The way it could have been (A...

By Jess-Roza

22.1K 567 34

What now? More

Surviving and surprising
Busy first day as a pair in public
Group dinner
Russian realities
Inspired by you (AN)

Trying times

2.4K 76 11
By Jess-Roza

My baby secret didn't come out at Lissa's birthday dinner, and she enjoyed the Lehigh trip to no end. Once back at Court we spent time together debriefing on my trip to Russia, that was when my assignment notification came through. 'Guardians Rosemarie Hathaway, Edison Castile, Dimitri Belikov, Denya Kariyev and Mark Tanner have been assigned to Princess Vasilisa. Note: Guardian Rosemarie Hathaway will be on leave second semester, then Court Guard for summer and third semester. Regards, Hans Croft (Head Guardian).'

"Liss! You've got me for first and fourth semester onwards!" I squealed in excitement.

"No way!"

"Yup! Have a read," I handed her my cell and her face was priceless. Dimitri's was reaction just as priceless when I got home. I was hardly in the door when he pushed me up against it, shutting and locking it while kissing me passionately. The layers peeled off as we made our way through to the bedroom.

"You, are, brilliant, woman." He panted after rolling off me. "Congrats my darling fiancé. You did it, you got your best friend and the last Dragomir as your charge, just as I'd always hoped you would."

The Bubby Belikov rumour started spreading just before we left for Lehigh three weeks later. We called my parents in for a dinner as they were at Court and confirmed the impossible had happened. My mother had a field day chewing Dimitri out but Abe reigned her in. They were about as happy as they were over Bubby about the engagement. They weren't.

The Christmas that marked a year since Mase died, my first kills, Dimitri and I fighting for the first time, and Tasha's offer rolled around. It was tough, especially considering I was six months pregnant so hormones were haywire and Tasha came for Christmas. She had her own room in guest housing, but Dimitri and I were hosting Christmas this year. She kept eying my fiancé and had the audacity to make a move on him in our home! He was engaged and an expectant father for heavens sake! Never mind it was Christmas and we were hosting. The woman had no boundaries.


"Tasha, get off me. I know what you're trying to do. I'm engaged to Rose. Does that mean nothing to you? Does it mean nothing to you that I'm engaged to my baby's mother and my soulmate?"

I grabbed the Moroi's wrists and held her away from me. "Does it not strike you as rude and wrong to try breaking up a happy home, my happy home?

"Does it not strike you as inconsiderate to try and take me away from the one woman I can't live without, when she has so kindly let you into her home for Christmas? "Do you not understand how painful this time of year is for her, for all of them, but her in particular?"

I was on the verge of arresting her for assault because she'd come on that strong. As it was my voice was getting frostier by the minute.

I was not going to allow Rose to suffer any more than she already was. This time last year had her breaking into a million pieces, and I wasn't going to let her go through it again.

We had a baby girl well on the way and a wedding set for the first week in summer. Her life had taken twists and turns she'd never dreamed of, and the ones involving her Belikov family had her overjoyed. Tasha was not going to be a home wrecker, not in my home.

"Give it up before I arrest you." I released her. Only to assaulted, in front of my Roza. Roza pulled her off me and cuffed her while I arrested her and took her into the Court's cells.


"What was that about?" Christian asked after Dimitri led a cuffed Tasha out the door.

"She's been arrested for assault, or attempted assault. She hates me because I have Dimitri, his heart, soul, virtue, baby, home, and soon I'll have his name too. He turned her down last year because of me, and now I've given him everything she thought I couldn't." I was on the verge of tears because I was that hormonal and pissed off. That was one long Christmas and New Years.

A month and a half later I spent Valentine's day alone, although I did have surprises arrive from Dimitri. Another two weeks later and Dimitri was at Court because he'd just started his- previously unheard of- paternity leave, when my water broke and contractions started. "Dimitri!" I screamed in pain, "your daughter's coming!" To his credit he stayed remarkably calm through the following twenty-two hour labour. The thing was, all the darkness I'd failed to absorb decided to overrun me the second my daughter was out. "Dimitri! Keep her away from me. It's the darkness, it finally absorbed, keep her away from me!" I had no clue where to start this fight, except to remember how I fought it off in the cabin. Slowly, extremely slowly, I pushed nine months worth down.

"Roza? Mommy? Are you ready for our angel? Our miracle?" Hearing Dimitri's voice made a lid snap shut over it. I looked into my fiancé's eyes, then down at our daughter and nodded.

"Yes. It's under control. I can't have her long though- I'm exhausted." I cradled my miracle Belikov mini-me in my arms. We attempted a feed before Dimitri put her in her cradle and climbed into bed and we fell asleep. And I got visited by Adrian.

"Hey little dhampir! You're little again."

"Yeah. She's here. Nine months, a twenty-two hour labour and two hour darkness battle later and Ekaterina Roza Belikova has arrived. Now, can I please get normal sleep? I'm Mom to a newborn, I need my private sleep."

"Congratulations Rose." He smiled and let the dream dissolve. My daughter woke us up two hours later, and the fun began. The dancing on eggshells because we weren't getting sleep, my milk would take three days to come in, the darkness was trying to interfere and Ekaterina was as demanding as her mother.

The press had a field day over the following three months. Not only had our world's most dangerous guardians given birth to the impossible child, said child was making said renowned guardians exhausted. And to top it off, they were waiting for us to fall apart and call off our wedding. We didn't. Summer came around, and so did our wedding.

It was graduation and wedding week and Court was overrun. Tatiana and Council had lowered the graduation age over winter- effective the coming summer. My workshops had been added to the worldwide curriculum and it worked well enough so Court currently held three graduation classes (from all Academies worldwide), those visiting for summer, my wedding party and any guardians up for reassignment who could be spared. I hated the lowered age law, but Hans had me working on their assignments with him. Very few of the children were to be bodyguards.

One visitor surprised us all.

"Vika?" I asked when she turned up on the doorstep, baby in tow.

"Hey Aunty Roza, here," she handed her baby over to me, "meet my son, your nephew, Alek Belikov."

"Vika? What are you doing here?" I asked as I let her in. "I mean I'm glad you'll be here for the wedding but..." I didn't really know where to head with this discussion. I led her through to the nursery to meet her four month old niece.

"I graduated."

"But doesn't that usually just mean graduate?"

"Normally," Dimitri answered as his eyes shifted from changing our daughter to staring down his sister and our nephew. "What's going on Vika? And I don't want preamble."

"Babushka let me be promised. I'm out here for assignment."

"Roza? Mommy? Did you have any clue? You're working on assignments with Hans aren't you?"

"No, I had no clue Daddy. I'm only on Junior and Sophomore assignments." I went over to Dimitri, "here, I'll take Ekaterina. You meet our nephew, Alek." I handed him Vika's son before picking up my daughter. "Vika, meet your niece- Ekaterina Roza Belikova."

We got through the week and the wedding somehow. I was back in the office immediately though.

"Hans. Viktoria Belikova? I want you to assign her to Court. Effective immediately, move her into Guardian Housing. Her son is only three months older than Ekaterina."

His gruff grunt was enough of a 'yes' for me. "If you can find her an apartment in half an hour then I'll have her assigned to Court. It also means you take over assigning the Senior graduates, leave me with only reshuffling all the other seasoned back into the field."

"Deal. Thank you." Fifteen minutes later I had found an appropriate apartment for her and was being handed the database of Senior graduates to assign and the request lists. Over the following fortnight I had great fun shuffling and reshuffling assignments for each graduate class. The sophomores all got Academy or Court positions, as did half the juniors. The minute Hans and I locked in their assignments the message was sent out for them to be ready to leave by human daybreak. Their seasoned counterparts were messaged to be ready for a trip to Court by human nightfall. A week of non-stop shuffling and reshuffling the senior graduate's, half the juniors, and the seasoned guardians later it was finally over. We still had way too many children in the field as active body-or pair-guards but the Moroi felt that they were safer. I'd have preferred a group of the best seasoned going hunting but didn't get a say.

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