From Rejected to Rogue

By ElizabethClark9

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[Read Disclaimer at the end of the description] Created by ElizabethClark9 PLEASE DON'T COPY! "No, I'm not yo... More

From Rejected to Rogue
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 (Surprise P.O.Vs)
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Trailer (HELP!)
Chapter 31
Bored? Something Fun!!
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37: The Wedding (Part 1)
Chapter 37: The Wedding (Part 2)
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44 ~The End~
The Sequel is Up!
Attention: Title Change

Chapter 14

81K 2.1K 264
By ElizabethClark9

"Thank you, Darius" Lexi said as she took Hannah in her arms, "It means alot to me." 

"No problem, just take care of her and let her visit? She still is apart of my pack." Darius said and looked at me and I just nodded.

"Come on Hannah! My friend is coming to help Jamie build our new home and I'll be taking care of you. Let's go meet him." Lexi said resting Hannah on her hip, and walked out the door.

There was an awkward silence filling the pack house as Darius and I just looked at each other. His eyes.. His eyes were full of guilt and sadness and a bit of pleading but I couldn't bring myself to believe any of it. How do I know that he's not just using me? How can I be sure?.. I can't. 

"Well, since this silence is awkward enough I'll be going. I have a house to help build." I said turning away.

"Let me and some of my pack help?" Darius suddenly said and I froze in the door way.

"Really? I don't think so, for all I know you could put a nail in the wrong place or do something more stupid and life threatening that I can't exactly think of right now." I said pondering the possibilities.

"SERIOUSLY?!  WHEN ARE YOU GONNA TRUST ME?!" Darius snapped, yupp he finally lost it.

"WHEN YOU'VE EARNED IT!" I snapped back equally forceful, He lost control and his wolf was trying to come out but the pack warriors decided to step in so he wouldn't tear me to pieces or whatever. Unlike him I just stood there calm and collected.

"That was a stupid move on your part." A brunette said on the other side of the room, I recognized her as one of the girls who used to pick on me and bully me. I smiled.

"See this?" I gestured to my face. "This? Is the face of somebody who doesn't give a sh!t" I smirked and slammed the front door behind me.

Lexi and Hannah were already in the car waiting for me to get in, It would take a half an hour drive to get to the place where the house will be built. Lexi and I agreed that I could choose the place of scenery and she could choose the house and all the minor details that go with it.

"So, excited to see Spike huh?" I glanced sideways at her and noticed her blushing, there was something hidden behind it though.

"Yea, I'm just feeling a bit guilty 'cause of Jack.." she admited. 

"He doesn't deserve your guilt and he needs to earn it, that doesn't mean you should feel guilty it just means that if you were to be guilty it wouldn't be for trying to move on." I said keeping my eyes on the road, Lexi nodded and turned around to play with Hannah in her car seat.

The car fell into a comfortable yet awkward silence so I decided to joke.

"So.. I guess that spare bedroom won't be my office after all huh?" I laughed looking in the rearview mirror at Hannah in the back seat.

"No, I guess not!" Lexi laughed. I never wanted kids but I knew that Lexi did.. She was good with Hannah, I just feel bad that she can't have any. Unless she got with Jack. According to Werewolf legend, a Werewolf could not have children unless it was with their TRUE mate. In Lexi's case? It was Jack.

"You're going to have fun tomorrow you know that?" I said looking at the road. Tomorrow was Lexi's date with Spike and I was super excited for her but she wouldn't let me put her in leather and make her all sexy. Her exact words were 'If I'm going as myself personality wise I'm going in fashion wise too, I won't hold back my true self!' I raised my hands in surrender 'Hey! It's an option.' I remember countering.

"I hope so.. but I'm NOT going in leather!" she said narrowing her eyes at me, I just shook my head laughing.

Fifteen minutes later we arrived at the spot I'd chosen which was in a field with a man-made pond and a rope swing over it for some fun-in-the-sun time. I came here whenever I was bullied to just sit on the rocks and think, I lost hours of sleep doing that since I only had time for it at night.

I saw Spike and his building men already starting to lay down the foundation when we pulled up, and got out of the car.

"THE FUN HAS ARRIVED!" I yelled making people give me weird looks and laugh, Spike walked over to us and greeted me shaking my hand. He looked over at the car which currently had the truck hood up; Lexi was grabbing a lunch basket and a blanket for her and Hannah, who carried their swimming gear incase they got too hot and decided to play in the lake.

"You never said you had a kid?" Spike said looking completely confused.

"Are you saying I'm fat?!" Lexi gaped in mock sadness.

"No! I-I I was just.." he stuttered, Jeez she already has him whipped!

"I'm just kidding Spikey and no, this is my little sister Hannah. Hannah? say Hi to Spike!" Hannah waved and giggled.

"Oh! Okay." he looked relived, Lexi rolled her eyes.

"Have fun building the house!" Lexi called walking off to find a shaddy spot in the clearing.

Spike turned to me and raised an eyebrow glancing in the direction Lexi was walking, I just smirked and folded my arms.

"Is she always like this?" he asked rubbing the back of his neck, I just smirked and patted his shoulder.

"You'll get used to it! In fact, It'll grow on ya." I said walking past him.

"Hey!" he said catching up to me, "I never said I didn't like it. So, you ready to build?" he said wiggling his eyebrows I gave one nod.

"Okay!" he said enthusiastically. "EVERYONE!" he used his future Alpha voice to get everybody's attention, "THIS IS JAMIE! YOU WILL BE BUILDING HER HOUSE! TREAT HER NICELY AND SHE IS ALSO BUILDING! THAT IS ALL!" he yelled then turned to me.

"Alright! Let's get building shall we?" He asked gesturing to the house.

"Let's get to it!" I laughed as we walked to the building site

Hey guys! Hope you liked it! Also, when you get the time PLEASE check out my other stories on my profile as well! <3

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