The Nymph of Versailles

By KateValent

82.5K 4.4K 551

A 2019 Watty Winner. For fans of Allison Pataki and Philippa Gregory, THE NYMPH OF VERSAILLES is based on the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Author's Note

Chapter 13

1.5K 105 11
By KateValent

The new dresses worked. They hid her pregnancy enough to keep gossip and her husband away until it was time for her to prepare to give birth. Like a true mistress in power, other women at court followed her style, making the new dresses fashionable. As she stared out at the Rue de l'Echelle, she wished she were back at court dancing and searching to see which ladies had switched dresses to mimic hers instead of being hidden away in this little house. The sparseness of the furnishings made her long for her rooms at the palace.

Louis rented the room for her birth and chose a location that would be sure to keep her away from the gossips of court. A sharp labor pang made her hiss. She squeezed the armrests, hoping the birth would be a fast one. Sweat beaded on her forehead from the exertion it took to hold in her screams. The king would come any minute, and she didn't want him to see her weakness. To see her screaming in agony. The king didn't like being around those who complained of their ills or couldn't control their emotions and pain. She'd seen him walk away from Louise more than once due to emotional outbursts. In the king's world, a lack of control signaled weakness and inferiority. She had asked him to come. Wanted him at her side when their child arrived in the world. But with pain tearing up her insides she regretted the decision.

"Madame, the king is here," Sophie said as the king burst in behind her. Athénaïs sucked in a deep breath as another tremor wracked her body. She squeezed her armrests harder, causing her knuckles to turn white.

"Is it really time?" he asked. His hair was windblown and his clothes muted compared to his usual clothes covered in ruffles and ribbons, making her wonder if he'd ridden on horseback in disguise. While they weren't the clothes she expected a king to wear, anything he wore always looked magnificent on him. It was the way he carried himself—not quite arrogant confidence, but an ease about himself and his place in the world. An ease that had already grown since their romance started.

"Yes. Has the doctor arrived yet?" Athénaïs asked. Her voice came out breathy as she spoke through her pain.

"No, but I sent for one. Let's get you in bed were you'll be comfortable."

She stood and let him guide her into the large bed. The dark bed curtains made the space inviting and private. How different her birth would be from the queen's. She wouldn't have the whole court packed into her room awaiting the babe's sex, only the king, a doctor, and the maid. She wondered how Louise felt during the birth of her first child in secret. Had she been afraid? Angry the king wouldn't recognize the child? If Athénaïs had room to feel anything between the pangs of pain, it'd be anger at her husband for forcing her to hide the pregnancy and child.

"Remember to not tell the doctor who you are lest word gets back to your husband," the king reminded her.

"I won't. You'll stay, right?"

"Yes. I'll be right beside you." He ran his fingers across her forehead with tender care. "No matter what I won't leave."

Her previous children she bore without her husband while he preferred to drink, gamble, or complain about her screams of pain. The king staying was proof of his love, unlike Louise's last child who she bore without him. Her child couldn't be publicly recognized, but her child would have a king for a father and not a gambling addict. After all she would have to rely on the king's love to provide for her child's future.

She gritted her teeth against her labor pangs. "Giving birth never gets any easier." She let out a long moan and the king reached for her hand.

"The doctor will be here soon." He sat down beside her and ran his fingers through her hair. "Do you think our child will have my eyes or yours?"

"I hope mine because yours breaks hearts."

The king chuckled. "I hope our child has your beauty and wit. I hate to see you in pain but I've been looking forward to this. A child with you. What more could I ask for?" He closed his eyes halfway, giving him an expression of utter contentment. "I don't think I will ever be any happier."

"Easy to say when you're not the one giving birth." She gripped the blankets and steeled herself against another strong wave of pain.

"The male midwife is here."

The king pulled out a mask and with gentle fingers laid it into place on Athénaïs. "So he can't tell who you are. I promised you I would take precautions to make sure your husband doesn't find out. We'll also blow out the candles."

"Thank you." Her voice cut off into a groan followed by a pant.

"Send him in," the king ordered. "Make sure he is blindfolded.

The man entered with Sophie leading him. The man held his hands out in front of himself, searching the air aimlessly. He appeared to be a rather unassuming man in the dim lighting. His thin frame and equally thin mustache didn't add to his plain appearance any. "I was told a woman needs assistance with a birth right away and was given no time to collect myself, or was it a ruse to rob me? I assure you I have nothing valuable on me." Suspicion added a note of frustration to his tone. He reached out farther with his arms, but standing in the center of the room he could reach nothing.

"You are here to help me deliver my babe, monsieur," Athénaïs answered. "We will make sure to not rob you of proper payment. Can you do the job?"

He cleared his throat. "Not until this blindfold is removed, madame. Even the best doctors need their eyesight to work."

"You may take it off," the king said as he hid himself within the bed curtains. Athénaïs found it strange to watch him disappear into the dark material. It was rare for his presence to not dominate a room. Other than his costumes during their early liaisons, she'd never seen him hide from anyone. Another sharp stab of pain sent her thoughts scattering as she moaned.

"I'm sorry," she whispered. "The pain is too great."

"It's fine." The king reached out to pat her hand. "You need not hide your pain from me."

The midwife removed the blindfold and his gaze darted about the dark room. He squinted. "It's too dark to work in here."

"We'll give you enough light to work by," the king promised. "But no more."

"I must tell you, sir, never before have I been blindfolded before doing a job. If you truly do not mean to rob me, then this birth must be some sort of scandal."

"You're here to do your job, not lecture us on morals," the king snapped.

Athénaïs let out a grunt of pain. "If he won't do it get someone else. I want this baby out!" The mask made it hard for her to pant through her pain and it made her face itchy. It was shameful, she thought, to wear a mask while giving birth. No wonder the midwife feared a scandal. She wanted to be proud of her love for the king, and here she was hiding behind a mask.

"As long as I won't be implicated in your scandal I will do the job, assuming you can pay."

"Yes, yes, of course."

The man moved into position in front of Athénaïs. "Is the baby already coming?"

"No, but soon. I can feel it." She turned her head to the side and clenched her jaw shut as a wave of pain washed over her. Sweat dripped down her chest and forehead. It wouldn't be long before she could no longer restrain her screams.

"Then if it's not time yet, I'd like to eat. I didn't get a chance to enjoy my dinner before getting dragged here. In case this takes a while, I'd like to have a small meal inside me. It'll keep my hunger from distracting me."

The king blew out a deep breath. "Stay where you are." He slipped over to the table where a loaf of bread and jam sat from Athénaïs's last snack before the labor pangs started. "A sandwich," he offered as he began to assemble it.

"It will do," the man declared. "Some wine would be appreciated as well to wash down the food."

The king's brow wrinkled. "Have patience. I can't do everything at once." The king presented the man with his bread and jam before pouring him a glass of wine himself.

Athénaïs watched the men, wondering if it embarrassed Louis to play servant. He did it for her, and she wouldn't forget. He went to great pains to hide their affair from her husband. Love for Louis bloomed in her chest all over again and she flushed. Giving birth like this might be an embarrassment, but at least she had a man she could count on at her side.

Athénaïs squirmed in pain. The midwife smacked his lips with each bite of his sandwich. The king divided his time between watching both of them, making sure to stay in the shadows to keep his identity hidden. Athénaïs reached for his hand and squeezed it.

"It's time. I can't wait any longer." Athénaïs let out a howl of pain.

"I'm going to need more light to see by," the man commanded as he set his plate and glass down.

"I'll get you a candle." The king lit a candle and shielded his face with one arm while he handed the candle over.

"Thank you." The man arranged himself at the foot of the bed and rolled up his sleeves. Another hour passed before the baby girl came into the world, all while Athénaïs howled in pain and the king stroked her hair for comfort. Her embarrassment was lost to the pain. By the end she was too exhausted to worry about appearing weak in front of the king.

She roused herself long enough to hold her little girl. She had the king's eyes. "Aren't you a pretty girl?" She cooed.

"We should name her after you," the king offered.

"I wanted to name her after you. Louise." And hopefully one day she would be the only Louise in the king's life. His daughter would chase away the ghost of his ex-mistress. Gabrielle hadn't been a fan of the name, but Athénaïs liked the idea of claiming the name. If Louise wouldn't leave court on her own, she'd strip everything she could from her, name included.

The king tilted his head in thought as he peered down at his daughter. "How about Louise-François?"

"Perfect." She handed the babe to the king and he took her into his arms with a grin.

"Of all the things I've created, you are one of the best. I have no doubt you will grow up to be as wonderful as your mother." He kissed his daughter on the nose.

"Careful," Athenais warned. "Or she will soon think herself more beautiful than your Versailles."

"They have different spots in my heart." His grin faded as his gaze darted toward the door. "Unfortunately it is time for our daughter to leave."

Athénaïs's stomach plummeted. She let out a resigned sigh. "You made sure to pick someone who will look after her well, right?" She knew it would be for the best. Little Louise would be safe from her husband and the prying eyes of court. The king would make sure she was well tended. Yet the thought of putting all her faith in the king and turning her daughter over when she didn't know where she'd go made her want to cling to her daughter. To beg to stay with her.

"Of course you can visit her. I wouldn't let anything happen to my little girl." He tickled her, earning a gurgling laugh. "Mademoiselle des Oeillets," he addressed the maid waiting by the door. "Please do as we discussed earlier."

"Yes, Sire." She curtsied and took the babe from his arms.

"And you, ma chérie, must rest." He kissed her forehead with gentle tenderness, letting his lips linger.

"Don't worry about me. I will be back at court in no time." She wouldn't take the risk of giving another woman time to steal the king's attention.

"I need to return soon before my absence becomes suspicious." He gave her a hand a light squeeze. "I have made sure you will be well looked after. You will want for nothing, I promise."

"I understand. Thank you for coming, mon roi." She brought his hand to cheek, letting his knuckled brush against her skin.

"I wouldn't have missed it for anything. I will see you again soon." He kissed her. They held onto each other's hands for a few heartbeats before the king tore himself away. Once he left, the room felt darker and lonelier. While Sophie helped clean her up and changed the sheets out, she couldn't stop wishing the king could stay the night with her. Why did he always have to return to the queen? He took his silly morning rituals too seriously. He insisted on being in bed when the servants came for him and to greet the court while he prepared for the day. For once it would be nice to have him to herself without worrying about the queen or court. To indulge in her own selfish desires.

If only he weren't king. Then she could have married him instead of Montespan, but such thoughts paved the path to miserable madness.

"Sophie, light more candles. I've had enough of the darkness. I don't need to hide away from the light anymore."

"Yes, madame." Three more candles flared to life, bathing the room in a soft glow.

She shot up in bed. Despite the exhaustion weighing down her limbs, her heart pounded. "How well do you know Mademoiselle des Oeillets? Do you think she will follow the king's orders?" If her husband knew about the pregnancy, he wouldn't keep it quiet. Still, her paranoia imagined him paying off the maid to hand the child over to him. Then she might never see her little girl again.

"She will do as the king asks. She wouldn't defy him. He is paying her a pretty amount for secrecy."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive. You have nothing to fear from her. She is grateful for the king's money. Your daughter is in good hands. She will be raised alongside the family's own children."

Athénaïs settled back into bed. "I want to return to court within two days."

Sophie's eyebrows shot up in alarm. "But madame, you need time to recover."

"If I stay gone too long Louise might weasel her way into gaining more favor." During the last months of her pregnancy the king had taken Sophie to bed too. She hoped it didn't go to her head.

She bit back a sigh. "I wish I could say if he were a normal man I wouldn't have to worry about another woman stealing his affections, but that wouldn't be true. I haven't met a single man at court content with the attentions of one woman. There are secret lovers in every nook of the palace trying to hide."

"He is king, madame. Most women can only dream of having his love." She mopped the sweat off Athénaïs's forehead. "You are the envy of the court."

"His love burns hot and fast. I know this cannot last forever and I wonder when it's over if I will regret tasting the king's love. What if it makes all other men seem sour in comparison?"

"I've never been a fan of asking questions I can't answer. You need to sleep if you want to return to court." Sophie poured a glass of water and sat it at Athénaïs's bedside.

"I wonder if his love is even real," Athénaïs whispered too quietly for Sophie to hear. It was the fear she'd kept bottled up since the beginning. How could he fall in love with a woman only to toss her aside like he had Louise? Sometimes she wondered if a king could even knew what love truly was. And if he could walk away from women like Marie Mancini, Madame, and Louise, what could possibly keep him from growing tired of Athénaïs?

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