Part of me

By LeeMi-Nah

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Momoko Cross is the twin sister to Yuki Cross. They are identical in looks but strikingly different in person... More

Character sketch
Chapter Two - Even you could lie to me.
Chapter Three - Prove yourself
Chapter Four - Memories
Chapter Five - New Student? How troublesome.
Chapter Six *Lemon only*
Chapter Seven - You can't be serious?
Chapter Seven and a half - Shiki Lemon only
Chapter Eight - Come Back
Chapter Nine - Again and Again
Chapter Ten - The End of you

Chapter One - A new day

2K 51 5
By LeeMi-Nah

I danced along by myself on the spot, my earphones in to ignore the squealing girls. I was at first excited to be part of my fathers revolution to have vampires and humans co - exist in one world, but never did I think I would have to do this. I shouldn't have to babysit girls that are sixteen years old and above. They should know how to behave on their own and that is a fact. Besides, what is the big interest in the Nightclass students anyways? Sure, most of them are my friends and we always have a good time when together, but they aren't anything to swoon over. Maybe it's because I am their friend that I don't see them in that way?

My hands got taken suddenly, making me focus on them. Hanabusa Aido, the beloved blond idol of this school, brought me out onto the path. He swung us into a jive while singing a song that I couldn't hear. I am sure it is cheesy in the extreme though. I laughed and danced along with him, using the entire path as our dance floor. The boy smiled and swung me around, me crashing into Akatsuki on the turnaround. The flame haired boy shook his head while pulling out my earphones, wrapping them gently around my neck. "Boo, don't be such a party pooper." Hanabusa booed at his cousin. I smiled and shook my head, waving my hand to the side. "It's fine, I'll be stopping by later today anyways." "Oh? Momoko is coming over?" Shiki's usual lazy voice asked. "Yup! I got the go ahead from both Kaname and Zero." I replied, flashing him a peace sign. "Good, I have some things to show you." Rima said, giving me a kind smile. "Yeah! We haven't had our weekly manga talk either!" Takama added. I laughed, it's funny how excited they get about the thought of me coming over; like little kids waiting for a play date. Yuki rarely comes to the Moon dorms with me and I believe she prefers it that way. Not all of the Night students are fond of my sister as they are me. "Class is starting, Kuran." I heard Zero's voice say. I peeked around Hanabusa and saw that Zero has one of Kaname's wrists in his hands, Yuki sort of between them. This must mean that Kaname has either touched her or come close to it; Zero really hates when Kaname puts his hands on us. I sighed and walked over to them, scooting Yuki out of the way and unhooking Zero's hand from Kaname. "Now, now. If you continue on like this, neither of you will be getting desert later." This comment made the two of the unwillingly smile. "Fine, but you're scary, Mr Prefect." Kaname replied first, gaining gaining composure faster. I gave a little wave to the other vampires who were watching us, them just smiling and waving back. Hopefully this feud between Kaname and Zero will settle, it would make my life much easier. "Listen up brats! Get the hell back to your dorms! Why do I have to deal with you running around and screaming 'Kya' 'Kya' every damn day?! Why?" Zero yelled at the girls, making them scatter to the winds. "Calm down, come on." I cooed to the boy, steering him and my sister towards the main office.

"Whining and moaning on about not wanting to be a guardian isn't going to help your case." I told Zero, walking along side him while scanning the trees. We are currently on patrol right now, mostly looking for any day time students that have snuck out of their dorms. Honestly, those girls cause more problems than they're worth. "It's good to vent every so often. Besides, you hardly listen to me." I laughed and shoved his shoulder playfully. "I do too, I just tend to zone out a lot." Zero shook his head at me, but smiled anyways. I do have quite an active imagination, which tends to distract me from my job. . . I heard something off to my left, making my head turn in that direction. "I smell blood. Let's go." Zero told me, running off ahead of me. I pulled out my Katana and ran along side the boy, weaving around some trees. "D-don't you dare! Let me go Aido!" Yuki's voice called. This made me run faster and when I broke the tree line, I flew, placing the tip of my Katana at Hanabusa's throat. Zero was right on him too, his gun up against the vampires head. It is true that the vampires are my friends, but I did, them that when it comes down to things like this, I won't hold back. "Drinking whist on school grounds is strictly prohibited. Getting drunk on the scent of blood. . . You've finally revealed your true nature, vampire." Zero said, his tone loaded with spite. "It was just a taste. . ." I moved my Katana quickly, deflecting the bullet that Zero had shot. "Idiot! Why did you shoot!?" Yuki yelled at him. "You're the idiot. Are you trying to get yourself killed? What type of person would get close enough to a vampire that they know is seeking blood?" I asked her, lowering my weapon as Kaname emerged from the shadows. "You should be more careful Aido. Those weapons were meant to kill us." Kaname told the boy. Zero, Yuki and I all possess vampire hunters weapons. They are strong enough to do severe damage if we so desire. "I will take care of these fools, the chairman will need a full report. Is that okay, Kiryuu?" Kaname asked. "Just get them out of my sight." Zero said, moving to deal with the two passed out day students. "I hope this hasn't awoken any bad memories for you, Yuki." "Oh no! I didn't get hurt or anything, so it's okay!" Yuki replied quickly to Kaname's comment. I rolled my eyes and went to help Zero, but his voice kept me in place. "Will you still be coming to visit, Momoko?" "Sure. I'll be there." I replied, watching as Kaname smiled to himself and walked off with the two guilty vampires in tow.

"I can't believe Hanabusa did that." Takuma said, shaking his head. I sighed to this, taking the cup of tea Shiki handed to me before he sat down beside me. I thanked him and let the boy rest his head in the crook of my neck, his soft hair tickling he side of my face. "We told them it was a bad idea. It's not our fault the idiot did it anyways." Ruka said, taking a sip of tea. "Hanabusa make a mistake. So long as he doesn't do it again, Kaname will forgive him." I said, flipping through the magazine that Rima wanted me to look at. "Why do you not call Kaname - Sama with an honorific?" Ruka asked, her tone not angry, more curious than anything. "I have known Kaname for as long as I can remember. He has been part of my childhood since the very beginning. He is a precious person to me, but I do not want to be like my doting sister. I don't want to spoil him." I replied, setting down my cup and instead busying myself with running my fingers through Shiki's hair. The vampire closed his eyes, taking enjoyment in the attention that I was giving to him. Shiki has always been one of my favorites, so kind and laid back. He was the first one out of this group of vampires that I had come into contact with; well other than Takuma. Papa had taken us on a little trip with him to a vampire get together. We were there to supervise, in case anything bad were to arise. Zero was pretty on task with watching everyone but I had dozed off. I'd accidentally bumped into Shiki and started crying because I was scared of him; this was not one of my best moments. Shiki was rather startled, but helped me to find Kaname, whom I told him I was with. That's how I met the others too, since they were all very close with Kaname too.

"Spoil?" Kaname's voice asked. I looked over to the sound of his voice and saw Hanabsua and Kain standing with him. . . Hanabusa with a large cut on his cheek. "What did you do?!" I exclaimed, Shiki removing his head so that I could run over to Hanabusa. "Really, it's no big deal." Hanabusa said as I fluttered around him. "No big deal. No big deal? There's a huge cut on your face!" I told him, making him bend down so I could inspect it. I am a lot shorter than all the vampires, even Ruka and Rima are taller than me. Hanabusa flinched as I ran my thumb across it, me shaking my head. "Kaname, that wasn't very nice of you." I told the Pureblood, Takuma paddling over with a little medical kit that I kept here. "How do you know it was me?" Kaname asked, looking at me with those intense eyes of his. I gave him a 'who else would have done this' look, this making him bow his head down a little. "Geez, if you're going to sulk about it then don't do it." I said to Kaname, taking the bottle of peroxide out of the box Takama now has open. Hanabusa watched me carefully as I poured some of the clear liquid onto a cottonball, squeezing out the excess liquid. "Ah not that stuff." Shiki said from the sofa, looking over at us with watchful eyes. "That stuff is awful." Akatsuki agreed, running his hair through his slightly damp hair. I have actually treated Akatsuki and Shiki both medically when the got into a scuffle a year or two ago. They'd both whined tremendously when I doused their wounds in peroxide. "Is it really that bad?" Hanabusa asked, tears looking like they were coming to his eyes. "No, not at all. I'll fix you right up, then I'll fix that broken dorm leader of yours." I said, my eyes flickering to Kaname who looked like he was dying from neglect. I pressed the cotton ball against Hanabusa's cut and he let out a yelp, trying to back away from me but I held him in place, gripping his arm tightly. "Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow" he cried as I dabbed at it before dropping the cotton ball into the waste bin that magically appeared in Takuma's hand. "Alright, alright it's nearly done." I said, taking a bandaid and putting come polysporin on the bandaid before gently pressing it to Hanabusa's cheek. The boy squirmed like a child, but cooperated as I smoothed out the bandaid. "There now was that so bad?" I asked, getting up on my toes and kissing his boo boo. Hanabusa flushed red and I smiled, walking over to Kaname who looked as if he were going to take someone's head off. "There, there. Calm down." I told him, as he dropped his head onto my shoulder. I ran my fingers through his hair as he took a deep inhale, letting out a deep breath. "You shouldn't touch others so willingly." Kaname told me, straightening and brushing back my long hair. Unlike Yuki, I have grown mine out rather long. Hers is sitting at a little above shoulder length now. I smiled up at the vampire and let him kiss the top of my head as an apology for upsetting me. Just like Zero, Kaname hates sharing Yuki, almost as much as they hate each other. In my case, they have no choice. "You know his wound is going to heal fast." Rima told me, Shiki holding his arms out for me to come snuggle with him. "I know. . . It's just a weird instinct of mine. I used to have to patch up Yuki and Zero a lot. One of them always had an injury of some sort." I replied, moving towards the sofa and popping down next to Shiki. He wrapped his arms around me and nestled down, re - resting his head on my shoulder and closing his eyes. He always gets sleepy around this time and likes to use me as a pillow. Kaname hates this, but he doesn't say anything because he doesn't want to make me mad. "I heard that Cross isn't so popular with the Day Class students." Ruka said, putting her empty cup on the table. "She's not hated, but isn't liked by the girls." I told them, Kaname seating himself in an empty chair, listening to our conversation with care. Yuki has a best friend named Sayori Wakaba, who is a very nice girl. However, the other girls just don't respect Yuki, as they think she is just trying to steal the boys away. . ."Oh, Momo - Chan, we have a surprise for you!" Takuma exclaimed, clapping his hands together. "Yeah?" I inquired, petting Shiki's hair. "We're going to let you group fight us." Seirin said, appearing out of nowhere. A large smile plastered itself on my face. I have been begging them to let me practice on them and now, I finally get to do it.

I loaded my gun with he rubber bullets that Kaname had given me, making sure I had a few in my pocket as well. I have been allowed my Artemis rod in this fight, since it doesn't do any real damage. . . Yuki has one just like mine and all it is really for is defence. To poke the vampires away or stun them. It won't kill them or anything like the gun Zero and I have or my Kantana. "Kiryuu will probably come running." Akatsuki said, stretching out his arms. "Maybe, he'll keep his distance though." I replied, placing my gun in its holster and taking out my Artemis rod. "This is troublesome." Shiki said, rubbing at his eyes. "You're just grumpy because we woke you." Takuma told his friend, elbowing him gently. I laughed as the vampires created a circle around me, getting into a ready position. "I win if I can hit everyone with a bullet right?" I asked, my eyes flicking around to make sure no one would pull something. "Yes. And if you lose, you have to cook us dinner." Hanabusa told me, grinning like an idiot. "And if I win?" I asked, tensing as the vampires began to move. "Then you may have whatever you want." Kaname replied, standing still himself. I predict that Kaname will be the last one to attack me, since he will want me to have a fair chance to fight a little.

I took a breath brought my aretemis rod around and behind my back, slamming it into Rima's abdomen as she'd rushed at me like a bull. She soared back, clenching her gut with her arms. Akatsuki had also started his attack on me quickly, fire raging past my head. I made a few quick steps backwards, making a good few paces before flipping myself backwards, taking out my gun and getting Rima in the chest, as she was not paying attention. "Don't think you are going to win so easily!" Hanabusa exclaimed, manipulating the pond we are by. I smiled, bringing my rod up to clash with Takuma's Katana. Shiki is right behind him, using his blood like whip to hit me. I hopped to the side, Takuma still following with me. I squinted as the vision around the sides began to grow hazy. Making it hard to see the others movements. Damn Ruka. . . I am going to have to get to her quickly before she is able to do any more damage than she already has. If she makes my entire vision dark it will be like that for too long and I will definatley lose this fight. I closed my eyes completly, listening to the shuffling of the vampires before rushing around Shiki's blood whip before getting a clean bullet on Ruka. It hit the side of her head, to which I could tell she wasn't very happy about. I smiled slightly, my rod clattering against Takuma's katana before I shot him in the chest. I have to finish this. I still have a lot of fight in me, but I have to save that for Kaname. . . I nearly tripped forwards as Hanabusa had frozen my foot to the ground. The boy had a big grin on his face as both Hanabusa and Akatsuki came forwards, Shiki getting ready as well. "I haven't lost yet." I told them, grabbing Shiki's blood whip as it came towards me. It cut at my hand as I pulled it forwards, making me bleed.

I got the exact reaction that I wanted. All of the vampires eyes began to glow red. I slammed my rod into the ice and broke it with ease. I shot at the three of them, as their hunger took over, all of them lunging at me. I got Shiki and Hanabusa, but didn't even have to hit Akatsuki, as Kaname jumped in and flung him to the side with a hard hit. "Don't you dare touch her." Kaname growled, even though his own eyes were redder than usual. He is controlling himself too. I took this opportunity to lunge at him, bringing back my rod and going in for a strike. Kaname spun around and grabbed the end of it, making scary bolts fly everywhere. I pushed against him but he stood still, not giving me any leeway. I hissed, bringing my arm up quickly and getting my gun right at the base of Kaname's throat. However, he was fast enough to wrap his hand around my throat, ending this match immediately. "Dammit." I cursed, knowing that I had lost. "Why would you hurt yourself?" Kaname asked me, taking his hand away and taking my bleeding hand in his. "It was a strategy of mine." I replied, watching as he wrapped his tie around my hand. "You didn't win." Hanabusa said to me, sitting himself up and rubbing the back of his head. "No, but I did get most of you; which is more than I bargained for." I said with a smile, flashing the blond boy a peace sign. "Who did you think you could take down?" Akatsuki asked, also seeming like he is out of breath. "Ruka and Rima I knew I could take. Hanabusa and Shiki I also was confident about; I was the most worried about Takuma and Akatsuki." I replied, ticking off the names on my fingers. "Well you did good." Takuma complimented, coming over and ruffling my hair. "Hai, hai. Let's get inside. It's chilly out here and you'll catch a cold." Takuma said, coralling me towards the Night Dorm. I chuckled, "What about you guys?" I asked. "We don't catch colds." Hanabusa told me, flashing me a peace sign. I shook my head, I'm not so sure about that. . .

"I'm coming up the drive, can you come grab this stuff? I don't want to come in." Zero said immediately after I'd picked up the phone. "Yup!" I said, looking to the vampires that were lying all over the sofas in the main room. I'd told them to all station here so that I didn't have to run between their rooms. It'd be a bother. "You guys stay put. I'm going to get the stuff I told Zero to pick up." I said, skipping out of the room. "DON'T FORGET THE KLEENEX!" Hanabusa yelled after me, sneezing immediatly afterwards. I smiled, these people were worried about me getting sick? They should have taken better care of themselves. I pulled the door open and found my best friend, him rubbing the back of his head as if he were nervous, a plastic bag in his hand. "Hello." I greeted, putting my phone in my pocket and giving him a smile. "You haven't touched them yet, have you?" He asked, shifting his position a little. I sighed and jumped forwards, giving the boy a hug. He sighed and brought his hand up, patting me on the head gently before squeezing my shoulders. He must have missed me; even though we were only apart for a day. I laughed, he was like this when we were young too. We'd never spent a day apart, always together. "What are you laughing at?" He asked, pulling back and handing me the bag. "I'm just remembering things." I replied, tapping him on the head. "Oi." He grumbled, giving me a slight smirk. "You won't be here all day will you?" Zero asekd, leaning agaisnt the doorframe. "No, I'll be back later. Papa said he wanted to have a word with us; valentine's day is coming up soon and we need to make a plan." I replied, me turning my head as Hanabusa had screamed my name. "Alright, don't be too long. I don't like you spending more time with them than you have to." "They probably think the same way about you." I chuckled, giving him a wave before stepping inside and shutting the door. I really did wish they would all get along, even if it was just for my sake; but I could never ask Zero to do something like that. It'd be too selfish. "I'm coming!" I hollared to the loud one, re-entering the room and setting the medication ont the table. I kneeled down and shuffled through it, tossing the blond a box of kleenex. "It's funny that you all got sick." I said, taking a cool pad and peeling off the adhesive on the back,. "It has been awhile that's for sure." Takuma said, pulling his blanket closer to him. I sighed and pulled back Shiki's hair, sticking the pad to his forehead. He and Kaname are the only two with a fever, the others are simply fluish. "Me too." Kaname called to me, me nodding and taking out another cold pad. "Aish, you guys really are pathetic." I said, peeling off the adhesive and repeating the same thing for Kaname. "Wait until you get sick and we'll see who's pathetic then." Hanabusa said like a little kid, pouting at me. "You know I'm kidding. I don't mind coddling you all." "It's not often that this happens either." Akatsuki noted, enjoying being taken cared of. When they were children, it was probably their butlers or maids that cared for them; as most aristocrat parents are busy with work and social events. I actually wonder how much their parents were around for them. I know in Hanabusa's case, he has siblings and his cousins. Shiki and Takuma each had parents, but as for Kaname. . . He had no one. . . He was probably very lonley. "What are you thinking about?" Kaname asked, me crouching back by the table and pulling out the rest of the stuff I had Zero bring over. "Valentines day is soon, so I expect everyone to behave." I lied, glancing over at Hanabusa. "Why are you looking at me?!" He demanded, me turning back to what I was doing. "You caused lots of trouble last year." I said simply, Ruka and Rima both nodding in agreement. "You nearly bit someone last year." Rima said, me handing her a cough drop. That's right, he did nearly bite someone. . . Zero was fast to react though, so his attempt didn't get him very far. I was thankful, I don't know how we would have covered that up. "Momoko, I'm cold." Shiki said, just as I'd given Akatsuki some ginger tea. "Arasseo." I said, getting up and leaning over Kaname to grab a blanket from the basket beside his chair. "Are you watching those Korean shows again?" Rima asked curiously, her actually liking to sit in and watch with me when I do. "Yup! I started a new one, we should watch it together." I told her, her nodding in agreement. "Are you going to make chocolates for us this year?" Hanabusa asked curiously, me tucking Kaname in as he looked chilly as well before making my way back over to where Shiki is. "No." I replied. "Ehh? Why not?" Hanabusa demanded, blowing his nose loudly on purpose. "Because you're the only one who really likes sweet things. The others don't." I remember last year I did go to all of the trouble of making chocolates, just to find out that half of them didn't like sweets that much. "That's not true." Takuma said, shaking his head. "We'll eat anything you give us." Akatsuki told me, all the boys nodding their heads. I sighed and looked over my shoulder at Kaname. "Are you expecting chocolates from me?" "Yes." I made a face then went to drape the blanket over Shiki but was surprised that I got pulled forwards, landing with a thud on the sofa. "Ah, better." Shiki sighed, pressing his warm body to me and snuggling against me. I sighed and patted him on the head, fixing the blanket over us so that he'd be more comfortable. "I still wish you wouldn't let others touch you so easily." Kaname said under his breath, me telling that he is frustrated, but not enough to get out of his current seated position. This is his own fault anyways; if he didn't make such an annoyed face, I wouldn't let the others 'touch me so easily'.

I ran the towel through my hair and stepped into our room. I had to shower immediately once I got back; knowing that Zero would be able to smell the vampire on me. "How are they feeling?" Zero asked from his bed, putting his book down to look at me. I knew he was only asking this question out of sheer caring for me, not because he cared for the vampires. "I sent them off to bed before I left. Shiki practically slept all day, so I'm hoping he'll be able to stay that way until his next set of classes." I replied, sitting down on the edge of Zero's bed. "It's their damned fault for not wearing a coat outside. It may be February but it's still cold." My best friend complained, rolling his eyes. "I could say the same thing to you sometimes." I chuckled, looking to the door as it had opened. "You should at least knock, idiot." Zero said to Yuki. I live in the main office building with Papa; not really wanting to sleep in the girls dorms. Zero does share a dorm with another boy in the Sun dorms, but he spends most of his nights with me here. "Are you making chocolates this year, Momo - Chan?" Yuki asked me, staying by the door for some bizarre reason. I hated that nickname. I've told her a million times not to call me that, but dose she ever listen to me? I am the oldest between the two of us, she should at least recognize that; however, she treats me more like one of her stupid friends, not her sister. I think she convinces herself sometimes that we aren't related, this way she can keep her calm when I'm near Kaname. I know she loathes when I am even remotely close to him. She glares at me when she thinks I'm not looking, especially if Kaname asks me to stop and talk to him for a moment. "Yes; Kaname told me he wanted some. Zero, you'll be getting some too, so I expect you to eat it." I replied, folding up the towel I have in my hands. "Do you have to make chocolates for Kaname - Sama? He'll be getting lots of them and I. . ." "Do you want the bloodsucker to rip her head off?" Zero asked, knowing how mad Kaname would be if I didn't give him chocolates. I scooted backwards and sat between Zero's legs so that he could braid my hair for me, something he would never do in public, but when it's us, he doesn't mind. "Well no. . ." Yuki replied, struggling to find words. She also knows that I am good at baking and cooking, so if she tries to hand make something, it will be terrible compared to mine. "You'll do fine. Kaname will like anything you make for him." I sighed, Zero taking my hair into his hands. She smiled then and nodded, thanking me for the encouragement before leaving for her dorm. I put away my fake smile once she had left the room and let out another sigh. I hated encouraging her the most. "You shouldn't do it if you don't mean it." Zero said to me, pulling my hair over another piece. "I can't stop myself, just like you can't stop yourself from being protective of her." I said, pulling away from him. "Don't be that way." He told me, grabbing me around the middle quickly and pulling me back to him. "Let me go." I said, trying to pull away again but his grip was too tight on me. "I'm not leaving you behind Momoko. You're my first priority." He said, trapping me against him with his long legs. I stayed quiet, brooding a little. "Come on, don't be mad." He told me, suddenly tickling my sides. I tried not to laugh but ended up doing it because that is my weakness. "S-Stop!" I said through my giggles, gasping for breath. "Then promise me you're not mad." He said, still poking me in the die. "F-Fine! I'm not mad!" I exclaimed, this getting him to stop. He brushed back my hair and grinned slightly at me, me giving him a glare. "No fair." I told him, knowing exactly how I could get back at him. "No way, not tonight." He said, covering his tattoo, reading exactly what I was going to do. I let out a puff of air and told him 'fine'. He gave a sigh of relief and pulled back the covers motioning for me to get in. "Be my pillow." This was an odd request. "You haven't asked that since we were eleven. You getting nightmares?" I asked, crawling into the bed and lying myself down. "Yeah." He replied, lying down beside me and puling my close. I sighed and patted his hair before wrapping my arms around him. "Well, don't be scared, I'll be here." "I know." He replied, holding me tightly too. It's times like these that I remember what it's like; to be genuinely close to someone, without them wanting anything in return. I wish this were the case with my other friends. . . because even when I'm with Kaname, I feel something unpleasant; because I know he is hiding something from me.

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