The Untouchable Day Class Stu...

By awkwardactor

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'The phantom' is the pseudonym given to Chiyo Morri from her uncanny ability to disappear. Chi wasn't always... More

Part 1: Before Cross Academy
Part 2: The School
Part 3: Her Mysteries
Part 4: Mind Games
Part 5: The Knowing
Part 7: It Wasn't That Sharp
Part 8: Twinkling Eyes
Part 9: Nauseous Plans
Part 10: Who Are You?
Part 11: Well, We Found Her
Part 12: Suits and Bandannas
Part 13: Bad Girls Get Backstage
Part 14: White Lies
Part 15: The Power
Part 16: It's Going to be Fine

Part 6: Dorm Inspections

3.2K 109 38
By awkwardactor

Chi's pov:

After a couple good movies it was already six o'clock. I slowly leave the warmth of my cocoon of blankets to take a shower and check my burn. The ice had melted hours ago and I honestly can't feel my hand. 

I turn on the shower and wait for it to get warm. I have a few minutes to wait since we share our pipes with every Sun Dorm room. I'm actually really scared to check my burn. I've never had such a bad burn before. Sure I've had my fair share of terrible injuries, like I once had my hand chopped off by another ghoul, it took half a day to grow back, but still it grew back. 

I feel like I have got to face the truth at some point. I take a deep breath and walk towards the vanity. I decide to do it like a band-aid, just rip it off. I quickly look up and see a perfectly normal face. 

I really don't know what I was so worried about. I mean seriously, did I really think I left any evidence? I changed my handwriting so they can't go off of that. I kept my mask and wig on. I grabbed my pen and notebook. I even made sure to clean and hide the clothes I wore last night. 

I finally get into the shower and let the hot water roll over me. It relaxes my muscles. The steam from the hot water meeting the cold tiles surrounds me. I take a little longer than usual just for some well deserved me time. 

I get out and get into the uniform, admiring my scar free face. I finish my morning routine. I grab all my books and begin making my way to class. 

On my way through the Sun Dorm, I notice the aura of panic and urgency. I finally run into a guy just sitting in the common room. 

"Um, excuse me, but why is everyone panicking?" I quietly ask him. 

It takes him a moment to realize I was talking to him so I repeat my question. 

"Oh, it's a random dorm inspection, so all the girls are trying to hide their Night Class memorabilia before Zero and Yuki confiscates it," He says shrugging. 

I quietly thank him and walk towards my class. Along the way I didn't really pass anyone but that did leave time for  me to plan how to hide my food, wigs, masks, and hunting clothes before they reach my room. 

I've already installed a hidden compartment for my food, so I can just shove it in there and pull out the fake medicine. But the rest of my things, will be an issue. 

I finally get to the classroom and there were quite a few people in there. Their rooms were probably already checked, judging by the groups of crying girls. 

I overheard some things they were saying. Not much interested me but there was two things I heard that peaked my interest. One was that Yuki tries to go easy on them but Zero finds any and everything, so I'm definitely going to have to be careful about where I hide my things. The second thing I heard was that the big gossip was that since Yuki mysteriously dislocated her shoulder and needs to rest, Headmaster might need a fill in for her spot on the Disciplinary Committee. I don't think he will find someone to fill her spot because they have to be chill around the Night Class (and not try to kidnap them) and get along somewhat okay with Zero. No one here is anything close to that. 

Everyone finally gets seated and I noticed that Yuki does have an arm sling. She is also surrounded by a sea of curious people, questioning as to how she got so injured. She said that she was reaching for something up really high, and when she got it, the weight was too much and popped her shoulder out of socket. Everyone bought it, not even question what she was getting that was that heavy, or why or when.

Then our teacher comes in the class room and beings droning on about whatever topic she's talking about today. I start drawing Keizo from my memory, and I must say, I'm quite proud of it. Speaking of drawing, I need to send the wigs to Uta and make a note and drawing for Anteiku. I grab my folder and look for a blank piece of paper to draw on. As I was going through the papers, I found the old drawing of Zero I did. I take a moment to really look at it, and I notice this little dark area near his neck. I can't recall seeing him in real life with a tattoo, but maybe it was just a fake one. 

I discretely move so I can see his reflection on the window. He was leaning his head on his right hand allowing me to fully see the tattoo on the left side of his neck. It is the same shape as the Cross Academy logo, but has swords and no rose in the middle. It is in plain, black ink. He looks my age, but you have to be at least twenty to get a tattoo in Japan, so how did he do it, and why? 

I ponder those questions until the bell rang, shaking me from my thoughts. Maybe I should just straight out ask him about it. 

Everyone gabs their lunch things, I just stand and walk towards the door, walking slow enough to catch up with Zero but still fast enough that it seems natural. 

I'm finally at his pace, I fiddle with my finger as I build up my confidence. I take a deep breath and turn to him. 

"H-hey, Zero! I, uh I have a-a question" I stutter out, not expecting him to actually acknowledge my statement. He turned his head to face me, waiting for me to go on. "Your, uh, your tattoo,   how were you able to get it and what does it represent?" He looks stunned. Maybe people weren't supposed to see it. 

He suddenly grips both my shoulders, roughly, and looks me straight in my eyes. "How did you see that?" 

Naturally I was speechless. Zero has always been cold-hearted and brash, but I never expected him to do something like this over a tattoo. 

"I, uh, I just saw a black mark on your neck as you were walking the other day. I'm sorry if I wasn't supposed to see it, but I won't tell anyone," I say, holding eye contact. 

"Tch," He said as he walked away, letting go of my shoulder roughly. 

I might have giving him a reason to be cautious around me. 

"Hey!" I run up to his fleeting figure. 

"What?" He sharply replies. 

"Well, I notice you will be searching rooms during your lunch, so I thought I should get you something to eat," I kindly say. Remember, kill 'em with kindness. 

He looked shocked, like no one was ever this nice and considerate to him. Maybe, just maybe, I'm starting to break his cold exterior. I begin walking towards the cafeteria. I get a few steps ahead before I realize he wasn't following. I turn back towards him. 

"Aren't you coming?" I asked. 

He just rolled his eyes and started walking with me to the cafeteria. A comfortable silence enveloped us during our short walk. We finally get to the lunch room and get into the lunch line. (I don't know how their lunch works, so just roll with it) 

"What do you want, I'd suggest the bento with rice and brown mustard seeds, grilled and seasoned salmon, and the seasonal fruits and vegetables, it would be a smaller portion so it would make your work easier, but also gives you enough energy," I say. I do feel kinda bad, I really don't know if it tastes good, but when I could still eat food, that combo was as good as my school's food would get. 

"Tch, whatever. I just need to get back to inspections," He says nonchalantly, crossing his arms. 

I end up getting him something different. Since he is going to be on the move the entire lunch period, I got him a lot of the grilled salmon, lettuce, diced tomatoes, yellow bell peppers, and since they don't have tortillas, I smashed a few pieces of crust-less bread together as a makeshift tortilla. 

When I was younger, and human, my parents took us on a family trip to America and we had these things called wraps. It was really easy to eat and do things with, so I think that it would be nice for him to have during his inspections. 

I finally finished and handed Zero his lunch wrap and his drink. When I actually looked up I noticed that quite a few people had surrounded me and Zero, watching intently in wonder as I made him his wrap. 

"Uh, here you go Zero. When I went to America as a child we had these, they're called wraps," I said. 

Everyone looked in awe, they all must not get out much because these aren't that hard to find. Like I know they aren't common in Japan, but seriously guys. 

Then, like a tsunami first hitting the shore, a wave of questions crashed down on me. Most of the questions were the same, 'Can you teach me to do that?' or 'Can you make me one?' and tons more. 

Someone must have sensed my feeling of drowning because they grabbed my shoulder from behind me and started leading me away from the mob of people. We kept walking until the cafeteria noise was a few classrooms and a turn away. 

I move so I can see the face of my savior. Surprisingly it was Zero, I thought he was a 'you're on your own, kid' type guy. Maybe I am breaking his walls. 

"Thanks, for that back there," I say. 

"Tch. Thanks for the lunch, I guess," He says in his usual tone. 

"No problem! Hey, do you want me to walk you to the dorms?" I ask politely. Although I seemed like your average considerate person with that question, I have a secret agenda, I need to know when they are getting to my room, and I needed an excuse to get to the dorms so I could get a head start on hiding things. 

He rubs the back of his neck, looking away and 'tch's but leads the way, occasionally looking back to make sure I was still there. 

"Uh, I just wanted to say thanks, you know, for buying me lunch," Zero suddenly says, not looking at me. I stopped and looked at him in awe. I finally snap out of it and catch up with him. 

We walk into the dorms and keep walking til we get to the hall Yuki was waiting for Zero on. By the looks of it, they might finish a little bit of this hall during our lunch, but most of it will have to be done after school. So that means, if I've guessed correctly, I will have a good hour and a half before they reach my room, the last room. I say goodbye to Zero and Yuki and make it look like I am walking back to the stairs, but right before I go down the stairs I look over my shoulder, checking to see if they were looking, before I make a sharp turn onto my abandoned hall. 

I burst through my door and begin grabbing all of my wigs and my wig material into a duffel bag. I finish that bag, then I grab all of my masks, spare or other, and shove them in the duffel bag with my wigs. I also grab my hunting clothes, or any clothes anyone has seen me in as a ghoul, and put those in their own duffel bag. 

I check the time. It's almost time to get back to class. Now all I need to do, is hide my food and put the fake medicine in it's place, and hide my duffel bags. I got this, I'll have enough time before they get to my room. 

I start heading back to the classroom, making sure I'm not seen. I silently enter the classroom, but it's not like anyone was in there anyways. I take a seat and look out the window. 

I look back on all the events of the past twenty-four hours. I infiltrated the Moon dorms, pissed off the entire Night Class, almost had my cover blown, escaped, snuck to town, found a nice bookstore and keeper, learned about vampires, fought and saved a level E, managed to get him to not follow me like a lost puppy, got back on campus, changed, confronted the Night Class, fought Yuki and dislocated her shoulder, then fought Akatsuki, got burned, angered the sparky sparky boom man, staged a severe burn, had some me time, went to class only to find we have random dorm inspections and have to hide all my things, all while keeping up my grades, well kinda. 

Eventually everyone came back into the class and the teacher started her lesson. Class went by as usual, a few questions and a teacher droning on about topics we've learned about since sixth grade. 

The bell rang and everyone ran out, either to their dorms or to the Night Class. Now that I think about it, today the Night Class won't have a special visitor, it might go to their head, but whatever.

I get back to my room and put a timer for when the disciplinary committee will get to my room then start cleaning out my mini fridge. Once all the meat is out I go to the side and pull at the lines, opening my secret compartment. I grab all the fake medicine bottles and set them out as I put the meat in. I close it back up and but the fake medicine on the shelves. 

I close the fridge and check the timer. I have an hour and fifteen minutes, now all I need to do is find a good place to hide my things. I don't think an abandoned room would work, I would either forget which room or they would decide to check all the empty rooms for people's things. I don't think that putting my things in a classroom would be a good idea either, purely for the fact that the teachers are still in the classrooms grading things. Hiding my bags somewhere on campus wouldn't be a good idea either, I would just forget. How can I pull this off? I only have an hour. Maybe I could leave my things with someone, but I don't really know anyone here. 

Wait! I could leave my things with Ikki! I trust him, I mean he was smart enough to trust his gut and do the research to find out that vampires are real, and he can take care of an entire bookshop by himself. That sounds great!

Wait, he might find out that I'm a supernatural being based off of my things. I mean he did find out that vampires were real. 

Who else do I know here? Would Keizo do it and not try to get involved. It looks like he's really my only option. Looks like I'll be paying mister 'I'll die for you' a visit. 

I grab my two bags and turn off my presence as I slip through my window and head to town. I hop the wall and sprint to the town. I turn on my presence from yesterday. It's a very distinct presence now that I can feel all the different presences.

 I used to have this aura of warmth and kindness, it soft-spoken. Now... now, I have this easy to look over presence, it still has touches of my old self, but it now has this feeling of knowing that I've killed and it's stopped effecting me.

After five minutes, Keizo showed up. "You appeared! Where did you go? I could help you and protect you!" He exclaims, you know he really reminds me of a puppy around it's owner. 

"Nice to see you too, but I don't need any protection. You should worry about yourself, you need to get a job and worry about yourself! But anyway, I came here because I need . . " I stop for a break, realizing that I'm about to admit that I need his help, " . . your help,"

His eyes light up like Christmas lights. "YES! Finally! I am here! Whatever you need! I got you! Protection? I got you! Run away? I got you!!!"

I shove my duffel bags at his chest. "I need you to keep these bags safe for a few hours," I say. He starts to open the bag. "Do NOT look in there!" I yell, making him jump and throw the bag up, luckily catching it.

"Be very careful with that, I will be back for it soon. Don't mess up," I say threateningly, pointing my finger at him.

With that I turn my presence off and head back to the academy. I hop the wall and check the timer. I still have fifteen minutes, the trip to the town took longer than I expected. 

I hop in through my room window and as I jumped I could feel two presences approaching my room, one of them was the mixed presence of Zero and the other was the murky presence of Yuki. 

I quickly adjust everything last minute and make it look like I was just looking out my window and getting some fresh air. The alarm still showed I have ten minutes, but I guess I was wrong. 

As soon as I sat on my carpet and looked outside I heard them knock on my door. I stand up a casually walk to the door. I open it and set aside letting them in. Now it's time for the true test, did I forget anything? 

Yuki and Zero look in some odd places. I mean I'm sure they have to with the crazed female population. I think I am beginning to scare them, they haven't found anything Night Class related. 

They do a few rounds of my room before Yuki goes into my closet and bathroom while Zero goes through my room more thoroughly, like going under my bed and m blankets. He looked through my drawers and got to my mini fridge. 

I tense, I know I put alcohol on my food when I was fresh, but I don't know if it will still mask the scent. I know that us ghouls do have heightened senses, but I don't know how strong vampire's senses are, or if being whatever Zero is, is like being a ghoul in the vampire world (super strong). 

Zero opens the fridge and searches through it. His hand brushed where the secret compartment was, and I held my breath. His hand hovered there for a moment, but he kept looking through my medicine. I let out a silent sigh of relief and sit on my bed. 

He continues around my room and stops at my open window. Maybe people here don't leave their windows open or something else. He turns to ask me a question but before he could formulate words, we hear a loud crash come from my bathroom followed by a high pitched yelp. 

Zero rushes in, since he is her boy toy, and I get up and walk in leisurely, ready to find damage to my possessions. I see Yuki looking at the now broken toothbrush holder. I have no particular attachment to it, but still. Besides, how did she even break my plastic toothbrush holder? 

"Oh! I'm so sorry Chi! I'll pay you back for it!" Yuki exclaims. 

"Chi?" Zero asks. I must not have told him to call me Chi. 

"You don't have to Yuki and yeah, Chi is my nickname. You can also call me that, if you want," I softly say to the duo. 

"Oh, okay," Zero mumbles. 

"Are you sure I can't pay you back?" Yuki asks, I merely nod my head. 

"Okay then... Well, from what I've seen, your dorm seems to be good and clean of any Night Class things. You know you're probably the only girl who isn't completely obsessed with the Night Class," Yuki informs me. 

"What about Yori? She doesn't seem like she is crazy about the Night Class herself," I say in my monotone voice. 

"She actually really likes Hanabusa," Yuki says. I just shrug my shoulders. 

"Zero? Did you find anything?" Yuki asks. 

Zero looks like he was going to say something. It was on the tip of his tongue, you could see it, but for some reason he didn't. "Tch, everything looks good by me," 

"You sure Zero?" Yuki asks, very worried. Zero just nodded. She must not have been oblivious to him this once and see that he was going to say something, or she might still be the same Yuki and can't believe that my room was clean of Night Class things. 

"Okay! Well we'll be going then," Yuki says leaving my room. I definitely think it's the second option. 

They leave and I slowly feel their presences fade. I'll pick up the broken shards later, right now I want to see what Zero was looking at over by my window. 

I kneel down by my window seal and see a few drops of blood in my carpet. That must've been from the burn last night. I must've missed it and Zero smelled it. Oh no. 

Well I might as well start putting my things back in order. I'll start with my food then move to the mess in my bathroom and finally get my things back from Keizo. 

 Third person pov 

*A few moments before* 

Zero and Yuki walk out of Chi's room and as soon as the door closed Zero started walking straight towards the exit instead of his room, leaving a confused Yuki in his wake. At the intersection, where you could choose which hall to go down, or just to go down stairs, Zero makes a b-line for the stairs. 

"Zero where are you going? Your room is this way," Yuki shouts out to Zero in confusion. 

Zero rolls his eyes. "Tch I need to go to Headmaster's office. I need to tell him something, come if you want," Zero says in his all of his tsundere ways. 

His statement peaked Yuki's interest and so they both head out to the Headmaster's office. Since it was night, they passed the classroom with the Night class on the way. 

Kaname saw his precious Yuki and was going to say hi, but she seems very focused on where ever she was going. He wonders what could possibly be so important that she would completely pass him. 

*Back to Yuki and Zero* 

Zero and Yuki finally make it to the Headmasters large doors. Zero just bursts through the doors, not bothering to knock, making Yuki very upset, she's talked about his manners before. 

"Headmaster we've finished dorm inspections!" Yuki says excitedly, suddenly wondering why Zero hasn't said anything. In fact he is just off to the side brooding, again. 

"My dear daughter, I told you to call me father!" Headmaster Cross pouts. "Great job, now you are dismissed to pat-" Before he could finish his sentence Zero cuts him off. 

"Actually, before you 'send us on our merry way,'" Zero says mocking the Headmaster, earning a frown from Yuki. "In that new girl's dorm, Chiyo, while I was doing my normal inspection, I found blood on the ground by her window," Zero then leans in to whisper in Headmaster Cross's ear. "It smelled different and still fresh," Zero says. 

Headmaster Cross just puts his finger under in chin, thinking, and utters a quiet "Hmm." 

Kaname then opens the doors and walks in saying, "I think we should investigate this Chiyo person's room one more time!" 

*Moments before with Kaname and the poor yard stick* 

After Kaname watched Yuki go, he decided to go after her and went to the teacher, saying he needed to talk to Headmaster Cross. The teacher obviously said yes, of her own free will or otherwise will not be said. 

He made his way to the office, taking his usual, prideful, strides. Once he was right outside of the door and about to knock, he heard voices. 

"In that new girl's dorm, Chiyo, while I was doing my normal inspection, I found blood on the ground by her window," He hears Zero's voice say. Then the voice got softer, so he really used his enhanced vampire senses. "...smelled different and still fresh," Zero finishes. 

Then all Kaname heard was Headmaster mutter a "Hmmm" 

Then something begins to click in Kaname's head. 'The group of mysterious girls appearing, the new girl at school, and last night Takuma said the girl got away but with a bad burn, so that might be why there was blood in her room that smelled different' 

He decides to confront the Headmaster about his idea. "I think we should investigate this Chiyo person's room one more time!" Kaname strides in and announces pridefully. 

*Present time* 

"What were you doing listening in on our conversation, Pure Blood?" Zero spits out. 

"Kaname!" Yuki cries out at the same time. 

"Mr. Kuran, what are you doing here?" Headmaster cross says at the same time as Yuki and Zero. 

Zero then pulls out his Bloody Rose and points it at Kaname's head. 

"Zero, no!" Yuki yells, but Zero ignores her. 

"There's no need for that Zero," Headmaster calmly. Zero keeps his glare on Kaname but puts his gun away. 

"What. Are. You. Here. For. Scum?" Zero grits out, his hand itching for his gun. 

"Well I was already on my way here, when I over heard you talking about this Chiyo person, and I thought it was a little bit suspicious. So based off of what this half brained half breed said and previous clues," Kaname shares a look with Headmaster Cross, "I've decided that it would be a good idea to check the blood out," Kaname says. 

"For once I agree with a monster like you, we should go check it out," Zero says. 

"Then it's settled we'll go see what's really going on with Miss Chiyo," Headmaster Cross decides. 

"Wait! Are you guys serious, like have you even weight the other possibilities yet? You're just gonna jump to conclusions?" Yuki protests. "Like what if she was having a nose bleed?" 

"Then we should go to make sure she is okay," Kaname says and begins to move for the door. 

Yuki moves so she is like a starfish, blocking the door. "Okay bad example, but what if she was opening something and accidentally cut herself?"

"Again we should go to make sure she is alright," This time Zero answers. 

"Okay! Bad example but what if her pad was just leaky, hmm, then what?" Yuki exclaims. 

All three males sweat drop and are left speechless. 

"I guess we were so caught up in looking for the unusual and spectacular, we overlooked the mundane," Headmaster Cross wisely says. 

"But we mustn't over look the clear signs for the unusual, in an attempt to degrade things to the mundane," Kaname retorts. 

The Headmaster, for once, is silent. Kaien can't think of what to do. Should he listen to his daughter, who is close with Chiyo, or should he follow the signs that have been laid out for him. 

"Sir, I know you are contemplating weather or not we should go, but I think that even if we did go and nothing was wrong, we could cover it up and say it was us making sure she is settling in okay," Kaname says, really pushing the whole 'let's barge into this girl's room' idea. 

"Well I don't see why not, and thank you for bringing that into perspective, Kaname!" Kaien says with flowers and bubbles floating around him. 

Yuki finally gives up, three against one isn't the best odds. And so they all begin their journey towards the unsuspecting Chi's room. 

Chi's pov 

*A few moments before* 

I had finally cleaned the carpet of any and all traces of my blood. I'm so lucky that Zero didn't say anything, that would have been hard to explain. Honestly I still can't believe that my burn bled so much that it got on the floor. 

I think I should start putting my things back in order. I'll just start with my food because I don't think I can deal with Keizo, he's like a male Yuki, but worse. (I'm throwing shade at my own characters) I start to take out the meat and putting it on the racks. 

Right as I was about to put the fake medicine back, I felt four presences coming down my abandoned hall. I felt Zero's half'n'half, Yuki's murky yet bubbly presence, Kaname's self righteous one, and Headmasters happy but dangerous one, all of them coming straight for my room. 

What would they want? Their presences are coming pretty fast right now, I don't have much time. I quickly shove what I can in the secret compartment. I wasn't able to get everything in so I just shove the few I couldn't get in, towards the back and pray that they don't see it. 

I quickly run to the bathroom and pretend to be picking up the pieces of my broken toothbrush holder. I hear them open my door, probably with the Headmaster's key. 

"Miss Morri? Are you in here?" I hear Headmaster Cross call out. 

I'm not about to talk, I don't trust Kaname. So instead I peak my head out of my bathroom, give them a nod of acknowledgement, and go back to cleaning up. 

"Oh, are you still cleaning that up?" Yuki asks. I shake my head and keep cleaning. 

"Can we look around your room a bit?" Zero says, taking action while Kaname and Headmaster Cross just kinda stand awkwardly by my door. 

I pop my head out from my bathroom and just nod. Why do they want to search my room again? It's gonna be a long night. 

They all kinda split off and search my room, even the Headmaster. I stop 'cleaning' and go to sit on my bed, watching them look for something to incriminate me. 

Kaname then comes over to me and looks me up and down, waiting for me to give him some sort of hint as to me being a ghoul, I keep and stoic face. "Would you mind me looking around your bed?" He asks, implying that he wants me to move. 

I stand up and point my hand at my bed, saying 'by all means.' 

He then proceeds to look under my bed, mattress, pillow cover, and sheets. For what? I don't know, but hey if it floats his boat and gets him out of my room quicker, no questions asked. 

Yuki is going through my closet instead of my bathroom this time, while Headmaster Cross is going through my bathroom. I'm not too sure if this is better, but I'll take what I can get. 

Zero is searching the area where he saw my blood earlier. He is astounded that it isn't there. I guess he must not think I could just clean it up. 

"Chi, earlier there was blood over here. What happened to it?" Zero finally asks. 

"I cleaned it, I was cutting open one of my boxes when the scissors slipped and I cut my finger," I respond. 

Kaname looks at me with his crossed arms and judgmental stare. "Why were you opening your boxes by the window?" He asks. 

"I was getting hot from all the unpacking so I opened the window for some air, is something wrong with that Mr. Night Class?" I respond without missing a beat. 

He looks baffled at what I said. 

"I don't know what all of you are looking for, but I assure you I am not that. If it has something to do with school disturbances, I assure you I came to this academy for peace and to learn more. If you look too hard, even the mundane will appear special," I say in my monotone voice. 

They all looked stunned, may it be from I figured that they were looking for something, or just because how I worded it. 

"I am sorry we made our intentions so clear and rude, Miss Chiyo," I nod at Headmaster Cross's words. "But now that we're here, and I've been able to observe your behaviors-" 

I tensed, how did he figure me out? I was so careful, I made different personas, they didn't even see any masks, clothes, or wigs. Wait. Did he look in my mini fridge while I was talking to Kaname. 

"- I've decided that you would be a perfect fit for the fill in position on the Disciplinary Committee," Headmaster Cross finishes, and I relax. 

"What?" Shouts Zero and Kaname at the same time, then glare at each other. 

"Um shouldn't there only be two people on the Disciplinary Committee?" Yuki asks. 

"Yes, but you are hurt and shouldn't be doing those hard tasks in your current state, plus you need your sleep," Headmaster Cross says to Yuki. "Once I heard you shouldn't put too much stress on your shoulder, I decided that we should get another person to help Zero perform his duties. I needed someone who had good grades, was okay with not a lot of sleep, and Chiyo has insomnia anyways. They had to be on somewhat good terms with Zero, and that person shouldn't use their position to get close to the Night Class. From what I've seen and heard tonight, Miss Chiyo is the perfect candidate," Headmaster says. 

"Why her?" Zero asks, and Yuki agrees. 

"Well, I've already seen her grades, which are outstanding by the way," I thank him. "Earlier Zero referred to her as Chi, and from what the teachers have said, she hasn't said anything about wanting to be called Chi. That signifies that they are somewhat close. And finally, this entire time, Kaname has been in the same room as her and she has managed to maintain composure, she even out witted him," Headmaster finishes. 

Everyone goes silent for a bit not knowing what to say. I mean the Headmaster just said that since Yuki is hurt, she's getting replaced, but only for a little bit.

"So Miss Chiyo, what do you say?" The Headmaster asks, then all eyes were on me. 

"I guess if no one else was going to do it, but I'll only do it if Yuki, Zero, and Mr. Kaname is okay with it," I say in my monotone voice. They all look at each other, waiting for someone to say something first. 

"I'm fine with that," Yuki says. 

"Tch she seems like she can hold her own," Zero agrees. Then everyone's eyes went to Kaname, waiting for his answer. 

"You seem... okay, I guess you'll be fine," He says. I realize now that giving him part in my decision, just added to his ego even more. 

"Wonderful!" Headmaster Cross says, spinning around and secreting flowers. "Just let me go get your arm band, then you'll be all set!" 

Headmaster Cross then proceeds to leave, going to get the band from who knows where. The three of them just kinda awkwardly stand there. I go back to the bathroom to clean up the remnants from earlier. 

"You can take a seat," I holler as I walk to the bathroom. 

Right before I went into the bathroom, I saw Kaname sitting too close to my mini fridge. I need to do something to stop him or distract. I'll do what I do best, make a scene. 

As I am picking up the pieces I decide on my plan. I quietly take out my kagune and cut my hand a bit and yelp, I quickly shove the piece into some of my blood, making it look like I cut myself. 

They all rush in and Yuki begins to help me clean my wound up. I made sure to cover it because such a small cut will heal pretty quickly, so by the time it gets bandaged it will be healed. I notice through my fake worriedness that Kaname and Zero's eyes flashed a red color and Zero's tattoo flashed red too. They both excuse themselves, stumbling out of my room.

Once my hand is wrapped, I walk out into my room. As soon as I do, both males stand up. I made sure to get some blood on my other hand and my shirt. 

Zero suddenly stands up and I can see his fangs. He starts making his way towards me when...


Author's Note:

Hey guys!

Comment what you think is gonna happen next and who you ship Chi with (it can be any character, including my oc's)

Hope you enjoyed my super long update.

Thank you for all your wonderful comments!

Sorry not sorry about the cliff hanger! 

I'll update eventually.

Word Count: 6190


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