Bread or Chocolate? Chapter 4

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Eli's POV

"Streeeeeeetccchhhhhh- NYAA! It still hurts!"

"You're almost there Rin-chan! Just keep that position and feel the burn!"

"Koto-nyannn you're not helping!"

"One day your tummy will be able to touch the ground." Kotori flexes on Rin. Her legs spread far apart and is able to lean forward all the way down to the floor. Arms straight and even turning her head a bit to smile at Rin.

I forgot how flexible Kotori is. Oh well.. I should get my stretches done and over with. I too easily spread my legs far apart and lean forward until my stomach is flat on the floor. To me- this is child's play, but not many girls take ballet or even has a knack for certain things.

Looking at the other girls.. no one comes close to having their stomach on the floor. If anything Nozomi's chest can touch the floor >.>

"Nya.. Honoka-nya?! Is your stomach really touching the floor?!"

"Yea..?" What?


Honoka isn't that flexible is she... .__________.

"I knew it.." I can hear Rin mumbling words. I can somewhat make out what she said, but.. I'm just gonna ignore because I'm caught in a pickle!

"Ummm! F-fluke!" I get up and close in my legs. "It's all a fluke! My body is in pain.. I shouldn't have pushed through so hard!! I- I might need some ice ahahaha.."

"Figured." Umi sighs. "You always push yourself Honoka. You should be more careful sometimes. What's best is knowing your limits and setting the bar at a reasonable height."


"Hmmm.. Hanayo."

"H-Hai!" her voice... it's cutting deep! .. Damnit Honoka.. what do you think about these days?!

"Mind taking Honoka to the nurses office? I'll resume and watch over the stretches.. and hopefully no one goes too far. Am I understood?"

"Yes ma'am!"

"S-sorry Hanayo..chan."

"Don't worry too much about it Honoka-chan."


"Where does it hurt? I never really went too far."

"O-Ohh.. Umm.. my back. I think I need something very hot and I need to walk around to.. unlock the muscles if my back muscles are locked to begin with."

"ehhh? You sure know a lot, Honoka-chan."

"Umm.. Eli-chan.. was talking to me about it. I was.. umm.. asking how I can improve and well- I went a bit too far and never heeded her warning."

"Is that so? You should be more careful then.."

"Y-yea.." I.. I never really talked to Hanayo face to face. It's.. quite awkward.

"You are a lot smarter than I expected, Honoka-chan."

"e-eh?? W-well.. I learn everyday you know." I rub the back of my head. Does.. Hanayo really think Honoka isn't that smart. After being in her body.. well- She's not that dumb.. Well.. Okay yea- Honoka isn't the brightest >.>

"Are you going to be okay?"

"Y-yea! I'll be fine Hanayo-chan." Thinking about it.. my back really does hurt. I'm in Honoka's body now.. I think I did go overboard. I completely forgot how flexible I am compared to Honoka.

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