Ahoy? | Steve Harrington

By crixbabyy

489K 7.7K 13.2K

---------------------------- "Sorry, I didn't catch your name what was it?" I pitched in the conversation. "S... More

chapter one: MADMAX (p1)
chapter one: MADMAX (p2)
chapter two: Trick Or Treat, Freak (p1)
chapter three: The Pollywog (p1)
chapter three: The Pollywog (p2)
chapter three: The Pollywog (p3)
chapter four: Will the Wise
chapter five: Dig Dug (p1)
chapter five: Dig Dug (p2)
chapter six: The Spy (p1)
chapter six: The Spy (p2)
chapter six: The Spy (p3)
chapter seven: The Lost Sister
chapter eight: The Mind Flayer (p1)
chapter eight: The Mind Flayer (p2)
chapter nine: The Gate (p1)
chapter nine: The Gate (p2)
christmas chapter (extra chapter, but very important)
before season 3 (extra chapter, but very important)
chapter one: Suzy, Do You Copy? (p1)
chapter one: Suzy, Do You Copy? (p2)
chapter two: The Mall Rats (p1)
chapter two: The Mall Rats (p2)
chapter three: The Case of the Missing Lifeguard (p1)
chapter three: The Case of The Missing Lifeguard (p2)
chapter three: The Case of the Missing Lifeguard (p3)
chapter three: The Case of the Missing Lifeguard (p4)
chapter four: the sauna test (p1)
chapter four: the sauna test (p2)
chapter five: the flayed
chapter six: e pluribus unum
chapter seven: the bite (p1)
chapter seven: the bite (p2)
chapter eight: the battle of starcourt (p1)
chapter eight: the battle of startcourt (p2)
pre-season 4 chapter
chapter one: The Hellfire Club
chapter two: Vecna's Curse
chapter three: The Monster and The Superhero
chapter four: Dear Billy
chapter five: The Nina Project
chapter six: The Dive
chapter seven: The Massacre at Hawkins Lab
chapter eight: Papa
chapter nine: The Piggyback
Eddie Book
explaining some things

chapter two: Trick Or Treat, Freak (p2)

18.4K 403 608
By crixbabyy

*Y/N POV:*
As we finally entered the party, I could hear "Shout at the Devil" by Mötley Crüe blasting throughout the house and yard. I heard people yelling, but like cheering someone on?

"...thirty-eight, thirty-nine, forty, forty-one, forty-two!" I ran to the commotion leaving Nancy and Steve by themselves and I saw my twin, Billy, doing a keg stand.

"Yeah!" One guy screamed.

"Forty-two!" Another one yelled.

"We got ourselves a new Keg King!" People cheered. I followed them into the house as they chanted "Billy" over and over. Through the crowd of people I could see him smoking, and what I did next may be the dumbest thing u could ever do in my life.

"Hey!" I caught everyone's attention, "Billy's the new 'Keg King?' Well why don't I change that and make myself the Keg Queen?" I smirked. Everybody looked at me like I was crazy and then some people dragged me to the thing. Someone was holding my legs up and to be honest I still don't know who it was or if it was a guy or a girl.

"One, two, three...." people chanted and then after that I drowned out their voices and kept going.

"Forty-one, forty-two, forty-three, forty-four..." and still I kept going.

"Sixty-five, sixty-six, sixty-seven!" I then stopped after sixty-seven. I got back on my two feet normally and I cheered.

"Looks like we got a Keg Queen!" Someone shouted.

"Sixty-seven?" One person said.

"She's crazy man!" Another laughed. I walked back into the party to see my brother walking over to Steve.

"We got ourselves a new Keg King, Harrington," one guy boasted.

"Yeah, that's right!"

"Yeah. Eat it Harrington!"

"Correction, Keg Queen," I smirked.

"But Billy has the high score of forty-two-" I cut someone off.

"And I have a score of sixty-seven," I laughed. They looked shocked, even Billy. Nancy walked away and Steve followed her shortly after. I looked at Billy and then left to see what they were doing.

"What's this?" I heard Nancy ask some guy.

"Pure fuel! Pure fuel!" He shouted and walked away.

"Hey... woah, woah! Hey... woah, woah, woah! Take it easy," Steve said, "Take it easy. Nance, Nance, Nance..."

"We're just being stupid teenagers for the night. Wasn't that the deal?" Nancy walked away.

"So, being stupid teenagers-" I was cut off.

"You just did a keg stand I'm pretty sure that's a stupid teenager thing," he raised one of his eyebrows.

"Okay, touché, but you used to be the Keg King..." we laughed.  We talked for a while. We talked about life, and everything in-between. Then Nancy came and she started drinking a lot more.

"No, no, no," Steve tried to pull her away from the punch bowl.

"Get off," Nancy shrugged him off her shoulder.

"Nancy I think you should really calm down with the alcohol," I said nervously. She glared at me.

"No, you've had enough, okay?" Steve tried to get her away from the drink.

"Screw you!" Nancy shot back.

"Nance, I'm serious. Hey. Hey. Hey. Stop. No, I'm serious," Steve pried her hands way from the bowl," "Put it down."

"No!" Nancy slurred.

"Nance, put it down," I tried grabbing the cup from her.

"(Y/N). Stop!" She yelled.

"Stop. Stop," I gripped on the cup harder. That plan backfired. I ended up spilling the whole cup of spiked punch on her. We both gasped. Everyone was staring now.

"What the hell," she looked between me and Steve. Then she walked away for the thousandth time of the night. Steve looked at me for a second as to ask 'can I follow her?' And I nodded to let him know it was fine and I was okay being alone.

*Steve's POV:*
I followed Nancy to the bathroom and then I coded the door. She turned the faucet water on and then she took a towel and wet it. She proceeded to try and get the stain out of her shirt.

"Nance, I'm sorry-" she cut me off mid sentence.

"Why are you sorry, it's (Y/N)'s fault," she looked at me. I didn't know what to say. All (Y/N) was trying to do was help her not get drunk.

"Well, that's not coming out Nance," I told her.

"It's coming," She slurred.

"Come on. Let me just take you home, okay? Come here," I assured her. We argued a little more.

"It's bullshit," Nancy said.

"No, it's not bullshit, okay?" I said.


"No, it's not bullshit Nancy," I tried calming her down.

"No, you. You're bullshit." She slurred.

"What," I whispered. Is she mad at me for talking to (Y/N)?

"You're pretending like everything is okay," she looked at me. "You know, like we didn't... like we didn't kill Barb." She started crying a little. "Like, it's great. Like, we're in love and we're partying." I didn't say anything. I couldn't.

"'Like were in love?'" I stuttered.

"It's bullshit,"

"You don't love me?" I asked her.

"It's bullshit," she repeated herself. After that I just left.

*(Y/N) POV:*
While Steve was gone with Nancy somewhere I talked to Jonathan. I met him shortly after moving here but we never talked much or anything.

"So where did you move here from?" He asked.

"California, it was really sunny and nice," I smiled remembering my old life in California. We laughed and talked for a while until I saw Steve leave the party looking upset.

"Hey Steve-" he didn't even look back, he just left. There goes my ride. I was walking back to Jonathan when I saw he wasn't even there. Great, looks like it's ditch (Y/N) day, I thought sarcastically. I tripped over someone's foot and I got a piece of glass stuck in my hand.

"Ah! Fuck!" I cried out in pain. Everyone was staring at me and nobody was doing anything. I ran out the house and I ran all the way into the woods and found myself lost. I was bleeding a lot and thought I was going to pass out. I was able to walk a little further until darkness took over.

*??? POV:*
I was sitting in the cabin I lived in in the middle of the woods watching a soap opera. I heard a thud outside and went out there to look. I saw a girl older than me in her teens with blood in her hand a piece of glass in her hand. Some bear came near us and I used my powers to kill it before it killed me or the girl. I picked her up because she was surprisingly light and brought her in the cabin. I got the first aid kid Hopper told me about and stitched up her hand. How was I going to explain this to Hopper?

Hey!!! I finally updated and I made it long just cause. So should you become closer to just all the kids or should we become close to just El and Max but still like all the kids? Even though the reader is all ready super close to Max but you know what I mean. Anyway comment what you think, bye! 💖

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