Love on Hold||✔️ (Editing)

By arya_writes21

162K 12.6K 2.3K

Love seems to give a tougher way out for both Shivay and Anika. Shivay is not ready to accept Anika and Anik... More

( Characters & Aesthatics )
▪︎I believe her, she will take care▪︎
▪︎Shift to my room▪︎
▪︎Dr.Anika is the best▪︎
▪︎She is my wife▪︎
▪︎Am I late?▪︎
▪︎Will you be my Friend?▪︎
▪︎Dr.Anika is your wife?▪︎
▪︎Pretended Husband▪︎
▪︎Anika or Diya▪︎
▪︎Don't Leave▪︎
▪︎Anika weds Siddharth▪︎
▪︎The Shivaay Singh Oberoi is back▪︎
▪︎You are My Wife▪︎
▪︎You are selfish!▪︎
▪︎Don't snatch her▪︎
▪︎Caring Singh Oberoi▪︎
▪︎ Jealous Cat ▪︎
▪︎ Billu ▪︎
▪︎ Hitler ▪︎
▪︎ Anika is strong ▪︎
▪︎ Mine ▪︎
▪︎ Love Resumed ▪︎


5.7K 435 19
By arya_writes21

Dr.Annika's Husband


I woke up jerking as I heard my phone ringing. Hurriedly I reached forgetting it's just my alarm. Looking at my phone I sighed, its regular for me. Sometimes this would be an emergency case or this stupid alarm. I love my sleep but my work never coordinates with it.

Annoyed I left the bed and went to shower. Hot water went down my body and I felt as if it is giving me a rebirth. But soon the routine starts. Coming out, I dressed myself in my formal white shirt and black jeans.

I set my not so long, silky black and brown streaky hair, I tied it into a pony. Looking at the mirror I couldn't believe myself I was a kid and the journey towards becoming a doctor was not easy as people portray. It needs lot of sacrifices, mainly my sleep and hard work.

Taking vermilion in my fingers I smudged a tinge of it in between my hairline and tied my nuptial chain around my neck. These both where the only things which he gave. Before I go into more of thoughts my phone rang.

Looking at caller ID, a smile adorned my face. Smiling I picked it up. "Hello, Prinku! How are you?" I bombarded her with my question. My husband 's sister, my sister from another mother.

"Hi, Bhabhi, I am good. You?" She sounded a bit low. Other cases I knew her chirpy tone.

"I'm fine, Prinku! What is my niece or nephew telling? Troubling their momma, is it?" I thought may be, I just lighten her mood before confronting her. But i guess it failed.

"I miss mom, Bhabhi! " I figured it but still I wasn't sure. I know how much a six-month pregnant lady would miss and crave for her mother's warmth.

Hearing her sobs and feeling her vulnerability, I panicked. "Prinku? Prinku, what is it? Is everything alright?" my question made her exhale heavily.

"Nothing, Bhabhi. Just missing mom" She lied and I knew there was something else she was hiding.

"Prinku, you know right? You can share anything with me. Before being your sister-in-law, I am your sister, right!" I tried convincing her, maybe Priyanka didn't want to reveal it now.

"Nothing, Bhabhi. I am fine. I just called to inform I will be visiting mom today". She changed the topic and I had to give in.

"Okay, Prinku! Come soon, we will be waiting." I replied her and hung the call. I gazed up seeing myself in mirror. Not knowing what was going to be up, I left my room.

Reaching the kitchen, I soon got flashes of ShivOmRu's kitchen atrocities. I missed those moments, where those three of them spent their time laughing, chatting and cooking, only if Shivaay would have been on track. Shrugging I made lemonade and got aspirin from the medical kit. Taking it up to his room, I saw him still sleeping like a baby having frown. Keeping it on his side table, I made up his room.

Getting down the stairs I saw Tej Papa sitting on couch as usual going through today's Business Line. He left business years ago handing over to Shivaay. He thought his elder son will take care of the business and his thought turned out to be true, only till Shivaay was in his senses. He still takes care of business but his passion, love and rage for business was nowhere to be seen now.

I was in my land and didn't not hear my father-in-law calling. "Good morning, Annika beta! Annika, are you here!" He wondered where was I lost.

Soon gaining my composure I replied. "Good morning, papa! Sorry, was just zoned out. I will go get your coffee!" I stepped ahead to move.

"I already had, Annika" he looked up at me from his business line newspaper.

"Okay, papa. Actually, Prinku told she was visiting today." I told him and instantly his face lit like bright sun.

"That's nice. I wanted to meet her since long" he told with tears filling his eyes.

I didn't want to see him spilling some tear so, hurriedly I replied " Okay, papa. I will go see the breakfast" I tried to leave the space.

"Annika, did he wake up?" Tej papa asked in a stern voice and I knew this would come up.

"Not yet, papa. He was still sleeping"

"Did he drink again?" receiving my silence as an answer he silently left the place.

Setting up the breakfast table, I left to see Jhanvi ma. Standing in front of her room, I took a deep breath as if all the feeling of hurt, vulnerability and tension was gone.

Masking a smile and enthusiasm I entered the room. Looking at her with tubes and wires I felt more vulnerable, I loathed seeing her like this but still someone needs to be strong and take charge. If not Shivaay I need to stand strong .

Going near her, I caressed her face feeling some mother's warmth and wiped the lone tear which was going to roll down. Checking her pulse and monitor , I kissed her forehead to feel some warmth and whispered 'I miss you , ma'

Leaving her room, I reached dinning only to see Om and Ru smiling at me as if they would take all pain enduring in me. Replying them with a smile and greeting them I settled down to have my breakfast.

Soon Tej papa joined us and started having his food silently. I know what he feels seeing his elder son smoking, drinking. Om Ru have been his kids even though they were his brother's kids but still he treats them as his own.

I could hear someone shouting and screaming but I know his voice. Gazing up I found Shivaay standing on stairs in his dark blue suit and his hair perfectly gelled. Oh god! how much ever I try, this man turns me insane all the time. Tearing my gaze away him I concentrated on my food or to say pretended to. I heard Rudy and Om wishing him.

Looking up I just saw him nodding at them. Rudra felt hurt seeing him not wishing, the same way he used to years back. Om masks his emotion immediately but who is he fooling, me?

When I was in my thoughts. I suddenly noticed him looking at me but when my eyes started matching his, he averted his head as if he would be caught in crime of looking at his wife.

We finished our breakfast in silence, at times, if any question regarding business was asked from papa, he would just answer yes or no and he nods sometimes. I felt bad seeing him like that, I so wished Diya was here, at least, he would talk properly to papa and Om Ru.

"Dad! Bhaiya! Bhabhi!" All went towards the living room including Shivaay. He couldn't be rude to his pregnant baby sister at least.

Settling the dining table, I left towards living room only to get hugged and chocked by over joyed Prinku. I found it strange, Prinku never was over joyed, only if she was hiding something.

I shrugged and greeted her husband Ishaan Ray. He was same as Arnav Bhai to me. Ishaan Bhai was a bit over protective of me as he didn't have any sister of own.

Considering his friend's sister as his sister he behaves like a protective big brother at times. "Ishaan Bhai, how are you? Forgot me or what?" I question him notoriously.

"Who the hell will forget their baby sister?" He gave his trade mark answer. I rolled my eyes and hugged him. Being in a brother's protective arms was something which was really indescribable. Ahh! Now I miss Arnav Bhai.

Settling down in the couch next to Priyanka, I found her fiddling with her fingers. Now I knew for sure something was wrong with this girl.

Before I could confront, she left saying "Dad, I will just go meet mom!" Priyanka left the place hurriedly. All found it weird. But shrugged it.

I stood up saying "Bhai, I will go get something to eat for you guys."

But stopped on track listening to his words. "No, Annie. Umm, I need to talk to you guys. Mainly to you." I sensed some kind of seriousness in his voice. Ishaan bhai was very fun loving and humorous person. When he becomes serious it's easy to sense.

Shivaay being a protective friend and brother question him like CBI officer. "Ishaan, is everything okay? You sound tensed! Prinku is fine, right?" He would never give up his big brother's position towards his sister.

Ishaan Bhai took a deep breath and answered looking at me. " Annie, actually we came to know there is some complication in her pregnancy now. The previous gynae is not that experienced and I find her suspicious at times. Either it is Priyanka or the baby! I asked her to abort."

Cutting him in between I shouted "No, bhai. Dont, that will put both at risk/"

He sighed and told "That's what even she told! Now I don't know what to do." He sounded vulnerable. Tej papa who was silently listening to all came up with idea.

"Why would you go to another gynaecologist having Annika with us. Till I know she is the best" I looked at Papa and then at Shivaay, and I knew he was not going to give in with this idea.

Om spoke up now. "Yeah! I think dad is right, you guys where abroad so, you had to go to the suggested one by abroad doctor. But if you don't feel good, you can consult with Bhabhi right!"

Ishaan Bhai glanced at me and started to tell "I was going to ask An.." He was cut in between by Shivaay who was furious for what reason I couldn't comprehend.

"No, Ishaan. I will find the best for my sister. My sister will get treated by the best gynaecologist in this country". Rudy who couldn't control his rant spoke up

" But, Bhaiya, Bhabhi "again he was cut by him

"End of the conversation! I will get her the best." He turned his attention towards ringing phone.

Looking at Om, Ru, Ishaan bhai and papa I gestured them to leave the topic. Ishaan bhai felt bad looking at me but I plastered a smile on my face. Every one left the living room except papa and me.

Shivaay came in finishing his phone call and started leaving towards exit but stopped listening to papa's words. "Later dont go and stand in front of Annika to treat your sister!" Without looking at him, Shivaay left the place.


I woke up with the closing sound of my door. Again, this splitting head ache, God, I want a lemonade and an aspirin. As if someone read my mind, I found both on side table.
And I knew who kept it. Annika! The girl who married me without my wish.

I can't accept her as my wife having Diya in my heart, I know she takes care of the whole family as hers but still she can't enter my heart, not now not in this life.

Diya was, is and will be my life. At times I feel pity for Annika but the next moment rage fills my eyes and mind. She was adamant in getting married to me even after knowing my love for Diya. I hate her!

Sighing I got out of the bed drinking lemonade and gulping the aspirin, I made way to bath. Coming out I took my suit and got changed Going down I got a call from stupid Mishra. Again, there was some problem with the deal. Why the hell can't he do a single work properly. I started shouting at him as usual, early morning he irritates me.

Reaching the table, I found her sitting opposite, I caught her looking at me while coming down the stairs but I don't care. Ru and Om greeted me; I can't even greet good to none. I knew I kept hurting them but I don't know what to do.

I feel so depressed and dejected to even talk to people whom I love. Settling down, I gazed up at her. How can she be like this even after three years of my ignorance and arrogance towards her? If I was in her place, I would have left long ago. But she was staying. God only knows what she wants. I found her looking at me and as usual I turned my face.

Dad asked me some question and I answered a yes or no. Om and Ru also tried interacting but that was a failure.

Finishing my breakfast, I heard Prinku's voice from the living room. I went towards her, she hugged me tight. Whomever I be rude to but not to my sister. She is always my baby. Looking at her I found her suspicious. Shrugging I greeted Ishaan by a tight hug. My long-time best friend same as Arnav. I saw Ishaan and Annika conversing; I know Ishaan feels really protective towards Annika. But why isn't he beating the shit out of me, even after knowing I don't treat her as my wife. I dont know!

After Prinku left whatever, I heard from Ishaan, I couldn't handle. At the end they askes Annika to guide her, how can they even think. I accept she was a doctor but I don't think she is the best.

Denying their choice, I went ahead to pick up the call. Returning and moving towards the exit I heard my dad's words but I don't care. I will get the best for my sister.

Getting into car I ordered Khanna my body guard. "Khanna, fix appointment with the best gynaecologist of the country within an hour! You get it?" I questioned his in a bossy tone.

He gulped and answered "Yes, sir!"

After fifteen minutes I found myself in front of my building. Getting inside I saw Mishra waiting for me. Gesturing him to come along. I went towards the lift; all the greetings and wishes were all turned down by my single glare. Reaching my cabin, I settled down doing my work.

Work had been my escape at day and alcohol at night! I came out of my thought hearing a knock on the door. I asked the person to come in "Sir, I fixed your appointment with Mrs. Mira Shaan! The best gynaecologist." He told looking at me.

"Okay then, let's leave now." I left my building and reached her clinic. But her words were acting like daggers to me. I think whatever my dad said will happen.

"Good morning, Mr. Oberoi!" She greeted me with a suspicious look on her face

"Morning, Mrs. Shaan!" I replied in confusion looking at her face. Suddenly her face lit up and she asked me something which I hate

"If I am not wrong you are Dr. Annika's husband right!" God where did I come. Irritated I answered her

"Yes! I would like to discuss further. I came here for my sister!" Explaining the situation of Prinku, I looked up at her and found her shocked.

"But, Mr. Oberoi, your wife is a gynaecologist and she is the best in the country. Why would you need me if you have a real diamond with you? I think she will guide in the best possible way. And this is way too risky. I can't do this" she told those last words looking down.

Fuming at her I asked "Is there anyone else who could handle this case?" She looked up at me in confusion.

"Dr. Annika only!" Were the words that came. I stormed out of her clinic in anger.


I was going rounds in hospital checking up patients. Suddenly a nurse came running and breathing heavily "Dr., someone is here to meet you." She told gasping for air.

" Okay, ask to meet me in my cabin! And drink water after your racing heart beat!" I told shrugging but her next word was soo confusing.

"I told , doctor. But he told he won't meet you and asked you to come and meet him in the gynaecology waiting area." She told relaxing a bit.



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