
By Elle_Barton

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(PG-13, Modern Quirkless College AU) - "Hmm.." "For fucks sake, dumbass! Order!" Shouto could practically see... More

Ch. 1 - Sasshole
Ch. 2 - Calls and Texts
Ch. 3 - Pastries
Ch. 4 - Wants and Needs
Ch. 5 - Sharing is Caring
Ch. 6 - Mario Kart
Ch. 8 - A New Side
Ch. 9 - Fake Dates and Stupidity
Ch. 10 - Soba Slut
Ch. 11 - Fun Times, and Late Questions
Ch. 12 - Questions And Answers
Ch. 13 - Sleepover?
Ch. 14 - Breakfast, With a Side of Drama
Ch. 15 - Breakfast, With a Side of Drama Pt. 2
Ch. 16 - Broken
Ch. 17 - Now I Can See
Ch. 18 - Let's Go
Ch. 19 - Cars Aren't a Good Place For Therapy
Ch. 20 - Talks and Tattoos

Ch. 7 - Cat Jokes

1.9K 117 52
By Elle_Barton

//sort of a filler-


"Since when has Denki had a cat, though?.." Katsuki asked randomly. "I mean I haven't been to his dorm in awhile, but still."

"He only got him recently.. Last month, I think? He got him at a shelter, but I'm not sure."


They both nodded, then just stayed silent for a moment.

Randomly Shouto moved and grabbed the peas off of his shin. "So," He said, moving to lay down, resting his head on the arm rest, and placing his Nyan Cat sock-clad feet on the blonde's lap.

Said blonde made a mental note to make fun of those dorky socks later.

Katsuki let him, holding a hand out for the peas. "So?" The other boy handed him the veggies, then the blonde placed them back on the afflicted shin.

This was weirdly cute, and Shouto wasn't quite sure why he thought so.

"I just thought of something."

"Did you."

"Mhm. So earlier I was gonna make a joke about you and the cat, but I figured it'd be in bad taste."

Katsuki rose a brow, stretching his arms across the back of the couch. "... A joke about me?.. And the cat?"

"Yeah.. You know, about," Shouto suddenly looked a tad awkward, looking at the ceiling. "About females.. And.. Cats."

"Oh.. Oh," The blonde smirked. "Say it."

"I- No, It's not-" Shouto looked a little flustered.

"You can't just hint at the joke and not say it. That's improper joke etiquette, you ass."

"Bakugou, no-"

"Todoroki, tell me the pussy joke."


"YOU BROUGHT IT UP! Don't act so scandalized." Katsuki snorted softly. "Besides, you're fuckin' twenty. You shouldn't get all red 'n flustered over this."

Shouto rolled his eyes subtly. "My Mother didn't like cursing or vulgar language, so we didn't use it in my home, okay?.. And that is one habit I'm wanting to at least sort of keep."

Katsuki snorted softly. "Says the one with the pussy joke." He lightly hit Shouto's leg. "Tell me."

"Nooooo," Shouto mock whined, crossing his arms across his chest.

"Don't make me make you."

"I'd like to see you- BAKUGOU!"

It happened in a flash. One moment Katsuki was sitting at the opposite end of the couch with the other boy's feet in his lap, and the next he was partially straddling the aforementioned boy, attacking his sides with tickles beneath the hoodie he was wearing.

It seemed that Shouto Todoroki was extremely ticklish. Seemingly everywhere.

"Telllll meeeee!"

"N-No!" Shouto laughed out, squirming.

"Wrong answer~" Katsuki grinned, tugging one of his arms away from the boy's side, and holding it above his head.

The squeak that Shouto made was fucking adorable, but Katsuki didn't comment on that.

"Okay!" Shouto albeit squeaked, followed by another laugh as he squirmed more. "Baku-!"

"Do you give up?"

"Yes!" Shouto laughed, trying his best to protect his sides, but to no avail.

Katsuki smirked as he stopped, removing his hand out from under the other boy's sweater; amused by the way the red-and-white haired boy was panting and giggling softly, with his cheeks tinted a soft shade of red. "Owww," He whined a bit at the aches in his sides from laughter.

"You better tell me before I start again." Katsuki warned.

"No! I- Okay." He tried to catch his breath, and wiped away his tears. "Hold on." He ran a hand through his hair, took one last deep breath, then looked up at the blonde still somewhat hovering over him.

"Out with it."

"I was.. I was gonna say that holding that cat.. Was probably the closest you'd ever.. Wanna be to a.. pussy."


Katsuki stared down at him.

Shouto stared right back, though was feeling more awkward by the second.

Then Katsuki laughed, leaning away and scooting off of the boy that was previously beneath him. "That's pretty good, IcyHot." He settled back into his previous seat, still chuckling. "And very true."

Shouto hesitated, then cracked a smile and had a brief laugh. "Thank you, thank you. I try." He placed his feet back in the blonde's lap.

Katsuki snorted softly, finding the peas again and placing them back onto Shouto's leg. "Dork. Kinda surprised you even said pussy to be honest."

"Really?" Shouto crossed his arms behind his head. "Why?"

Katsuki let his arms rest over the other's legs, leaning his head back against the back of the couch as he closed his eyes. "You're an innocent little Princess."

Another blush was visible across Shouto's cheeks, which is why he was glad that the blonde wasn't looking at him.


"P-Princess? Why Princess?"

"Princess Peach."

Oh. Right. Calm down, Shouto.

"Mind if I put my feet on the coffee table?"

"Go for it." Shouto shrugged, though the other couldn't see. "Soooo.. What would you like for dinner?"

Katsuki placed his colorful yet mismatched sock-clad feet on the table. "Hm?"

"Dinner. I.. Assumed you may wanna stay? Since it's getting late."

"It's up to you, halfie."

"I'd feel bad if I sent you home hungry." Shouto said, making Katsuki chuckle softly. Momma Shouto making an appearance, huh? "So what do you want?"

"Well, do you usually get take-out, or are you a rare breed of college student that knows how to cook?"

Shouto chuckled. "I cook usually. But if you want a pizza or something, we can do that too."

"Depends." Katsuki opened his eyes and looked at the other boy, a wry smile on his lips. "Are you actually a good cook?"

"I am, actually. What are you in the mood for?"

"Kinda in the mood for ramen."

"Americanized, or traditional Japanese?"


"I figured, I just wanted to check." Shouto leaned forward and grabbed the peas, then swung his legs off of the blonde's lap and rested his feet back on the floor. "Some of my friends don't really like the traditional stuff, so I have both."

"Such a good host." Katsuki teased, making the half-head laugh softly. "Important question though."


"How spicy do you like your ramen?"

"Inferno level heat." Shouto hesitated. "Is that.. Okay?"

Katsuki grinned. "It's great. Finally, someone that can handle heat!"

Shouto laughed. "Glad you're happy." He stood and stretched, sighing softly in satisfaction as his joints popped. "If you want, you can just wait h-"

"Nope." Katsuki interrupted, placing his feet back on the floor and pushing himself to stand. "I'm not that kind of guest. If I'm eating, then I help with the cooking, and the clean up."

"Oh, thank you.. Do you know how to cook too?"

"I do. I cooked a lot with my Mom, and when she had some... Issues, I made food a lot."

Shouto tilted his head curiously, though had a serious expression as he stuck his hands in the pocket of his hoodie. "Issues? What kind of issues?"

Katsuki chuckled softly, no humour in it, as he shook his head a bit and ran his hand through his hair. "No offense, but we're not.. There yet. Maybe in the future, but we're not there yet."

"Oh, no, that's okay." Shouto assured. "No offense taken. I understand. May I ask if she's alright now?"

"Yeah, she's all good, don't worry. It wasn't super serious." Katsuki smiled slightly, giving the other boy's shoulder a gentle bump as he walked by. "C'mon," He shrugged off the plaid shirt the other boy had loaned him, then tied it around his waist. "let's go make dinner."

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