Found in Your Eyes.

By viablonded

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Another love story. More



1.4K 40 10
By viablonded

"How's the bunny doing?" Michael asked, "he's currently living in a box, Elliott and I are making him a cage today. You guys can come over and help if you want" I shrugged while eating a couple of baby carrots. "We don't have a name for him yet, but Lucas was thinking maybe Isak? I was thinking maybe frank" Elliott started to laugh shaking his head, his eyes fell upon mine as we stared at each other for a couple seconds just smiling and admire each other. He wrapped one of his free arms around me pulling me in for quick kiss, I was so lucky to be with him.

Our attention quickly snapped towards the end of the table, where an angry Cameron stood with her arms crossed and a pair of scrunch eyebrows to match her current mood. She stared at me, as if I did something wrong to her? "What?" I answered, showing her that I was already annoyed.

"What's this?" She said sliding a paper towards me, my eyes quickly scanned over it for a bit before realizing what it was. "Really elliott?" I said trying to contain my smile, he grinned at me shrugging "what?" He said innocently "I was joking around!" I let out a small guilty laugh.

Last night elliott and I made this whole huge joke on I should've wrote a broke up letter to Cameron since she was all obsessive with me. And that it was extremely hard for her to let go of me.

"And then this!" She yelled pointing to the corner of the paper, which had a smelly sticker plastered on it that said get well. I raised a brow chewing on my lip "oh wow" I mumble "well did you smell it?" Elliott asked scratching the sticker a bit before taking a quick smell "no" Cameron answered "you should, it's green apple my favorite" he handed it back towards her while grinning. Cameron gave a stank eye to Elliott but all he did was smile and seem very unbothered "does she not know that I don't like her?" He whispered to me, I gave him a straight face. "You were too busy being gay, that we couldn't even become a real thing" she said making the whole table stare right up over at her. What I'm assuming is that she was expecting a couple of good laughs from people,but the whole thing was turned into some rude comment and Emma was already ready to launch herself onto Cameron and beat the living hell out of her. I laughed shrugging my shoulders "you make it seem like it's a bad thing" I proudly said while turning to Elliott, who just stared at me with heart eyes I couldn't help but feel a bit of blush spread across my cheeks. "I feel like you and std Jayden would be such a great couple, y'all bring that one weird vibe" Daniel smiled waving his fork around at her.

Cameron stood still and stared at Daniel, for a couple of minutes before leaving without even saying a single word.

I could care less about Cameron's rude comments or anyone else just in general. All I cared about was my friends and Elliott, and my new 'son'. The only things that were currently running through my mind was just the thought of Elliott and I chilling at my house. Making a rabbit cage and babbling on with him about how we met and how we fell in love with each other.

"Is it cool that I stop by your place and leave isak a small gift?" Emma smiled big, Elliott gave her one of his award winning smile and a small nod.

I guess our son name is Isak, and that's final.


"God I hate her with a burning passion" Elliott rolled his eyes while screwing in a few boards together "does she not get it? That you're mine, the kissing photos of us were not enough?" He angrily slammed the screwdriver on the floor crossing his arms after. "I know, she scares me which I hate to admit" I said while gently petting isak, who just laid on my lap munching on a piece of lettuce. He wasn't going to struggle to eat at my house, Jamie was squealing with excitement when she found out I had isak. All she wanted to do is make him small veggie bowls.

Elliott scooted himself closer towards me, laying his head on my shoulder. He stared down at the bunny, making us both stay put for a bit not saying a thing but enjoy the small moment we were just having. He ran his fingertips down my am before holding onto my hand tightly laying a small kiss. "We need new photos for our book" he whispered before kissing my cheek, he stood up walking over to my bed side grabbing the camera taking a few photos of me and isak and with him of course.

We then moved onto my bed and laid down while having Isak between us. All we did was stare at each other and smiled,rubbing each other cheeks and sneaking kisses here and there. Not going to lie but I wanted to jump on him and spoil him with kisses just to remind him how much I loved him. "Remember when we first met?" I asked him "yeah" he chuckled "I always thought you were cute" he mumble resting his hand on isak. I raised a brow "I never really considered dating a boy, but you strangely caught my attention" I admitted "well you were my first" Elliott said, I gave him a smile "you looked like some big loser to me" I lied making us both laugh loudly "remember when you brought condoms to a party, and we both knew you weren't going to do shit. Who's the loser now " he carefully poked my side smirking. I rolled my eyes, wanting to gag just by thinking about that small memory of me pulling them out "god I was so stupid" I groan "I was so lost before, I really didn't know the answer to life? If that make sense, to be honest with you I would probably still be in my room or be dating Cameron if I hadn't met you" I sadly say,the thought of Cameron and I dating just brought back that sad familiar feeling I felt before Elliott enter the picture. I knew it could've happened, I would've got the pressure on dating her to show off the boys that I too could "get" girls.

"That would've been gross" Elliott crinkle up his nose "good thing it's just me and you" he sat up leaning down to give me a kiss "and isak" I corrected him. He nodded "of course and isak" he picked him up gently with both of his hands, laying a small kiss on his head.

"We need a bigger cage for him, but there isn't enough room for one" He had his eyebrows scrunch up "so we're taking him outside a lot, so he can run and be wild and take his energy out" he stated while looking down at the half finished cage. His eyes wandered back up at me "I can't wait till we move in together" he muttered, before the bedroom door soon slammed open flooding with our friends who talked loudly holding up small gifts for our isak.

"Dude the cage isn't even done, he can't sleep in the box for another day!" Cody exclaimed throwing himself on the floor quickly grabbing the instruction manual,as the rest of them then joined sitting around the cage.

Emma held a few small toys and a small handmade blanket "so when he chills outside" she giggled.

Elliott smiled staring down at me "everything is perfect" he gave me another kiss, we both watch our friends try to work together on building the cage before joining to help them.

This is how love really feels like.


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