Unbreakable (Slowly Editing)

By BesoLove

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Life doesn't always play fair. It's a game of fight or flight. What happens when the unexpected, unexplainabl... More

The Breakup (Chapter One)
Change (Chapter Two)
Over It (Chapter Three)
Cheater (Chapter Four)
Surprise (Chapter Five)
What Did You Say? (Chapter Six)
My What? (Chapter Seven)
Broken Hearted (Chapter Eight)
Broken Hearted (Chapter Nine)
Broken Hearted (Chapter Ten)
Broken Hearted (Chapter Eleven)
Broken Hearted (Chapter Tweleve)
Broken Hearted (Chapter Thirteen)
Broken Hearted (Chapter Fourteen)
Broken Hearted (Chapter Fifteen)

Broken Hearted (Chapter Sixteen)

845 21 4
By BesoLove


Happy reading loves


I was pacing the halls of the hospital because I read in one of the pregnancy books that I got it induces labour naturally and at this point I just wanted her out already.

I was pushing my IV while Mayson was walking beside me gently brushing his hand along my back.

"Just breathe Princess, we're almost there." he was saying in a hushed tone.

"Oh God!" I cried out as wave of pain washed over me. "Okay, take me back to the room." I asked him through the pain.

Mayson gently lead me towards my room and helped me get back into bed.

"Everything's gonna be alright Princess, can I get you anything?" He asked rubbing soothing circles on the back of my hand with his thumb. I shock my head and gripped onto his hand tightly as a cried out in pain.

"Is this ever going to end?!" I screamed trying as hard as I possibly could to not cry.

"I'm sorry Princess." Mayson said holding and kissing my hand. I didn't focus on his words I just tried to keep my breathing even.

"How are we doing in here?" Doctor Matthews asked as she walked in looking over my charts.

"Painful." Was all I could say as another contraction came and it took all of me not to scream.

"I'll call the nurse in to check how well everything is going and I'll be right back, okay?" She asked.

I just nodded unable to answer her, I was getting so tired I didn't know how much longer I could do this for.

"What... what if I don't make it through this baby?" I asked Mayson when we were on our own again.

"You'll make it, I know it. Don't give up on me now, please." He said kissing my forehead.

I was in so much pain I didn't know what to do anymore.

A frantic beeping started on one of the machines beside my bed and I looked at Mayson scared something might me wrong. One of the nurses came rushing in pushing the help button on my bed and she was telling me to breathe and relax.

"What's going on?" Mayson asked worriedly, "What's wrong?" He questioned.

Before the nurse got a chance to answer him doctor Matthews came rushing in, "Nurse?" She questioned.

"The baby, he heart beat dropped." She said.

I felt my heart sink as she spoke, I tired to force myself to look at Mayson but I couldn't. I just kept staring at the nurse and doctor Matthews, holding onto Mayson's as if my life depended on it.

"No, no, no! Get her out! Help her! Please!" I screamed feeling tears roll down my face.

"We're going to have to do an emergency C-Section" doctor Matthews said looking between Mayson and I.

"Is she going to make it?" Mayson asked in a strained voice, holding my hand with one of his an rubbing up my arm with the other one.

"We'll do our best to make it happen." Doctor Matthews assured us. "Get her prepped and ready for surgery." She said to the nurse and rushed out.

"Mayson..." I said as more tears rolled down my face. "She's not... she won't, I'm sorry! It's all my fault, we're losing her!" I cried, he's going to hate me. I'm losing our daughter and its all my fault.

"Shh, Princess. It's all going to be okay, don't worry. She's gonna be fine." He said kissing my tears away.

"I'm so sorry." I said again rubbing my belly. Please God, please let our baby be okay. We can't lose her. I silently prayed as more tears rolled down my face.

"Let's get a move on!" On of the nurses said as she walked into the room. "We're gonna get you down to the surgical wing and get your little girl out safe and sound." She smiled at me reassuringly.


We were in one of operation rooms, doctor Matthews said that the umbilical cord had wrapped around the baby's neck and they were going to work as fast as possible to get her out.

"You're going to feel some pain, but it'll all be worth it to save the baby." She told me. I couldn't speak so I just nodded my head.

I clung to Mayson's hand trying to find comfort from him, "I'm so, so sorry Mayson." I kept repeating with tears in my eyes.

I never thought that I...we would have to worry about losing the baby, I mean I read it in some books and online that there is a chance of complications during child birth. But I never thought that it could happen to us, or how much it would actually hurt to have my daughter so close and not be able to do anything to save her.

Mayson had been quiet the entire time since we entered the room, and I could just tell how upset he was. I ruined out little family that we were just starting, I was losing our daughter. I felt so helpless all I could do was cry, continuously.

I was starting to panic, I could feel my heart trying to break free as it beat rapidly against my ribs at a painful speed. I fell back onto the bed and I could vaguely hear Mayson calling my name and people rushing into the room, some trying to save MariBelle while others tried to get my attention. But I couldn't focus, numbing darkness started to take over.

All I could think about was Mayson and MariBelle. The two loves of my life, were my final thoughts as I slipped into blackness.


I was sitting in the chair next to Eliana's bed holding MariBelle tightly in my arms. She was so small, so beautiful. She had her moms piercing blue eyes and my dark curly hair. I couldn't believe I helped make something... someone so precious.

"Mommy's going to be awake soon baby. Then we can go home and you get to sleep in your crib right next to us, every single night." I whispered to her as I gently brushed her hair back with my fingers. She was so little I didn't want to hurt her.

I turned to face Eliana again slightly repositioning MariBelle in my arm, "Princess, please wake up." I quietly begged brushing my free hand along the side of her face.

It had been a week and Eliana was still in a coma. I didn't give up hope on her though, she couldn't leave us alone. Not after all that we'd been through, after all that we were working towards. Not so soon after Marie was born.

"Baby you'd really love Marie, she has your eyes." I told her. I tried everyday to talk to her. I just wanted her to wake up so I could see her beautiful her smile and hear her musical laugh. I just needed my Princess back.

"Baby, please don't leave me." I pleaded. I tried to be strong, but I couldn't lose her. She was mine, and I wanted her here with me, with our daughter.

I stood up rocking Marie gently to sleep before I put her in the makeshift crib that they had brought in for her to sleep beside Eliana's bed, I kissed her cheek lightly and when to sit back by Eliana holding her hand.

I checked my phone to see it was just after midnight, sighing I out my phone back into my pocket. Figuring I might as well get some sleep seeing as my two women were sleeping, I made myself comfortable in the chair a dozed off while holding Eliana's hand.


I groaned as I heard someone calling my name softly, not wanting to open my eyes just yet.

"Mayson..." I heard a voice croak.

My eye snapped open. "Princess?" I said sitting up more.

Tears started to fall down her face and she looked so scared it broke my heart.

"Mayson, I'm so, so sorry. Please don't hate me." Said as more tears fell.

I looked at her confused, getting up and sitting on the side of her bed. "Princess, why would I hate you?" I asked wiping her tears away.

"Because I... because I killed her... it's all my fault. She didn't make it because of me." She said in a rush. I laughed and kissed her lips lightly, shaking my head.

"Mayson! I killed our baby and you're laughing? Did you not want her!" She shouted at me pulling her hands from me.

"Princess keep it down." I warned, my eye flickering over to where Marie lay sleeping.

"Keep it down? Keep it down? My daughter is dead and you're telling me to keep it down? Mayson you piece of-" she was cut off when Marie started to wail from the noise her mom was making.

"Wh-what... h-how?" She asked as fresh tears started to fall.

"Baby, you've been in a coma. Marie is fine. We've been waiting here everyday for you to wake up." I told her. "Do you want to hold her?" I asked.

She nodded so fast I thought she might have pulled a muscle. I walked over to Marie's crib and picked her up.

"Hey baby girl," I said rocking her, "this is your mommy. Now you gotta be a good little girl like we talked about. Mommy's very tired." I cooed to Marie, kissing her head lightly.

Eliana had her arms out reaching for her and I couldn't help but laugh at her eagerness. I placed Marie in her arms and she instantly calmed down an stopped crying.

"I can't believe it." Eliana whispered as she ran the back of her finger along Marie's cheek. She looked up at me with a small smile. "She's really okay, I was so scared." She said as she looked down at Marie with complete awe. "She's so beautiful!" She said with more tears in her eyes.

After a while of us just sitting there talking quietly a nurse came in.

"Oh you're awake!" She exclaimed excitedly. Eliana just nodded and kept her eyes on Marie. "I told you it was only a matter of time." She said to me.

"Yeah I know." I said looking over at my beautiful daughter and fiancée, my angels. It just seems as if life couldn't get any better.


After another week of Eliana's recovering we were finally allowed to go home. The nurse pushed Eliana out in a wheelchair as I went to get my car.

"Good luck you too." She called out to us as Eliana sat in the back and strapped Marie into her car seat.

We got home in no time, I was helping Eliana out the car with one arm seeing as she couldn't really walk because of her stitches and holding Marie's car seat in the other. As soon as we walked through the front door there were quiet cheers and gasps from our parents, Jen and Gracie.

"Hey guys." Eliana said with a smile.

Our parents were the first to hug us then they all wanted to get a good look at the baby, Eliana looked a little nervous just having Marie away from her so soon. I gave her hand a little squeeze as she looked at me and I leant down to give her a soft kiss, "I love you wife to be." I told her while pulling her to me lightly. She seemed to relax a little bit as I helped her sit down next to me on the couch.

We watched as Marie went from hand to hand, she didn't like that too much and started to get fussy. Eliana tried to jump up to get her but I didn't want her to hurt herself so I pushed her back down on the couch lightly and got Marie from her grandparents, who wouldn't stop gushing over her.

"Eliana, we got you some things for the baby. We weren't too sure what you guys already have here so we got a little basket for you, it's already in the babies room." Eliana's mom said to her with a smile.

"Thanks mom." Eliana said to her. She tried to cover a yawn with her hand, I knew she was really tired so I told everyone that we'd be downstairs putting the baby down for a nap and we hugged them all saying our goodbyes.

When Marie was soundlessly asleep in her crib, we put the little nightlight on that we had got from Eliana's parents and the baby monitor as well and closed the door leaving it open a little.

I sat on the couch and pulled her onto my lap gently. She put her head on my shoulder and I wrapped my arms around lightly not wanting to hurt her.

"I love you." she mumbled tiredly against my shirt.

I kissed the top of her head, "I love you too Princess." She put her arms loosely around my waist and yawned again. "Bedtime?" I asked her, she just nodded.

She repositioned herself in my lap and I picked her up bridal style as she wrapped her arms around my neck and put her head on my chest. I put her down on the bed softly.

"Help me change please?" She asked me with her eyes still closed.

I didn't know if I could do that without getting carried away. I mean I know she just had a baby, my baby, and she was probably in no mood to. But she was just so damn sexy that I couldn't help myself. I groaned internally and tried to remind myself that Marie was sleeping in the other room and that Eliana had just had a surgery and had gotten stitches.

I finally got her changed and she was half asleep already. "Goodnight Princess." I said kissing her lips.

"Goodnight my love." She mumbled sleepily, I chuckled and shook my head as I stripped down and got into bed beside her.

Seriously how much better could my life be? With my two angels, there was no doubt in my mind I was the luckiest man alive.

I sighed content with life and pulled my fiancée, the mother of my beautiful daughter into my arms and fell asleep.


Thanks for reading guys!

Don't forget to;




❤ forverlove143

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