you're kept out of the scoop will have to guess what activity we will be doing during the weekends for tomorrow."

I sigh.

What can we do together? I guess we can go to a carnival together. I'll just write that down and fold it up. Put it in the basket and wait for the others to finish.

"And done!" Rin was the last one to submit her paper. I leave the room and let them do the stuff. I just gotta guess what are we gonna do today, tomorrow, or the day after.

It feels kinda awkward to be left out, but I hope what we're doing is fun.

Present time.


"That is unknown." Even Honoka has no clue. "No one wrote their names in the paper, but we're all here now!" Honoka and the others even have their backpacks and stuff.

"Where do we change-nya?"


"Does it matter?" Nozomi is already half naked.

"N-Nozomi?! Shameless! .. shameless.."

"You're nose is bleeding, Umi-cchi~" Nozomi completely seduces Umi with a wink.

"I'm... going to wash the blood.. of you'll excuse me." Umi goes to the bathroom. "KYAA! I'm so sorry Maki!" Umi leaves the bathroom. "It was occupied.."

"What's the problem? I was just changing." Maki doesn't look so startled when Umi invaded her privacy.

"Excuse me!" Umi runs past Maki and locks the bathroom.

"Sheesh. What happened to her?" Maki twirls her hair. "Her nose was bleeding- oh.. never mind. I think I know what happened." >.>

"Guess we'll change here." Rin takes off her cloths. Then she puts on her pyjama cat hoodie. Well lucky for her.. because my AC is on the coldest setting :/

"Why is it so cold!" Honoka whines. "I'm sleeping with Eli-chan."

"What?!" Well.. I don't mind.

"I'll sleep with you two~" Nozomi makes her way in. Honoka is in the middle.

"I'll just wait for Umi-chan." It seems that Kotori doesn't mind the cold.

"Nyaaa~" Rin is ready to fall asleep. Hanayo and Maki has already settled in. Umi finally makes her way and sleeps next to Kotori.

"Oh! How about we make a wish?" Honoka sits up. "The stars are out. We might have a chance to see a shooting star!"

"Well.. I can't sleep so why not." Even Maki wants to join in.

.. where's Nico?

Nico's POV

"Wow! The food you cook is amazing Ayase okaa-san! (I wonder if I even did it right :/)

"I'm glad you like it Yazawa."

"You may call me Nico! You should teach me some of your recipes."

"I don't mind. This is one of my favourites to cook late night. Easy to make and it's light! Don't want to go to sleep on a full stomach."

"Ohhh I learnt that the hard way."

"Ahahaha~ me too Nico, me too."

Eli's POV

.. Is she really downstairs? How come my mother is so worried about more girls in my room? How is she okay with Nico breaking into our house?

And why are we star gazing?! I'm surprise that the eight of us are really looking through one window.

The night sky is very beautiful though. I wonder if we can actually see a shooting star-

"NYA! A shooting star!" Rin points out the window.

"It's so bright!" Honoka looks very happy. "Quick make a wish!"

"Ummm.." I notice something. Whenever you see a shooting star.. well- it shoots horizontally. It's not that this star is shooting vertically.. it's more like..

It's getting close. Like close to us.

"Why do I feel like this star is coming closer?"

"Good question, Umi." Even Umi catches on to it. It's really getting closer. Fast.


Everything is engulfed by light. It's like opening up discord white theme in the middle of the night. It lasts for a few seconds and I regain my sight.

My chest feels lighter. Lighter?! Strange.. I wasn't so close to the wall.

Why does my back feel so empty? I thought I didn't tie my hair. It's really tickling my neck instead!

"Girls.. I think we have a problem." The room light is on. I turn around to see my own self at my room door.

I take out my phone and switch the camera. I'm.. I'm HONOKA?! WHO'S ME?! WHAT IN THE WORLD IS HAPPENING?!

"Okay girls! Calm down! Everyone just calm down! What I want to know is.. WHO'S IN MY BODY?!" I shout. I'm freaking out!


"Umi?" I sigh in relief. Thank god Umi is in my body!

"It's heavy.." Umi sits on my bed.

Heavy? She's talking about my chest right? Right?

Umi looks down at her chest. She then looks at me.

"I'll be fine." Umi's nose is bleeding! Like hell she'll be fine! I'm gonna die of blood loss!

"Nya~" Rin comes up to me on her fours. She lays on my lap and I think Rin didn't change.. right? Right?

"Okay girls! Identify yourselves!"

"I'm Maki." Maki is in Umi's body.

"I'm Honoka!" Honoka is in Nozomi's body..

"I'm rich!" Someone in Maki's body seeks to be happy about the change. "Wait- I mean I'm Kotori!"

Maki faints. Umi's body flops onto the ground and I think she hit her head pretty bad.

"N-Nani?! Maki! Hang in there! I wonder if you cracked my skull?!" My body which is a Umi is comforting her own body which is now Maki.

"Nyaaa!!! Help me!!" That's strange. Why do I hear Rin's voice outside?

"Nyaaa~" The Rin on my lap purrs. Purrs.. don't tell me.

"Rin-chan!" Kotori's body gets up and looks out the window. "R-Rin... chan..." Hanayo seems terrified. I look outside and see a house cat outside... RIN SWAPPED WITH A HOUSE CAT?!

I look at Rin's body. Licking her hands- supposed to be her paws. On her fours, black dots for eyes, is heckin cute.

I look at the house cat outside. Is terrified, is actually Rin, can talk, sounds like Rin-

"I'm coming Rin-chan!" Kotori's body which is now Hanayo bursts out of my room. I quickly follow-

"Nico Nico Nii!" M-mother! MOTHER?!

"Ara ara~ I'm so adorable like this! Look how small I am! My dream body! Too bad I had to really grow."

My mother and Nico switched bodies?! I need to calm down!

Hanayo grabs the house cat and quickly runs upstairs to my room. I try to figure out who is who.

Everyone is in my room.

I'm.. I'm all over the place.

Now that there's so much people in my room.. it's not even as cold as I like it.

"Okay.. Let's clear things up!" I'm in charge. One, I'm Honoka. Second, I'm me, as in Eli and I can manage this kind of chaos. Okay...

Umi -->Me, Eli

Me --> Honoka

Maki --> Umi

Honoka --> Nozomi

Nozomi --> Alisa

Alisa --> Hanayo

Nico --> MY MOTHER

My mother --> Nico

Rin --> Some house cat

Cat --> Rin

Hanayo --> Kotori

Kotori --> Maki

"Do.. Do I have a collar?" Rin speaks up.

"Umm, yes. Yes you do." Hanayo who is in Kotori's body- Hanayo carries Rin. "I get to hold Rin-chan like this~"

"Thank god I'm a house cat! I'm not some stray cat with poor potty training. See! Look at the cat go with my body! Already going into the convenient litter box we manage to find. Wait my body is going to leak with my cloths on!"

"Hurry! Undress Rin!" Nozomi who is in Alisa's body quickly rushes to Rin. Taking off the pyjama hoodie and all remains in Rin's bra. In respect we all turn away and let the cat relieve itself in Rin's body.

"My.. my body.." ;-; Rin is never going to recover from this. "So.. who's going to wash my body.." Rin whispers.

"Don't worry, I'll do it." Nico's body stands up. "I'm Eli's mother, nice to meet you all."

"Well.. I somewhat feel okay with your mother washing me up."

"Then it's decided!" I watch Nico's hands trying to carry Rin. "Was I always this week.. G-give me some time. Come girl, come on." We all continue to look away. While my mother washes Rin's body..

"HOW DO WE GET BACK TO NORMAL?!" Alisa freaks out. "It's an honour to be in Hanayo-senpai's body, but my chest is heavy! I'm afraid of the changed I'll have to go through!"

For some reason Alisa's voice still remains as Hanayo's, but Rin's voice is clear when she's in the body of a cat. I'm in Honoka's body and I have Honoka's voice. Umi as my voice, but Rin has her voice in the body of a cat.. Wait! I need still figure how we're gonna go back to normal-

"Hehehe~" Honoka who is now in Nozomi's lustful, busty body sits closer to Alisa who is possessed by Nozomi's ego.


"Shhhhh. It's okay, Nozomi-chan. Things will be back to normal." Honoka grabs my sister's body and plants her face onto Nozomi's chest.

"What are you doing to my body?!" Alisa shouts. It's the first time ever hearing Hanayo's voice in a loud tone.

"There there Nozomi-chan."

"I can't breathe Hono-cchi!"

Well... while Honoka mess around with Nozomi's body-

"Umi.." I give Umi a concern look.

"AHEM! I was peeking! Not one bit!"

"Your nose is bleeding." -_____-

"Ahem! Allergies.."

UMMIII!! I trust you with my body! Thank god it's the weekends! We have two days to solve this before we go back to school! Imagine Rin's body going back home! I can't imagine what's going to happen!

"I actually have tomatoes slices in my pocket-" Kotori who is now in Maki's body has a small sealable bag full of tomato slices.

"KYAAA!!" Umi who is possessed by Maki's ego screeches. "Give me those!" You know.. I've seen Umi blush and embarrassed, but this is the first time hearing Umi screech.. I wonder how Umi would look like playing the tsundere.

I wonder if Hanayo will even eat Rice in Kotori's body-


"Yes! Kotori-senpai?"

"I-I'm actually.. Hanayo.."

S-Shy KOTORI?! I've always seen Kotori very supportive and kind! This is the first time seeing her shy and blush like that! I think Hanayo switching to Kotori's body is a good thing-

"umm.. I have rice balls in my pocket-"

"OH! H-here." Alisa takes out the rice ball out of her pockets..

"T-thank you." Now I'm watching Kotori who is now Hanayo slowly eating and enjoying her rice balls.

"I want some rice balls!" Maki goes over to Hanayo. Well.. it's not Maki, but Kotori! This is all so confusing! I mean.. now that Kotori is in Maki's body.. it'll be strange to see Maki's body behaving so different. It's like we're seeing a very kind and caring Maki.

"Don't shove crap down my throat!" Maki who is now in Umi's body slaps the Rice ball away from her own body's grasp.

"Ow! Umi-chan!"

"It's Maki!"

"How could you! You would go so far to hit your own body?" Seeing Kotori in Maki's body hurts my head. I can't tell if a weaker Maki is any better than the Maki I'm used to.

"Yea, Maki-cchi! You should be lucky that Kotori-cchi is in your body! I have Hono-cchi squeezing with my own chest over here!"

"I'm having so much fun!" Honoka doesn't seem to care about the body switch..



"Wait- sorry.. not you. Maki!" I keep forgetting that Maki is in Umi's body.

"What do you want!"

"You're studying into the medical field right? I know this is something beyond your knowledge, but has there ever been cases of body swaps?"

"Nope! Ask Nozomi. She's the spiritual one here. She may have an answer from the gods."

"Honoka! Stop using Nozomi's body like that." I command.


My little sister's body flees from Honoka's grasp and hides behind me- Hides behind Honoka's body which is me.

"Eli-cchi.. let me! LET ME JUST!" I feel a pair of hands grabbing my chest.

"AHHH! Nozomi! I'm sorry! Don't use Eli-chan's younger sister's body to grope her older sister who is now in my body!!"


I take out some bread out of my pocket.

"AHHH! My bread!!" For the first time in my life.. Nozomi's whiney voice.. her expression of sadness mixed with worries!

"Behave! Then I shall reward you."

"Yes ma'am!" For the first time.. Nozomi's body is
on her knees. Honoka is now obeying me. Her hand stays neutral- crosses and in her laps. Squeezing her chest together-

"E-Eli.." I can hear my own voice call out to me.

"Yes, Umi?"


"Mmm.. Allergies-"

"LIKE HELL IT'S ALLERGIES!!!" Alisa's body squeezes my cheek. "Honoka! What are you doing with my body?! Even your own body is bleeding from the nose!"

"Why are you squeezing me then?!" I complain.

"Ohh.. I forgot. You're not Honoka. HONOKA!!" I watch Alisa's little body grab onto Nozomi's more busty body. There's a huge bust and height difference which makes Nozomi mommy material.


"Stop being lewd with my body!"

"Okay okay! Forgive! Can you really blame me... JUST LOOK AT MY MELO-"

"HONOKA! Don't go off taking my clothes!!"

Now I watch Nozomi's body and my little sister's body running about.

Once this is all over I'm sure Nozomi is going to rub Honoka and send her to a different dimension.

"Eli.. I can't blame Honoka and I terribly apologize." Again, I hear my own voice.

"What Umi-"

"Who can blame us?! I don't care if it's shameless or not! My body is at the peak of beauty! How come you two never come to school showing off!"

U-Umi!!! What are you doing with my body! She changed! She changed from being maturely shy and embarrassed! She changed into someone who's willing to show off!

"Nyaaa~" R-Rin! Wait.. it's a cat in Rin's body.

Rin walks around me. Sniffing my leg and then settles on my bed. Even in this chaos.. there'll be a sweet moment like this?

I slowly rub Rin's head. God she is so cute-

"Nya!! Why am I not getting any attention-"

"I will give you my attention!" Hanayo picks up the house cat. You know.. Hanayo in Kotori's body is not much a difference, but the main difference is Hanayo's timid and shyness personality.

"Ahaha haha~"

I notice Nico's body is laughing. Mother?

"What's so funny?" I ask.

"It's nothing. I just.. I just remember the last time I had my body swapped."

Oh.. well- I guess she's just thinking about something funny in her past.


"LAST TIME YOU HAD A BODY SWAP!!" I hear the room echo with us yelling at my mother.

"You can reverse this?!" Nozomi cries to my mother. I'm used to seeing Alisa cry, but Nozomi inside Alisa crying? I don't know how to feel about that. "You know when this nightmare will end-"

"Aahhh!! Then.. I must have a peak!!" Nozomi's body rushes to the bathroom.

"No you don't." Umi's body grabs onto Nozomi's body. "You're not going anywhere, Honoka."

"Maki!!" Alisa's voice calls out. Nozomi must be very thankful to Nozomi-

"This is payback! My chance!" I watch Umi's body shame her hands. Maki rubs Honoka. "This is for that time!"

"Why are you rubbing me?!" Honoka whines.

"What are you gonna do?! Rub me?! Fat chance! I'm in Umi's body and she's as flat as it gets! We can play chess on Umi!"

For the first time..
I cried
This is the first time seeing my self cry.

"I'm fine.." Umi wipes her tears. "I'm.. fine.."

Did I ever look like that? So.. weak and sad?! What's with that face Umi is making! Why do I look so weak!

"Ahhh! It's okay Umi-chan! It doesn't matter if your plump as a melon or flat as a board! Your shoulders always carry a heavy burden and for that I'm grateful!" I watch Maki's body cling onto my body.


"It's me, Umi-chan! Kotori-da!"

"Oh.. I forgot. It's weird to see Maki's body up so close."

"Oi! Don't do anything weird in my body!" Angry Umi expression. Maki fits Umi's role for that, but.. I wonder what it looks like to see Umi's body acting a tsundere.

"Can everyone like.. quiet down!" Kotori's voice? Is Hanayo trying to get our attention?

"Nico-chan- I mean.. Ayase okaa-san experienced this before! So? Is there a way to reverse everything back to normal? I.. I.. I can't enjoy my rice balls! Why! I don't know why! I crave for something sweet!"

"Must be cheese cake!" Maki smiles. She is.. all cheerful now. I.. I don't think I'll get use to Kotori being in Maki's body.

"I.. I can enjoy my rice! Kotori-chan's body doesn't really like rice that much!"

"Don't worry. This whole body swap will end." Nico's body crosses her legs. My mother is acting really mature in Nico's body and I don't think I'll ever get used to this.

"Really? Well.. what do we have to do?" I ask.

"We wait. We wait until the author is satisfied."

"Author.. Huh?" Everyone looks confused.

"Until he sees an ending for this story then we will all remain switched. So.. survive for a few more chapters-"

"LIKE HELL WE CAN DO THAT!" My ears ring. Everyone screaming at once..

Survive for a few more chapters?! You have to be kidding me!

Hey guys author here!
I'm gonna have lots of fun writing this fanfic, but I have no idea how to end it! Until next time!

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