Parent-Teacher Conference

بواسطة PyreFlie

22.8K 758 3.4K

*COMPLETED* Clementine loved AJ but becoming a mom at the age of 22 was not in the plans. How will she handle... المزيد

the Note
the Call
the Date
the Kiss
the Home
the Room
the Door
the Tear
the Ring
the Moon
the Dawn
the Love

the Life

1.2K 52 247
بواسطة PyreFlie

Violet sat alone in her classroom, correcting papers as her students were in the lunch room. A soft rhythmic tap came on the classroom door. It was a knock that she had the pleasure of hearing for the past seven months now and she still wasn't tired of it. Her heart thudded just a tiny bit faster as she shouted, "Come in!" Turning back to the paperwork on her desk, she pushed it all to the side, anticipating her wife's movements. Clementine slipped through the door, closing it behind her. She walked right up to Violet's desk, sitting on the corner, scooting back and dangling her legs over the edge, crossing them at the ankle. Just as Violet knew she would.

"Is it time for our parent-teacher conference?" Clementine asked with a grin, leaning back on her hands.

Violet kept her eyes glued to the last few assignments on her desk, ignoring the flower patterned skirt that was now brushing against her hand, "Not tired of that line yet?" She sighed, trying to sound disgruntled, but a smile was slowly taking over her face, crinkling her nose, wrinkling her forehead and putting a shine in her eyes.

"Hey...I don't say it every day." Clementine pouted, glancing down at Violet's face, seeing the smile forming. "Besides, you know you like it."

"I do like it and I love you." Violet placed a hand behind Clementine's neck, gently coaxing her head down to meet her lips in a brief kiss.

"Should you be doing that?" Clementine's eyes darted nervously toward the door, noticing construction paper covering the small window.

"I covered the window for our lunch break. It's fine as long as it's just a quick kiss." Violet admitted, eyes dropping back down to her work, embarrassed at her idea.

"I like how you think Mrs. Adlon." Clementine smirked at her wife, tilting her chin so that she could peck her on the lips. Violet blushed and lowered her head once more. "How's AJ been today? He was acting kind of grumpy this morning." Clementine asked, hopping down to retrieve their lunches from a nearby shelf.

Violet finished her last paper and moved everything to the side, sticking things in drawers, making room for them to eat, "He's been a little snappy, but behaving normal besides that. I think he didn't get enough sleep last night."

"I think you're right." Clementine said, coming back to set the lunch boxes on the desk while Violet pulled another chair over so they could sit beside each other. "We'll have to be more strict once I've graduated and things get less hectic."

"I can't believe you're almost done with school... and the way you put Joan in her place at the Home Owner's Association meeting last night... I have to say, very attractive." Violet said, edging a little closer as Clementine sat down.

"I could tell, you were all over me last night." Clementine winked at her flustered wife.

Violet cleared her throat and ignored Clementine's statement, "Ready to graduate and become HOA president?" She asked, their arms brushing against one another as they opened their lunch boxes.

"It's not like I wanted to be president really." Clementine pulled out a container of salad and poured the small package of dressing over it, mixing it all together with her fork. "I just didn't want Joan to be and no one else had the guts to run against her."

Violet smiled as she took a bite, chewing slowly before meeting Clementine's eyes. "So proud of you." an unsupressable smile began to spread across Violet's face. Clementine took note of it and raised an eyebrow curiously.

"What?" She asked. Taking a bite but not removing her eyes from her wife.

"I was just thinking about the meeting..."

Last night

"I have been president of the HOA for five years running." Joan, said, pacing on a small platform in front of the moderate crowd of people. They were sitting in fold out chairs on the well manicured play lawn beside the neighborhood pool. "Property values in this neighborhood continue to rise and the crime rate is relatively zero. Because of me we can safely let our children play in the yard. Because of me your houses will provide you with good returns. If you want to continue to feel safe, if you want to continue to know that your properties are worth the most they can be, then I urge you to vote for me. Thank you."

A scattering of people clapped from around the lawn. Joan stepped to the side but she didn't sit down as someone else stepped to the center of the makeshift platform. "Now we will hear from Mrs. Clementine Everett who is opposing Mrs. Joan Callamezzo." The man stepped back off the platform, standing beside Joan.

Clementine took a deep, shaky breath. Violet squeezed her hand firmly before releasing it as she stood. She wiped her sweaty hands on her pants as she mounted the stage. Confidence edged out fear as Clementine turned around to face the crowd.

"I've lived in this neighborhood for more than ten years. I've gone through some of my best times here and some of my worst. I've learned that there's a time for upholding policies, but there's also a time for compassion and understanding. This is a neighborhood full of people not robots. People should come first. I believe in enforcing rules but I also believe in taking circumstances into account. If you've experienced a personal tragedy, the last thing you need to worry about is your grass being an inch too long. I just want our neighborhood to feel like a safe place, from external forces and internal... thanks." Clementine finished, nodding awkwardly before stepping off the platform and sitting next to Violet, face red.

"You did great." Violet beamed proudly, "That was perfect." She leaned in to whisper into the brunette's ear. "Joan's turned into a green-eyed monster, I swear." Clementine giggled lightly, trying to look over at a fuming Joan in her peripheral so that it didn't look like she was staring.

"As much as I'd like to put her in her place, everyone knows I don't have experience, Joan still has the upper hand." Clementine said with a sigh, "We'll just have to see how the vote goes." Violet wrapped an arm around her, pulling her close and kissing the side of her head.

"I can't believe I won." Clementine said, looking surprised, "I have no idea how to be a HOA president... but I'm going to learn. I'll be the leader everyone needs me to be... as soon as I graduate tomorrow, I'll be able to focus on it more."

"And you'll do wonderful Clem." Violet winked, resting her hand on Clementine's knee, bringing a smile to her wife's face as they finished their lunch.


Clementine stood at the bottom of a small staircase leading to a stage in the university's gymnasium. Chairs were lined up in front of the stage, filled with all of the students ready to graduate. The stadium seats were filled with family and loved ones. The brunette looked around as she waited, trying to spot Violet, but was unable to find her in the dense crowd. She was waiting for her name to be read off the list, hoping she didn't trip on her gown that was way too long for her short frame.

"Clementine Everett." the dean finally called out. Clementine climbed the few stairs and crossed the stage. Head held high as she shook the dean's hand and accepted her diploma. She could hear Violet, AJ, and Duck cheering from the stands and smiled broadly as she walked to exit the stage. She moved her tassel from one side of her hat to the other, eyes glancing around the audience, more easily catching sight of her blonde headed wife, AJ, and Duck this time as they were standing up.

"We love you Clem!" The three yelled out in unison, Clementine's chest tightened at their words. Words that they must have planned as they sat there waiting for Clementine's name to be called out. Words that brought tears to her eyes as she made her way back to her seat, waiting for the other students to receive their diplomas and the ceremony to end. She swiped uselessly at her eyes with the back of her hand as she went back to sit down with the other graduates.

Once seated again, she tapped her foot wildly, eager to run to her family, for them to wrap her in a hug. Clementine couldn't wait to thank Violet for everything. Everything she had accomplished after Lee's death had been thanks to Violet. She was able to get AJ back, a new job, her degree, all thanks to Violet.

The ceremony couldn't end quickly enough for Clementine, as soon as pomp and circumstance started playing again and all the graduates were released, she dashed straight for her family. She remembered where they had sat and made her way directly too them, finding them before they could find her.

"Did you hear us yell??" AJ asked excitedly, jumping up and down, hands clasped at his chest.

"Of course I did bud, thank you. I love you too." Clementine bent down to his level and hugged him until he giggled to be released.

"Thanks for coming Duck." Clementine smiled, throwing her arms around her old friend.

"Graduations are boring as nobody's business but you know I'd do anything for you Clem." Duck said, patting her on the back a few times before they separated.

Violet stood to the side, waiting for her turn to congratulate her wife. She stepped forward almost shyly as Duck released Clementine. "I'm so proud of you Clem." She said, holding her arms out, ready for her hug. Clementine didn't make her wait long as she filled the space between her arms, lovingly enveloping the blonde with her own.

Violet was surprised when she felt Clementine's damp cheek pressed against hers. "Are you alright?" Violet whispered worriedly into her ear.

"The most alright I've been in a long time. Thank you for coming Vi. Thank you for everything." Clementine pulled back, a tear running down her cheek. Violet's eyes glistened as well, the two girls laughed at their own sentimentality before hugging once more.

Duck sat with AJ until the girls broke their hug again, "I wanna get a couple of pictures before I take AJ back to my place to spend the night." Duck said, standing up and brandishing his phone.

"AJ's spending the night with you tonight?" Clementine asked, confused.

"Yeah," Duck answered, leading the small group out of the gymnasium and onto the lawn. "Violet asked if I could keep him and I said of course. I already got someone to cover me at work so I could come to your graduation. Might as well have AJ over. I don't get to see him as much as I used to. Sarah will be excited to see him too."

"Well... okay... that's nice, thank you Duck." Clementine looked suspiciously over at her wife who was determinedly avoiding eye contact.

Duck took a few pictures of Clementine with Violet and AJ, and then some with them individually before Violet offered to take a picture of Duck and Clementine together. After pictures were taken, Clementine kissed AJ good bye, thanking Duck again before they left. She watched them until they reached the parking lot, then she turned her eyes to look suspiciously at her wife.

"Why'd you ask Duck to keep AJ for us?" Clementine asked, stepping towards Violet with a raised eyebrow.

"I wanna take you somewhere." Violet smiled, taking Clementine's hand and pulling her to where they had parked.

"AJ couldn't come with?" Clementine asked, wondering what Violet had planned.

"I mean, he could, but I really wanted to spend some time with you. You've earned a night off after all your hard work." Violet said, Clementine watched as she opened the trunk and pulled out a book bag filled with stuff, slinging it on her back.

Clementine reached up to unzip her graduation gown, revealing a simple black dress underneath. "Am I dressed appropriately for wherever this place is?"

"You look perfect." Violet said, allowing her eyes to roam over Clementine's attire. The brunette threw her cap and gown into the trunk, giving Violet a nod that that was all she needed to do. Violet slammed it shut and grabbed Clementine's hand, leading her back onto the campus.

"Wait... we're going somewhere on campus?" Clementine looked surprised as she was led away from the car.

"Mhmm." Violet smiled, "Why do you think I put the back pack on?" she said somewhat sarcastically. Clementine glared as Violet chuckled and continued to pull her onward. They walked past the gymnasium, around academic buildings and across the recreational field. Finally coming to a sudden stop. The brunette watched confused as Violet released her hand and pulled a thin piece of metal out of her pocket. "Watch my back, tell me if someone's coming." Violet whispered, focusing her attention on the lock.

"Why? What? Vi... are you picking that lock??" Clementine said, eyes growing wide. She stared in shock at the woman in front of her. The mature, put together teacher that she had fallen in love with that was now picking the lock to a tower at her college. Shaking herself out of her shocked stupor she spun around to look out for campus security or wandering passerby.

After only a minute, Clementine heard a click, a creak and a whispered, "Come on!" Clementine turned on her heel and hurried into the door that Violet held open, closing it quickly behind her.

"Vi... this is breaking and entering... it's a-a punishable offense! And how do you know how to pick a lock??" Clementine was mildly worried but extremely intrigued.

"I told you I was a bad kid." Violet shrugged, she took Clementine's hand again and began walking up the tall staircase that led up, up, up. "Sometimes my dad would be passed out drunk before I got home from school. I'd be locked out of the trailer until my Mom got off work, which was sometimes incredibly late. So I learned how to pick locks. I'd like to say I only used my skills for good but..." Violet trailed off, seemingly embarrassed at the person she used to be.

Clementine walked side by side with Violet, the staircase was just wide enough to allow it. She looked into Violet's face. "I'm sorry you had to go through all of that as a kid, but I'm sure whatever you've done that may have been inappropriate-"

"Or illegal." Violet amended.

"Or illegal... it's in the past now and I'm sure you regret it." Clementine squeezed Violet's hand in reassurance. Violet smiled warmly back at her wife. "Except for whatever is going on now. Vi, we could get in so much trouble for breaking in here..."

"Don't worry." Violet chuckled, "You've already graduated, what are they going to do, kick you out? Besides, if someone catches us, we'll play dumb, say the door was open and that we just wanted to have a look around."

"Hmm..." Clementine said, not quite convinced but going along with it. "Where are we exactly anyway? I was so nervous I didn't even notice what building we were at."

Violet shot her a huge grin as they reached the top. She placed her hand on the knob and twisted, pushing the door open, "The bell tower."

Clementine's mouth dropped as she stepped out onto the small balcony that surrounded a giant bell. It was already dark outside. The sky was cloudless and the stars shown brightly in the blanket of darkness. Each one a pin prick of light, eager to make itself known among all the others, as if they were individually vying for the girls' attention.  The brunette leaned over the railing, a smile creeping on her face as she traced the stars with her eyes.

"It's beautiful up here." Clementine breathed out.

"Worth the risk?" Violet raised an eyebrow.

"Worth the risk." Clementine confirmed, too captivated with the stars to look away.

Violet took the chance to pull a blanket out of her book bag and spread it out on the ground near the railing. She then pulled a box out and set it on the blanket, followed by a thermos and two tin mugs.

"Vi, what gave you the idea to-" Clementine started as she tore her eyes away from the heavens, finding her wife sitting on a blanket beside her. "Vi!" Clementine dropped onto the blanket, "What is all this? Why'd you do this for me?"

"Remember when you forgot your dinner at home? I brought it to campus for you." Violet asked, hugging her knees to her chest as she sat. Clementine nodded, legs out in front of her, of course she remembered. She had told Violet not to bother, that she would be fine, but Violet insisted. Her and AJ drove up to the school and handed her food to her between classes. The moment only served to solidify how wonderful a woman Violet was in Clementine's eyes. 

"When I came up, I noticed the bell tower. There used to be a bell tower back at my old school and I would climb it and just sit, it was so peaceful. So when I saw this. I walked by it with AJ and peaked at the lock. I knew it was one that I could pick so I left with a plan to take you up here after you graduated... Now... here we are." Violet explained, leaning her cheek against her knee as she spoke.

Clementine frowned, Violet was so thoughtful. Always thinking of her and AJ. Clementine frowned, watching as Violet was too busy unscrewing the thermos lid and pouring the hot liquid into the cups to notice. "Coffee?" Clementine questioned the dark substance, trying to suppress her frown.

"Yes, and..." Violet opened the box as if it were a grand reveal, "doughnuts!" Violet grinned up at Clementine, waiting for a reaction, but all she saw was a tear slip down Clementine's cheek. "Clem? I-I'm sorry... I know it's not much... you deserve so much more after everything you've gone through. After how hard you worked to graduate and all you do for me and AJ." Violet swore to herself, "I should have taken you out to a fancy dinner or-or something nicer, I'm such a dumba-"

"No." Clementine interrupted, "Grabbing Violet's hand, holding it in one hand and rubbing it with her other. "You're always thinking of these nice things to do for me. I wanted to do something special for you for once. To thank you for everything you've done. You never had to stay with me when you learned what a mess I was, but you swooped in like my knight and shining armor and saved me... and you continue to save me every. single. day." Clementine released Violet as she stuck her hand in the pocket of her dress. Violet didn't even realize that her dress had pockets, but they were large enough to hold a small box that Clementine pulled out, opening it shakily in front of Violet. "This isn't enough... this will never be enough... but I saved up to buy it for you and I want you to know that I'll never stop trying to be what you deserve."

Violet reached out and took the ring, holding it in her palm she examined it. It was simple, white gold, no jewels or embellishments, just smooth and rounded. "Clem... none of that is true... but thank you..."

"Look at the inside." Clementine said, almost excited now as Violet turned on her phone's flashlight and read the engraving inside. "PTC 2019 C+V"

"So you'll always have the memory of when we first met close to you." Clementine explained, taking the ring and slipping it on Violet's left hand. "I know it's silly..." Clementine started but Violet pressed her lips against Clementine's, looping her arm around Clementine's waist, pulling her closer. The brunette smiled into the kiss, hugging Violet around the neck as they slowly melted into one another, drawing it out for as long as possible. The sounds of the night slowly surrounding them. Crickets could be heard chirping, bats flapped their wings from above, even the wind joined in the chorus of their kisses.

When Violet broke the kiss she stared into Clementine's eyes, stroking her cheek softly, "How'd I get so lucky..."

"We both did." Clementine smiled, leaning in for one more kiss before they spent the evening gazing at the stars and talking until the early morning hours.

The End.

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