Queen of Gorgeousness

By clinquant

167K 4.1K 1.4K

Hermione Granger has been through it all. She's been loyal and fierce, nerdy and strong, caring and passionat... More

A Fleeting Summer
The Ugly Duckling Transforms
Jealousy is Never as Straightforward as it Seems
Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold
The Morning Came and the Whirlwind Began
Popularity is Scary - Watch Out for False Friends...
Why Do Ex Partners Always Try and Push Back into Your Life?
Give Me the Strength to Carry On
Bittersweet Desires
Time Flies Too Quickly
Judgement and Giraffes
Curiosity Killed the Cat, Hermione Bought It Back
If You Can't Take it, Don't Give it
Unrequited Love Hurts
An Idea Kept, Festers
Future Career Thinking
The Nightmare Man
Eighteen Years Ago - Katherine's Memoirs
The Danger Bunch
A Dirty Man Once Clean is What?
Emotional Mush
The Years That Follow
Epilogue: White Wedding
What the Others Did

A Chance Visit

8.3K 190 87
By clinquant

As Always: rights go to J.K. Rowling

Chapter Nine - A Chance Visit

Bill and Fleur Weasley stood in the kitchen of their cottage making sure that everything was clean and that all the decorations were hung spot on. They'd been concerned when they'd suddenly lost contact with Hermione. Then they'd gotten that letter from her explaining what had happened. How she could think that because of her changes they would no longer want to associate with her was preposterous. To them she was family.

They'd been unable to find the time to write back as Fleur had discovered she was pregnant and Bill had taken on more work at Gringotts. To top everything off they'd had a visit from Molly who demanded that they stop associating themselves with the harlot that was Hermione Granger. She'd demanded that they see sense and start talking to the family again. It was when Molly started to insult Fleur that Bill really lost his temper.

Knowing how passionately Fleur considered Hermione as family Bill had told his Mother that in no certain terms would they break contact with Hermione. He'd gone on to tell his Mother that she shouldn't believe everything her children told her for it was obvious to all that her two youngest children were manipulative liars. He'd continued to rant about whether Molly Weasley even knew what had happened to Hermione over the summer or if she'd just listened to her youngest son's poorly constricted lies.

Fleur had finished the rant for her husband and told the Weasley Patriarch that Hermione would always be considered family which was more than could be said for Molly and that until she worked out the truth and made mends with Hermione, she wouldn't be welcomed in Shell Cottage. Hammering the nail further into the coffin she mentioned that Molly wouldn't be allowed anywhere near her future grandchild if this was the way she behaved. Molly had been outraged but hadn't managed to get two words of insults out before her son had banished her from the Cottage.

It had been soon after that argument that Katherine Zabini appeared on their doorstep requesting and information, stories and pictures of her daughter that would give her memories of her life growing up. A friendship had been struck up quickly between Katherine and Fleur, they were each powerful women with powerful hearts. They weren't as they said 'women to be trifled with'.

When Katherine appeared unexpectedly on their doorstep a couple of weeks later, Fleur found herself feeling both excited and worried.

"What a surprise to see you here Katherine. Please come in," she said.

"I'm sorry for turning up so unannounced. I've just come from Hogwarts."

"Is something wrong?" asked Bill.

"Hermione is so lost and sad. I spoke with her earlier and she said she didn't know who she was. That she was searching for herself but she seemed to be lost in the sand. She said that something was calling her magic but she couldn't work out what it was. She said that it hurt her heart, like something was stopping her from being whole. It worries me and then she mentioned how powerful he magic had become."

"Her magic started to get stronger during the war. She started inventing some spells, spells that did some serious damage when cased. She cursed some people and killed some others. I know if given half the chance she'd use those curses on my younger brother and sister."

"I hate to further insult your family Bill but Ronald and Ginevra have been verbally bullying Hermione and it's only getting worse. Blaise asked for me to come to Hogwarts after a particular Herbology class where your siblings and others from Gryffindor House turned on Hermione. Blaise watched the tail end of things unfold. They'd been insulting her, starting with remarks about Krum – I don't know what happened there but I imagine it wasn't good – then it developed into slights about her purity and personality. It kept escalating with each attack getting more vicious. Neville her friend stood up for her along with a girl called Lavender? The taunts continued like they were waiting for her to crack."

"Let me guess, through it all Hermione was calm and collected. I'm guessing her eyes betrayed what she was feeling but that other than that she looked like a blade of grass standing still in a breeze."

"Yes, exactly. Tell me, should I be worried?"

"Not in this instance. I would be more worried if Blaise had arrived on the scene just seconds later. A calm Hermione is the start of the storm. If she had really lost it, I have no doubt that she would have cursed those involved."

Bill nodded in agreement to what Fleur had said.

"I spoke to Minerva after we found out about Hermione. She seems to think that glamour charms weren't the only ones to be put on her. Usually as you know, your magic bonds with your soul up until the age of one or two. It seems that this bonding was stopped midway around the time Hermione was taken. Her bonding process was never complete so when she says her magic is talking to her, she means it. Minerva also mentioned that her power was so much stronger because the barriers containing it had been broken when she transformed. Now she just has to learn to control her new magical ability."

"Is there anything we can do? Asked Fleur.

"Yes actually," began Katherine. "Minerva recommended that Hermione needed time with her family. She's always with Blaise at Hogwarts and I can see her whenever I want as Minerva has granted me with special access to Hogwarts, but I was wondering if you would allow Hermione to stay with you this weekend. I know it's a lot to ask but she misses you so much and I would hate to think what would happen should she ever lose you."

"Of course we'll have her this weekend. Hermione will always be a part of our small family. Even my Veela blood tells me to protect her," said Fleur.



It was Friday afternoon when Hermione found herself standing in McGonagall's office waiting to use the floo. She'd been called in quite randomly and had been worried that she was in trouble. She'd been quite relieved when McGonagall had explained it all.

Getting to spend two whole days with Bill and Fleur had really made up for the nightmare of a week she'd been having. She'd been worried when she hadn't heard back from them and had assumed that they didn't want anything to do with her anymore. It was silly for her to think that but Hermione was still very self-conscious and was still suffering from being blacklisted by Harry, Ron and Ginny.

No matter, in her eighteen years of life she was finally learning to accept things and not let unimportant matter get to her so easily. It was hard to stop the hurt she felt but she was trying. McGonagall ushered her through the floo as she was unwilling to allow it to remain open for long and Hermione had immediately found herself in the warmth of Shell Cottage. She hadn't been able to say goodbye to anyone before she left so she hoped someone had told them or there would be a riot of angry Slytherin's knocking on the Headmistresses door.

When Hermione had talked with McGonagall she'd also been told that McGonagall had deemed it prudent for Hermione, Neville and Lavender to have spate Herbology classes due to the situations that had been occurring. McGonagall had stated that having separate classes available for the returning eight years had always been an option as tensions from the war weren't expected to be sorted in one summer. McGonagall had never expected those provisions would come into play because of the actions of her own Gryffindor's. She'd never heard of a house turning on itself before.

A new Herbology teacher had been found to cover this small class of students and those Professor Sprout was sad to see her star pupil Neville leave, she understood that the tutoring those three would get would be more beneficial for them.

"Hello?" Hermione called into the house. Would it be selfish to say she'd been expecting a big welcome?

The house was silent but they'd know she was coming hadn't they?

She tiptoed quietly from the sitting room out into the hall and through to the kitchen. As she turned the handle of the kitchen door and opened it quietly she was surprised by both Bill and Fleur who had been hiding there. The room was decorated with lots of bunting and fairy lights and it was obvious they'd gone to a lot of trouble to make this special.

"Welcome home Hermione," said Fleur warmly as she bought the girl she thought as family into a tight hug. "Now let me look at you."

Fleur stepped back so she could look over Hermione's new appearance. Hermione blushed under their stare and realised she still wasn't used to people looking at her like that.

"You're beautiful Hermione," said Bill causing Hermione to blush even harder.

"I bet you can't hide from anyone now," said Fleur mischievously.

Hermione chuckled at that, "no, I can't."

The laughter died down as Hermione frowned at the people before her. Her voice was soft as she managed to talk, "I thought you didn't want to know me anymore. You never replied to my letter."

"Hush now," replied Fleur as she led Hermione to sit at one of the kitchen chairs. "It's been quite a chaotic time since we received your letter."

Hermione looked from Fleur to Bill and back again with a puzzled expression on her face.

"See we got your letter and we were amazed at who you really were but that was never going to change the fact that you are part of our family," said Bill, pausing to stare at Hermione. "Shortly after that we had some good news and then we had a visit from your Mother. She wanted to get to know us because she knew we were important to you and she wanted to know more about your life growing up. Fleur and your Mother have been writing to each other weekly since they met and I have no doubt of the strong friendship that's been forming there."

Fleur paused and Bill took up the mantle.

"Then quite suddenly we had a visit from my dear Mother. I won't lie to you Hermione, she called you an awful lot of horrible names. I was shocked by how vicious she had become. I always felt that when it came to Ron and Ginny that Mother had forgotten how to use her iron hand. They both grew up knowing all the comforts but none of the rules. They've been manipulating her for years and she's so far into it that she can't get out. She believes everything that Ron and Ginny tell her while the rest of us just see her being taken as a fool. She'd come around to demand that Fleur and I stop associating ourselves with you."

Hermione gasped as her eyes filled with innocent tears.

"Fleur made me very proud that day and you would have loved to see her in action. She completely let rip over my Mother, practically telling her she was an idiot and told her that you would always remain part of our family. She went on to list all the qualities that make you an impeccable person and then chastised my Mother for her upbringing of Ron and Ginny. To end to it all my darling wife told my Mother that she wouldn't get to see us nor her soon to be Grandchild unless she made things right with you."

"Bill I'm so sorry I've caused arguments with you and your Mother. I didn't mean for that to happen," mumbled Hermione before she paused and put her good brain to work. "Wait, you're pregnant?"

Fleur nodded and the family shared congratulation hugs before continuing on.

"You didn't cause any of this to happen Hermione. Bill has been on rocky ground with his Mother since the end of the war and she's never been happy that he married me. Bill doesn't believe in the decisions she's made regarding Ron and Ginny. He realises that the way they've been raised will only hinder them in the future but Molly won't listen to reason."

"Oh but promise me that when Mother does come seeking forgiveness you won't give it to her easily. Make her work for it and maybe give me a pensive memory of it," said Bill.

Hermione giggled. She'd always liked Bill's sense of humour. He was always crafty in making light of situations and it was one of the reasons Hermione loved him so. It seemed that they'd planned out the entire weekend and had obviously missed Hermione as much as she had missed them.

Hermione wanted to know more about Fleur being pregnant but Bill and Fleur insisted on knowing all about Hermione's return to Hogwarts first.

"Hermione tell us what's been happening at school."

"Please don't be afraid to tell us anything," said Bill.

Hermione knew Bill's comment was addressing any concerns she had about mentioning his siblings. She'd hoped to avoid talking about this again as letting her guard down around her Mum had been shocking enough. However, she guessed that it would be easier to talk to Bill and Fleur as she'd known them longer.

"Have you ever felt like you'd spent the last few years putting your trust in the wrong people?" Hermione paused and watched as Fleur nodded in understanding. "When Ronald mucked up that potion and I got caught in the blast everything changed. I wanted to tell Ron, Ginny and Harry about the changes but when I did it all blew up in my face. They didn't want anything to do with me. Harry pulled his wand on me and Ginny told me I was nothing but a whore. Ronald acted with his temper first and forgot to think things through."

Hermione paused for breath before continuing.

"The Slytherin's welcomed me. As you know, only a few of the seventh years came back to repeat. Blaise must have told them before I arrived who exactly I was. Did you know that your sister slapped me?" Bill shook his head, horrified. "Yes, she cut my lip open and bruised my cheek. Well after that Blaise and his friends wouldn't let me out of their sights. I've become friends with Pansy, best friends really and it's a nice feeling. Life has been good since I found out who I really am and have moved houses."

"I'm sensing a but here," said Fleur.

"It all came to heads in Herbology. That's where your brother and sister, Harry and Pavarti Patil hold fort. They've been bullying me verbally. I guess Mum told you how worried she's been. I guess I've worried a lot of people."

"What have they been saying to you?"

"That I'm a whore and an ugly duckling. That I'm frigid and cold. That I have no friends and belong in Slytherin because I'm a traitor. That I'm just seeking attention and Blaise must be horrified at having me as a sister. That despite my change of appearance I still don't have a hope in hell of getting a man. I know I shouldn't let their words bother me but when you hear something repeated enough times you can't help but let it get to you."

"Ahh Mon Cherie, I'm sorry that you've had all this trouble. It's not easy to be accepted I know but you have family here and with your new family."

"I'm sure you have been told this before but they will come to regret their actions. Those that speak with spite, bitterness or hate will always get their just rewards," said Bill.

The trio spent the rest of the evening chatting and catching up with things that had happened. With Fleur being pregnant, she'd had to cut her hours down at work and was spending more time working from home or spending time in her ancestral home in France. Bill had, excitingly, been promoted at Gringotts. After the war he switched his position from being in the field to a desk job because he didn't want to spend time away from Fleur. Bill had such a talent for curse breaking but had obviously impressed the goblins enough to earn a promotion. He was now the leader of a large division of people and had earned himself a higher wage.

Sunday was spent with Fleur devoting her time to help Hermione further her wandless magic. Hermione had got down her wandless magic to all the basic spells and some more complex ones but she needed to improve if she wanted to master it. Fleur had been devoting her time to help Hermione achieve that. There was another good thing that came from Fleur teaching Hermione wandless magic. Hermione had been thinking for some time on the supposed death of her Father. Something inside her knew it wasn't right with the facts and confided in Fleur that something was calling her magic and was hidden further away.

Fleur was quick to jump in and help as she thought it spoke of a higher power and that maybe a connection might have been established during the time that Hermione had been taken and her Father vanished. Fleur explained that connections like that were powerful and that when Hermione had gone through her transformation, the connection had been established once more.

Fleur promised to keep Hermione's secret hidden and search for information of that particular raid and of Hermione's Father. Fleur could sense that this was something of importance to Hermione and no one could really blame her for wanting to have a complete Family. Fleur had also sensed Hermione's magic calling to something. Like when a werewolf claims a person as a member of their pack, the bonds were similar with veela's. With Hermione being both a pack member to Bill and a family member to Fleur, she was more protected than others and would be helped in her quest by any means possible.

It may seem quite a feat to suddenly decide to find a Father who was supposed to be dead but since when has Hermione managed to have a quiet year? Some would say she lived off the danger, that without Voldemort her life would be very boring. Harry had spent his life searching for a family so why should Hermione be any different? Even though Hermione had grown up in a happy family she deserved the right to be reunited with her biological family as well.

Hermione returned to Hogwarts on Sunday evening feeling refreshed and happy. She felt like nothing could get her down. Of course that just meant her happiness wasn't going to last for long but she was all for living in the moment. In her pocket she carried two halves of a locket. Fleur had given it to Hermione when she'd described the friendship she shared with Pansy. Though it was new it was a deep and powerful friendship and Hermione wanted to recognise it. Fleur realised the meaning behind it but didn't think that Hermione needed to know quite yet.

Hermione walked straight from McGonagall's office to Slytherin common room. She was reminded as she left that her private Herbology lessons with Neville and Lavender would begin next week. Hermione was fortunate in her walk back to the common room in that she didn't walk into anybody and frankly the halls seemed quite deserted. It was after dinner but it was quite unusual for the halls to be so empty. No doubt there was a party going on somewhere.

The Slytherin common room was surprisingly empty as well, most of the younger years were absent and were either in bed or sneaking around the castle looking for trouble. Blaise, Pansy and the rest of her friends were comfortably situated Hermione had been sick of the others complaining how cold the dungeons were so she'd not only charmed the fires to always blaze bright and warm but she'd transfigured the stone cold floor into a deep luscious green carpet. It was a feat no one had achieved before and Hermione supposed she was just living up to the name 'brightest witch'.

Hermione moved silently through the common room. No one had noticed her arrival yet and she decided to try her hand at scaring them. They were all gazing into the fire and lost in thought.

"What are you all staring at?" she asked loudly.

They all jumped, spinning around to attack the intruder which sent Hermione into a fit of giggles.

"Jeez guys it's only me," she said Sheepishly.

They sheathed their wands and Blaise punched her lightly on the arm.

"You scared the crap out of me."

"Why didn't you tell us you were going away? I was frantically worried and looked all over for you until McGonagall informed me that you'd gone," said pansy.

"I didn't tell you because I didn't know. McGonagall wanted to see me in her office and before I knew it I was being pushed through the floo to see Bill and Fleur."

"More Weasels?"

Hermione sighed, "I guess they are technically but I don't think of Bill and Fleur as Weasley's. They were the only ones who stood by me during the summer and they opened up their house to me. They're like my extended family."

"Sorry to sound like a textbook Slytherin but how can you trust them? Considering of course, how the rest of the family have treated you."

"Well for starters it's only Mrs Weasley, Ronald and Ginny who have been treating me badly and secondly, how much do you know about werewolf and veela family bonds?"

They all shook their heads showing how little information they knew.

"Bill was attacked by Greyback during the war and while not bitten during the full moon, he still has some wolf like tendencies. For him I have become part of his pack and you all know how strong a werewolves' pack is and how far they will go to protect it. As for Fleur she is a half-veela and their bonds are similar. She sees me as a member of her family and would do anything to keep me safe. In return they get my complete trust."

Blaise nodded along with his friends. He'd been concerned about her relationship with the mentioned until his Mother had explained why they were so close.

"I need to borrow Pansy for a moment," said Hermione.

"Woah what's the rush?" asked Pansy as Hermione had all but yanked her from the common room and up to their dorm.

"I have a present for you."

Pansy squealed in excitement.

"I was talking to Fleur about you and about how I valued our friendship and how much you meant to me. She gave me this to give to you."

Hermione handed her one half of the necklace. It was of simple design, half a heart with best friends writing on one side and forever on the other. Hermione had the other half of the heart on the necklace she wore.

"You don't have to wear it if you don't want to. I know it's not expensive or anything but I just wanted to show what our friendship meant to me."

Pansy looked at Hermione with tears brimming in her eyes. Pansy wasn't someone who was known for crying but knowing that she had a binding friendship with Hermione had reduced her to a blubbing mess. She wasn't used to having a close female friend.

Hermione made to take the necklace away thinking that Pansy's silence was a rejection but she was stopped by Pansy's hand.

"No, don't take it back. I do want it."

"Are you sure? You don't have to feel obligated to wear it if you don't want to."

"I don't feel obligated and I want to wear it. You just stunned me is all. I've never had anyone do anything like this to me. I've never had a friend like you. Gosh just listen to me I sound like a right Pansy!"

Pansy put on the necklace and marvelled about how far they'd come. They hugged and cried at the emotional situation. It was a tender moment for the two girls. Once tiredness overrode emotion Pansy fell into a fitful sleep which left Hermione alone and awake. She returned to the common room hoping that Blaise would still be up.

The common room was empty when she got there, well almost empty as she saw the familiar head of blonde hair sitting before the fire. She was in half a mind to go back upstairs but she decided against it. She had feelings for this man and she knew she shouldn't. The chances of him returning her feelings were slim to none but if she didn't try she would never know.

"Hi Draco."

He looked up to acknowledge her presence for he'd been lost in his own thoughts.

"How come you're still up?" she asked.

"I was thinking."

Hermione should have taken that as a sign that he didn't want to talk however, she was too nervous to notice his own discomfort.

"Draco I was wondering. The Winter Ball is coming up soon. I was just wondering, I mean it's not important..." she was babbling and she knew it as much as she knew Draco was feeling uncomfortable about this situation. "Would you go to the Winter Ball with me?" she asked.

Draco sighed, condemned to a life of solitude because he felt he didn't deserve the one person he wanted to be with.

Life was silly sometimes making people believe the worst in themselves. Sometimes all it took was a little push in the right direction but it was up to others whether or not they took that push and acted on it.

"You don't want to go with me," he said.

"Yes I do. It's why I asked."

"I won't go with you," he said.

He got up, looked at Hermione with a cold gleam in his eyes and walked away.

Hermione stood still and stiff, there was her answer. Draco may have changed but he didn't fancy her as she did him. No tears fell but she was numb inside. The hope that had been growing inside her diminished and died with Draco's answer.


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