Kingdom Hearts ReProgram

Bởi Kiari-namiro

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What if there wasn't just Sora, Riku, and Kairi? What if there was a fourth person in their group? What if th... Xem Thêm

Destiny Islands (part 1)
Destiny Islands (part 2)
Traverse Town (part 1)
Traverse Town (part 2)
Deep Jungle (part 1)
Deep Jungle (part 2)
Back to Traverse Town
Training with Leon
Halloween Town


31 0 0
Bởi Kiari-namiro

Sora, Donald, Goofy, and Rein had arrived at a world called the Olympus Coliseum. They found some items in chests that were lying around as they head the lobby of the coliseum. There, they found a half-man, half-goat person with his back facing them. Inside they walked up to him to ask some questions, but the half-man, half-goat told them to move a large pedestal that was on the side of the room. Sora tried to push it but couldn't because it weighed about a whole ton!

"What? Too heavy? Since when have you been such a little-" The goat-man turned around and looked down at Sora. "Oh. Wrong guy. What're you doing here?" The goat-man jumped down from the large pedestal he was own and walking forward. "This here's the world-famous Coliseum. Heroes only." The goat-man walked towards Donald, making said duck walk backwards. "And I got my hands full preparing for the games. So run along, pipsqueaks" When the goat-man stopped walking, Sora and Rein looked down at him with upset looks. "Look, it's like this. Heroes are coming from all over to fight ferocious monsters right here in the Coliseum."

"You got heroes standing right in front of you."

"Yup. Sora's a real hero chosen by the Keyblade! And Rein here is the Guardian of the Hearts!"

"And we're heroes, too."

The half goat-man found Sora being a hero a laughing matter, upsetting Sora. He told the half goat-man that he's fought lots of monsters, but that wasn't enough to convince him. When the half goat-man had stopped laughing, he tried to push the pedestal since Sora wasn't able to.

"Hey, if you can't even move this..." Sora, Rein, Donald, and Goofy, just stood there watching the half goat-man try to move the pedestal. "you can't call yourself...a hero!" The half goat-man gave up after not being able to move the pedestal. "Okay, so it takes more than brawn. Well let's see what you can do."

"I think I'll pass on this one. Sora should be cut out to be a hero. Donald and Goofy too. I'll just watch."

"You sure, Rein?"

"Yup. You boys have fun. But still try to be careful."

The trail to determine whether Sora was a hero or not was held outside in the Coliseum. While Sora started destroying barrels as part of the trail Rein, Donald, and Goofy watched from the sidelines. Rein noticed a person watching from the stands and saw that is was blonde-haired guy with a long red scarf. When the guy saw her looking at him, he turned and walked away. Rein continued watching the rest of the trail until it was over. Everyone went back into the lobby to hear that, unfortunately, Sora still couldn't compete in the games because he still wasn't a hero. Sora, Donald, and Goofy stormed outside while Rein stayed behind to talk to the half goat-man.

"Um...excuse me?" The half goat-man was about to continue preparing the stuff for the games but stopped to look at Rein. "Um...How come you still think that Sora's not a hero?"

"I don't think, kid. I know your friend isn't cut out to be a hero and can't be part of the games. If he knows what's best for him, he should listen to you. You didn't want to prove if you're a hero or not because you know that you're not a hero." The half goat-man turned and continued preparing for the games. "Now if you excuse me, I still have some preparing to do.

"That's not why I made that decision." The half goat man stopped what he was doing but didn't turn to face Rein. "I decided not to prove myself because proving whether you're a hero or not isn't by showing your skills. You become a hero for doing something for the benefit of humanity even if it only benefits one person other than yourself."

"Nice try kid. I'm still not considering your friend as a hero. But I got to admit, you're on the right track of what it means to be one. I actually heard something like that from someone else a while back. Kind of remind me of her too." Before Rein could ask who the half goat-man was talking about, the boys came back and walked over to Phil to show him some kind of pass. "Hey, how'd you get this?"

"Can we enter the games now?"

"Well...I guess so. We start with the preliminaries! Some real weirdos signed up for the games. Better watch yourself."

"Alright! We're in the games! How about you, Rein?"

"I'll pass on the games. Good luck you guys. I'll be cheering for you."

Sora, Donald, Goofy, and that half goat-man walked out of the lobby to start the preliminaries while Rein stayed for a bit to do some sketching in her sketch pad. She climbed onto a large pedestal and took out her sketch pad from her bag. But as she took out her sketch pad, she dropped her pencil as it rolled across the floor and stopped in front of someone's feet. Rein looked up to see the guy from before pick up her pencil as he walked over and held it in front of her.

"You dropped this."

"Um...thanks." Rein took her pencil back from the guy as he started to leave "You're part of the games, aren't you?" The guy stopped to look back at Rein. "But you were already watching how Sora fought before he was registered to be part of the games."

"I check out anyone who seems to be competition." It was silent for a while until the guy walked over to lean back against the same pedestal Rein was sitting on. "Your friend's really determined to be part of the games."

"Sora's always determined to do anything. And that's what makes him fun to be around with." Rein decided not to sketch at that time and put her sketch pad back in her bag. "We were told that heroes come here to fight monsters. I think that they're just here to show off their skills. It's kind of funny since Sora is kind of the same."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because I have a feeling that your reason for being here is different. You're not here because you wanted to show off in front of an audience. You're here for a different reason, aren't you?"

"I'm here because there's someone I'm looking for. It's strange. You've just met me, but I have no problem telling you this."

"I have no problem getting to know people. I guess it's always been like that." Rein got off the pedestal and turned to face the guy. "My name's Rein."

"Cloud. I should start preparing for when I go against your friend. It was nice talking you, Rein."


Rein and Cloud walked out of the lobby as Rein walked over to her friends while Cloud just continued walking to the other side of the Coliseum, giving Sora a serious look.

"Who was that guy?"

"Never mind about him, kid. But something tells me that he'll be a tough one to beat. Who knows, maybe you'll end up facing him."

Sora, Donald, and Goofy continued fighting through each of their matches and managed to win each of them. It was kind of suspicious that in all of their matches, they were up against some Heartless. While Sora, Donald, and Goofy were celebrating another win, they were being watched. Cloud and some blue guy with literally flaming blue hair were watching the trio celebrate.

"That punk is your next opponent, okay? Now, don't blow it. Just take him out."

"The great god of the Underworld is afraid of a kid? Sorry, but my contract says—"

"I know! You think I don't know? I wrote the contract! I know that it says you're only required to kill Hercules in this tournament. But you've got to fight that kid to get to him. Come on. Hey, it's like the old goat says: Rule 11: It's all just a game, so let loose and have fun with it! I mean, a casualty or two along the way is no big deal, right?" Hade noticed that Cloud looked like he wasn't paying attention to him and was looking towards something else. "Hey! Are you even listening to me? What are you even looking at?" Hades looked towards where Cloud was looking at and smiled. "Oh I see. That girl seems to have caught your eye. Tell you what. Beat the kid, and I'll get you the girl. How about it?"

"Don't involve her in the deal. I'll just take the kid down. Just leave her out of this."

Cloud walked away and left the blue man standing there as the blue man looked towards Rein. A sinister smile grew on his face as he thought of another of his evil plans.

"Even though he said not to, it wouldn't hurt to just talk to the girl. I might need someone like her to make sure that everything goes as planned."


"I can't believe that we made it to the final match. What about you, Rein? Rein?" Sora looked around and found no sign of Rein. "Hey, where's Rein? Wasn't she just here watching us?"

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, kid." Sora turned to look down at half goat-man. "Your friend just left a while ago. She said something about wanting to get out of the heat. But she'll be back."

"Oh. Well I hope that she'll be back before we fight in the final match. I wonder where she went."

"I'm sure she will, kid. So don't worry about her. Right now you have to prepare yourself for the final match."


Rein was sitting on a pedestal in the lobby since she needed to cool down after standing in the sun too long. She suddenly felt a dark feeling from an unknown presence. She got off the pedestal and looked around. Seeing that there was no one there, Rein turned out to go back outside but stopped when she saw the blue man standing in front of the door.

"Hi there." Rein immediately stood in a fighting stance as she put up her barrier. "Whoa there. No need to start a fight. I'm not here to cause any trouble. After all, I'm the one who gave your friend the pass to let him enter the tournament."

"That was you? Why? You don't really look like someone who would just give something to a stranger and not ask for anything."

"Oh I don't want anything in return. I just didn't think it was fair for the old goat to not let your friend enter, that's all. So I gave him a pass that can 100% guarantee him a spot in the tournament. That means that I'm not a bad guy, right?" Rein lowered her barrier but still hasn't let her guard down. " looks like your friend has made it to the final round. That means that he'll be going up against Cloud, right?"

"How do you know Cloud?"

"Let's just say that I'm his coach since I'm the one telling him how and who to fight. But while I was talking to him earlier, I noticed that his focus was on something else. Or should I say someone else? And by someone I mean..." Hades was making an imaginary small circle before pointing at Rein "you."


"Yup. That's why I'm here to ask you a favor. You see, Cloud's been showing a lot of attitude lately. So I was thinking that you can help me keep him focused. So what do you say?"

"I'm sorry, but no. I'm already helping my friends prepare for their matches. Maybe you can try another method to help Cloud focus." Rein walked around Hades and started heading towards the door. "But tell Cloud that I'll cheer for him too."

"Or you can just tell him yourself." Hades turned around and, with a snap of his fingers, created chains that wrapped around Rein to keep her from leaving. "Sorry kid. I didn't want to do this the hard way, but Cloud needs something to motivate him to take out that friend of yours. And since their fight is about to start, we better make sure that Cloud will do what he's told."


Sora, Donald, and Goofy were standing on the fighting arena waiting for their opponent to show up. Sora was still looking around for Rein since she has still yet to show up and the final match was about to start. Cloud was underneath the bleachers since Hades had something to tell him before he faces Sora.

"Listen. Be sure that you take out that kid, and by that I mean get rid of him and those two friends of his."

"According to our contract, the only one I should get rid of is Hercules. I'll just beat the kid in the match then kill Hercules. I don't get how that kid can be a threat to the God of the Underworld."

"I'd watch what I say if I were you. Otherwise," Hades snapped his fingers before a chained up Rein, who was also gagged, magically appeared next to him. "something will happen to your little friend here."

"Didn't I tell you to leave her out of this, Hades?"

"Yeah, well I figured that using her would help make sure that you won't try to question my orders next time. Now do what you have to do or else she pays for it."

Cloud unsheathed his blade before walking over to the arena to fight Sora. Hades used his magic to appear at the main entrance of the Coliseum with Rein standing next to him, still all chained up. The match between Sora and Cloud was intense, but Sora ended up being the victor.

"Well, what do you know? Looks like your friend beat Cloud. It's too bad that I'll have to do the job myself. Looks like I won't be needing you anymore."

With a snap of Hades' fingers, Rein disappeared and reappeared near Cloud before the chains around her disappeared. It wasn't long after that a giant three-headed dog suddenly appeared before them. A muscular guy appeared and used his super strength to hold the giant dog back while everyone else escapes.

"Rein!" Rein turned to look back and saw Sora running over to her. "We have to get out of here! Come on!"

Sora grabbed Rein's hand as they started back towards the lobby where their friends and the half goat-man, whose name's Phil, were. Once they got there, Sora let go of Rein's hand as the said girl looked around the room.

"That was Cerberus, the guardian of the Underworld. Herc should be able to handle him. But then again, maybe not. This doesn't look good." Phil was looking a bit panicked until he looked up to see Rein running towards the door. "Where are you going?"

"Cloud's not here. That means that he's still out there."

"Rein wait!" Rein had run out of the lobby before Sora could stop her. "We have to go after her. She might need our help."

"Kid, you're not going to go after her, are ya? This ain't just some match. This is for real!"

"I can decide if I'm hero material or not. My friend just ran out there and could be in danger. I have to help her!"

"Careful, kid."


Cerberus got Hercules cornered since he was having a hard time fighting it while carrying an unconscious Cloud over his shoulder.

"Cloud!" Hercules looked to the side and saw Rein running over to him. "Is he okay?"

"Yeah. He's just unconscious. But I can't fight Cerberus while carrying him over my shoulder. Look out!"

Rein saw Cerberus's attention was on her as one of its heads lunged towards her. She quickly put up her barrier but was having a hard time holding back Cerberus's head. Hercules saw Rein's barrier cracking and quickly grabbed her to pull her out of the way right before her barrier cracked. Cerberus was about to attack again but stopped and turned its attention towards Sora, Donald, and Goofy running towards it. Hercules and Rein used the opportunity to run into the lobby with Cloud while Sora, Donald, and Goofy deal with Cerberus. The trio managed to defeat the giant three-headed canine before running back into the lobby. Phil had entitled them as junior heroes and had given them free rights to join in the Coliseum games.

"Hey! What do you mean 'junior heroes'?"

"You rookies still don't understand what it takes to be a true hero."

"So, what does it take?"

"Well, that's just something you'll have to find out for yourselves. Just like how I did."

"No problem. We'll start proving ourselves in the games."

"Well there ain't going to be any games for a while. Gotta clean up the mess from that last battle first."

"Okay, we'll be back."

"And maybe I'll compete too, as soon as I get stronger and do more than just creating barriers to defend myself. It looked pretty fun while I was watching the boys fight. Bye."

Sora, Donald, Goofy, and Rein started heading to the main doors of the Coliseum when they saw Cloud sitting on the stairs in front of the doors. Rein ran ahead of the boys until she was standing in front of Cloud, who had looked up at her when he heard her walking up to him.

"Are you okay, Cloud?"

"Yeah. I was told that you ran outside just to make sure that I was okay. Thanks."

"No problem." Sora, Donald, and Goofy had caught up and were standing behind Rein. "So why did you make a deal with Hades?"

"Like I said, I'm looking for someone. Anyways, Hades said that he promised to help. I tried to exploit the powers of darkness, but it backfired." Cloud walked forward so he was off the stairs before looking up towards the sky. "I fell into darkness, and I couldn't find the light. That is..." Cloud looked down Rein who was looking up at him. "until I met you."


"I don't know how, but I think your light somehow helped push away some of the darkness. It must be really bright. You helped by making my search for my light easier. Thank you."

"You're welcome. I hope that you do find the person you're looking for, Cloud. But more importantly, your light. Sora and I are searching too. But we're not going to give up. Right Sora?"


"I see. So you're both searching for your lights." Cloud walked over to Sora to give him something before he continued walking. "Don't lose sight of it."

"How about a rematch sometime?" Sora turned around and started waving to Cloud, who had his back towards them as he walked. "Fair and square. No dark powers involved."

"And maybe you and I can go against each other too." Cloud had stopped to look back at the group. "What do you say?"

"Hn. I think I'll pass. But I'll still think about it."

Cloud continued walking while Sora, Donald, Goofy, and Rein left the Olympus Coliseum and rode in the gummi ship to another world.

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