Phantom Chained

By RThorsen

2.3K 1K 692

Welcome to the Dark Dimension, the place where nothing is real. I live here. Today marks the 90th anniversa... More

Chapter 1. Hope. POV Incubus Elm.
Chapter 2. Black Magic Ritual. POV Human Ingrid.
Chapter 3. Intrusion. Elm.
Chapter 4. Intrusion(cont.) Elm.
Chapter 5. Realisation. Ingrid.
Chapter 6. Loss. Elm.
Chapter 7. Awakening. Ingrid.
Chapter 8. I will not give up, Clara! Elm.
Chapter 9. Ghost tape. Ingrid.
Chapter 10. Rebirth. Elm.
Chapter 11. Questions. Ingrid.
Chapter 12. Consequences. Ingrid.
Chapter 13. Gaze of the abyss. Ingrid.
Chapter 14. Working on trust. Ingrid.
Chapter 15. Working on trust(cont.) Ingrid.
Chapter 16. Waltz by the name of 'Déjà Vu.' Ingrid.
Chapter 17. Demon whore. Elm.
Chapter 18. I'll return with a shovel and then it's over for you! Elm.
Chapter 19. Return. Ingrid.
Chapter 21. The Incubus appears to the world. Ingrid.
Chapter 22. Nice boobs . Ingrid.
Chapter 23. Explosion from within. Elm.
Chapter 24. The Battle of the Gods. Elm.
Chapter 25. Anticipation. Ingrid.
Chapter 26. My name is Johan. Elm.
Chapter 27. Night of Terror. Ingrid.
Chapter 28. Adaptation. Elm
Chapter 29. Infernal monstrosity. Ingrid.
Chapter 30. Adaptation(cont.) Elm.
Chapter 31. The story of Clara's life, as told by herself.
Chapter 32. Words. Elm.
Chapter 33. Murderer. Ingrid.
Chapter 34. Despair. Ingrid.
Chapter 35. Reunion. Elm.
Chapter 36. Dread. Elm.
Chapter 37. The essence of madness. Ingrid
Chapter 38. Flaming Gehenna. Elm.
Chapter 39. Where the wind blows from. Ingrid.
Chapter 40. Dead Soul. Elm
Chapter 41. Witch Hunters. Elm
Chapter 42. The Witch's Demise. Elm.
Epilogue. Ingrid.
Epilogue. Elm.

Chapter 20. The moon trembles in the sky. Elm.

41 25 5
By RThorsen

The Moon trembles in the sky, shattering to pieces, shards pouring into the brain through the optic nerves, flowing through the blood vessels with stinging chrome. Silver polluting the blood, albeit just an illusion. I'm too illusory for a human, I can't survive like that.

Pure terror gripped me for a fraction of a second, a fraction of an eternity, when I awoke in the screaming bag of meat. A part of it still blinds and strangles me, but what can I do?

Control it.

Fluid flows in a circle... From the left ventricle and through the aorta, then to the right atrium through the veins. Everything seems to be in order for now. Inhale... Exhale... Time to move onto the main muscles.

There's so much of me and I'm so complicated! I need to hurry up.

Automate it.

The adjustment of physiological processes mixes with words and phrases, breaking with new shapes, associations, thousands of definitions and categories that I...

Systemise it.

The Moon's crescent burns my eyes.

It's cold.

A different cold, a different weight; everything is so different, positive and bright. Simply unforgettable.

I am learning how to be alive while the system busily collects signals about the outside and the inside, projecting a map of my world into the inside of my new skull. A mystery inside the skeletal temple that is riddled with rows of feelings that I have yet to make sense of. Not important and therefore not necessary.

But they bother me, try to burst through my chest, reacting to every insignificant thing through the heart.

What else?

Analysis: I appear to 'want' something. I believe people call it 'crying'.

Block it.

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