
By asagewriter

150 2 4

Candyland used to be an amazing place full of happiness and magic, but a horrible curse has fallen over the... More

Prologue: 1 year ago
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 1

32 1 1
By asagewriter

Red picked up the picture frame. She smiled as she looked at it. The picture was of her and her brother, Luke. They were in front of their climbing wall which had been Red's present for her 10th birthday. They were smiling and had their arms over each other's shoulders. A tear fell from Red's eye. Only a year had passed since that picture was taken, yet so much had changed. 

"Red!" Reds mom called. She came into Red's room. "Oh Red," she said noticing the picture Red was holding. Red quickly put it down and looked away. "Honey, I'm so sorry." Red's mom said. She came over and held Red in her arms. "Today must be a very hard day for you." Red nodded, her eyes brimming with tears.
     They sat like that for a while until Red's mom finally said something. "Well," said her mom "If it helps I made your favorite cinnamon sugar pancakes. They'll be downstairs if you want some." She patted Red on the back and headed out of the room. Red sat for a few seconds then stood up and took one more glance at the photo and then trudged downstairs.
    When she got to the table the pancakes were cold. Red took a bite but it just didn't taste as good. After a few more bites she gave up and headed upstairs. She entered her room and slumped on her bed. She missed him so much. She just wished she knew why he did it. Why he left.

2 months ago
     Red sat chewing her broccoli and stared at the clock. 8:00, where was he? Red finished her broccoli and put her plate in the sink. She glanced at the clock again and then headed upstairs.
Halfway up she heard the door open. She turned around and peeked into the hallway. Luke tiptoed in and quietly shut the door. He was nearly to the stairs when-creak-he stepped on a loose floorboard. His mom appeared in the doorway. 

"You're late." She said sternly. Luke turned around 

"I had to stay to help clean up at the club."

 "Luke I have already told you how I feel about this club of yours, it's fine if you go but you must be home for dinner." Luke groaned 

"Come on Ma! It's the first time!"

 "No it's not." His mom said "Third time in fact ! There was that time last week and the time 2 weeks ago. Honey I've already given you too many chances. I'm sorry but you won't be able to go to the club anymore."

 "What?!" Luke exclaimed "I can't not go to the club anymore! They're counting on me to lead it! Mom you can't do this!"

 "I'm sorry Luke." She said "But I already told you, if you couldn't come home for dinner then you couldn't go to the club." Luke slumped onto the ground with his back against the wall. "Now come up and get washed up for bed Luke." She said and turned around to go upstairs. Red quickly ran upstairs and into her room before her mom could see she was watching. When she was sure her mom was away she peeked out the door and tiptoed downstairs. She saw Luke still slumped against the wall with his head in his hands. She sat down next to him and put her hand on his back. 

"Go away Red!" Luke growled.

 "I was just trying to help." She said getting up.

 "Well you weren't! So go away! GO AWAY!" He screamed. Tears came to Red's eyes. Her brother had never yelled at her before. She ran upstairs and collapsed on her bed in tears. She was just trying to help! Luke was being a jerk!
Luke stared at the wall, angry tears wet on his face. It wasn't fair! The club was his life! It was part of him! Everyone was depending on him to lead it! His mom didn't understand! He had worked so hard on that club and now he was just gonna lose all of it!

Luke turned to look through the doorway. His mom was reading contently in the living room. She had no idea what she'd done! He thought about going upstairs to get ready. He stood up and walked towards the stairs. Maybe he could talk to Red. Oh, Red. He'd yelled at her. She wouldn't want to talk to him. He couldn't face her, not yet. He needed some space. Somewhere he could go where he could be alone. He walked over to the front door and opened it feeling the night breeze cool the warm tears stained on his face. He closed the door and turned to the right. He started walking, not sure where. Just walking. He wandered around lost in thought. He looked up, his wandering had brought him to the dark house.

Thanks for reading! I hope you liked it! If you did then please vote. If you have any suggestions or constructive comments then make sure to comment them so I can improve.
See ya next time

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Update - Tuesday and Saturday (2chapters A week)