✨RHG Boyfriend/Girlfriend Sce...

By -blueskywhiteclouds

12.7K 172 194

Ever dreamed of being the RHG legends' lover? Say no more, fam. This is the place for you👌 More

No. 1: Their Personalities
No. 2: A Little About You And How You Met Them (Part 1)
New Characters: Yupia and Jade!
No. 2: A Little About You And How You Met Them (Part 2)
No.3: Spending Time With Them (Part 2)
A/N: About this book

No. 3: Spending Time With Them (Part 1)

1.4K 31 32
By -blueskywhiteclouds

First of all, I'm so sorry because I have to split this thing into two parts.
The main reason is I'm out of ideas and I don't have enough motivation to continue. (The not so main reason is because it's a little too long lol)
It doesn't mean that the fic will get shitty and/or I'll stop writing!
I just need some more time to finish the second part of this thing!
So now, please enjoy the first five RHG stories in this part👌



   "And there we go. That's the whole Dojo. You have any questions?" Alfa asked after he helped you to get your suitcases inside of your dorm.

   "Uh yeah, actually." You laughed awkwardly, "I . . . Was just wondering if I can just go to the sakura garden anytime of the day? I just kinda wanna find a place to relax that's not the dorm."

   "Hm . . . " Alfa put a hand on his chin for a few seconds before he looked up at you and smiled, "Actually, do you want to go now? If yes, you can come with me. I'm off of duty for the rest of the day, and I kinda wanna go there as well."

   "Really??" You asked. Oh lord, you got a warm ass welcome from Alfa and now you're going to chill with him? This must be your lucky day!

   "Yeah," Alfa laughed, "Close the door and we'll get going."

   [. . .]

   " . . . And basically that's why I want to join the Dojo." You finished your story, while Alfa is making some tea for you two to enjoy.

   "Oh, now that you've mentioned it, I've heard about your mother before. M/n, one of the most classic and famous gladiators that the RHG ever has." Alfa smiled, "I used to work with her. But to be fair, I'm more like a student to her rather than a partner. She taught me so much. Such a shame that I won't get the chance to ever meet her again."

   "I know . . . " You murmured as you can feel a little bit of tears started to form in your eyes, but quickly blinked them away.

   "You have a kind heart, Y/n. Just like your mother," Alfa smiled, "But be careful. The Dojo is not technically a safe place for you to live and train. There will be serious battles between gladiators that can involve death. Make sure to not cause any type of chaos or deadly battles. Not everyone here is friendly like what you see from the outside."

   Staring at the fresh brewed green tea cup in front of you, you slightly gave him a nod.

   "I don't know if you've heard it before, but for example, like the battle between me . . . and D." Alfa said with a sigh.

   "Yes I've heard about it before." You said softly, "I'm so sorry."

   "It's fine, I guess." The lime green stickman sat down on his seat and looked at the view of the sakura garden through the open doors. It seems that there's a storm of thoughts raging in his purple eyes, "I never had the intention to hurt him, let alone . . . killing him, you know.

   "There's rumors that D is still alive, and, I . . . just hope that one day I'll get to see him again and give him my apologies for what I've caused. He must've been through so much pain." Alfa sighed sadly as he closed his eyes.

   'Yeah . . . I hope so too.' You thought. D was a classic RHG, but he's not that popular for people to pay attention to his disappearance. You can't help but feel bad for the guy. And Alfa as well. He probably never wanted things to go this way.

   "But anyway, let's set those negative thoughts aside and enjoy the view, shall we?" Alfa smiled kindly as he picked up his cup.

   "Yeah, you're right." You returned his smile.

   "Thanks for listening to me, Y/n."


   "And then, you do this-"

   "Wow that's so cool! How did you do that?!" You almost yelled out in amazement.

   "It's what you call: Magic~" Yoyo said and laughed, "To be honest, I'd be lying if I say that I'm self taught. Someone else actually taught me these tricks."

   "Really? Who's that?" You asked tilted your head a bit.


   "Children! The ice cream truck is coming!" Amy suddenly called out for the kids that were playing in the play ground.

   Everyone around you two cheered and quickly drop whatever they're doing to run to the door and get to the main gate, where the ice cream truck is waiting for them.

   "Should we go too?" Yoyo turned to you and asked, "I actually wanna try those ice cream out, didn't have one for quite a while."

   "Sure!" You smiled, got up and pulled Yoyo by his hand to the crowd of kids waiting to each get one gold coin from the nuns.

   Once both of you were about to reach to the ice cream truck, one of the kids who were mean to you pushed you out of the line on purpose, laughing:

   "What is a freak like you doing here? Go out and sit on those benches that you always do!"

   You slowly got up from your now bruised knees, and before you can say anything to those bullies, Yoyo quickly use his yoyo as a leash and wrapped it around the kid's leg who pushed you and pulled it to make him fall down on his face, hard:

   "Please don't be mean to my friend." Yoyo said with a kind smile on his face and a soft voice.

   "Who do you think you are to-"

   Just as the kid was about to stand up, Yoyo pulled the string again, caused him to face planted, AGAIN. At this point, you were giggling:

   "I said: Don't be mean to my friend. Now, if you excuse us." Yoyo still had his smile on his face as he hold you by your hand to walk back to the line.

   [. . .]

   "Yoyo, that was epic!" You laughed as you're now chilling with Yoyo in the empty playground while having your F/f ice cream. The nuns bandaged your knees. It's cleaning time, but you and Yoyo were off of duty today, for some reason.

   "Yeah haha, I just don't like it when they treat other kids like that you know." Yoyo smiled back before continued eating his chocolate ice cream.

   "Also, do you know what happened to that kid? Didn't see him since he pushed me two hours ago." You asked.

   "Oh, I think he's having a 'little' punishment from the nuns for his actions!" Yoyo chuckled.



   "Y/n! Planning to leave anytime soon?" One of your workers, Jinny asked you as she's about to leave the office.

   "Nah, you can leave first, still got this last bit of project to finish." You smiled at her before turning back to your computer, typing away.

   "If you say so," Jinny said, her tone is a bit concerned, "Make sure to take care of yourself though!"

   "Alrighhhhhhht! See you tomorrow, Jinny!" You laughed.

   Right after Jinny, the last person in the office beside you left, you stopped typing and leaned on the back of your chair, sighing.

   It's been three months since Chuck found your miserable ass on the sidewalk and offered you a pretty nice position in his company. You have made enough money to pay rent and take care of your life. You've never felt this happy and peaceful before in your life. And it all thanks to Chuck.

   Wait, speaking of Chuck . . .

   You just realized that you haven't done anything to return all of his kindness for you.

   'Ugh Y/n you stupid-'

   "Hey Y/n! Still hard working as always?" A familiar voice said from behind you.

   "Oh, Chuck!" You turned around and stood up to greet him, "Are you leaving now?"

   "Yeah, but actually, I came to ask you something," Chuck smiled as he took off his hat and put it in his suitcase, "Wanna go out for dinner with me? Sorry for being too busy that I forgot about you."

   "Oh?" You asked, a little surprised, "I mean, it's fine if you're busy, I-"

   "No no no, that's not what I meant! I was just thinking that, eating all alone everyday must be very lonely, especially at night. I don't really hang out with my friends these few days since I'm too busy. But when I have to time off, which is today, they're all busy!" Chucked laughed to himself, "So I was like, ok, now who can I asked out for dinner with me today, as I've booked a table in a restaurant this morning. So I walked past your office and immediately remembered that you're working here now, so yeah!"

   You chuckled a bit at how chill and cheeky he is when he talks to his employees. He sure is a good guy after all.

   "So long story short, dinner? As friends though haha."

   "Oh heck yeah Chuck, I'm starving! Here let me turn my computer off first."

   [. . .]

   "And then I was like, BRO YOU GOT PRANKED SO HARD BOIIIII!"

   You and Chuck are now laughing like crazy in a middle of a Japanese restaurant as he told you about his pranks on his team mates in the Dojo. Lucky that there's no guesses beside you two, so you can laugh as hard and loud all you want.

   "Dang I didn't know that my boss is actually a prankster!" You laughed.

   "To tell you the truth, Y/n, you're the first employee of mine that knows about my other life as a RHG." Chuck chuckled, "It's comforting to know that you don't judge me for that."

   "Aw why would I do that?" You said, "You didn't judge me for my pathetic life, so who am I to judge you you dork?"

   "You're pretty chill, Y/n, I like that." Chuckled smiled, "Now let's eat, I think we're both probably hungry as hell after those laughing."

   "Yeah you're right, dude. I'm STARVING!"


   "Oh heck nah . . . "You murmured to yourself as you walk around the huge ass Dojo, trying to find your way to the cafeteria.

   Wrench was so right: You are a goldfish. After training time, which surprisingly, you beat Jomm, Wrench has insisted to walk you back to your dorm and then to the cafeteria because he's afraid that you'd get lost again but you turned it down. Now you really, really regret it.

   "Going somewhere, Y/n?" A familiar voice asked, you turned around to see Jomm standing there with a friendly smile on his face.

   "Oh uh, yeah! Sup Jomm!" You turned back and smiled, "I was just looking for the cafeteria. I'm kinda lost, as you can tell hah."

   "Oh alright, I can take you there, I'm going to have lunch with the other RHGs there anyway." Jomm chuckled.

   "Alrighty, lead the way Mr. Aircraft Swordman!" You jokingly said.

   [. . .]

   "Yoooooo Jomm! Mah man, giving the winner of the battle a treat, eh?" A black stickman with a red bandanna, also known as Chuck, called out to Jomm at a table as he saw you two walking towards his table with Yoyo and Wrench.

   "Oh shut up Chuck. Don't make me talk about how Jade beat the shit outta you in your battle with her." Jomm rolled his eyes, laughing, "Beside, I just went easy on em, maybe I'll show everything I've got out in our next battle?"

   Jomm asked as he looked at you with his usual smile. Some of the gladiators may underestimate you, but there's one thing that they don't know: You're a smartass girl/guy. You study every single movement the opponent make and use it to go against them. You're not sure what other type of tricks Jomm has, but you've seen most of it, and of course, you're not too afraid to face him again like this first battle.

   "Definitely!" You replied, chuckled.

   "Ok ok, sorry for cutting y'all conversation off, but Y/n," Wrench waved his hand to get the others' attention, "Let me guess, you got lost and Mr. Jommy right here took you to this place?"

   You immediately face palm in embarrassment. You know for sure that this asshat will bring this up.

   "Y - yeah, and what's the problem with that??" You said, trying to act tough to hide your embarrassment.

   "The problem is that you turned down my invitation to walk you here, which hurts my feelings!" Wrench said dramatically, fake sad, before his usual smile crept up, "Nah just kiddin', common you two, sit down, well get you two something to eat!"

   You and Jomm looked at each other before all of you laughed and take your seats.

   "Oi Jomm! Want some ice cream-"



   After six months of recovery, including three months in a coma and three more months stuck in the infirmary of your corporation, you're finally free to get back to your duties.

   But something changed.

   "Attention to all of the corporation. Commander Cyan would like everyone to meet him in the meeting room in five minutes. Please make your way to the meeting room as soon as possible. Thank you." The voice of one of your coworkers said loudly on the speakers in every single room in the corporation.

   "Hm, I wonder what's up?" You murmured to yourself.

   It's not a normal thing for commander Cyan to want to meet literally everyone that works in the corporation. Especially in a rush like this. But it's Cyan, you trust him, so maybe it's something very important.

   Stop making up questions, you got up from your table in your own office to get to the meeting room.

   [. . .]

   "What is he doing here?!"

   "Get away! You don't belong here you monster!"

   "Commander have you gone insane?!"

   You were standing in the middle of a chaos in the big meeting room. Almost all of your coworkers are now screaming, pulling out weapons and pointing them at the most unexpected visitors that the corporation can ever have:


   "SILENCE!" Commander Cyan yelled and slammed the table in front of him, hard.

   Everyone began to quiet down a little, but you can see that they are angry, confused and most importantly: Scared.

   You turned to look at Umbrella. He doesn't have any chains or handcuffs on him. He just standing there, quiet with his cold expression on his face and clenching his umbrella, hard.

   "The reason why I asked you all to meet me here is to listen to the news about The Umbrella Division, and how we are winning our battle." Your commander said, and you know for sure that he's not joking.

   "How so?!"

   "Then why is he here?!"

   Everyone began to screaming questions again. But now, you're the one to speak up:

   "SHUT UP AND LISTEN TO WHAT HE HAS TO SAY DAMMIT!" You yelled, angry. As unusual as it sounds, you don't get angry often, but it's different in this situation: you respect your commander, and you'd listen to whatever he has to say, even when it's some crazy shit. And you also want to know why Umbrella's here.

   "Thank you, Y/n." Commander Cyan said, before clearing his voice, "Umbrealla has gotten his memories back. He is now fully aware of the face of Red behind his perfect mask, and Umbrella had decided to escape the Division and find a way to have revenge."

   "He is now a part of one of the well know clans in Cier: Nemesis. But they are currently having some difficulties, so they have contacted me and asked me to let Umbrella stay in our corporation for a short while before they can get things together." Your commander ended the story, "I'm informing to you all that Umbrella will be staying-"

   "THAT IS NONSENSE!" One of your coworkers screamed, all eyes in the meeting room are now on them, "What if Nemesis is working for The Umbrella Division and is pulling an act in front of you?! What do you have to prove?! You expect us to believe this hypocrite?!"

   Everything went quiet before a loud boom could be heard next to you. That coworker who just yelled at your commander and Umbrella is now lying on the floor, hugging his stomach and coughing furiously.

   You looked up at Umbrella, to see him pointing his umbrella at that coworker of yours. His eyes are cold and emotionless, but for some reason, you can feel the storm of emotions inside those mysterious purple eyes.

   "We've received a copy of the papers to prove that Umbrella is completely safe and sane. He is staying here for the next month and it is final." Commander Cyan said, completely ignored what just happened, "And I need a person to look after Umbrella, in case something happens. Is that okay with you?"

   All eyes are now on Umbrella. You can feel that the people around you are too scared to even utter a word.

   "Yes." Umbrella murmured, but loud enough for you to hear.

   "Good. How about Y/n? Can you help him to have a look around the corporation and keep him company for the next month? I'm sure you're familiar with this kind of job." Commander Cyan turned to you with his usual smile on his face.

   You stood there, quiet. You were a little shock, but not surprised. Commander Cyan trust you on this, probably because how Umbrella saved you and he believes that you'd be ok.

   "Yes, commander." You said and bowed your head respectfully.

   [. . .]

   The meeting was dismissed. That coworker of yours got taken to the infirmary, and you are now standing in front Umbrella and his room, which is, of course, right next to yours.

   "I guess I'll leave you on your own for now. Here is my code number, feel free to use the button on the desk in your room to call me anytime you want, and I'll try my best to help you with whatever you're struggling with while living in this corporation." You said with a smile as you gave him a piece of paper with your code number on it.

   "Thank, thank you." Umbrella murmured, taking the piece of paper with both hands.

   "Cool, I'll see you, then." You turned around to leave, but Umbrella quickly grabbed you arm to stop you.

   "Wait, uh, I . . . " Umbrella said awkwardly, "S - Sorry, for hurting you the last time we met. I honestly had no clue who Red truly is and . . . Who I am."

   You looked at Umbrella. You're not mad. You feel . . . Happy for the poor guy.

   Didn't hesitate for a second, you quickly pulled him into a hug and laughed:

   "It's fine. I'm happy for you, Umbrella."

   Umbrella just stood there. He didn't hug back, he just stood there like a plank. You let go and smiled:

   "Coffee maybe? The cafeteria is not too far away from here."

   "Uh - yeah, sure." Umbrella said, blinked, a little surprised but followed you nonetheless.


Again, sorry if the quality is not what you expected! I tried my best and I hope you like how it turned out!

If you want, I can always rewrite it because *cough* this is not the best that I can do lolol

Again, I'm always free to hear your ideas/opinions!

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