Izuku the Lost Soldier: Nucle...

By Pabaxel

4.9K 222 13

Somewhere in this world, there are people fighting within the darkness to help humanity grow. Many never see... More

Found/New mission: School?
Sudden attack!
Fuck their here!/USJ
New assignment
American Civil War
American Civil War part 2
Big Three on the lookout/Sports Festival interupted
Return of Evil
End of the Beginning (Ending)

Mission successful?

1.3K 28 2
By Pabaxel

Somewhere in this world, there are people fighting within the darkness to help humanity grow.

Many never see the light again, but for those who do, will have to fight their own battles of society.

And this is where this story begins.


During a hot warm night, Izuku Midoriya at age five was kidnapped by a group of villains from their apartment.

Later when his parents woke up a notice that he was no longer in their house. He's gone missing, immediately both Inko and Hisashi (Midoriya's parents) started to panic in which soon they called the police filing a missing person report.

Inko went door to door to see if their neighbors saw her son yesterday or day at any time. While Hisashi stayed with the police for any updates on the search.

Inko then went to Bakugou's residency and asked her friend Mitsuki.
"Hello Mitsuki, have you seen my son around here?"

"Your son? No, what happened?" ,-she asked

"He has been missing since this morning." ,-said Inko

"I will contact some friends to see if they have seen him." ,-said Mitsuki as she sees her friend moving to the next door to ask. "Have your seen Midoriya today?" ,-she asked his son walking back to her house.

"No why." ,-said Bakugo playing video games.

"His parents haven't seen him since this morning." ,-said Mitsuki

"He's missing? Well okay I haven't seen him ..",-said Katsuki Bakugo not with signs of concern but more of an ignorance state of mind. As later he didn't pay nor understand how a big deal it was that Midoriya was missing that day.

A few days passed by, after 48 hours normally the chances of a person being alive from a possible kidnapping are reduced almost to zero.

*Later that day after the kidnapping*
"What the hell, this is the wrong kid!" ,-yelled the gang leader.

"But they gave us this address?" ,-said of his members.

"It can't be, this kid has no use. He's young, he doesn't have a quirk, and doesn't possess any type of useful intel." ,-said the leader, "just look at him, he will die soon." ,-he said pointing at him with a knife.

"Isn't that a bit too much for the kid." ,-said one of the members, seeing that this kid doesn't need to die from something like this.

"They send us this and we get nothing in return. Well, then he will pay for their acts." ,-said the leader slowly losing his humanity.

The gang notice he lost a bit of his sanity, but didn't want to speak up against him. Feared of being fired or worse killed.

Izuku was left tied up and blindfolded. The gang leader left him in an abandoned storage facility. But the same member that didn't want to kill this kid cut the rope that restrains him to the wooden chair.

"Sorry kid, this is all I can you." ,-said the nervous gang member finishing cutting the rope before leaving with the rest of the gang.

*A few minutes later*
"That should do it." ,-said the leader locked the storage door. "Let's go rob a store." ,-he said as the gang leaves the area.

Izuku stayed quite scared, he didn't understand what was happening. He knows he's nothing special, he comes from a basic family, was no quirk, and doesn't have anything valuable so why?

He's still blindfolded, as that guy from before cut some rope he was able to move out from the chair. But then he felt that his feet from tied together, so even if get escaped the chair his legs useless.

Then he got a desperate idea, which was to hop and to find an exit soon. But after jumping for an hour his stamina depleted tremendously. His legs stopped responded which caused him to fall to the floor. "Why?.."Why me..." ,-he thought as he started crying and fell asleep on the cold floor until the following day.

Next day, he can't take off his blindfold. Izuku was feeling the side effects of dehydration and lack of food. And it kept getting worse the following day. 

Until the third-day, secret government agents stormed the storage unit. And instead of finding the gang that attacked a local agency they found Izuku locked away in a room in the hideout during a search and destroy mission.
He heated multiple crashes which made him panic and started scrawling somewhere. With his weakened state, he continued moving slowly through the floor.

"We're here to save you." ,-said an agent
With that Midoriya thought he would finally be able to go home. And started crying again until he passed out.

But that didn't turn out to be the case, as he soon arrives at a hidden facility. Which trained quirkless kids and sometimes experimented on.

But first, they had to treat his weakened body with fluids and supplements. As he didn't eat or drink anything for three days. Which his body was at an already critical condition.


Eventually went Midoriya woke up to months later as he was in a comma. The staff explained to him since he doesn't have a quirk his life will that he a good as he expected. But if he joins this program than maybe everything can be turned around.

This gave a sense of purpose as he always had the mentality to help others in need. Along with he was not the only one was over 200 candidates were enrolled in the program L.S.R.P (Life Support Resurrection program.) Which will help Japan to jump into battle before the main JSDF is ready to engage.

10 years pass by at the age 15 he and 79 others like him from the same division, will be sent to the first and last mission of their lives. With their training they have become ideal soldiers, but their not invincible.

"This is Sargent Ramirez, the subjects are in place!" ,-he said over the radio. "Permission to engage?" ,-he asked

"Permission granted." ,-said the General 

"Copy that, listen everyone there's incoming unknown forces heading towards Tokyo. We are going to intercept the enemy fleet and destroy everything." ,-said Sargent Ramirez walking back and forth.

"Yes, sir!" ,-said 80 trained orphan subjects which some have been experimented on since their early age.

Soon all 80 of them were transported up the harbor, which they were divided into 10 cruisers. So eight per ship, which were a cheap prototype that didn't require a large crew to operate it.

Then the general starts off the attack as the main JSDF forces started the attack against the foreign fleet which kept radio silence.

Soon all teams boarded the 10 ships and head to the open waters.
"Looks like this is it." ,-said Mason stationed in the radar section.

"Ready to die?" ,-said John joking around not remembering what to do.

"Hey shut up! Izuku ready to fight." ,-said Kyle the leader almost throwing his shoe again.

"I guess." ,-he responded checking the turret controls. "Ammo count is very low." ,-he thought to continue analyzing the data.

"How do these things work?" ,- said John pressing random buttons.

"Got damn it, John!" ,-said Kyle as they continue setting up the bridge command. "Stop touching random things if you don't know what they do!" ,-he yelled.

"Alpha is getting attacked." ,-said Mason checking the radar as Alpha's signal slowly faded away.

Aboard the cruisers, there are four people in the bridge and the other four will be across the ship using the regular weaponry.

"Full speed ahead." ,-said Kyle as they got closer more missiles and torpedoes they had to avoid.

"Charlie is hit!" ,-said Mason as an explosion appeared in the distance.

*Two down, eight more cruisers*
"Lower down to the rear!" ,-commanded Kyle

"Hold tight." ,-yelled Mason

"Target locked in, firing." ,-said Izuku activating all long-range turrets.

"Keep going for 20 more seconds." ,-ordered Kyle

Midoriya was subjected to high intense mental training as he calculates the course of the bullets and missiles trajectory upon impact.

Izuku continued firing until they an explosion was set in the distant waters.
"Got it." ,-said Izuku activating two more torpedoes. "Locked and loaded." ,-he said sending them out.

*Seconds later*
"Missiles!!!!!!" ,-yelled Mason as one of the eight crew members died upon impact.

"Fuck, Ray is not responding he's dead." ,-said John checking his pulse.

"Everyone remain in your positions." ,-said Kyle trying to keep everyone in their positions.

"Sir there are reports the gas tank as been breached." ,-said John as he uses the radio communication system.

"We are running out of fuel." ,-said Mason as he looks over at the screen next to him as the tank fuel started blinking red.

"It's barely three minutes into the fight and we are taking heavy fire." ,-reported Kyle checking all control systems.

"This this Echo ship we are under heavy fire and we are ramming the ship against the destroyer. Everyone stay back" ,-said Kyle over the radio.

"Everyone evacuated." ,-ordered Kyle as he stayed aboard the ship.


Izuku, Mason, And John jump to the first draft along with another member. While the seconds lift was filled with three more members.

Soon they rowed away from the cruiser.
"Shit!" ,-said Kyle when an incoming missile strike hits right up the fuel tank section.

Izuku looks in the distance a ball of flame in the distance. "For damn it!" ,-he yelled carrying his rifle.

"Enemies have reaches the shore!" ,-said Mason as gunfire and shots can be seen in the beach.

It was this mysterious army fighting the JSDF ground forces. They row to the beach, during the trip a miss fired missile hit the second raft killing everyone.

"Let's go help them." ,-said John as they land on the beach with only half the team left and another guy gets blown up by a grenade and killed the metal fragments.

"Is this ready going t—" ,-John peeks over at the incoming shots as a pre-fire shot hits him straight in the face. His body lands then land in the cold sand within the full moon.

But it doesn't stop there this gets worse as the last remaining members which were Mason and Izuku. Forces soon started focusing on them and started firing. Which it was the idea of the General in the first place, for these kids to take heavy hits and left the JSDF slip the field.

There are six cruisers left and were told to retreat as the JSDF send out their own destroyers and started taking out every last one of the enemy fleet destroying them completely. 48 members well plus one is still alive.

Mason was shot right in the neck from their retreat from the beach inland and he started bleeding out. "It's alright Mason we are getting out of here!" ,-yelled Izuku in a panic as they were being shot, not knowing how the operation has been called over.

"Leave.....m....e.....______", said Mason as he bleeds to death.

"Fuck!" ,-said Izuku taking any useful equipment and started running away from the fight. Bruised, scratched and a bullet somewhere under his stomach.

"Argh!" ,-he yelled in pain and hides behind a dark alley. Izuku takes out his small medkit and grabs forceps, alcohol, and gauze.

Izuku lifts up his vest and shirt revealing a good amount of blood spilling and a bullet wound entrance.

"This is going to hurt." ,-he thought as he enters the forceps in the entrance of the wound and starts searching for the bullet. Trying to do this in the dark is almost impossible, but by some miracle, he found the metal piece and extracted it from his body.

"Fuck me." ,-he thought as his vision became blurry and applied alcohol which wasn't pleasant either and covered it with gauze. Then he continued moving forward still wounded. He also requires stitches, but he heard more gunshots closing in. And moved out of that area.


The operation was successful, all enemy forces were eliminated. There were minimal casualties not counting the subjects which were removed from the list. "That should do it." ,-deleting every bit of data fro the past 10 years.

"This is for the better, if people find out that 80 orphans underage died in the operation. It will send a bad backlash toward us." ,-said the General.

"I know, at least we got the necessary evidence to continue." ,-said Sargent Ramirez.

"I'm good." ,-said the General drinking some coffee


It's been 3 weeks since their last operation. Izuku has been wandering the streets looking for anything. He hasn't made contact with people that took care of him.

His radio was busted by the saltwater 3 weeks earlier in the battle. "This is painful." ,-he thought as he scavenged for food in dumpsters and trash cans throughout the city.

Sometimes people give him weird looks but they don't see anything and move on with there day.

Izuku was never good talking with other people, and the last people he felt comfortable talking too perished on that day.

Still not knowing that their 48 members are still alive. Izuku continued surviving without the use of money for the time being.


Then one day he continued wandering the streets in the shadows preventing crime which passed his way. But he didn't actively search for it, it's just those situations came to him.

In one of those days, Izuku walked around and notice an old man getting uncomfortably close to some students.

"Hey, your two girls should come with me." ,-said the old man. Clearly the girls refused and there was a boy within their group which tried to protect them.

But it was clear that this man wasn't going to him up as he reaches for something underneath with jacket.

"You should stay away from those ladies." ,-said Izuku walking to their direction.

Izuku stepped in as the man took out a large blade and slashed at the kid in uniform which only cut his uniform. But then the man turns around stabbing Izuku right in the same spot as the bullet landed a few weeks back, right below the stomach.

Then the man looks over at the kid which was not reacting how he expected, but instead the kid looks at him with anger.

"What-What are you?" ,-said the man tripping over leaving the blade stuck to Izuku's body.

"Your fucking sorry ass." ,-said Izuku taking out the blade. "Get ready for a beat down." ,-he said as several minutes passed by, the assaulter has knocked the fuck out cold.

"Don't do it next time....better yet there will be no next time." ,-said Izuku as he turns around seeing three kids all his age wearing school uniforms.

"You three should get going." ,-said Izuku as he touches his chest revealing more blood coming out from the wound.

"We need to go now." ,-said Toru moving out of there quickly.

"I know, my bad!" ,-said Mina as they took a detour to get to school faster.

"Thank you." ,-said Ojiro as he was the last one to leave.

Izuku just looks over at all three of them. "I wonder if that would have been me, if none of this ever happened." ,-he thought.

"He sounded young." ,-Toru thought to look at the mysterious wounded boy walked away back into the shadows. "Why do I feel sad." ,-looking over as they head to U.A. High school for students in training to become licensed heroes.

Eventually, he stumbles upon a familiar sight. "Looks familiar." ,-Izuku thought and he was right. It's the same street in which he grew up 10 years ago.

Leading to him to visit his old home. Of course, knowing his parents they would have moved out from the apartment a few months later.

And that's what happened, there was no one renting this place. There was no lock, which he walked in briefly and got out as it was empty.

"I don't think I can continue." ,-he thought a few blocks later as his eyes started to feel heavy, sleepy, and cold. He soon lost the ability to move his legs and falls to the floor from the heavy amounts of blood loss.

"There you are old buddy." ,-said a mysterious silhouette which looked familiar coming out from the other end of the alley.

"You:........." ,-said Izuku still losing blood and then closes his eyes as he lost consciences.

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