Queen of Gorgeousness

By clinquant

167K 4.1K 1.4K

Hermione Granger has been through it all. She's been loyal and fierce, nerdy and strong, caring and passionat... More

A Fleeting Summer
The Ugly Duckling Transforms
Jealousy is Never as Straightforward as it Seems
Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold
The Morning Came and the Whirlwind Began
Popularity is Scary - Watch Out for False Friends...
Why Do Ex Partners Always Try and Push Back into Your Life?
Give Me the Strength to Carry On
A Chance Visit
Bittersweet Desires
Time Flies Too Quickly
Judgement and Giraffes
Curiosity Killed the Cat, Hermione Bought It Back
If You Can't Take it, Don't Give it
Unrequited Love Hurts
Future Career Thinking
The Nightmare Man
Eighteen Years Ago - Katherine's Memoirs
The Danger Bunch
A Dirty Man Once Clean is What?
Emotional Mush
The Years That Follow
Epilogue: White Wedding
What the Others Did

An Idea Kept, Festers

6K 136 50
By clinquant

As always: rights go to J.K. Rowling

Chapter Sixteen - An Idea Kept, Festers

Hermione shouldn't have left the matter of Marcus Boyle to fester for so long. Leaving it to fester was like not seeing a healer when you obviously needed one or refusing to remove a muggle plaster because you thought it would hurt. Hermione had let things fester, good old trusting, intelligent, researching, bossy Hermione had done the one thing she would never normally do. You should never let anything fester for too long as it only ends up becoming worse.

[Oh don't fret dear reader it isn't as bad as it seems you see Marcus Boyle hadn't even heard of Hermione Zabini nor who she used to be called. He didn't know of her involvement with the book clerk or anything. As far as Marcus Boyle was concerned Hermione Zabini didn't exist at all.]

Hermione had gotten over her fight with Draco and as much as she wanted to remain angry with him it just wasn't in her nature. The more she found herself trying to hate him the more she found herself secretly liking him instead. Oh it was a vicious circle to be sure and one that would no doubt become more annoying before it got any better. For whatever her faults may be, Hermione was indeed a romantic girl. She wanted the knight in shining armour, someone who would come in and sweep her off her feet. It was childish and silly but her idea of men was based off old romantic love stories – and really don't you think those sorts of stories ruined us all realistically? It's like Disney but worse.

The dance that Hermione and Draco were doing was being observed by their friends who were annoyed by their lack of progress. The girls, being girls, had come up with several plans to get their two friends together but each one kept blowing up in their faces. Either from Draco's temper or Hermione's defensiveness. Pansy was beside herself, she could see the way her dear friend looked at Draco when she thought no one was looking and likewise she could see the way Draco looked at Hermione when he thought no one was looking. This game they were both playing was maddening and Pansy wished they would just give up and give in as it would save a lot of hassle and drama plus give both Draco and Hermione some well-deserved happiness.

Pansy had approached Hermione (after all these failed attempts) and just come out with it instead of beating around the bush with haphazard plans.

"Hermione what is this thing between you and Draco?"

Hermione stiffened immediately, "what do you mean?"

"I mean what everyone else means, it's clear you both like each other so what's holding you back?"

"I don't know what you're talking about,"

"Yes you do so stop being evasive and talk to me."

"Draco doesn't want me Pansy."

"He does. I've see it, we all have."

"No," she huffed, "well even if he does he'll never act on his feelings. He doesn't want me Pansy, he doesn't even want to be my friend yet he's willing to shout at me for some jumped up rumour. He can't have it both ways."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean he can't tell me he doesn't want me one minute and then act all betrayed and caring the next. You saw how attentive he was at the ball and then the next day he was back to his normal brooding self."

"Why don't you do something about it?"

"I've tried."

"That's it? You've tried and now you're giving up?"

Pansy couldn't believe it for it didn't sound like Hermione at all. She wasn't someone to give up so easily and yet she had.

"Pansy even if he did feel something for me and actually managed to let go of everything else to pursue it—"


"Draco doesn't need someone like me," she finished half-heartedly.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm not beautiful."

"Hermione! How can you say that?"

"I'm not special. People don't notice me. I'm not up with the social etiquette. Pansy its simple, I was born to be my quirky intelligent self and not born to win the heart of a mighty wizard."

Pansy was shocked by Hermione's outburst, she knew Hermione wasn't like other girls and was somewhat quieter but she wasn't prepared for the vulnerability and sadness that shone from Hermione's eyes letting Pansy know that she honestly believed this to be the case. She honestly believed she was without the beauty that was sought after. It was ridiculous and preposterous and yet as Pansy sat there next to her friend she understood how Hermione had come to this conclusion. Being friends with Potter and Weasley all these years had taken its toll on Hermione. All their comments had beaten her down into submission until she no longer fought their comments but merely accepted them as truth. Pansy was shame faced to admit that the comments she and her fellow Slytherin's had made in the past probably hadn't helped in Hermione's opinion of herself. It was something Pansy felt she had to rectify right now.

"Hermione listen to me," she said as she brushed a fallen tear away from her friend's cheek, "you are beautiful, honestly."

Hermione looked at her with disbelief etched into her eyes.

"I wouldn't have pegged you as a girl who needed confirmation of her beauty."

"Not confirmation but it would just be nice to hear it said."

"Well I'm saying it now. You. Are. Beautiful. Any guy would be lucky to have you and no I'm not just saying that. You have a lot to offer someone. Looks are just an added bonus so don't let it ruin your life as you have so much to give."

Hermione sighed so Pansy tried another tactic.

"Hermione, imagine if you were beautiful beyond belief, would it make you happy?"

Hermione neither nodded nor shook her head in the negative so Pansy continued.

"If you had nothing but a beautiful face would you really get anywhere in the world?"

"No," mumbled Hermione.

"Would anyone take you beyond face value?"


"What would happen if you were just beautiful? Beauty fades and what would you do when it was gone?"

Hermione didn't answer but she understood what Pansy was saying.

"You can't rely on beauty Hermione. You have a mind and you have a world outside of beauty to offer. Never forget that you are more than just a pretty face."

"When did you get so wise?"

"I've always been wise I've just never shown it before."

The girls sat quietly outside until the sun began to set.

[Hogwarts was safe, yes? Correct...mostly. The wards had been changed, updated and strengthened since the war but well if there wasn't a chance of mistake I'd have to end the story right here.]

Hermione was the first to hear it, a little creak on the wind, the crunch of gravel under a food and the smell of grass being crushed underfoot. She tensed, something telling her to be ready for something. Pansy noticed the sudden change in her friend's calm exterior almost immediately.

"What's wrong?"


The win carried the promise of a threat to Hermione and for a brief moment she felt stilled with panic before she let her fighting senses take over. She couldn't see anyone but even she didn't hold the notion that Hogwarts was now impenetrable. People would always find ways into places they shouldn't go.

Hermione felt the hairs on the back of her neck raise as if someone was but a hairbreadth away. Hermione had a right to be worried but also there was no need for it. There were suspicious things stalking her but for now they weren't able to cause trouble but merely observe and follow. Hermione could sense the danger and it reminded her of her third year and Peter Pettigrew as an animagus. If she was being stalked by an animagus there was little she could do until she found them.

Who would be following her? A minion of Voldemort who'd escaped prison? A friend playing a practical joke? Or had Marcus Boyle found out about her? Was he coming for her?

"Hermione what's going on? Are you alright?" asked Pansy.

Hermione tensed at the sound of her voice but said nothing to ease Pansy's worries. She continued to seek out those who were watching her but came up empty handed. After a few minutes of steady watching Hermione relaxed, whatever was out there clearly had no intention of harming her yet it wouldn't do well to linger out here for much longer. She looked across to her loyal best friend and wondered in the harm of telling her. She didn't want to bring Pansy into the dangerous situation but she desperately needed a confidant that was closer than an floo journey.

"Come with me Pansy."

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see."

She led them up to the castle and back through the school. Moving through the corridors and secret passages till they reached the Room of Requirement – which had been restored after the war.

"Why here?"


"Hermione what's going on?"

Hermione didn't say anything till they were safely inside the room but she was still panicking. Could she really involve Pansy in this? What if it went wrong? What if Pansy got hurt? Could Hermione live with herself if that happened?

"Hermione you're scaring me a little."

"Sorry...I'm having an internal battle."

"About whether or not to tell me something?"


"Well what's stopping you?"

"You could get hurt Pansy."

"Could you get hurt?"


"Have you been hurt?"


"Please tell me Hermione. Most situations in life can hurt people and I'd hate to think of you going through this alone."

Hermione hated to admit it but Pansy did have a point and Hermione couldn't really take away her power of choice.

"Will you promise not to tell anyone else? Especially Blaise and Draco."

"Of course. I promise not to utter a word."

Hermione looked at her friend for a good long minute before deciding that this was the right thing to do. She couldn't continue does this road alone and she didn't want to put Fleur in more danger now she was expecting.

"I've been looking for my Father."

"I thought he was dead?" whispered Pansy.

"That's what Blaise said after he told me that it was none of my business but in actual fact they never found his body and the facts I was given were a bit too shaky for me so I've been researching."

Pansy couldn't help but think that it was such a typical thing for Hermione to research.

"I enlisted the help of Fleur Weasley because I knew she'd like the challenge. I found a lead in a name: Marcus Boyle. It led me to a book shop in Hogsmead, the owner there told me everything he knew about Marcus and apparently there is something about the man that makes him more terrifying than Voldemort ever was. The book owner told me it was because Marcus didn't flaunt his power in the same way that Voldemort did."

Hermione looked away panicked and Pansy wondered what was coming next.

"Pansy I watched as the book owner dropped down dead from telling me too much. It was like a threat and a warning all in one. There might as well have been a big banner saying 'this is what happens if you cross Marcus Boyle.' I was so scared I just ran without looking back and I ran into Draco but he didn't see what happened even though I think he suspects something did. I was going to tell McGonagall I swear but I was scared and I didn't want to involve more people. I thought about giving up my search because it seemed so dangerous."

Hermione paused for breath.

"Then one day I noticed an article in The Daily Prophet, it said that the owner of the book shop had decided to retire early and had sold his shop and moved somewhere warm to celebrate his retirement. Well I couldn't tell anyone what I'd seen then because for all everyone else knew the article was telling everyone the owner was alive and well. I don't know whether it was thinking of that death or thinking of everything so far but I decided that I won't give up. Now that I know everything about Marcus and Mother and Father I don't see how I can give up. I know that my Father is out there somewhere. I can't really explain it but I know he isn't dead because I can feel his magic. I just need to find him and if that means starting a fight with Marcus Boyle then I will!"

Pansy had listened to what Hermione said with wide eyes and an open mind. The only words that had caused her heart to stop momentarily were: Marcus Boyle. She'd heard snippets of conversations between her own Father and her Father's friend's in relation to that name. Marcus Boyle was the stuff of nightmares. He was a lone beast that wandered the nightly shadows in search of victims to pray upon. They say that he sold his soul to the devil and was so feared that not even Voldemort could recruit him. Pansy had hope the dangerous times would end with the fall of Voldemort but it looked like things were about to get messy again. No matter what the outcome, Pansy wouldn't leave Hermione to face it alone.


[Insert Magical Sleigh Bells]

Christmas is a time of celebration, a time for family to come together and share memories. A time for religion and singing, stockings and chestnuts. Yet as Hermione awoke on Christmas morning, dressed herself appropriately and situated herself among the throngs of present opening, all she could think about was the fact that her family was not complete. How could they all sit here smiling, laughing and generally having a good time when their Father, husband and family member was out there somewhere battling for his life.

Hermione hadn't gotten over the comments Blaise had said to her. If he ever mentioned the conversation to their Mother, she never said a word to Hermione about it. Hermione felt unhinged, disjointed and confused. She couldn't fathom how her Mother and Blaise had survived so long when they had given up on finding him. If it had been Hermione she would have never stopped searching but she had two things her Mother and Blaise obviously lacked, an extraordinary brain and the bravery to fight.

Hermione went through the motions of Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day. She was lacking any real emotion but had enough to make it look real. This should have been a joyous occasion, the first in a long line of new family Christmases but she couldn't bring herself to fully enjoy it. It was like there was a cloud of tension and false information lurking around the house, it seemed to seep into her family members like a disease leaving them confused and out of control. Only Hermione seemed to realise there was more at play here, she was willing to fight for her Father even if the end result wasn't to be a good one.

Hermione's unsettled feeling came prior to New Year's Eve. Pansy had been given permission by her parents to hold a New Year's Eve party as her parent's would be away celebrating with their own friends. Pansy had only invited a select group of people. Mostly Slytherin's but also Luna, Lavender and Neville. Harry had declined the invitation as he couldn't quite bring himself to spend the night in a snake pit and still didn't believe their sincerity.

The celebrations for New Year's Eve started out well with everyone having fun and the firewhisky and brandy poured by the glass. People were in good spirits and even Draco seemed to have come out of his grouchy slump. They'd played traditional New Year's Eve party games, both muggle and wizard and generally everyone was having fun laughing and joking with each other.

Hermione wasn't one for drinking copious amounts as she didn't relish the joy of having a head rush or the loss of control as others did. Some called her up-tight for not wanting to get drunk but she just preferred to remain in control and have a clear memory of the night. That didn't mean she didn't drink, she just knew her limit and knew when to stop.

She had that feeling again, like the one she'd had out by the lake with Pansy. It was like someone was watching her. It was unnerving and she didn't like it, though try as she might she couldn't shake the feeling that something was out there in the shadows. It was enough to get her to stop drinking, a little paranoid perhaps but better safe than sorry.


Unknown P.O.V

It was supposed to be his day off, no it was his day off yet he'd had to come work. He slid quietly through the back door, the members of the party hearing nothing over the loud music and the voices of others. The Parkinson's household was mostly run by elves who had been sent away for the night by the Mistress and Master but the Parkinson's also had a handful of human servants, of which he was one. He was new to the household but not to the business. He knew what it was to be a servant, he'd been one all his life to various people but the Parkinson's should have been more careful when screening who they'd hired and perhaps if they'd done a good job he wouldn't have been hired at all.

It was a shame really for he didn't want to kill the young Miss but if she or any of the other party guests got in his way then he'd have to do it. It was the girl he was after, the one with the powerful magical signature. The one who had been asking all the questions and poking her nose where it didn't belong. She was who he was here to kill and he'd been given orders by this man and this man wasn't one to cross...ever! If you didn't follow through on what he'd asked, then chances are you'd just ended your life. The servant wasn't a stranger to killing, you don't have to be mad to be a killer and his abnormality gave him more power than most. As he looked at the full moon hanging brightly in the night's sky he couldn't help but think that luck was on his side.


At first Hermione was sure that she was imagining things. She knew that alcohol could sometimes confuse your senses or make you believe in things that weren't really there. She'd stopped drinking and her senses were becoming clearer but she couldn't be sure. No, she wasn't imagining things, there was definitely something there. It was like the feeling you get when you watch a horror film and you think to yourself don't go down into that dark scary basement, turn around and run away! No don't go towards the screaming! Hermione felt the familiar feeling like something was about to happen, something both wild and dangerous. She tried to signal to Pansy and the others but they were too busy partying and having fun. She reassured herself that there was wat least a stash of hangover potions in the nearby cabinet if only she could persuade her friends into each drinking a vile.

Hermione hurriedly made her way over to the cabinet, only pausing when she heard the unmistakable sound of an animal's growl. This wasn't like a dog's growl or any other small animal's growl. This was like a fully blown big, gigantic animal's growl. She was surprised she was the only one to hear it but then the music was pretty loud. She used her wand to silent the music much to the outrage of her friend's.

"Stay quiet."

Though most of the people gathered in the room had no idea what was happening and were most annoyed that their evening had been interrupted, Pansy had regained her senses enough to realise that something was wrong.

"Why are we being quiet?" whispered Lavender.

"Turn the music back on," moaned Adrian.

"I said be quiet!" said Hermione. "Don't you hear that?"

The group remained quiet, so quiet that you could hear a pin drop and at last they all heart it a low and long growl that bought the promise of pain and fear. Each face blanched as more and more of the party reached for vials of hangover potion to clear their senses and their heads. No one moved a muscle. Hermione could hear the animal pacing outside as if it were looking for a way in and she wondered why it didn't just rush at the door.

It was scary listening to the animal pace up and down beyond the door. It's claws digging into the wooden floor making scratches, its growl reverberating around the walls of the room and its whine causing shivers to run up everyone's spines. They were sitting ducks, just standing around waiting for the impact to come. They could do nothing, they were trapped, this room was cornered off from the others in the house and the only point of exit was the door that the animal stood behind. Hermione had looked out the window and seen what hung in the sky and knew this was no coincidence. The party, the absence of parents, the full moon in the sky and the animal lying in wait. There was no doubt in Hermione's mind that the animal currently outside was a Werewolf and that this Werewolf had come for her life.

The animal was luring them into a false sense of security. The plan worked to a fault, there was a moment of overpowering silence where people looked at one another to ascertain whether the danger was over and then suddenly, quick as lightning the door was blown from its hinges as the huge Werewolf launched itself. People jumped back in fear as the growling increased and by the light of the moon they were able to watch in mixed horror and fear as the Werewolf presented itself.

For a moment or two no one moved, everyone seemed to be calculating their options. Where to run, how to hid, how to defend and how to protect. Hermione had already concluded that their best bet was to lure the Werewolf away from the door, then they'd be able to make a run for it. Hermione had to keep reminding herself that this Werewolf was NOT like Remus Lupin and WOULD kill them if it wanted. Thankfully Hermione wasn't the only one to come to this conclusion.

The unsaid plan was a bit like sheep herding with people standing at strategic points pushing the animal to where they wanted by closing in on it. It seemed to be working and the Werewolf was moving. However, if they could hear the Werewolf's thoughts they wouldn't have attempted what they were doing. The Werewolf was practically smiling inside as he LET the group of people box him into the corner.

It was so much better when they ran thought the inner wolf.

[Have you ever been chased through a house by a Werewolf? Let me tell you, it isn't fun. It's like a complex game of hide and seek meets 'tag you're it', except you don't ever want to be caught or found. How to kill a Werewolf, now that was tricky...funny that no one thought of the one thing that would solve all the problems but I guess when you're running for your life the important things tend to slip away. Everyone had been well and truly separated, perhaps that was the Werewolf's aim after all.]

Hermione breathed a heavy sigh of confusion and fear. She'd seen Draco not moments ago, she'd caught a glimpse of Pansy as she fled the room for the corridor beyond and she'd seen her brother hiding behind a nearby tapestry. The urge to panic was overwhelming but somehow Hermione managed to contain herself. She'd put herself in battle mode, a mode she had hoped never to be in again.

Hermione's mind was working a hundred beats per second.

Who sent the Werewolf? Why was the Werewolf here? What was its purpose? Who was the main target? Is it trying to scare us? Is it a threat or a warning? Is it trying to get to me? Should I stop my research? Is it here to kill others and no me? How did it get in? How did it know I'd be here? Is this just a coincidence? Does Marcus Boyle know about me? Hey, is that a sword?

The questions flew out of Hermione's head hard and fast. She could hardly keep up with herself. Till the last question the thought of caught her by surprise, sword? Right there hanging on a display was a sword, she could just about reach it and soon had it in her grasp. She'd never picked up a sword before. She'd had the odd fencing lesson when she was younger but she'd never held a real sword much less had the opportunity to use one. It was quite heavy and sent her arm drooping downwards with its weight but if Hermione could just position it so she'd have a fighting chance.

With that in mind Hermione did what the others wished they could. She moved from her hiding place and back into the room that the Werewolf had first barged into. She neither met nor saw anyone on her way back and chances were they'd either escaped or were hiding well. She realised in that moment that they'd never checked to see if the floo network was working nor the house's apperation point. Chances are they'd been disabled as this Werewolf seemed to have come prepared with inside knowledge.

Hermione made her way silently to the middle of the room. She tucked the sword securely behind her back so she looked unarmed. Her head was bent, her arms and legs pointed in different direction and she looked like a dancer about to take flight. She waited patiently for the beast to smell her out, a low growl alerted her and she knew the Werewolf had caught her scent. She kept her head bent and waited, soon enough she heard the sound of claws against the wood as the Werewolf leisurely padded into the room. The beast gave off the feel of doing a victory dance, like it was glad she had stopped running for it could now kill her like it wanted. It moved, no, it bounded straight towards her without a care for its surroundings.

Just a bit more, just a little bit more pleaded Hermione in her head as the Werewolf advanced upon her.

Just when the Werewolf was so close it could have taken Hermione's head off in one clear swoop did Hermione act. She pulled the sword from behind her and swung it with all her might straight up in the air and through the neck of the Werewolf. There was a moment where neither moved, the Werewolf just stopped and seemed to look at something just past her shoulder before a slimy squelching sound was heard and the Werewolf's head felt quickly from its neck. The headless body fell soon after the head and Hermione dropped the sword which fell with a loud clatter as she sighed in relief. She briefly heard the voices of others around her before the world around her darkened and she became unconscious.


 [This author knows there are many characters around in this story. So in case you were wondering, Ginny's New Year's Eve was spent realizing the horrible situation she was in and coming to terms with the fact that she was married to Victor Krum who now had a huge fine to pay and was banned from Quiddich. Ron on the other hand had spent the night with what he presumed was a lovely blonde girl who had fawned over his hero status. That was until he woke up the next day to find that the mysterious blonde girl had left him with more than one gift that needed to be treated by St. Mungos...]

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