The God and The Youth [Identi...

By re_frAIne

19.9K 823 440

Never again would the Sun God believe he would fall, but he did. Time will only tell if he will be taken away... More

Lonely travels of a Sun God
Hyacinth's Morning
Apollo's Night
Two Fates and One untold
Revealed but unsaid
Music for a sleepless soul
Your Haven, My Haven
Vulnerability of the Heart
Scene One
Scene Two
Scene three
Act 2
Act 3
Small Truths
If only
Lucky Lucky!
Happy Birthday (Unedited)
Bargaining (Unedited)
Breakthrough (Unedited)

My eyes, your eyes

800 43 17
By re_frAIne

Itwas a silent Early morning for one Eli Clark. The morning sun hadn't even risen, yet he was already awake. He sat by his bed, his brothers right next to him fast asleep. Naib's snores filled in the silence his owl left; the feeling in his heart surreal.

Recently in the past few days or so, Aesop had been lacking in sleep, leaving him worried for his health. During that time, he'd send his owl to guard over him. Though yesterday, it seemed Aesop was able to sleep again. He's glad that he is able to, yes but, he can't shake the feeling that he has something to do with it.

Joseph, since their confrontation, he hasn't been able to think clearly. He knows, he knows Joseph isn't who he's saying he is. He's much much more. His Aura has an overwhelming difference from the rest, it was weak, but it didn't feel like it. He doesn't display as a big contender for being a warrior like Naib does, but he has a large set of skills that don't add up. If he is a wanderer as he says, how come he knows too much?

Eli sighed into the night, maybe he wasn't tackling it the right way, maybe something is missing. The more he thought, the deeper he sunk into that sea. What the future has in store for him is not something he'd want to do, but he did ask for it. Eli couldn't help but sigh in discomfort, perhaps it's his turn to endure sleepless nights.

He didn't need to worry for his lack of sleep, he's grown well accustomed to it from the years he's been forced to do so. Although, it doesn't make it much easier. The thoughts in his head waged war in his mind and in his heart. Must he do as his God required? Must he fulfill a prophecy he made for a life he traded a way?

Answers, he needs answers, but he keeps getting more and more questions.

He wants to know many things, he wants to do many things. He wants something, something he feels he doesn't deserve to touch. All he wants is to protect Aesop from Joseph, is that too much to ask?

Yes, yes it is, and he knows it.

He rests his head, hoping to catch at least an hour of sleep. His thoughts accompanying him to sleep.

By day break, he awoke to the feeling of stinging pain in his eyes. Eli keeled over, clutching his eyes and gasping for air. Naib despite just waking up himself, immediately went to Eli's side. "Eli! Are you okay? What's wrong—" the moment he took at glimpse at Eli's teary eyes. Something in Naib grew terrified. "I-it hu-hurts." Eli wheezed, his eyes felt like they were burning from inside out. "Y-you'll be fine Eli! You'll.. you'll be.." Naib trailed off, the more he looked, the more terror gripped his heart.

Seeing this, Eli looked at Naib scared, stuttering " W-what wrong? M-my eyes! Are they o-okay?" Naib paused, "don't worry Els, nothings wrong with ya eyes. Trust me." The man nodded with pursed lips. "Come one els, sleep some more. I'll wake ya when breakfast is ready." Naib assured him, smiling as he did. Eli hesitated, but ultimately gave into extra sleep.

The moment Eli's breath went stable, Naib sighed. He looked at the closed lids of Eli's eyes, and back down to his own trembling hands. "Eli." He whispered, "who are you?" The eyes he saw then weren't the familiar blue eyes of his friend, but that of a red eyed monster. It looked like it was pulsing, pure crimson red with a black slit void. A suddeb sound came and Naib looked over to see Eli's owl watching over them with it's one beady eye.

You have been discovered

Unknot to Naib, he wasn't the only one who awakened to Eli's cries. William could only assume what Naib had seen, whatever it was. It can't be good. He continued to act like he was asleep until Aesop came to wake them up.

"Wake up brothe— Naib?"
"Oh hey 'Sop."
"Awake this early? That's a surprise."
"What can I say I'm full of it" he heard Naib laugh heartily.
"True, care to wake them up for me?"
"Sure, but let Eli get some rest will ya, don't think he's been feeling well."
"Sure, I'll bring him food myself later when he wakes." With that he heard Aesop's foot steps slowly fade away.

Naib pondered how he would wake them up. Usual, if he did wake them up, he'd just scream. Considering Eli might wake up with that however, he decided to wake them up one by one in a hushed voice.

"Yo Will, wake up you brute." William, opened his eyes and feigned sleepiness. "Morning Naib," William yawned, "what's up man?". "Nothing, Els just couldn't sleep last night." Naib said nonchalantly, but a part of him was still clearly perturbed. "What's wrong man?" "Nothin'. Don't worry about it." William decided to pry no further. Something is up. What did he see?

When Aesop entered the Dining Hallway, the food had already been prepared, and Joseph already there, sat by their usual place. "Good morning little flower." He said, already giving him a place to sit. "Thank you Joseph." Aesop smiled, taking the seat beside him. "Here." He felt long fingers intertwine a beautiful flower into his hair. Without saying a thing, Aesop smiled at him. His heart swaying at the gesture as it always does. Soon enough, one by one his brothers had popped in to eat at the long table, but someone was still missing.

"Zephyr's still asleep?" Aesop asked them. "Well ya, Els is still in dream land right now." Naib answered, "should I wake em right now?". Looking at the uneaten platter, Aesop took it saying "thought I would give him food when he wakes but, I guess it's better to wake him now."

When Aesop arrived, he saw Eli still fast asleep. He placed the platter down and sat by Eli's bed. He'd never admit it, but he could still clearly remember the day he met Eli. The day he first gave the black ribbon he wore in his hair. It was no secret that he fell for Eli the moment he first saw him. He was a simple man, but that's what made him beautiful.

He had no greed for riches. He believed in the principle of helping others.He did not act upon his envy.

Aesop caressed Eli's hair with soft nimble fingers. Tracing over Eli's cheeks, the markings of face, his eyes. Oh how he loves Eli's eyes. He rarely saw it, but when he did, he could see the way the stars lived in it. For in Eli's eyes held another universe he wished to be a center of. However,

He hesitated. He could no longer tell if this could be anything more. Eli called him by his title, never by his name. He didn't know why he did, but it felt like a barrier was placed between them when he did say it, and that's not all.

Someone else is taking a place in his heart.

"Hyacinth?" A small voice said, Aesop saw Eli waking up, he sat up in his bed. "Good afternoon zeph." Aesop smiled, reaching over to give Eli the plate. "Eat, the others are already at the grounds as we speak. We'll be waiting for you." Eli looked at him, his blue eyes carried tired bags under them.

"You don't need to Cinth, I'll.. go there when I'm done."
"Are you sure?"

Eli nodded, " go on Cinth, Naib must be waiting for you.". Aesop looked unsure, but decided to go. "Okay, see you zeph." He lingered before disappearing completely. Eli sighed, his face felt warm. Did he imagine it? Did he imagine Aesop touching his face so softly? He can't tell. He silently ate the food Aesop had given him, his thoughts still ran wild in his head, but the warm made it bearable.

He was truly, a fool in love.

When he was done, he wore his blindfold and left with the plate. The moment Ms. Dyer saw Eli walking towards her, she grew curious. "Good afternoon dear, strange to see you away for your friends." "I woke up late Ms. Dyer." Eli smiled sheepishly as he handed her his plate. The woman smiled at him, "if you're wondering, theyre already in the woods where you all usually stick to." "I see, thank you Ms. Dyer, I'll be going now."

"Have fun dear!" She called out as Eli walked away. Ms. Dyer suddenly started to look solemn, she sighed before leaving with the plate.

Eli walked to the grounds in silence, when he reached the path that lead to their usual spot, he completely bypassed it. He let his feet guide him to the forest. He had no intention of training it seems. He went in deeper and deeper. The light green foliage become a stunning soft viridian hue. He stood in the middle of a dense forest where no exits could be found. Eli took off his blindfold, opening his blue eyes. He whispers to himself,

"One must be lost to be found, One must be troubled to be Consoled, One must open their eyes to the future."

He closed his eyes again, breathing in and out. He felt the air around his change and contort. The light seemed to grow darker for a moment, but suddenly everything was alright again. By the time he opened his eyes, the forest cleared above him and a small cottage appeared before him.

The shape resembled that of an odd fat raindrop. It was a small house made of could only be assumed as cobble. It was covered in moss, a small trail of smoke was appearing by it's roof. The green grass that was once by his feet now reached up to his hips. The foliage that blocked the sun have opened up to welcome it.

Despite the fact it looked like he was suddenly in another place, he wasn't troubled by that fact. He slowly walked towards the door to the small cottage, but before he could knock, it opened.

"Well, well, it's nice to see you Eli."

He looked at the woman before him with caution, "Can't say the same Fiona." "Tsk tsk tsk." Fiona could only shook her head, "you came looking for him Eli Clark. Is that how you ask to be welcomed?" Eli look exasperated, but ultimately gave in, "sorry, may I please come in?". Satisfied, Fiona gave a playful smile, "ah yes! Do come in." She jests.

The cottage looked at lot bigger within than out. It gave a cozy, homey feeling. The smoke came from the fireplace that was boiling something in a strange pot with an equally strange silver looking substance. The cottage seemed to extend upward from within, from where he stood he could see three beds in different floors. The first bed had a cane lying by the bed sheet. The second, a strange looking skull resembling that of a monkey. And lastly, the third at the very top could only be assumed to be Fiona's.

He scanned his eyes to see three sets of everything. Three sets of chairs. Three sets of pans. Three sets of closets. And an odd three sets of mittens that were paired to mismatch. There was one however that wasn't a set.

In the middle of the cottage itself was a large spinning wheel. He grew in silent awe as he watched it spin itself, creating beautiful golden threads at an alarming speed. The three chairs that surrounded it were empty, except for the scissors and wool that were left unused.

Fiona watched the man with a boastful gleam in her eyes, "are you done looking?" Eli immediately looked away, "This is the first time you've actively seeked me out, what is it that you seek?" Fiona asked Eli, completely curious to this rather rare event. "My eyes." Eli started.

"They've been hurting. What's that suppose to sign?"

Fiona scoffed, "isn't it obvious?" She walked to the spinning wheel and took a single thread. "The prophecy is coming to an end soon, the prophecy you must complete." "But why must my eyes hurt?" Eli asked, looking confused. Fiona examined the thread in her hands, "don't forget what you traded away Eli Clark. He asked for your eyes, of course he can see that the boy is still alive!"

"Is there any way to avoid it? The prophecy?" Eli whispered, clinging unto hope that maybe, maybe..

"Of course not." Fiona answered him, with a stern look in her eyes she stated, "This is the price you must pay, pay it in full. You have no right to be selfish boy." Still fiddling with the thread, she took the scissors that sat by one of the chairs. "Lord Hastur has been merciful to you, for that you must be greatful. He asks only one thing of you, and you can't give it? Such a shame.."

"But why him!" Eli cried, he could hear his voice cracking but he didn't care. He needed to know just why, why him? "I know not of why he wants the life of that boy, but you've delayed your payment for 7 years. I don't think he can tolerate it for another year." She answered, it was no lie.

"Even if you try to avoid it," she holds the scissors gently in her hands, angling it near the thread, "no one can evade their fates."

Suddenly, the light started to change once again. Fiona sighed, dropping the scissors and the thread, "I'm afraid time is up Eli, you must leave." "B-but I have more questions!" He yelled as he was being pushed out front. "Ask me another time." Fiona said, "but for now do what is right, good bye." The moment she closed the door, the cottage evaporatedinto nothingness, the forest seemed to close in again.

He was back from where he started, time moved a lot faster it seemed, he could see the sun already setting in the distance.

The sun was warm yes, but in his heart he felt cold. His days are numbered, and that knowledge scared him. What exactly must he do? Protect the one he loves or save himself? He could only sigh as he walked the lonely road back to where he came from.

rAIne notes
Hi slight writers block but not really

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