Maybe, a dream? // Niall Horan

By gal_98

4.5K 729 428


Chapter 1: The fuck Horan
Chapter 2: My illness
Chapter 3: Love
Chapter 4: Kisses
Chapter 5: Tour Party
Chapter 6: Ignorant jerk
Chapter 7: The mixed emotions.
Chapter 8: Tearing apart.
Chapter 9: Kiss and make up
Chapter 11: Ticklish
Chapter 12: Her best friend.
Chapter 13: Mistake.
Chapter 14: The Secret.
Chapter 15: Clumsy one.
Chapter 16: Some crying.
Chapter 17: Best friend or something?
Chapter 18: Sweet but Awful.
Chapter 19: My girlfriend.
Chapter 20: Giving it a go
Chapter 21: Guilty and Alone.
Chapter 22: I'm Sorry.
Chapter 23: Studio
Chapter 24: Tears and laughter.
Chapter 25: No boundries.
Chapter 26: Fifty Shades
Chapter 27: Silent breakfast.
Chapter 28: Another big Mistake.
Chapter 29: Jealousy and trust.
Chapter 30: Shouting and Passing out.
Chapter 31: Apologies.
Chapter 32: Worth the time.
Chapter 33: The Blonde Guy
Chapter 34: Love vs. Crush
Chapter 35: Promises.
Chapter 36: Better than Him
Chapter 37: Moving on.
Chapter 38: Graduation
Chapter 39: Christmas with Professionals.
Chapter 40: Fun day at Interview
Chapter 41: I love you, too.
Chapter 42: Broken up.
Sorry, not an update
Chapter 43: an emotional retard.
Chapter 44: Fan-sign distraught
Listen up!
Chapter 45: Accidental meet up
Chapter 46: Long time no see
Chapter 47: Dress shopping
Chapter 48: Nightmare
Chapter 49: What ifs
Chapter 50: Sweet and sour
Chapter 51: Brits
Chapter 52: After party confessions
Chapter 53: Cuddle bear kissed
Chapter 54: Truth in an argument
Chapter 55: Best thing ever
Chapter 56: Old loved ones
Chapter 57: Forgive and forget
Chapter 58: Beautiful moment
Chapter 59: The finale
Epilogue: Maybe, a dream?
Author's note

Chapter 10: "She's a Bitch."

142 15 12
By gal_98

"Hello, Niall. Miss me already?" She said in a seductive voice.

How did she get in here? Why would Niall even miss that hoe? She needs only a punch, with a chair, on her 'whats so fair' face.

"How did you get in here?" Niall said annoyingly.

"Calm down Niall, I just came here to have some fun with you." She put the bowl of cherries on the coffee table and winked.

"Get out." I heard Niall say. Maybe he's angry? His eyes were dark and anger was everything coming out of his eyes. I saw Kiarra smirking slowly.

"Not so fast, now Niall! Didn't you tell that beard girl of yours that you slept with me that night? And how's that another brunette girl you slept with? Tessa is her name. Isn't she hot?" My stomach dropped when I heard her saying those shits. I felt warm fluids coming from my eyes to my cheeks. I tried to hold it back. I held Niall by his arms and looked up to him.

"Niall?" I asked him with my glossy eyes. Niall looked down at me and wiped off my leftover tears at my cheeks.

"Wait in my room. Please." He said slowly stroking some of my hairs behind my ears.

No no no.

This can't be happening. Now who's this new girl Tessa? I didn't know who to believe then. I grew angry at Niall. You should believe Niall because you love him. My subconscious advised.

I stepped in Niall's bedroom. My sight caught his bed where I saw that girl's bra that morning. My eyes went teary again. I sat there on Niall's king-sized bed and saw that his laptop was opened. I took a quick glance at Niall's laptop and saw my picture as his desktop background. It even had a caption on it. I tilted my head to read it. It showed;

'Love is once in a lifetime thing. If it occurs again and again, its bullshit.' I smiled after reading it. Now I know who to believe. Niall loves me, not any Kiarra or Tessa. He loves me.

"I love you, damn it!" I heard Kiarra shout in desperation. I peeked over the door a little to see them.

"Why don't you understand it? Freya is my girlfriend and I love her so much." Niall rubbed his forehead. "I can't afford to leave her, I'm so in love with her." He exclaimed. I felt my heart repairing again.

"Niall, you can forget her. She isn't even your type. We will be together and I promise I'll give you whatever you want. Just say you love me, too." Kiarra cupped Niall's face in her hands but soon Niall shooked his head to get away from her hands. When Niall shook his head, he saw me peeking through the door and his eyes widenend. I got out of the door, with out any emotion on my face, and stood in front of Niall.

"Its not like what you saw." Niall looked at me with panic. I didn't say anything, I hugged him. I tucked my head against Niall's chest and he snuggled in my neck. My eyes went glossy but then I pulled away.

"Drama queen." I heard Kiarra mutter. She looked away.

"Oh, speak for yourself." I hissed back at her.

"You know what? You're a whore, a slut and a bitch. You stole my crush away from me. Rot in hell." She lifted up her expensive red clutch and started to walk away.

"And guess what? I don't give a fuck about your relationship. God damn you." Her voice croaked at the end like she's going to cry any second. She kept her chin up so it won't look like she's embarrassed.

"Jealous much?" I snapped back at her when she was walking. "And yeah, shut the door gently behind you, I don't want any shits coming in again." She slammed the door loudly behind her and Niall laughed.

"That's my girl." Niall said between his laughs. I winked at him and started to walk towards the bedroom. Niall took hold of my wrists and turned me around quickly towards him so that my back and my bum was touching his chest.

"Niall..." I said as he gave wet kisses against my neck, causing me to breath sharper and quicker. He turned me around and I met his most romantic face.

"I love you. Please, say you won't leave me again." He said.

"You love me?" My eyes filled with tears and I leaned in for a kiss. This time I kissed him. I love him. The kiss was deep and slow. Our lips were moving in sync. Soon he slipped his tongue inside my mouth. I was lead slowly towards the king sized bed. He laid me over the bed, sliding his hands over my belly, slowly making small circles around my belly button. Our lips never left each other.

I was running out of breath when I tried to pulled off but Niall held the back of my neck closer to him.

"N-Niall... I... I can't... breath." I said between kissing those soft plump lips.

He broke our kiss and we both breathed heavily. Niall rolled over to my right as he smiled and slipped his hands into my waist and pulled me towards him. I shyly smiled and blushed as he looked in my eyes and smiled like I'm the only person in the world that he can see.

He hovered above me again as he leaned in to kiss me again, slowly lifting my tank top up and slipping his big hand inside. His large fingers caused me to laugh hysterically. Because I'm ticklish.

I laughed between the kiss as he smirked slowly. His left hand was wandering on my belly, caressing it while his right hand was cupping my left cheek. I felt his hand move higher up to my chest, causing me to laugh and moan at same time.

It was all becoming hot and romantic. But unfortunately, someone has to disturb this moment. A phone Call.

Niall stopped for a second and tugged in his pocket to find his phone. But it wasn't his. It was my phone. He was still above me, so I gave him a look to get off me. I had to see who it was.

"Don't ruin the moment, please." Niall groaned.

"Niall, it could be mum. Let me go and we will continue it again." I smiled.

"Ugh. It's just a phone call." He groaned again. "Promise me, then."

"Promise." I got off the bed and took my phone out. Sliding my thumb to unlock my phone then moved it up to my ear.


"Hello?" I heard her say. I searched my pocket to find my phone to check if there were any missed calls.

"Yeah... actually I'm at Niall's. Is there any problem?" She rubbed her forehead with her little fingers. I wonder who's there.

"Oh My God! I'll be there in a minute." She looked worried. She searched her jeans pocket and I had no idea what was going on.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

"Tina and Ayesha had a really bad car accident... Car is found at the highway. They are in hospital. Niall?" I was shocked as she said their car was found at highway and they are in hospital.

"No time to ask, lets go." I escorted her to the door.


"Tina Smith and Ayesha Andell."

"Just a second. Your name?" receptionist asks as typing on her keyboard.

"Freya Maxwell." I said.

"Room 238-B, 2nd floor." She looked at me smiling. She looked nice.

We entered the room to see Tina and Ayesha lying on bed but I thought Ally would be there, but she was nowhere in sight.

"Where's Ally?" I asked mum, lying on the couch.

"I called her, she's with her friend at her place. She will be here too in a moment." Mum replied.

"Oh. How are you guys feeling?" I looked at Tina who was in a deep slumber but Ayesha was awake. She had a bandage on her forehead, her neck and her right arm. And her right leg was all sore and blue but that was covered with bandage too. He hair were a mess. She tried to sit on the bed but I told her not to. She is weak right now.

"How the hell did you two managed to get in a car accident?" I asked, full of shock.

"We were driving a little fast, but we were in our control." She paused. "But then I saw a mother carrying her baby, crossing the road, in an illegal manner, so I drove the car on right side but didn't saw long palm tree." She laughed, holding her stomach.

"Oh my. Stomach hurts from laughing." We both Laughed. "How are you, Niall?" She asked him. I looked at him as he looks up from his phone to answer.

"Huh?" He asked confused, like he didn't heard her.

"She asked how are you..." I said, raising an eyebrow at him

"Oh, forget about me, how are you?" He asked, standing up and walking towards the bed.

"Oh, I'm fine... just a... These little scars will never leave my body." She shrugged, not feeling hurt by that horrible accident.

If I was in her place, I would just kill myself because I'd have to bear the pain for months.

"How are the things between you two?" She asked, looking at me then Niall. I smiled happily before giving her the answer.

"That bitch... I mean... Kiarra is just a..." I stopped to think of an answer.

"Bitch?" Niall asked then we both laughed.

"Knock knock?" Ally shouted behind the door.

"No, don't come in we are having fun!" I raised my voice a little just to answer because she was behind the closed door.

"No need for your stupid permission, potty face." Ally said welcoming herself in. (jokingly) because we all talk like this. Her eyes widened when she saw Niall beside me.

"Oh oh oh my God. Sorry Nialler we all always talk like this." She giggled at the end.

"Where were you?" I asked poking her exposing arm.

"Shut up, it doesn't matter anyway." She said kissing my cheek. My eyes widened at her attempt. Niall laughed harder.

"I think I should leave you guys alone." Niall laughed and left the room. Mum went out of the room because she needed a cup of tea.

"How ya feeling there, buddy?" Ally asked Tina waking her up. "Because you missed the time." She winked at her.

"Please can someone shut her up? Your voice hurts me more." Ayesha said lifting her arms a Little up because the bandage was holding her not to. We all laughed as Ally rolled her eyes.

"Oh really? You gotta admit it that only my voice can heal you guys." Ally mocked. But I think she was saying the truth. We wouldn't have inside jokes and laugh if Ally wasn't there. She is the one who entertain us, make us laugh. She doesn't make us happy when we're crying, she cries with us mockingly so that we can laugh. We have the best piece of friend in the whole entire world. She's like the backbone of us.

I realized when I got back to earth from my thoughts, I was the centre of the situation. All eyes were on me.

"What?" I asked, still confused whats going on.

"Told ya! She was lost in her 'La-la world'. This is important for her like a pill." Ally joked.

"Tell me or..." I trailed off.

"Or what? I asked how are the thing between you and blondie?" Ally asked.

"Niall is his name." I snapped back

"Whatever..." She said.

"We're... okay? Every thing's back to normal." I cheered happily as Ayesha, Ally and Tina held their hands up in joy. They all cheered.

"Well, Harry asked me out." She blurted with ease.

"What?!" Me, Ayesha and Tina asked in sync.

"I'm just joking!" She calmed us down. "We are friends. Best friend." She smiled happily.

As after she said we took a deep sigh and started talking.

We were talking but we heard a knock and a nurse peeked in.

"Visiting time is over and I need to check up on them." Nurse said as she entered.

"We'll be back in evening. Okay?" I said as they nodded.

"Be right back bitches!" Ally winked.


We were stopped in front of Starbucks because my car was there.

"Thanks." I said

"For what?" Niall took my wrist and stopped me.

"For that desktop wallpaper on your... laptop." I said

"Did you saw my laptop? Fuck, I'm so stupid." Niall looked at the road smiling.

"Don't blame yourself, I saw it by myself." I cupped his cheeks. "Its nice though, bit of romantic."

"Because I love you." Niall said and kissed my cheek and then kissed the corner of my lips, not removing his lips from there.

"I love you, okay?" He kissed me below my ear. Yes, I know that's a turn on for me.

"I- I love you, too." I said and gave him a quick peck on lips.

"Really?" I heard him saying below my ear.

"Yeah, I love hearing your voice, I love seeing your face everyday even though I've missed school many times. I love your eyes, especially every little thing inside and outside of your body. I love when you sneak glances at me. I love it when you kiss me passionately like there's no tomorrow." I moved away to get a perfect look at his face. "I'm in love with you and nothing can change that."

"And I love you so much that not even Kiarra can change that. I love you to the sun and back." he replied.

"Why a sun? Why not a moon?" I asked.

"Because sun is far away than moon and the distance is uncountable." He smiled. I leaned in and pressed an open mouth kiss on his big smile.

"You shouldn't kiss me like that. That's a turn on." He said.

"What's a turn on?" I mocked.

"I'll show you." He turned on the car engine and started to drive.

"Niall, what are you doing? What about my car?" I started panicking.

"Don't worry. You've just turned me on and I wanna show you what it is." He smirked and kept his eyes on the road. But then I realized we were going to his place. Again.




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