Peter Parker and The Avengers...

By Winterlogy

708K 21K 10.8K

You know the drill P.S: Sorry for the grammatical errors. English is not my first language. More

Uncle Thor is sensitive
Avengers group chat
Peter is worthy (Group Chat)
Q&A with the Avengers
I don't know how to title this
Flash was accidentally added (Group Chat)
He's my kid
Flash was accidentally added pt. 2
Cats or Dogs (Group chat)
Jacksepticeye (group chat)
Rappin with Captain America
The passcode (Group chat)
I'm your superior so shut it
Gifs (group chat)
Peter Tingle
Don't piss off Madame Stark
7 times the Avengers disrupt Peter's class
5 times they broke the fourth wall
One way to get promoted
Cookies (Instagram)
Favorite Avenger (Instagram)
I went to Hell
Theme songs (Group Chat)
Don't post anything stupid (Instagram)
What's your greatest achivement? (Instagram)
What a sight to see
A trip to the Sanctum
You're Spider-man!!!
Protect Spider child
Son of a Spider
Dating Spiderman (Instagram)
Put your Stark on
Son of a Spider pt. 2
Spider-horse (Group chat)
*Insert Title Here*
Uhhhhhhhh (Instagram)
It's all in the abs
New cover
It's just a harmless prank
Mad Libs (Group Chat)
Baby problem
Changing my AI's name (Group Chat)
Theme Songs Pt. 2 (Group Chat)
Chimichangas with @Wade"Deadpool"Wilson (Instagram)
It's time for a change (Group Chat)
I've been Tagged!!!
Not a Chapter... Just wanted to let something out
If you think taking care of a baby is hard enough
My cousin dared me
The beauty of the Internet (Instagram)
The Burger King Incident
New Cover (Again)
Tell Me Why (Group Chat)
Let's play catch with a hammer
Don't Stop Me Now (Group Chat)
A couple of references but Cap doesn't get it
Agent Parker at your service

I have no idea how to title this

13K 437 67
By Winterlogy

This one is for @4ever_stucky and @Br33zyBr33 I kinda want to mix two requests together in one chapter and I sorta tinkered with the requests a bit.

Peter's day at school is not bad. Everyone's nice to him especially because of that one video when Mysterio revealed his identity and thanks to Tony (yes he's alive) the whole Spiderman is the real enemy shtick is completely forgotten.

Now Peter is expecting Flash to be completely different person around him since he's Spiderman and all that. But boy was he wrong.

Peter didn't notice Flash the whole day he only saw the boy at the practice for the Decathlon match next week.

During the practice his phone rang and you know what that means.

Peter answered the call put it on speaker and it turned out to be none other than Princess Shuri of Wakanda herself on hologram.

"Heya there Pete!" She greeted.

"Hey Shuri why'd you call?" Peter asked.

"Well you see I know that Harley's visiting the compound and so am I!!" She exclaimed.

"That's awesome but why tell me." Peter said.

"Because I have a plan. I already told Harley about it and this is how it goes. We'll prank everyone and pretend we don't like each other." Shuri said.

"I'm in." Peter smirked.

"Awesome!" Shuri shouted and the call ended.

"What the actual hell Parker!!!" Flash shouted in confusion to everyone.

"What?" Peter gave him an incredibly confused look.

"Don't look at me like that!! I can't believe you'll go far enough to make the Princess of Wakanda pretend to know you." Flash shouted.

"Why wouldn't Peter know the Princess." A student said.

"What are you talking about?!" Flash asked.

And Peter just bursted out laughing.

"What are you laughing about Penis!!" Flash shouted.

"I can't believe you haven't heard of it." Peter said still laughing.

"Haven't heard of what?" Flash asked.

"I thought you're one of the first people to know." Mr. Harrington said.

"Remember Mysterio yeah he made this fake news about Spiderman being the real enemy and revealed Spiderman is actually Peter. After Tony Stark said the accusation is completely false but he did admit that the information about Spiderman's real identity is true." A student explained and after showed the video.

"Yeah, you have no idea how many coffees and cheeseburgers I have to buy for him."

"And for mistreating an actual superhero and Avenger I finally have the authority to file an expulsion on you Mr. Thompson." Mr. Harrington said while there is a fully red faced Flash in front of him with laughing on the background.

"Hey now you guys can stop it's not his fault for not knowing." Peter said and the laughing stopped but giggles can still be heard.

Then the window broke and entered Tony Stark himself in his suit.

"What are you doing here?" Peter asked.

"I'm here to tell you to go straight to the compound after school." Tony said.

"Can't you just text or call me or something." Peter replied.

"It's more fun this way. And you know Harley and Shuri right?" Tony said and Peter nodded.

"Just informing you they're visiting the compound do clean your lab." Tony said and flew away.

"For your information Mr. Strak my lab is cleaner than your lab!!!" Peter shouted and looked back to his class.

"Sorry about that." Peter said.


Peter went in the Tower to spot Harley and Shuri sitting far away from each other. Shuri then gave Peter a look and he replied with a glare.

"And here I thought they'll get along." Tony said.

Moments later the three teens was left slone in a room.

"Alright so here the plan." Shuri said.


Steve and Bucky is inside the training room only to hear shouts.

The two went out only to saw the three teenagers shouting at each other.

Peter, Harley and Shuri managed to make everyone think they hate each other and it's been going on for months until the trio decided to stop.

"This is great and all but I think we need to go back." Harley said.

"Wait, we can't tell them we lied about hating each other that would be lame." Shuri said.

"I have a plan." Peter said.


Tony and others was in the living room until they heard extremely loud laughter.

The team went to check it out and all they saw was the three teenagers on Peter's lab watching a movie.

"Hey, I thought you guys hated each other." Clint said.

"What are you talking about." Harley started.

"Our friendship is bonded by memes, vines and tumblr gifs!" Peter exclaimed.

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