
By becauseallwastaken

200K 5.8K 1.2K

Threats, attacks, mobs, cans, psychos is that really how it should be for us? Do we really have to suffer? Wh... More

Pt.1__Meet Y/N
Pt.2__This is BTS
Pt.3__Meet the boys
Pt.4__House rules
Pt.5__Moving in
Pt.6__Meet the Team
Pt.7__First week
Pt.8__Wanna ride?
Pt.9__A pervert for a smile
Pt.10__For their happiness
Pt.11__Silent tears
Pt.12__Hoe and hotteok
Pt.13__To be Normal
Pt.15__Cry, Touch and Runaway
Pt.16__First Meeting
Pt.17__The Day After
Pt.21__Waking up
Please read+a surprise
Thank you


4.2K 124 26
By becauseallwastaken

[Andy pov]

Jumping from bed when Mick started chasing after Solmi I quickly made my way to Jimin to hold him down while he screamed.

Andy: Hey Jimin! Jimin? It's okay. I'm here. Nothing happened to you.

JM: Andy. She-she...the knife...

Andy: I know. You're scared and that's completely okay, but I also need you to be strong, okay?

He nods while I glance at Hoseok standing up when Mick called out for someone to help.

Andy: Hoseok come here!

He stops in his tracks and spins to face me. I nod him forward and he comes to my side to take a hold of Jimin.

Andy: Jimin, you need to stand up. Go with Hobi, okay?

I help him up and Hoseok guides him to the door.

Andy: Go next door. Inform the bodyguards to run after her.

Hoseok nods and gets behind me as we make our way out.

I turn my head around the entrants to make sure it's safe. All I see is Mick holding Solmi and talking to her. I look down at Jungkook holding his face in his arms that are stained red. I slowly signal for Hoseok to stop before getting on the fluor to help Jungkook.

Andy: Jungkook? Hey, can you hear me? What hurts?

JK: Andy? Au, it hurts when I speak.

Andy: Did she get your mouth?

He shakes his head a no and removes one of his hands to shove a bleeding nose. As blood starts to flow down I can hear Hoseok gasp and probably turn away. Jimin whispers Jungkooks name and makes his way next to me.

Andy: Jimin can you get me a cloth?

He nods and takes off his shirt and hands it to me. It's not what I meant but it will do. I nod to him as I fold his yellow shirt into a pillow-like shape and press it to Jungkooks face.

Then I hear Mick scream in pain and I turn to check on him. Solmi is standing tall next to him and pulling her knife back. She smiles at him and looks me in the eyes before winking and sending me a kiss. She then runs out of the apartment. Mick stands up and runs after her.

Jack: What's all the shouting about!? Jungkook? Andy what's going on?!

Andy: She's here boss. Solmi came.

I turn to Jimin and take one of his hands.

Andy: Hold this, don't let go until one of us takes over.

He nods and fearfully looks at Jungkook who's groaning in pain.

I lift myself up and face Jack.

Andy: Mick ran after her. We have to help him.

He nods but get's pulled back by Tim who runs past him shouting.

Tim: Jack get your tired ass to the kitchen and help Jungkook! Brandon take care of the boys! Kyle upstairs! Andy move your lazy ass and help me get that bitch!

Jack grumbles under his breath that he's the leader but still pets my back and tell me to run.

I do as he says and runs after Tim, quickly catching up to him at the elevator. We get in and wait for the second bell to signal our arrival to the ground floor.

As the doors open we sprint out. Tim scans the lobby and heads for the boiler room while I make my way outside.

I freeze seeing Mick's limp body on the cold cement in front of the building. I look around the place to spot Solmi. She's standing there, next to the dry cleaners place smiling at me. She slowly makes a step to the side and grins.

Solmi: Fugu.

She then turns and runs off into the dark street.


I jump back into action as soon as her word registers. Mick is in grave danger. I check his pulse and breathing. His pulse is normal but his breathing is slowly getting weaker.

Shit shit shit

Andy: Don't die on us!

I search for a phone only to remember leaving it in my room. Luckily I hear Tim calling to me from the entrants.

Andy: Call 911. He was poisoned with pufferfish.

Tim: What are you saying?

Andy: Now! We don't have time to argue!

He nods and pulls out his phone to call for help. I just hope we aren't too late.

[Y/Ns pov.]

I'm sitting in the agency's hospital wing, more specifically in my bed, from where I didn't move for more than a week. It's slowly driving me crazy, not able to walk or at least hoop around. I asked Nadia for crutches but she refuses to give them to me saying it will slow down my recovery too much. In reality, I know she's just going along with Sangs wishes to keep me in bed so I don't do something reckless.

He knows that I would stick to my word to find the girl even if it cost me my life. Normally I wouldn't be so determinant even if it was the mission that was given to me but this time it was personal. She stabbed me, threatened my friends, shoot at them, she gave me scars in the past and took him away from me...

I hear as the beeps of machines become more rapid. As I turn to look if something is wrong with them I notice that my heartbeat has gone up.

I need to stop thinking about the past. It won't bring him back.

knock knock

??: Y/N? It's me. I have some papers for you.

Y/N: Come in.

The doorknob presses down and in staps Sang with a fat file in his hand. I smile briefly at him and quickly turn my upper body to the side of the bed to pull a foldable table out. He gets to my side and grabs himself a chair to sit next to my bed and table. He puts the file down while looking at me and smiling a bit.

Sang: How are you feeling?

Y/N: I've been better but you know.

I surge it off only to wince as my right shoulder hits the back of my bed.

Sang: Careful! We don't want you to get even more hurt.

I just smile sheepishly and nod.

Why must he act so much like himself but at the same time so different?

Sang: Here. I brought you something to make your time past faster.

He slides the file to me and removes his hand as mine brushes at his a bit. I open the map and read through the index.

Y/N: Woo Daewon? The guy whos assistant I had to be before this mission?

Sand nods and starts explaining.

Sang: Yeah. He's an official that was suspected of corruption and fraud, that's why we got an order to investigate. You did an amazing job in finding out all this. Now the ministry has what they want and can finally stop his ill ways.

I nod slowly while listing through the long report.

Y/N: All of this was on that hard drive?

Sang: It was and I'm living it here for you to read. I'm sure you wanted to know more about what your mission was about right? Oh, and while you're at it you can fill this table in.

He hands me a thinner file that said report briefing on the first page.

Y/N: I'm not even fully recovered yet and you're already making me work.

I pound as Sang smiles at me. He reaches up with his hand and squeezes my cheeks.

Sang: You're the best we got, surely you can do it.

He flashes me one last full mouth smile before standing up.

Sang: Take your time. I don't need that report for a few weeks so there's no need to rush.

I nod even though he probably can't see me with his back turned to me as he walks to the door. He briefly turns his head to me and says bye before disappearing out the door.

I sigh knowing that his touches, looks, and smiles don't and can't mean anything anymore.

Slowly I start reading the report. It's boring. Just some politics staff that no one cares about. I quickly list through it without any interest until I spot it.

The photo section. It has all the photos taken in the time of our investigation. It shows Mr. Woo meeting numerous people: ministers, high officials, bank and business owners...

I stop at a picture taken in the afternoon. It looks like it was taken in the center of a city that I don't recognize. It was in Korea as I can see some sings in Korean. Who is that with him?

I read the description that claims the middle-aged, well-dressed man with a black hat is Min Sungho, the mafia boss of Gangwon.

Do they really know each other?

I turn to the page that's listed in the description of the picture and find a section describing how Mr. Woo helped with drug trafficking and received money from Min Sungho. It also said that they've been at it for at least 30 years, which probably means they're in a good relationship.

I look through the contacts given in the back and start looking for my phone. I need to get in contact with this investigator.

It's 2 am and I've finally read through the whole file. I call the investigator who wrote the pages about Min Sungho and the photographer to get more info. It turned out that Sunghos aunts cousin was married to Mr. Woo. It's an insignificant fact but it seems that Kim Nayoung, now known as Woo Nayoung meant a lot to Sungho. He demanded a lot of money from Daewon just to let them marry. Now both Daewon and Nayoung have to listen to his orders to survive.

I thought of a way to use this to our advantage to get to Min Solmi, but I'm too tired to function right now. I move the table to the side and lover the bed a bit so that I'm comfortable. Then I lay my head back and it doesn't take long for me to fall asleep.

beep*~.~*boop*~.~*beep beep*~.~*boop

What the??

I slowly open my eyes to a dark room. I ground trying to find my alarm clock and shut it off. As I grab it I notice it isn't vibrating I jump up a bit to check the time.


Who the fuck decides to call at this time of night?!?

I slowly reach for my phone on the nightstand and read the contract:


What the fuck does he want!?

I answer the call in a really bad mood, I mean would you be jumping around fields of flowers if someone woke you up at freaking 4:37?!??

Y/N: Jack? Why the hell are you calling me at 4:37 in the morning?? Don't you have Sang to botter at this hour?? Have you finally lost your mind?? Cause seriously if this is some joke I swear to god I will...

Jack: Y/N can you just shut it and let me talk!

Y/N: what do you...

Jack: Jungkook has a broken nose and Mickey is in the hospital.

It takes me a second to understand what he said to me. Jungkook hurt and Mickey is in a hospital??


Jack: Min Solmi came into the apartment a few hours ago. Jungkook says he saw her trying to stab Jimin and yelled out to him. Mickey ran after her but he was too late.

Y/N: Why is Mick in a hospital? Did she beat him?

Jack: No...Andy says he got poisoned through the cut on his wrist, something about a pufferfish.

Y/N: Pufferfish poison? Are you serious? He could die!

I jump up and get out of bed.

Y/N: Au, agh...I'm coming to meet you.

Jack: What? Did you just get out of bed? No no no no, forget it! Get back to sleep! I called to keep you updated not to make you come here. Not to mention you were the only one who actually answered the phone.

Y/N: Well too late, I'm not getting any sleep tonight anyway so I might as well come to see you.

Jack: Y/N stop this is ridiculous. Lay back down and help us from the headquarters.

Y/N: Jack I can't...

Jack: Yes you can. Call Nadia and get her to come here. We need to get Jungkooks nose treated. Also, tell Sang to learn how to use a phone.

Y/N: What about Mickey?

Jack: He's in good hands. We took him to the hospital. We'll send you the address to set up an emergency contact.

Y/N: Okay. We need to move the boys Jack. Now that she knows where you are she won't stop coming for you.

Jack: Yeah you're right but where should we go.

Y/N: I'll find a place for you, just get everything packed.

Jack: Got it.

Y/N: And Jack?

Jack: Yeah?

Y/N: Take care of them.

Jack: I will. Get well soon. Bye

Y/N: I will. Bye.

I sit back on my bed and take a deep breath to collect myself. I then reach for the call button on my hospital bed. after 2 minutes my door bursts open with Nadia breathing hard and looking worried.

Nadia: what happened? are you okay?

I nod and answer

Y/N: I'm fine. Go meet Jack, Jungkook is hurt. They said he has a broken nose.

She wants to ask me questions but decides not to. She nods and storms out of the room. I check my messages and see that Tim send me the hospital location. I take my laptop and take care of the paperwork that will take care of Mick's hospital bill and get him to transfer to our agent's hospital.

It's 6 am when I finish everything and Sang burst into my room.

Sang: When were you planning to tell me about Min Solmis attack?!

Y/N: When you decided to pick up your phone.

His eyes fill with anger as he takes out his phone and unlocks it. then his face is covered with shock, probably because he finally saw the calls and texts from Jack.

Sang: Sorry.

Y/N: Don't worry about it. you can make it up to me.

Sang: Huuh...okay what do you want?

Y/N: Give me Woo Deawons contacts and family history.



Firsly, I'm sorry, again, for taking a long time to update. I will update once a month from now on.
Secondly, I have an announcement. This book will be edited in the next week to get it ready for this years Wattpad awards. So sorry for any unwanted notifications.

I hope you're having a great day and again sorry for being a bad author.

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