Winter's Daughter

By silent0wl

594K 14.2K 7.4K

When Bucky was being held captive at HYDRA, many experiments happened to him. This just happened to be one of... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty

Chapter Four

44.2K 1.1K 946
By silent0wl

Nadiya's Pov

My name is 018-WB, and I am a soldier of HYDRA. In five days I attack the enemy. Some may call them their saving grace, their superheroes.

To HYDRA, they are the enemy. They have destroyed many of our bases, taken out many of our men and women. HYDRA believes that we need to send them a message.

Whatever HYDRA believes, I believe. Whatever they want, I want. Whatever they want me to do, I carry it out.

My mission is to sneak into a SHIELD base and steal highly classified information and weapons. HYDRA has never done a direct attack towards a SHIELD base before. That's why my mission is extremely important. If I do not succeed, I will be punished.

As I make my way throughout the long, narrow hallways of the compound, I finally reach my room. I reach for the door nob and look around in the little room I've had all my life.

In the middle of the small area, there is a mattress of the floor with a thin blanket on top of it. In the very edge of the room on the right is a toilet. Next to it, a sink. Towards the front, there is a dummy. That's where I can practice some of my hand to hand combat.

I force my feet to carry me to my bed. As the day gets closer, the more intense my training gets. Every inch of my body is hurts.

I slowly sit down on my bed, careful to not aggravate any of the bruises on my body. As I take my hand wrap off, I look at my hands just to see my blood stained knuckles and blistered hands.

I let out a sigh and made my way over to my sink. With shaky hands, I turned on the cold water and let my hands fall underneath it.

As I let the coldness of the water soothe my hands, I look into the mirror. My once electric blue eyes have bags underneath them, my wavy brown hair was all tangled into a mess, and my once rosie cheeks were covered in bruises.

I just stare at my reflection in the mirror. My small figure of 5'2 barely reached the middle of the mirror. The same pare of blue eyes were staring back at me. They weren't full of joy, they were full of nothing. They expressed no emotion.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when someone came into my room. "Hey, Nadiya. How you doing?"

I just stared at the boy in front of me. He seemed about my age, with brown hair and big hazel eyes.

"Who's Nadiya? Do I know you?" I say, confused. "Yes, you do. You just need to remember me. As for your first question, you are Nadiya." I started to try and remember him, but I just couldn't. For all I knew, he was just some random kid that walked into my room.

"Yep, still got nothing. Now, who are you?" I say, growing a little annoyed. He let out a sigh. "It's me, Luka. You know, the kid you've been hanging out with for, what would you say, the past 8 years of your life?" He said sarcastically.

"What?" I say. I begin to stumble back and eventually hit the ground. "Hey, hey, hey, it's okay, I'm here. Don't worry, I'm here." Luka says as he rushes to my side. "Why can't I remember?" I say as my voice cracks. "It's because of HYDRA. They aren't your saving grace, Nad, they're the monsters in your nightmares."

I look up into his hazel eyes, trying to find words. Tears threaten to spill in my eyes. Almost as if he knew what I was thinking, Luka embraced me into a hug. We stayed there until a group of HYDRA agents came rushing into the room.

That's when all havoc broke loose..


Bucky's POV

As I made my way down the hallways of Stark Tower, I find the smell of bacon. My mouth begins to water at the smell of it, and I soon realize that I am starving. I usually hate mornings, but it gets a whole of a lot better when there's bacon involved.

"Good morning." I say as I walk into the kitchen area and steal a piece of bacon from Steve's plate. "Hey!" He says in protest. "Sorry, an old man like me has get his daily bacon intake." I say as I shrug, trying my best to look as innocent as possible.

Steve lets out a chuckle. "Yeah, okay Buck. You enjoy that bacon while it lasts." He says with a smile. "You know what? I will." I say as we both let out a chuckle.

"Who made this anyways?" I say as I continue to eat my piece of bacon. "I did." I turn around to match the voice to a person and find no other than Natasha Romanoff standing in front of me.

"You can cook?" I say, slightly surprised. "Yes, I can. Why are you so surprised, Barnes? Didn't think that assassins could cook?" She says with a smirk.

"N-no it's not that, not that at all. I just didn't know." I say sheepishly. "It's really good though." She gives me a smirk and takes a piece of bacon from the plate behind me. "Thanks."

I'm about to respond when Clint comes bursting into the room. "Clint, what's up?" Steve says, concerned. "Fury. He called us in for a meeting. Says it's urgent." He says. "What now?" Natasha says with a sigh. "Don't know, but he looks pretty taken back."

"Well that's never good, for anybody's sake." Steve says. We then proceed to walk the conference room which is a couple of flours under us. Once we open the doors, I notice that the whole team is there. "What's the problem?" Steve asks. "I think you all might need to take a seat for this." Fury says.

They all look at each other, everyone equally confused. After everyone took a seat, they stared at Fury almost to tell to him to proceed. He let out a sigh.

"As you've been told, I have agents in HYDRA spying on them. I asked one of them to try and get more information on Nadiya so we know what we are dealing with. More importantly, I tried to see if she had any relatives. All the files say that she doesn't have any, but we stumbled onto some highly classified files which tell us everything about her, including where she's from and who her parents are."

"Well, who are they?" Bruce asks. After what seems like forever of silence, Fury lets out a sigh. He then proceeds to look Natasha and I in the eye. "Congratulations Miss Romanoff, Mr. Barnes. You two are parents."

Updated 7/31/19

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