Queen of Gorgeousness

By clinquant

167K 4.1K 1.4K

Hermione Granger has been through it all. She's been loyal and fierce, nerdy and strong, caring and passionat... More

A Fleeting Summer
The Ugly Duckling Transforms
Jealousy is Never as Straightforward as it Seems
Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold
The Morning Came and the Whirlwind Began
Why Do Ex Partners Always Try and Push Back into Your Life?
Give Me the Strength to Carry On
A Chance Visit
Bittersweet Desires
Time Flies Too Quickly
Judgement and Giraffes
Curiosity Killed the Cat, Hermione Bought It Back
If You Can't Take it, Don't Give it
Unrequited Love Hurts
An Idea Kept, Festers
Future Career Thinking
The Nightmare Man
Eighteen Years Ago - Katherine's Memoirs
The Danger Bunch
A Dirty Man Once Clean is What?
Emotional Mush
The Years That Follow
Epilogue: White Wedding
What the Others Did

Popularity is Scary - Watch Out for False Friends...

8.2K 205 59
By clinquant

As always: all rights go to J.K. Rowling

Chapter Six - Popularity is Scary - Watch Out for False Friends...

Hermione could easily be recognised in between classes from the cans of Cherryade she carried with her. It had always been a weakness she carried over from the muggle world and had strangely been one of the only fizzy drinks her dentist parents had allowed her to drink without complaint. It might seem bizarre for her to become attached to it now but really Hogwarts needed to expand what it had. She didn't see the harm in introducing this delicious drink to those around her. She used to drink it like a dirty little secret in the Hogwarts kitchens but why hide anymore? It was about time some muggle aspects made their way into the Wizarding World.

She could hear the giggling behind her and wished it would stop. She could handle the staring by now and the whispering was just an annoying sound but the giggling...the giggling Hermione couldn't stand.

"Would you two stop giggling and stalking me!"

That shut her stalkers up momentarily. They looked slightly put out by her outburst. Sharing a dorm with them for six years had not made her tolerance levels any higher when it came to the laughter of Lavender Brown and Pavarti Patil.

"We just wanted to hang out with you."

"Yeah come sit with us and tell us all about the hot boys in Slytherin."

"You never wanted to be my friend before."

"You were boring before," said Lavender.

"Now you're hot," added Pavarti.

Hermione frowned, "so before you were embarrassed to be seen with me but now that I have what you're after you want to be friends?"

"Ok you make it sound bad when you say it like that. I would like a fresh start at being friends with you but not just because of your changes. I wanted to say thank you for saving me in the battle of Hogwarts," said Lavender. "Plus Blaise is your brother and he's really hot. So is Draco and you could introduce us..."


"It's not like you have a chance. You may now be beautiful but you're still the same old Granger," said Pavarti. "I'd love to sink my teeth into Draco. Don't think you're in his league because you never will be!"

"Pavarti!" Lavender stood with her mouth over, shocked at her friend's behaviour.

"Showing your true colours at last Patil?"

"I'm really sorry Hermione, I did really just want to be your friend," said Lavender as she pulled Pavarti away before she caused any more damage.


 The boys were lounging around on the sofas while the girls were gossiping at their feet when the door to the common room banged open.

"Uh oh," muttered Daphne.

Seething, was the only word to describe how Hermione was feeling. How dare Pavarti say those things! Hermione didn't fault Lavender, she had been obsessive when it came to Ron but was otherwise harmless and seemed genuine in her hope to be friends. Pavarti however had a vindictive streak in her, one that had been hidden till now.

"Hermione, are you alright?" asked Daphne.


She turned on the group, her eyes blazing with fury, "tell me, if you wanted to be friends with someone how would you do it?"

"Is this a trick question?"

"Why would I want to be friends with someone just because they've decided I'm no longer boring!"

"Who said that?"

"Why would I want to be friends with someone who implied that I could never get Dra—", she paused mid-sentence and blushed. "That I couldn't get a man regardless of how I looked."


"Pavarti Patil what a joke! I should have just hexed her. Why does everyone assume that the only way to insult me is to call me out on my looks or personality?"

"Mya please."

"Don't you dare tell me to calm down Blaise!"

Hermione staged a dramatic exit through the common room and up the stairs to her dorm. She was closely followed by Pansy and Millie. Only Daphne remained to offer an explanation to the boys.

"Care to explain what all that was?" asked Blaise.

Daphne sighed, sometimes boys were really stupid.

"Hermione's trying to shed everything that people remember her for. We all know that's not necessarily healthy but it's something she needs to do. She'd insecure and being around Potter and Weasel so long didn't do her any favours. She used to hide behind her books and intelligence. Hermione as you see her now was always here before people just refused to see her. Remember when she set those birds on Weasel or punched Draco? That is the Hermione we're seeing now. The Hermione that isn't fighting for her life."

Daphne paused for breath and to gaze at those hanging off her every word.

"My guess is Pavarti called on Hermione's insecurities," she glanced briefly at Draco before she continued speaking, "She probably told Hermione that no guy would ever want her despite her new looks."

"Why would she believe that?" asked Adrian.

Daphne rolled her eyes.

"Please! Between previous comments made by us, Potter only having eyes for Weaselette, the Weasel's jealous getting in the way and the idiots that are Victor Krum and Cormac McLaggen, you can't blame her for how she things."

"She's scared," said Draco.

"She has reason to be."

"Go help Mya Daphne."

When Daphne arrived in the dorm it appeared that Pansy and Millie were teaching Hermione about fashion and make-up but more importantly how to appear confident and hard edged when you weren't feeling it on the inside.

Hermione was slowly getting it – emphasis on slowly – she wasn't a Gryffindor anymore and needed to stop wearing her heart on her sleeve. She was thankful for the girls help. She felt safe under their wings and enjoyed having actual friends. With their teachings she'd get better and the next time she was confronted by someone like Pavarti, she'd be the one to come out on top.


Down in the common room Draco was thinking about what had been said. Had she been about to say his name? No it must have been someone else. Draco wouldn't get his hopes up for something that would never happen.

Blaise looked over to see his friend staring off into space with conflicting emotions splattered across his face. He worried for Draco as much as he worried about Hermione. He needed to keep close watch on his friend.

Hermione returned to the common room later that evening with no anger left in her body. Her clothes however, left the boys struggling to contain themselves. Hermione had a natural talent of being totally innocent to flirty and frisky without even realising it. It was driving the male population of Hogwarts mad and had been doing so even before her looks changed.

She was wearing a small white tank top with small pink sleep shorts and light brown uggs. The other girls had followed her over to the boys and were also in various stages of undress.

"What? Haven't you ever seen a girl in pyjamas before?"

The boys shifted around her. Only Blaise was unaffected but was amused as she tortured those around her. He was quickly learning that his sister was a real firecracker.

It was fast being noticed that Hermione was more comfortable in the Slytherin common room than anywhere else, though she could hold her own if needed. If she came across Potter or the Weasels the confrontation was usually punctuated with an awkward moment or word before they each went their separate ways.

Hermione's fashion got better after that day in the common room and people began asking her where she got her clothes. When Hermione had first met her real Mother she talked about not wanting to forget her muggle past and when the clothes arrived it seemed her Mother had taken those words to heart and added muggle clothes to the wizard ones. It was nice that she could continue to be both muggle and magical. Her family wasn't like the other Pureblood supremists. The Zabini's had stayed neutral during the war.

The only one of their group that Hermione felt uneasy around was Draco – surprise surprise – it wasn't anything to do with who he was or who his family was. Hermione was big on championing the past remaining where it should but she'd be a fool to ignore the crush she'd held for Draco since the middle of fifth year. She supposed it was hard for him. Not just having to adapt to a new way of life but coming back and finding out that Hermione Granger was no more and a Zabini now stood in her place. Forgive and forget she tried to do but he seemed to keep pulling her back to the past.

As the weeks went by Hermione became more frustrated by Draco's behaviour, or lack thereof.

"Why don't you talk to me?" she asked.

"I do."

"No you don't, never when we're alone anyhow. You only talk when others are around and even then you're mostly quiet."

"Maybe I don't want to talk, people can change."

"Draco, please look at me."

"Why do you want me to talk to you?"

"I want to move past this and be friends."

"You may have a different face and a different identity but we're still the same people. Why do you care so much?"

"Why do you not?"

"What is your problem? You find yourself a new family and a new look and suddenly demand that everyone talks to you?"

She whimpered and took a step back. Realising how angry Draco had become she struggled to know what to do next. Things hadn't gone as she'd planned and she'd come to realise that an angry Draco was a scary one.

"What do you want from me?" he shouted.

"Nothing," she replied in a small voice.


Hermione couldn't find her voice to respond.

"You deserve more," he whispered before disappearing down the corridor and leaving a hurt and tearful Hermione behind.

Pansy came up behind her. She wrapped her arms around Hermione's waist and rested her chin on Hermione's shoulder. Hermione leaned into the comforting embrace.

"It's alright Hermione," said Pansy, "he's just angry with himself. Don't take anything he says to heart."

Pansy turned Hermione around so she could wipe the tears that fell from Hermione's eyes. Hermione didn't know how she managed before when she didn't have a strong female friend by her side but she knew she sure as hell wasn't going to do anything to lose it.

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