SEÑORITA -- Shawn Mendes

By watchmegetobsessed

10.8K 167 31

Classic bad guy falls for good girl story based on the music video. This story is originally posted on Tumb... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8

Part 3

1K 19 1
By watchmegetobsessed

You feel like a total creep as you sit in front of your computer, the screen lighting up your face and it's the only source of light in the house. Gordon gave up on you long ago, after you fed him he just casually disappeared in your bedroom, leaving you and your craziness alone.

At first you had no clue how to start it, aimlessly typing Connor and some other related stuff into the search bar, but nothing really came up. After an hour of endless failures you find the working path. Diving into public police reports you start reading back about previous fights and scuffles in town, meeting Shawn's name too many times, but you try to slide over that. One back from last October mentions Brian as Brian C. so you eagerly get into the details. You are close to giving up when you succeed and find the name Connor B. at the end and your investigation takes a turn. In about ten minutes you have the address you believe is Connor's so you call a taxi not wanting to waste any more time.

The pepper spray lies in your bag and you keep thinking about that to somehow calm your nerves, not that you'd have a chance if there is a whole gang against you. The car drops you off at the front of the street and you start walking down unsurely. The Sun has gone down, only the street lamps are giving you a sight of the houses along the pavement. The neighborhood is definitely not the best, you'd never come near here normally. Your eyes read the numbers on the houses until you find what you were looking for, only it's ten times scarier than the other houses in the street.

It's not even a normal house with a backyard, it's the last one on the street and the yard is huge, the house is standing in the middle, with a bunch of cars parked here and there, some of them are just wrecks with no windows and tires. It's dark in the front and only one window is lit up in the house, but you see light coming from the back. As you walk closer you hear voices, but you're still too far to make out anything. Reaching into your bag you grip the pepper spray and hold it to your chest as you approach the house.

As you get closer you can make out more and more from the talking and one thing is for sure, it's not friendly at all. You immediately freeze when you hear Shawn's voice, you would recognize it from a million.

"You stand no chance here, Salazar. My boys would never lie to me. So get the fuck out of here before you regret even coming here."

You've never heard him talk like this. Not even when those dudes cornered you that night on your run. He was scary as fuck back then, but this is a whole different level now. A shiver runs down your spine hearing it and you don't even see his face, but you know it's not the one you are used to lately.

In the meantime you reach the corner of the house and you tiptoe in the shadow to get a view of what's really going on.

You see two groups. One is definitely Shawn and his friends, but he is standing at the front, Brian is right behind him with a threatening look. You see a guy in the back who is sitting on the ground, half of his face is covered in blood and you're pretty sure it came from his nose which looks painfully crooked. If someone broke it that must have been one hell of a punch. Some other dudes are standing around him looking like guards. The other group is slightly smaller which makes you a tiny bit relieved knowing Shawn and his friends outnumber those bastards.

And there he is, Wade Salazar, standing tall right in front of Shawn. He is a few years older and seems bulkier than Shawn, but you're not sure if he would beat him in a fight. Both his arms are covered in tattoos and his shirt is tight around his body. You suck on your breath when you see a gun peeking out from his pants on his back.

"It's a warning, Mendes. If you can't control your boys I'll teach them the lesson next time," Wade sneers back, his voice is calm and rigid, no sign of fear, but you wouldn't be too scared either if you had a gun on you.

Shawn's face twitches, it's obvious he wants to punch him, but he holds himself back, taking a deep breath.

"Leave. You are already done with what you came here for," he hisses, his eyes dark as the night.

"That kid?" Wade asks nodding in the direction of the bleeding guy. "He was just disrespectful with me. I came here as a guest and he didn't welcome me warmly. What I came here for is to finally beat your ass, since you couldn't be found in the past weeks too much. Now you are finally here, why would I leave without my satisfaction?" He sounds so full of himself, even you want to punch him. The guy is the definition of a scumbag.

"Don't be crazy, we are definitely outnumbering you now, you might get a few punches in but you wouldn't leave without at least a broken leg."

I see Wade's jaw clench as he realizes that he is right. So instead he takes a few steps backwards flipping his finger at Shawn.

"Next time, Mendes. Keep a tighter leash on your kiddos," he growls turning around and starting to walk... right in your direction.

Panic rushes through your body as you start backing, trying to find a hiding spot, but there is none. You are screwed.

Wade appears in front of you, his people following him right behind and it takes a few seconds for him to get used to the shade, but his eyes terrifyingly light up when he makes your figure out while you stand there, your whole body frozen from fear as he looks you up and down so hungrily it's almost a sexual assault alone.

"Hey there, gorgeous," he sneers at you, slowly approaching you as you keep backing from him, trying to keep the distance between you and him. "Who are you?"

No word can form in your dried out mouth so you just gasp in terror. The back of your legs hits a car and you need to stop as he is getting closer and closer, like a predator slowly approaching its prey. That's quite how you feel, like a scared doe, waiting for its death.

Just when he is about to get dangerously close Shawn bolts into your vision, his arms locking around Wade's figure, dragging him back, his people immediately moving to get Shawn and you shriek in horror seeing four guys jumping at him at the same time. In no time, Shawn's friends appear and slowly but surely everyone gets fought, pushed back to place, left with deathly stares at each other.

The next thing you know is that Shawn grabs your wrist and pulls you behind him, standing between you and the smirking Wade. You feel a hand on your shoulder, glancing to the side you see that it's Brian, pulling you even farther from the danger zone.

"Don't you dare touch her," Shawn growls at Wade, the veins on his neck are popping out like never before, his fists hanging threateningly by his sides.

"What, little Mendes has a girlfriend? That's why you disappeared lately? How cute is that!" Wade mocks him as if he was talking about a little child. The guys behind him starts laughing like they just heard the best joke of all times.

Shawn doesn't move, doesn't speak. Just stands there, staring at him deadly.

"Watch out, Mendes. It'd be a shame if she found out what it's like to be with a real man and not with a little boy."

Wade smirks at you and you quickly move so Shawn's figure is covering you from his greedy eyes. There's no reply from Shawn, he just keeps staring intensely at him as he finally turns around and leaves.

Relief washes over you once he disappears from your vision, but when Shawn turns around, eyes burning from anger your stomach drops again.

You are so fucked.

You are early to your shift. It barely happens, you are the kind of person who arrives just on time, but you couldn't sleep all night, your mind and thoughts going on and on and on relentlessly about one particular person and you start to feel ridiculous.

You are definitely not going to stand in line with all the other women in town who are part of the Shawn Mendes fanclub. There is no way you are that easily manipulated by just one dance and the hottest and steamiest make out session of your life. Your knees go weak even just by thinking about how it felt to be pinned against the wall by him, his tattooed hands roaming your body and the feeling of his touch on your bare skin just throws you off the edge over and over again.

You sit on the bench by the wall, a freshly made coffee in your hands as you stare off into the distance. You definitely don't have any feelings for Shawn Mendes, everything that happened in that club was just because of the alcohol, he doesn't even remember your name probably by now, you keep telling yourself as you finish the coffee and head back inside.

Work helps you get him off of your mind, the new and old faces make his face blurry in your memories as you focus on the orders. It's right until a tall, muscular figure walks in, his leather jacket perfectly hugging his body, making every female take a turn seeing him.

You can't believe your eyes as you watch him look around, luckily he can't see you as you are hiding in the kitchen, peeking out, watching him walk to an empty booth and sitting down. You wish Rosie was working today, she would be running off to take his order probably, she was head over heels for him at the club as well. You haven't even told her what happened between you and Shawn, her mind would have exploded if she knew that you kissed.

Out of all the tables he had to sit at one of yours and you know that Dolly and Monica will not move a finger, they are just not the types to do more than required. If you don't want Rob up in your ass you have to go and talk to him.

"You got this," you tell yourself, fixing your hair and straightening out your dress before finally building up the courage to walk out. He is sitting rather comfortable in the booth, one arm stretched out on the back, the other lazily holding the menu as he is reading it, one leg shaking under the table.

His eyes move up to you just when you step to his table, a smug smirk plasters across the lips that were kissing you not so long ago and you have to take a deep breath to get rid of the thought, because it's making you feel things you definitely should not feel at work.

"Hello, what can I get ya?" you ask with the fakest smile ever.

"Señorita, what a pleasure to see you again," he coos lazily, his eyes traveling up and down your body in a way that's making you blush. You don't answer, just click your pen, holding it to your little notepad, waiting for his order. You are not too big on retorts, so it's better to keep your mouth shut before you say something stupid.

"I was hoping to find you here," he continues.

"How did you know I work here?" you ask furrowing your eyebrows. You know for a fact you didn't tell him you work here.

"I have my sources, don't worry."

You can only imagine about that. Licking your lips you decide to get back to his order.

"So, what can I get you?"

"When do you have your break?" he asks, totally ignoring your second attempt to get his order.

"I recommend the waffles, they are awesome," you say deciding to play his game. If he is going to ignore your question, you'll just turn it around.

His grin grows wider, amused by your respond and you can tell he probably never experienced anyone ditch his question before.

"We can play like this, Señorita. I can sit here all day and wait until you are off the clock."

That's something you definitely don't want. There is no way you can focus on anything if he is sitting here, watching every step of yours. Letting out a frustrated sigh you look away, checking if anyone is near to hear anything you are talking about. Luckily, no one is close enough.

"Why do you care when I'm having my break?"

"Just want to have a talk. Something we didn't have too much of the last time we met."

The cocky grin is grinding your gears knowing well that he is talking about the fact that you were using your mouth for something entirely different at the club. If he keeps making these dirty comments you'll definitely turn into a tomato in no time.

"I'm off in an hour," you unwillingly tell him, earning a satisfied smile from him.

"Great. I'll have those waffles in the meantime."

Your nerves are wrecking by the time the hour passes. Shawn stays in his booth, following your every move, making sure to catch your eyes every time you dare to glance in his way. He is enjoying making you feel uncomfortable too much and it's making you want to punch him, but also, you've never felt more sexually frustrated in your life. The way he eats waffles could easily be considered as porn, maybe he just did it to torture you, maybe he really is just that sexy. Either way, you had to go back to the kitchen to have a glass of cold water.

Like clockwork, he stands up when the hour is up and walks out without even checking if you are going as well. But of course you do. You find him outside at the bench, leaning against the wall in such an effortlessly attractive way you find it almost offensive. His bike is parked near the back door.

"So... what did you want to talk about?" you ask, crossing your arms on your chest, kind of to create a barrier between you and him.

"Straight to the point, huh?" he smirks at you.

"I have thirty minutes and I don't want to spend it all on you." The sass in your voice surprises you, but you don't regret saying it.

"Alright then," he nods, his eyes still mesmerizing you. "How about I pick you up after your shift?"

You give him a puzzled look.

"And what? You take me home?"

"To your place, my place, doesn't matter to me. I just want to continue from where we left off at the club."

Your mouth almost hangs open at his candid words, not really believing he just came here to ask you to go home with him and spend the night with him. He is one cocky son of a bitch.

"I'm sorry? Are you serious?" you question, but he just keeps smirking at you, so full of himself and sure that you are going to fall into his arms that easily.

"Never been more serious."

"Okay, listen," you start with a deep breath. "I'm sorry if you got the idea that this is heading somewhere, but it's not. You and I are not really the same category." You hope he doesn't get offended at your words. "It's just not gonna work. But... we can be friends if you want."

The last part makes you feel so dumb, you don't even know why you said that. Why would Shawn Mendes want to be friends with you? You should have just keept your mouth shut.

An amused smile spreads across his face as he pushes himself off from the wall, walking closer to you until he is standing dangerously close to you. Your heart is pounding in your chest, you fear that he can hear it because it's so loud in your ears.

"Friends?" he echoes your word, making it sound like it's a curse word. You just nervously nod your head. He leans down to your ear, his hot breath tickling your skin and you don't dare to move.

"Baby, friends don't know the way you taste."

Your lips part as a shiver runs down your spine, a fire starts between your legs and you just hate how your body is reacting to him.

In the most serenely way he walks over to his bike, swings his leg over, but doesn't start it just yet, looking back at you while you are standing in the same spot, frozen.

"I'll be back tomorrow, Señorita. We'll see how you feel about being friends then."

The engine rumbles up as he gets a firm hold of the handles and he winks at you before rolling out of the parking lot, disappearing down the road.

The memory is clear in your head about his first visit at the diner as it plays in your mind right before Shawn goes off at you.

"Are you out of your fucking mind?!"

His voice rumbles through the room as he is furiously pacing the floor back and forth while you just sit there, eyes fixed on the floor not daring to speak a word. This scenes gives you the vibes of your teenage years when your mom used to scold you after sneaking out to your friends' house in the night, giving you a talk how you could have been easily killed out there on your own. You never felt like you were in danger back then, the longest distance you walked was two streets down from your home. However now you can definitely sense the seriousness of the situation this time.

Once Wade and his dudes were done Shawn grabbed your hand and rushed inside with you, all his friends following right behind. No one said anything when he pulled you into one of the rooms and shut the door closed, ready to rip you apart for coming here and getting yourself into this shitstorm.

"What were you thinking? Were you even thinking? Coming here all alone, not even knowing what's here!" He is speaking so loud you're pretty sure everyone else can hear him in the house, not that it matters. It was obvious for everyone he was raging when he pulled you into the room.

"How did you even find out the address?" he asks, totally outraged by you. Deep down you are somehow proud you could make The Shawn Mendes lose his shit but you wish it was for other reasons.

"Public police reports are very detailed sometimes," you mumble under your breath, fingers digging into the cushion as you sit with your legs tightly pressed together.

"I can't believe you."

A not too happy chuckle leaves his lips as he finally stops and stares down at you with his hands on his hips. You blink up at him, nervously biting into your bottom lip as you wait for his next round of scolding, but he just stands there in silence.

"Do you know how much danger you were in out there?" he then asks and you're not sure if you should answer.

"I saw the gun he had," you say, your voice barely more than just a whisper.

"Do you realize how close I was to jump at his throat when I saw him talking to you? This is not a game, Y/N. If I don't go to check if he left for real I don't get there in time and you could have gotten hurt. I would never forgive myself if anything happened to you."

Though his words are making your heart beat faster, you feel like it's time to defend yourself.

"Well, you said you'd be at my place when I get home, but you weren't there. Again. You can't expect me to just sit at home and wait to see if you ever show up or not."

You see the guilt flash in his eyes and you regret dragging him for it. Letting out a frustrated sigh he steps closer to you kneeling down in front of you. Gently placing his hands on your knees his face changes from mad to regretful pretty quick, making your stomach churn.

"I know. I'm sorry, I messed up again. But I couldn't let my friends alone."

You let out a tired sigh, placing your hands on his as you lace your fingers together with his. The whole thing just crashes down on you now that you are facing him. Thinking about it you really were stupid to come here without knowing anything about what's happening here. You were never the reckless kind of person, looking for trouble, more like the total opposite, avoiding anything problematic from far away and yet you still came here. It's official, Shawn Mendes is making you lose your rationality.

"I know and I'm sorry for being so dumb, I just..." The damn tears are dwelling in your eyes again, you feel so small, so fragile suddenly, wanting nothing else than just go home and fall asleep in his arms. "I was just worried." The words come out as a whisper as you quickly wipe the tears away before they could escape your eyes.

His right hand reaches up to your face cupping your cheek and you lean into his touch, his thumb gently brushing across your cheek.

"I should have texted you. I wanted to go over the moment he was gone, but I got distracted. I'm sorry, baby. I really am."

His forehead rests against yours, you close your eyes as his fingers move into your hair, gently massaging your scalp.

"I was just... So scared that he would hurt you."

"But he didn't. You were there," you tell him.

Your hands slide to the base of his neck as you can't stop yourself from kissing him anymore. He returns the kiss just as hungrily as you attack his lips, tongues melting together, fingers pushing into his skin as you hold onto him desperately. He starts moving, he pushes himself up from the ground and you slowly lie back on the couch while he gets on top of you, never breaking the kiss.

Your feelings change so fast, going from scared to ashamed and now terribly lustful, longing to release all the tension that has been building up in you. As you pull your legs up his hips fall into place between your thighs, perfectly fitting there. A moan escapes your lips when you feel how hard he got so fast, but you can't blame him, you're burning inside just as much. Grabbing a fistful of his shirt you start pulling it up while he is kissing down on your neck, sometimes softly sucking on your skin.

You grind your hips against his, earning a deep, guttural growl from him when his lips reach your breasts, kissing the skin wherever it's showing from under your shirt. You both kind of forgot about the fact that you have a bunch of other people outside in the house and you almost scream when there is a knock on the door.

"If you guys are done fucking come out, dinner is ready."

The female voice makes you freeze, confusing you big time. You didn't see any women out there, who could she be?

"Thanks, Aaliyah! Nice timing!" Shawn shouts back, clearly frustrated and dissatisfied.

"As always!" the voice chuckles back from the other side of the door.

"Who is she?" you question as he climbs off of you, fixing his shirt while you sit up and run your fingers through your hair, trying to control the mess his fingers just made.

Shawn lets out a sigh as he pecks your lips one more time before standing up and holding out his hand for you, pulling you up.

"That was my sister."

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