You left me when I needed you...

By beynika_84

26.8K 968 325

Beynika Beyoncé has a horrible life and wants to end it Will Nicki save her? Beyoncé:"you left me I needed... More

Whats wrong with bey?
Whats wrong with bey? p.2
You can sing???
I'm fine😔😔
Are you okay?
Money troubles
I'm sorry.....mama
Will you bey mine?
How do you do it???
Hospital (part1)
Battle scars
I can't hear your heartbeat anymore
Don't mess with my baby
I hope she's okay
Birthday curse
Catch up/Characters
The funeral
Nicki's birthday (part 1)~ school
Nicki's birthday (part2)~ studio/restaurant
Nicki's birthday (part 3)~club
Nicki's birthday (part 4)~bedroom
New beginings
My story part 1
My story part 2
Turn my cherry out
The breakup

My girlfriends sister

634 26 13
By beynika_84

Nicki's p.o.v
Nicki's house
The next day

At the moment I am so confused, bey has been very distant since faith got put in hospital. She talks to Rihanna sometimes and Ashley but she barely talks to me. I'm so confused on what I've done. Maybe it's her disorders or I did something but it's like she hates me. Maybe I asked her out too fast.

Blue and solo also hate me, I thought we really clicked but I guess not.

Bey doesn't even sit with us anymore, she sits with kids in faith's year, I think they're faith's friends and she leaves school with them sometimes as well.

Rihanna and Ashley are more chill about it and think that bey's just going through somethings but that shouldn't be an excuse, I'm going through stuff too. Like last week my cousin Red who's like a brother to me was tryna shoot one of his enemies in a drive by shooting but ended up shooting some little kid instead and now he feels so bad and has locked himself in his room and won't come out. Like I know your sibling or child being in hospital is worse than that but still I'm not pushing away my friends.

But anyways right now, I'm just chilling in my room and rih should be here soon.

Few minutes later

Rihanna finally arrived and now me and her are just chilling in my room.

N:"so rob, what do u think is really wrong with bey?"

R:"to be honest I really don't know but cut her some slack her daughter's in hospital"

N:"she's not even her real daughter though"

R:"Nicki! What is wrong with you nowadays? What has bey done to you? All she's done is push you away a bit and you're not the only person she's been distant to but no one else is complaining"

I was about to reply but shut up and really thought about Rihanna's words.

R:"I remember faith told me that bey has been through a lot, she said they all had but bey's been through more. I know she's your girl but what if she isn't ready for all that, you can't blame her for being distant, she's probably going through something on top of her daughter being in hospital and we don't know, she's so quiet and never tells us anything so who knows what she's going through"

N:"that's true and what do you mean she's been through a lot?"

R:"I don't know, Faith didn't tell me what she's been through and I wasn't gonna push her to"

N:"so, I've been through a lot to, like my "brother" Red is locked in his room and and won't come out because he accidentally shot someone and now he isn't talking to anyone"

R:"AND HER BLOOD SISTER WHO IS LIKE A DAUGHTER TO HER IS LAYING IN A HOSPITAL BED PROBABLY FIGHTING FOR HER LIFE AND YOU WHO IS SUPPOSED TO BE HER GIRLFRIEND ARE SITTING HERE WORRYING ABOUT YOUR DAMN SELF!! It's his fault he shouldn't have decided to have a drive by shooting in a public place. I'm going home, hit me up when you have found your common sense, I've got my own shit to worry about"

Rihanna got up and walked out slamming the door behind her.

My mom came into my room to see what was going on.

Mama C:"I heard shouting, what happened?"

N:"nothing" I turned over on my bed facing the other way

Mama C:"come nika, tell me" My mom walked over and sat on the edge of my bed and I turned around and faced her.

I sat up and explained everything that happened from me asking bey out, to lyndell touching bey, to faith being in hospital, to bey fighting, and to Rihanna storming out.

Mama C:"well first you are wrong for what you said and you need to apologise, second you said that you asked her out and you now go out so try and do something for her and buy her something to show her you support her through this and even if she doesn't want you try and go to see faith in hospital, see what's up, third you need to be more sensitive, I know you usually don't give a fuck but now you need to start giving a fuck, don't lose her nika she's nothing but good for you, yes she's been distant but it's for a reason and you have to find that reason or you're gonna lose her, maybe her daughter being in hospital isn't the only thing that she's going through, and you said that, that boy tried to you know maybe he did do something to her before y'all got there and she just never said anything, you will never know with her if you never ask"

N:"but I did ask and she said nothing happened"

Mama C:"and you think she would've told you? She didn't even tell you what happened to her daughter, I don't think she would tell you what someone has done to her. Look she's hurting her daughter's in hospital, her parents are always working, her girlfriend doesn't care and she just had to fight a bitch who was probably talking shit, I mean you don't even know why she fought that girl, do you?"

N:"no" I answered lowly

Mama C:"exactly, she's an amazing girl nika and I'm proud of you for making her yours but you gotta pay more attention to the signs that are right in front of you. When I met her and I looked into her eyes I saw the hurt and the pain in them and that was before this all happened, I saw how excited her kids were to see a movie for the first time and how excited they were to see a lot of food on their plates, you told me how excited they were to be in a car for the first time, our lifestyle was new to them so don't you think there might be something else going on in her life? Nicki you need to start paying more attention at things like this otherwise it's gonna come back on you when you least expect it"

My mom got up and left my room closing the door behind her, leaving me their to take in and think about what she said.

I got up and got changed then grabbed my bag and got in my car and decided to head over to the hospital to see faith and to see if I can sort things out with bey.

On the way there I stopped off at the shop and bought some flowers for Faith, I wanted to get her some chocolate but then I remembered she has allergies.

I walked in the hospital and went up to the receptionist.


R:"hi, who are you here to see?"


R:"last name"

N:"umm I don't know it"

R:"ok that's fine, do you remember when she came in"

N:"I think a week ago"

R:"um ok"

She typed up something on her computer then looked up at me with a sympathetic smile.

R:"what is your relation to her?"


R:"ok, she's in room 444, have a good day"

N:"thank you, you too"

I walked to the elevator and got the lift to floor 4 and walked to faith's room.

I knocked on the door before I entered it. Bey came and opened the door.

B:"yes" she said with no emotion

N:"umm I came to see faith and to see if we could talk"

B:"I'm busy"

N:"umm ok, can you give these to faith for me and send her my love"

B:"hmm" she took the flowers and put them in the room then came back out.

B:"anything else?"

I reached out to hug her and she sorta flinched back and winced in pain quietly, and even though she didn't hug back at least she didn't push me away. I pulled back and looked into her eyes and saw the pain, the hurt and the fear that my mom was talking about. I wonder why she winces and flinches anytime I try to hug her. Hmm🤔

N:"I'm sorry for what I've done, I don't know what it was but I'm sorry and I hope faith's gets better soon and I love you" I pecked her cheek and was about to walk away when she called my name.

I turned around and walked back over to her.

B:"thank you and umm I think you do know what happened, you just have to put the pieces together and you'll figure it out, until you have I can't forgive you, sorry"

She walked back inside leaving me standing there confused.

I started walking away when I bumped into rih, when she saw me she rolled her eyes and was about to walk off when I stopped her.

R:"what do you want?"

N:"I hate when we fight, you're like my sister and I'm sorry"

R:"I'm not the one that you need to apologise to"

N:"I know and I already have apologised and I wanna apologise to you as well, can we talk please?"

R:"I'm sorry but faith really needs me right now, but we can talk tomorrow"

N:"can you at least tell me what happened?"

R:"if bey hasn't told you then I can't, that's her child and I have to respect that"

N:"are y'all fucking behind my back?!"

R:"what?! no! I'm there for faith, we bonded a lot when you two were on your date and now I'm here for her, we are like sisters now, and I'm also here for bey until you stop being blind to the signs and figure out what happened and start being there for her"

I was about to reply when solo came out of faith's room.

S:"rih rih?"

R:"yes baby"

S:"did you find the doctor?"

R:"Yh he'll be here soon"

S:"ok thank you"

Solo looked at me before mugging me and walking back inside.

R:"look we'll talk some other time, I need to go see her now"

She walked into faith's room and I wanted to go see her too but I had to respect bey. I decided I would go see Red and see how he's doing. I'm still kinda shook that blue knew who he was and asked me about him, like how did she know about him? I shook it off and got in my car going to his house.

When I got there, I knocked on the door and his mom opened the door.

(Reds mom is called Jessica)

J:"hey Nicki baby, I haven't seen you in awhile"

N:"I know Aunty, I'm here to see Red"

J:"thank you, I know you can get him to leave his room, he doesn't do anything anymore, he doesn't eat or anything, I'm starting to get really worried about him"

N:"it's ok, I'll talk to him"

I went upstairs to his room and of course the door was locked. I knocked on the door door and got no answer. I wasn't gonna bother waiting around and doing all that "oh let me in, talk to me" bullshit, so I just picked his lock and opened it from the outside.

When I went inside I saw Red laying down on his back with tears running down his face and he looked up staring into to space. When he saw me he jumped up and wiped his tears then closed the door behind me. This was the first time I saw him cry and it made me feel really sorry for him, he must feel so bad.

R:"what are you doing here?" His voice was weak and quiet

N:"I came to see my older brother" he pulled me into a hug breaking down in my chest. I led us over to his bed and sat us down.

He was still crying and I was just letting him get everything out.

N:"talk to me Red, what's going on with you?"

R:"I shot her man, I looked right into her eyes when I shot her, her boyfriend or brother looked so heartbroken, she jumped right in front of him to save him and I wasn't even aiming at them, I wanted to get out and see if she was ok but we just drove off, I wish I knew who I shot so I can apologise and pay for her hospital bills and everything"

N:"it wasn't your fault, she could've moved them both out the way"

R:"she didn't have time to, it happened so fast, I think I know who it was but I can't go near her, I'm too scared to see how her family will react, if it's even the person I think it is, if it is then I'll feel even worse because she's been through so much, I've known her for awhile and I just shot her"

N:"you don't know if it was actually the person you're talking about, and if it is I think it will be fine, just try and talk to her, I'll help you find her if you need me to"

R:"what if she's not alive nic?, what if that bullet killed her?" He started crying and I didn't really know what to say so I just comforted him without words.

Wen he calmed down we talked for a bit more and then he started saying some shit that made me realise something.

N:"wait hold up, say that again, how old is she?"

R:"I think she would be 14 now"

N:"ok what did you say her name was?"

R:"I can't really remember, I think her name was faith or something like that, and I think she has an older sister, it's been along time"

N:"YOU SHOT MY GIRLFRIEND'S SISTER!!! That's why she don't talk to me no more"

R:"wait hol' up, it might not be her"

N:"it is, my girlfriend's sister is called faith, she's 14 and she went to hospital the day you shot that girl. Omg how could I be so stupid"

I got up and got my bag.

N:"we'll talk later"

R:"you don't hate me do you?"

N:"what? No, you're still my older brother, I'm going to see her"

R:"you know where she is?"


R:"take me with you, please, I wanna apologise"



N:"fine, let's go"

We left the house and got into my car and drove straight to the hospital.

When we got there I told red to stay in the waiting room until I called him to faith's room. I got in the elevator and went up to her room. I knocked on the door and waited after some time Beyoncé opened the door, her eyes where a bit red and puffy, I guess she had been crying.

B:"I see you have figured out what happened"

N:"what? How? And yes I have, I think, look I'm really sorry I wasn't involved in him shooting her, I'm really sorry and he is too"

B:"to be honest I don't care about him shooting faith, I know she's strong enough to make it through, hopefully... anyways I care about the fact that you were talking shit and don't ask how I know and don't accuse anyone of anything because I found out myself, I care about you not thinking that my daughter in hospital is important, like i get it Red feels really bad but you forgot who was in hospital, I thought you would've put the pieces together already"

N:"I know and I'm really sorry, I'm so used to not really having to give a fuck so I never really thought about you and faith, I'm really really sorry but please don't break up with me and if it's not too much to ask can you please forgive me, I didn't mean what I said"

B:"at the time when you said it you did mean it but I don't need to forgive you-"

N:"oh ok, I'll go now"

B:"hol' up, I never finished what I was saying, I don't have to forgive you or Red because I already forgave y'all, I forgave you both the minute faith got shot, way before y'all apologised but I didn't let you see faith because I wanted you to know what happened first"

N:"so can I umm see her now that I know what happened and like I apologised"

B:"sorry but no, Blue and Solo wouldn't allow that, and you're not the only one, it took rih and Ashley 3 days for them to see faith, they came everyday after school till they where allowed to see her and the same with faith's friends if you came with them it would take longer but you would've been able to see her by now I think"

N:"oh ok, well I'll be here everyday until I can see her, I'll do whatever it takes"

B:"i appreciate it, but umm you might wanna leave now before blue and solo figure out that your here and you might wanna take Red with you"

N:"how did you know he was here?"

B:"don't worry about it" she gave me a brief hug and winked at me before going back inside leaving me there confused again.

I shrugged it off again and just got Red and took him home then took myself home.

I decided to text bey and faith a goodnight text before I got ready for bed.

Onika🖤: hey I just wanted to say goodnight beautiful😍 Idk if you will reply but just know i love you so much and i hope faith gets better soon, I'll come by to see her tomorrow as well, love you❤️ and goodnight beautiful😘

Bae🍑bey💦❤️: hey, thx I appreciate it, I'll see you tomorrow and goodnight🖤

I noticed bey always put a black heart at the end of her messages so maybe that's a sign i need to look out for. Her text was short but it's better than no reply I guess. I decided to text faith as well, I don't know if she'll reply but it's worth a shot.

Nic nac🖤: hey little ladybug, I just wanted to say goodnight and I hope you recover soon, I love you like you're my little sister and I want you to stay strong, I know you will get better soon and will be stronger than before, goodnight ladybug and get well soon😘❤️

After about 5 minutes she still didn't reply so I just got ready for bed and fell asleep.


So, Nicki finally figured out what happened.

I am finally on summer break so more updates soon, I have about 4 chapters that I'm writing right now so that I can post back to back.

Thank y'all for reading🖤

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