Queen of Gorgeousness

By clinquant

167K 4.1K 1.4K

Hermione Granger has been through it all. She's been loyal and fierce, nerdy and strong, caring and passionat... More

A Fleeting Summer
The Ugly Duckling Transforms
Jealousy is Never as Straightforward as it Seems
The Morning Came and the Whirlwind Began
Popularity is Scary - Watch Out for False Friends...
Why Do Ex Partners Always Try and Push Back into Your Life?
Give Me the Strength to Carry On
A Chance Visit
Bittersweet Desires
Time Flies Too Quickly
Judgement and Giraffes
Curiosity Killed the Cat, Hermione Bought It Back
If You Can't Take it, Don't Give it
Unrequited Love Hurts
An Idea Kept, Festers
Future Career Thinking
The Nightmare Man
Eighteen Years Ago - Katherine's Memoirs
The Danger Bunch
A Dirty Man Once Clean is What?
Emotional Mush
The Years That Follow
Epilogue: White Wedding
What the Others Did

Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold

8.9K 236 85
By clinquant

As always: all rights go to J.K. Rowling.

Chapter Four - Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold

"That Weaselette has to pay," said Blaise.

"You're not wrong their mate but how will we get to her? The Gryffindorks are so aggressive and always travel in packs."

"Please, Ginny's a desperate girl and if she thinks a hot Slytherin male is waiting outside her common room for her she'll be out in a flash. Especially if it's the 'Slytherin Sex God'," said Adrian.

Blaise watched as Draco's cheeks tinted pink and smirked when his friend let out a groan.

"You're never going to let me forget that are you."

"Of course not mate, that phrase is golden and watching you strut around like a peacock in fourth year was too funny."

"Fine, I'll do it. It's the least I can do after all," he said as he looked meaningfully at Blaise.

Blaise knew that Draco was struggling with the information that Granger and his sister were one in the same. Draco had had a more complicated life than most. At every turn Hermione Granger had bested him in school and though he was taught to hate her he couldn't help but have a small crush on her. As they had been on different sides of the war he'd buried the feelings he had for her and pushed forward the arrogant self-obsessed front that most people saw. Blaise was sure that Draco didn't even know the full extent of his feelings for Hermione and knew he was struggling to comprehend the fact that Blaise's sister was the same person he'd tormented for so long.

"That makes sense and I've seen her panting after you whenever she thinks that no one is looking."

"How will you play it though? You can't leave any physical evidence on her or questions would be asked."

"Leave it to me boys I know just the spell," said Draco.

The smile on his face was predatory. It was a smile the boys were used to though they hadn't seen it for a while. Seeing it now sent shivers down their spines and they knew whatever happened would be worth it.

"Hey Ginny, there's a gorgeous blonde Slytherin waiting outside for you."

Ginny burst open with pride and checking herself out in a nearby mirror she knew she looked hot but it was more of an attention seeking thing. She wanted to be told how good she looked.

"You look stunning Ginny! Go meet your Slytherin and tell us the details later."

Draco turned as he heard the portrait door open. Ginny slunk out in what he assumed she thought was a sexy manner whereas he actually found it revolting.

"Draco," she purred. "To what do I owe this pleasure?"

Draco inwardly cringed at the improper use of his first name. Gods, he never really realised how grating her voice was.

He motioned for her to follow him with the curl of his finger and she followed obediently as if pulled a long by an imaginary piece of string.

"I never knew you felt this way about me...I must say I'm flattered," she said once they were completely concealed in the darkness of the nearest alcove.

Draco let her babble on incessantly as he struggled not to shout out. He wanted to get this over and done with as quickly as possible. The Slytherin common room was looking very inviting right now.

"Of course you know I'm with Harry, but well...what Harry doesn't know won't hurt him right."

God she was awful. Just how many people has she spread her legs for?!

"As repulsive as that sounds, I'm going to have to decline," he said formally.

Ginny looked confused but then it didn't take much.

"I don't understand."

"You've been a bad witch haven't you."

"I can be very bad if you want me to be," she said as she regained her composure. However, the sexy sultry voice she was going for was lost on Draco and only succeeded in making him want to gag.

"Girls like you need to be punished."

"Yes Draco, please punish me."

Draco smiled at her ignorance really this was too easy.

"If you insist," he said as he raised his wand. "coltelli di dolore."

As he whispered the spell Ginny fell to the floor in pain unable to make any sound. The spell 'coltelli di dolore' was an ancient Italian spell that he and Blaise had discovered. Most of Blaise's family were Italian so it was no surprise for them to have many Italian spell books lying around the place. The English translation for the spell was 'knives of pain'. It wasn't illegal like the cruciatus curse but it worked in a similar way.

Draco looked down at her viciously, "if you ever lay a finger of Hermione again I'll make sure I break every bone in your body!"

He ended the spell and walked away with a spring in his step – justice was served.

"It's done," said Draco as he returned to the sanctuary of the dungeons.

"Did she suffer?"


"Come on you have to give us more than that."

"Well if she knows what's good for her she will never lay a finger on Hermione again."

"What if she doesn't?"

"Then I will break every bone in her body," Draco growled as his eyes turned dark and intense.

Blaise studied his friend momentarily. Usually he could read Draco very well but now he was getting nothing from him. This was a situation that needed monitoring. For now, however, there were more pressing things at hand and his sister was the most important one.

"I'm going to check on Hermione," he said.

Pansy had since cleaned up Hermione's face and applied the swelling reducer to her cheek. In the time that they'd left the boys, Hermione had also acquainted herself with both Daphne and Millicent – or Millie as she liked to be called – and they'd been informed of her situation and who she was in the past as well as who she was now. Hermione found Daphne to be on a similar intelligence level to her and quite a complex person to understand. Hermione felt ashamed of the way she had previously judged these girls for they weren't at all how she'd imagined them to be. Then again, thinking on things, how much can you really learn about someone from a few choice words spoken in heated arguments?

Millie was the biggest surprise, Hermione remembered her as a broad shouldered tomboy with a lot of acne. The girl standing before her however, was none of those things. It seemed that she'd finally shed her tomboy qualities and become a proper lady. She looked amazing and you could tell from looking at her that she felt amazing too.

A knock at the door bought the girls out of their bonding sessions.

"Who is it?"

"It's Blaise."

Pansy quickly moved to let him in.

"Mya," he whispered as he drew her in for a hug. "Thank you," he mouthed to Pansy.

Hermione enjoyed being in the safety of her brother arms. She wanted to cry but she was afraid that it wasn't a very Slytherin thing to do so she kept her tears in.

"You'll be ok here?" he asked.

Hermione nodded "the girls have made me feel very welcome and I feel I've come out of this with actual friends."

Her words had been soft and Blaise had seen the sadness and vulnerability shinning in her eyes as she spoke to him.

"Get some sleep Mya," he said as he kissed her forehead. "Look after her girls."

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